Topic: Job Work | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3 (2025) tổng hợp bài viết về Topic: Job Work | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3 giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và đạt điểm cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Topic: Job Work | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3

Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1 chủ đề Job Work

1. Do you work or study?

Well, I am currently working as a sale executive for one of the most well – known five-star hotel in Saigon, which offers me great opportunities to enhance my communication skills and negotiation skills.

  • Sale executive: điều hành bán hàng
  • Well – known: nổi tiếng
  • Enhance: nâng cao

2. What are your responsibilities? 

Actually, I am in charge of cooperating with travel agents to promote my hotel properties and amenities. Beside that, conducting sales calls to acquire new business and coordinating with other department to maintain guest’s satisfaction are also parts of my duty.

  • Am in charge of: tôi phụ trách
  • Maintain guest’s satisfaction: duy trì sự hài lòng của khách

3. Do you enjoy your work?

Absolutely Yes. Although I have to work under high pressure, I feel that there is no other job I would rather do. Moreover, The dynamic working environment in hospitality industry has brought me huge motivation to move up my career ladder.

  • Move up my career ladder: tiến lên nấc thang sự nghiệp của tôi

4. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)? 

Honestly, I didn’t really intend to become a sale person because I initially thought It was so stressful. After graduation, I took me ages to be called for an interviewed because most of headhunters  was in search of experienced candidates. Fortunately, I was employed to work in the Sales department of an international hotel brand and gained a lot of experiences within the field. Unlike any other business, working within such a fast-paced environment literally triggers my mind to access its full potential, so it makes me a real trouper.

  • Fast-paced: nhịp độ nhanh
  • Triggers my mind to access its full potential: khiến tâm trí tôi khai thác hết tiềm năng của nó
  • Real trouper: người hát rong thực sự

5. Do you do housework at home?

Yes, sure. I am living on my own in a small flat downtown, so I need to do everything by myself. Even if housework is not favorable to me, as I’ve already been snowed under with a lot of work, I still make some time tidying things up. 

  • Snowed under with work: bận rộn với công việc 

6. What kind of housework do you often do?

Well, you name it. Since I live alone, I barely get any help from others when it comes to doing house chores. Doing the laundry, doing the dishes, vacuuming, mopping the kitchen are some of the tasks that I have to face every evening. 

  • You name it: cái gì cũng có (không liệt kê hết) 

7. Did you do housework when you were a child?

Yes, sure. I was taught to lend my parents a helping hand ever since I was just a child. Back then both of my parents were working, and they had to work around the clock to put food on the table. Therefore, whenever I wasn’t doing any school work, I tried to help them out with the dishes or the laundry and often received a pat on the back after each time I finished. 

  • Lend s.o a helping hand: giúp đỡ ai 
  • Work around the clock: làm việc ngày đêm 
  • Put food on the table: đặt đồ ăn lên bài (ý chỉ nuôi sống gia đình)
  • A pat on the back: lời khen, sự ghi nhận

8. Do you think that children should do housework?

Definitely. When children contribute to family life, it helps them feel competent and responsible. Even if they don’t enjoy the chore, when they keep going they get the feeling of satisfaction that comes with finishing a task. And sharing housework can also help families work better and reduce family stress. 

  • Competent (adj): có khả năng, giỏi

9. Do you miss being a student?  

Only sometimes . I miss being a carefree individual because I didn’t have to worry about the bills, the taxes, you know, adult problems. Despite those problems, I have more freedom now. I’m able to make money to be financially independent and even support my parents. This is what I prefer.

  • Carefree (adj): vô tư
  • Financially independent (adv + adj): tự chủ về tài chính

10. Do you like your job?  

Absolutely, my job as a language teacher allows me to meet people from all walks of life. There are the young and talented school students and there are also people who are older and more mature than I am who seek to improve themselves and better their lives. I have to admit that I admire them.

  • From all walks of life: đến từ mọi ngóc ngách của cuộc sống
  • Mature (adj): chín chắn
  • To better (v): cải thiện, nâng cao

11. Why did you choose to do that type of work?  

To be honest this job comes with a lot of perks. I get to befriend new people and socialize with my students. You know, teaching and learning is an intensely social experience. I’m an outgoing person, so this job suits me perfectly.

  • Befriend (v): kết bạn

12. What technology do you use at work?

Laptop, cell phone, projectors, tablets… you name it. Gone are the days of only using black board and white chalk. I can upload my announcements to my online classrooms. And it’s way easier now to manage a class than it used to be thanks to digitalisation.

  • Digitalisation (n): sự số hóa

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic Job Work

1. Describe a well-paid job that you will be good at

Đề bài

You should say: Describe a well-paid job that you will be good at

What the job was

How you knew this job

How you feel about this job

And explain why you think you will be good at it

Bài mẫu

What I’ve been through has proved that I was born to be a sale person, especially within Hospitality. Honestly, I literally picked Accounting when I enrolled in university to follow my father’s footsteps. I don’t really want to brag but my father firmly assured me of my career path as an accountant because he was the head of Accounting Department in Kreston, which is one of the most prestigious Accouting and Auditing Enteprise in my country.

However, I had no interests in working with figures and computer-based auditing programs. Instead, I found it really appealing when I partake in social activities which offered great opportunities to gain my confidence in communication during my university years. Besides, I have some part-time job experiences in this field and have been working as a sale executive for the last two years.

My skills in analysing the market and understanding the target audience along with my persuasive skills make me a deserving candidate for this job. With regard to the future, I will definitely go extra miles to get promoted as a sale manager.


  • Hospitality: Lòng hiếu khách
  • Enrolled: đã ghi danh
  • Brag: khoe khoang
  • Partake in: tham gia vào
  • Go extra miles: đi thêm dặm

2. Describe an ideal job you’d like to do in the future 

Đề bài

You should say: Describe an ideal job you’d like to do in the future 

  • What it is.
  • How you can get this job.  
  • What kinds of work you would do for the job. 
  • And explain why you want to have it.

Bài mẫu

I’m an independent person so it is my ultimate goal to have my own business. I’m thinking of opening my own vegetarian restaurant. The reason is that I love vegetarian food. I think this diet is healthy and more humane and I want to promote this kind of lifestyle to more people.

I know that being a restaurateur is no easy task. There is a lot of planning and there’re hundreds of details that need to be taken care of before a restaurant is fully prepared to service people. For instance, we have the legal paperwork, hiring the kitchen staff and waitstaff, renting, decorating, marketing and so on. Even after you get your restaurant going, there’re still daily tasks for you to solve. These are things that I both love and fear. I enjoy the constant challenges but I’m afraid of being overwhelmed.

I’m fully aware that I still have a long way to go. In terms of education, I’m in the process of getting my bachelor’s degree in Hospitality and Restaurant Management. After graduation, I plan to work for prestigious restaurants in my hometown to learn about how a restaurant is operated, earn some cash, and do some networking. In my free time, I visit the local markets to research and explore the range of fresh local vegetables, non-meat products and I also experiment with different recipes.

Eventually, I’d like to open my dream restaurant in my hometown, Ho Chi Minh city, to serve the community that I grew up in.


  • Ultimate (adj): cuối cùng
  • Humane (adj): mang tính nhân văn/nhân đạo
  • To promote (v): quảng bá, chiêu thị
  • Restaurateur (n): chủ quản lý nhà hàng
  • To service (v): phục vụ
  • Legal paperwork: công việc giấy giờ 
  • Waitstaff (n): tập thể nhân viên phục vụ
  • Get something going (expression): bắt đầu/khởi động
  • Prestigious (adj): có uy tín/trứ danh
  • To have a long way to go (expression): còn nhiều thứ phải học/cải thiện
  • Networking (n): việc giao lưu mở rộng mối quan hệ
  • To experiment (v): thử nghiệm
  • Recipe (n): công thức

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 3 Questions topic Job Work

1. Which do you think is more important at work, colleagues or work itself?

Honestly, it is obviously fundamental to put your work first and work your fingers to the bone because this may affect your income and promotion in the future. 

But you also have to understand that having a good relationship with your co-workers may be an ace up your sleeve when teamwork defines your personality and cooperation. 

  • Put your work first (phrase): đặt công việc trên hết 
  • Work your fingers to the bone (idiom): làm việc cật lực 
  • An ace up your sleeve (idiom): lợi thế lớn

=> Bài giải liệt kê 2 mặt xem trọng công việc và đồng nghiệp. 

2. Is there some other kind of work you’d rather do?

Well in truth, I am quite into a few jobs instead of being a teacher. 

Firstly, I am interested in becoming a geriatrician, you know. It always irritates me when I find out how little people care for both physical and mental health among the elderly. This came when I first read a book related to this field about ten years ago. 

Secondly, I would love to become a cake decorator. I really want to lighten up someone’s special occasion with an elegantly designed cake. You know, I am pretty good at making surreal flowers out of buttercream. 

  • Geriatrician (n): bác sĩ lão khoa 
  • Irritate (v): gây khó chịu
  • Lighten up (verb phrase): làm một ngày của ai đó vui lên
  • Surreal (a): giống như thật 

=> Bài giải liệt kê hai nghề nghiệp mình muốn làm. Nêu những kỹ năng cần có hoặc lý do tại sao mình chọn. 

3. Which jobs would you say are most respected in your country?

Well based on my experience, there are a few well-praised professions in Vietnam. 

However, I suspect that the most prominent would be doctors. You know, they are the ones that could save one’s life. Hence, the years of studying, internship, and experience are worth admiring. 

Another job would be entrepreneurs, especially among the young. This would be because those businessmen could make a handsome amount of money, so everyone wishes to be successful like them. I mean who doesn’t want to live in the lap of luxury. 

  • Praised (a): được khen ngợi
  • Internship (n): Kỳ thực tập
  • Entrepreneur (n): doanh nhân
  • A handsome amount of money (phrase): Một số tiền đẹp
  • In the lap of luxury (idiom): Trong lòng sang trọng

=> Bài giải đề cập hai nghề nghiệp được xem trọng nhất. Chú ý các từ thay cho “respect”. 

4. Some people say it’s better to work for yourself than to be employed by a company. What do you think?

Well in all fairness, if you want to have something on your own or climb the social ladder, becoming a self-made successful businessman is the most practical way. You would be able to make your own decision and make a lot of money. 

Yet, for those who are not born with a silver spoon in their mouth, they probably have to pull their socks up at some companies to save money and gain experience before starting up their own ventures. 

  • Climb the social ladder (idiom): leo lên vị trí cao hơn
  • Self- made (a): tự thân 
  • Born with a silver spoon in their mouth (idiom): sình ra ngậm thìa vàng 
  • Pull their socks up (idiom): làm việc cật lực 
  • Venture (n): kinh doanh 

=> Bài giải đề cập hai khía cạnh phân tích hai trường hợp :

  • Lý do tại sao nên làm riêng 
  • Trường hợp nên mình tư làm riêng

5. What do most people consider when finding/ accepting a job? 

From my experience talking to my friends, salary and bosses are what people think of when they try to decide on a job offer. Obviously, everyone wants to earn the amount of money that is proportional to their contribution to the company. However, there are cases in which people choose to work for a lower wage if they have supportive bosses , especially for people who are seeking entry level jobs. Having a superior to serve as your mentor can help you to progress in your career more quickly.

  • Proportional (adj) + to : đúng tỉ lệ với. nghĩa bóng: xứng đáng. 
  • Wage (n): thù lào
  • Superior (n): cấp trên
  • Entry level (adj): mới vào nghề (về cấp độ của công việc)
  • To serve (v) + as : đóng vai trò
  • To progress (v): phát triển, thăng tiếng

6. What is more important? Job satisfaction or a high salary? 

It really depends on who you’re asking. I think people who prefer a higher salary are the ones who are in some sort of debt or have home mortgages. More and more people are buying apartments or houses through mortgage programes, so I think a lot would prioritize a higher salary and be willing to do jobs that they might not enjoy. On the other hand, there are people, like myself, who think that it’s absolutely crucial for a person to do what he or she loves to do. Personally, doing something that I don’t like to make money can be psychologically taxing to me. 

  • Debt (n): món nợ
  • Mortgage (n): tiền mượn ngân hàng để mua nhà (thế  chấp)
  • To prioritize (v): ưu tiên
  • Taxing (adj)+ to + noun: là gánh nặng, là sức ép lên cái gì đó/ai đó 

7. What kinds of jobs do people in your country prefer?

This is extremely difficult to answer. There’re many people in my country and I can’t make a blanket statement about what people consider to be their job preferences. Even in my group of friends, some of them like fast paced and trendy jobs related to the stock market or computer programming. But also, some of them enjoy just slow and steady office work. I think that it’s wonderful that we have diversity in what we love to do.

  • A blanket statement (n, expression): câu phát ngôn vơ đũa cả nắm
  • Preference (n): lựa chọn ưa thích
  • Fast-paced (adj): có tốc độ nhanh
  • Related (adj) + to: liên quan đến
  • Stock market (n): thị trường chứng khoán 
  • Steady (adj): bền, ổn định. 

8. Do you think robots will take over humans’ jobs in the future? 

Well, I think jobs that are repetitive and don’t require problem solving skills have been and will continue to be replaced by robots. For starters, assembly line work is obviously going to be the first kind of job to be automated. Then, when we figure out the algorithm for self-driving cars then our vehicles will essentially be transportation robots that replace human drivers. I’m sure that automation won’t stop here. It might be a good development but it will surely bring some social unrest as many people will be left without a job.

  • Repetitive (adj): mang tính lặp đi lặp lại
  • Assembly line (n): dây chuyền lắp ráp
  • Automated (adj): tự động hóa. automation (n): sự tự động hóa
  • Algorithm (n): thuật toán
  • Self-driving (adj): tự lái 
  • Social unrest (n, expression): bất ổn xã hội.

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