Describe a gift you recently gave to someone | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3 tổng hợp bài viết về chủ đề Describe a gift you recently gave to someone gồm: bài mẫu, câu trả lời mẫu và những từ vựng siêu hay. Từ đó giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và học tốt Tiếng Anh hơn.

Describe a gift you recently gave to someone | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề: Describe a gift you recently gave to someone

1. Mẫu 1

Tài liệu VietJack

Ý tưởng bài mẫu (tiếng Việt)

--  Describe a gift you recently gave to someone yêu cầu thí sinh miêu tả một món quà mà các bạn đã tặng người khác gần đây, trong đó cần đưa ra những thông tin:

Bạn đã tặng quà cho ai

Người đó là người như thế nào

Món quà bạn tặng là gì

Bạn tặng món quà đó nhân dịp gì

Giải thích tại sao bạn chọn món quà đó

--  Đề bài Describe a gift you recently gave to someone thuộc chủ đề lớn là Describe an object. Để xử lý đề bài Describe a gift you recently gave to someone, cách dễ dàng và hiệu quả nhất đó chính là bám sát những các cue (gợi ý) mà đề đưa ra và cung cấp thông tin rõ ràng nhất có thể, hạn chế nói chung chung.

--  Với câu hỏi đầu tiên trong đẻ bài Describe a gift you recently gave to someone, bạn tặng món quà đấy cho ai. Câu hỏi này nhìn chung thì khá dễ để trả lời, chúng ta chỉ cần nghĩ về một dịp nào đó đặc biệt mà bản thân mình đã chuẩn bị quà cho một người yêu quý. Có thể là tặng quà sinh nhật cho bố mẹ, anh chị em trong gia đình hay bạn bè thân thiết.

--  Tiếp đó, chúng ta cần đi vào chi tiết hơn với câu hỏi số 2, người đó là người như thế nào. Ở câu hỏi này trong đề thi Describe a gift you recently gave to someone, chúng ta sẽ kể chi tiết hơn về người mà chúng ta tặng quà. Chúng ta sẽ mô tả mối quan hệ của mình với người đó như thế nào, họ có tính cách ra sao, điều gì khiến mình yêu quý họ. Chúng ta không cần mô tả quá chi tiết mà chỉ cần trình bày trong 3-4 câu là đủ.

--  Nối tiếp luận điểm này, các bạn có thể trả lời câu hỏi thứ 3, món quà bạn tặng là gì. Ở ý này, chúng ta sẽ tập trung mô tả món quà kĩ hơn. Chúng ta sẽ mô tả lần lượt từ vẻ ngoài, màu sắc, hình khối, kiểu dáng và công năng của món quà.

--  Cuối cùng nhưng lại là phần quan trọng nhất của đề bài Describe a gift you recently gave to someone, chúng ta cần đi giải thích lý do vì sao lựa chọn món quà đó. Bạn hãy dành nhiều thời gian cho câu hỏi này, bởi nó là nội dung chính của đề bài Describe a gift you recently gave to someone. Chúng ta có thể đề cập tới tính cách, mối quan hệ của bản thân và người được tặng quà, đồng thời nên cố gắng lồng ghép những cảm xúc của mình để thể hiện sự tâm huyết, công sức khi chọn món quà.

Take-note trong 1 phút (tiếng Anh)

Who you gave it to Best friend/close friend
What kind of person he/she is
  • Characteristics:
    • Has some wonderful personal qualities;
    • Has boundless energy; 
    • Down-to-earth;
What the gift was
  • A cotton graphic T-shirt:
  • Color: milky white
  • Materials: 100% cotton 
  • Size: free size and loose fitting over the bust and through the waist
  • Features: printed brand logo and slogan
What occasion the gift was for
  • 18th birthday
  • After high school graduation ceremony
  • A milestone of maturity
Why you chose that gift
  • My friend loves one-of-a-kind clothing items with designated exotic design and cares about human rights
  • Reasonable price
  • Meaningful message: t-shirt made by a company with a great concern 

Bài mẫu:

Up till now, I still remember my friend’s cheerful smile and heartfelt appreciation for me when I gave her a small gift on her 18th birthday 4 years ago. At that time, we had been good friends for nearly 8 years and went through many ups and downs in our life having each other. That year was a really significant milestone for both of us so on her birthday, I thought that I would give her something different and special. Actually, my friend is a very down-to-earth person with a big heart and full of positive energy. She has many wonderful personal qualities which make me envy all the time. She is carefree but sensible, humble and has a true goodwill for everyone. 

Her birthday was two days after our graduation ceremony – an event marking our maturity and becoming independent adults. I spent nearly a month thinking about what I should give her and finally a company advocating social responsibility with child labor free clothes caught my attention. After much thought, I ordered from that company a cotton graphic T-shirt with embroidered short-sleeves for her. The garment was in milky white made of 100% cotton and very comfy for everyday wear. The most impressive feature of the t-shirt was a printed slogan saying ‘’Heal the world’’ – a renowned single title by Michael Jackson. Apparently, the item was free size and loose fitting over the bust and through the waist so that my friend could make it an item for her daily wardrobe staple.

I reckon that when it comes to choosing a gift, the recipient’s preference and personality should be prioritized over other factors. My friend always showed her strong belief in equality and human rights with a passionate voice whenever we met up. Also, she loves one-of-a-kind clothing items with exotic designs. Lucky for me, the t-shirt not only conveyed a meaningful message but was also pretty reasonably priced. 

Four years have passed since the day I gave her that t-shirt and she still kept it in her wardrobe.

Một số từ vựng hay đã sử dụng trong bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề Describe a gift you recently gave to someone:

Heartfelt (adj): chân tình

Appreciation (noun): cảm kích

Down-to-earth (adj): thực tế

Carefree (adj): vô tư

Humble (adj): khiêm tốn

Sensible (adj): nhạy cảm

Have a true goodwill (verb phrase): tấm lòng thiện lương

Graduation ceremony (compound noun): lễ tốt nghiệp

Advocate (verb): ủng hộ 

Social responsibility: trách nhiệm xã hội 

Child labor free (adj): không lạm dụng lao động trẻ em

Cotton graphic T-shirt (noun phrase): : áo phông họa tiết bằng chất cotton 

Embroidered (adj): thêu 

Short-sleeves (noun): tay áo cộc 

Garment (noun): quần/áo

Everyday wear (n): mặc hàng ngày

staple (n): đồ thiết yếu

Recipient (n): người nhận

one-of-a-kind  (adj): độc nhất vô nhị 

 exotic designs (n): Thiết kế độc đáo

Reasonably priced (adj): giá cả hợp lý

2. Mẫu 2

You should say:

  • who you gave it to
  • what kind of present it was
  • how it compares to other presents you have given

And explain why you decided to give this particular gift.

Attending birthdays is really awesome. You will have the chances to meet and greet the friends and family members and the occasion is more important for the birthday boy or girl as they receive exciting gifts on the day.
Last week, I was invited on the 13th birthday of my niece, Samantha, who lives in the downtown of New York. She has entered into her teenage which is the most important exciting issue for us all. My present was a pleasant surprise for her. All the other invited guests also brought attractive presents for her on the day. Samantha is the older daughter of my sister and her parents take enough care of her. She is intelligent and smart in her behaviour than the other girls of her age. Besides, she is brilliant in her academic activities and often achieves the first position on her exams.
Since she loves to study, I presented her with a book. The book is not similar to the contemporary books rather it was filled thousands of different known and unknown words. Yes, I gave her a dictionary. It was Oxford-Hachette French to English/English to French Dictionary as she was willing to go to France in the summer next. Thereby, she was trying to learn French. I noticed her determination to learn French and she already admitted her to a French learning centre. The dictionary is bilingual and been continued since 1994. This is the first dictionary that was written with computer assistance and contains over 300,000 words. Though there are several editions are still available, I collected the latest edition published in 2007.
My niece was highly glad having the dictionary. She received many other gifts like storybooks, clothes, ornaments and even a large-sized Barbie doll on the occasion but she liked my present most. She considered the gift as a divine blessing for her as she was struggling with her home tasks assigned from her French class. She thanked me warmly for the gift and said that she would also bring something special for me when she will return after her France trip. Samantha was so excited after unwrapping the present that she became speechless for few moments. It appeared the Oxford-Hachette French to English/English to French Dictionary was a great surprise for her. She hugged me warmly for the present.
During the present selection, I emphasise on the necessity of the individual whom I am offering the gifts. When I am invited, I take the most important things that could be of immediate use to the host. I like to think practical. Taking fancy elements as presents to be hung on the doorsteps is out of my nature. When I learnt that Samantha was learning French, I thought a dictionary would be helpful for her to learn the language. Once I admitted myself to a German language learning school but could not continue as I did not have a dictionary. Thereby, from my own experience, I offered the present to her.

3. Mẫu 3

I love to meet people in a social gathering. But to be there, one needs to take some sort of presents for the host. And in this case, I love to present books to my hosts. In almost all the cases, I have presented books and the receivers were highly glad about the gifts. Thank you for the question. I think this is an interesting way to make people surprised.
Last week, I had to attend a marriage anniversary of my colleague, Jones and Caroline. Both of them are a good person. It was their second marriage anniversary and being an intimate friend of their family, I was invited as a guest. So, I selected a collection of books for them. After receiving the gift, Caroline was too happy and thanked me so much for this nice selection. In fact, she was planning to buy some books and the one I gave her was on the list too.
When I present a book to someone, I try to provide the complete collection of the author or the series. This is a bit expensive issue for me but I do not care much about the expenses when I see the smiling faces of the receivers. This time I planned to present the collection of Sherlock Holmes to the couple and accordingly got the collection. But to get the books, I had to move to places. I could not find the entire collection at a single place. So, I had to move in several bookselling stores here in Paris to make the collection complete. Finally, after moving in several bookstores, I was able to gather the entire collection. Besides, carrying the books to the event was another issue for me. The size of the books was large and I also experienced some troubles while wrapping the books. But at last, I was able to take the books to the intended recipients.
I think presenting books to people is a wise decision. Books are the best friends of human. They provide with the required knowledge to lead a life. They also amuse the readers. So, the value of books cannot be compared to the other objects. Usually, people take some material things as present to attend any ceremony. And the range of such list is wide which cannot be measured. But those are measurable in terms of money. It is only the books which cannot be measured in terms of money or any other material stuff. It contains the knowledge that can change lives and it did so in the past. Books are also known as the storehouse of knowledge. The pages are filled with the knowledge of centuries that anyone cannot buy. So, when someone receives books as gifts, they are lucky.
I decided to give books as gifts for several reasons. First of all, when people will have books, they will read it and gain some knowledge that they did not have before. They will be enriched in terms of intellect and consequently, they will turn wise. They can apply the wisdom to improve their life and living. Moreover, they will have a pleasure that they will not get into anything else. It is a kind of wealth for them. Besides, when the books are showcased, they also look good and brings a sense of beauty for the people who showcase them. So, based on all the grounds, I have decided to give this gift in particular.

Câu trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 3 chủ đề: Gifts

1. In your country, when (on what occasions) do people give gifts to others?

Generally, Vietnamese people tend to give gifts to their relatives and friends on various occasions. In the most important holiday in Vietnam – Tet Holiday, people will exchange gifts such as traditional food for the elderly and new clothes for young children. Other examples of gift-giving occasions may be wedding anniversaries or birthdays when people give their best wishes and special gifts to express encouragement and congratulations.

  • Exchange (v): trao đổi 
  • Anniversary (n): kỉ niệm
  • Encouragement (n): sự khích lệ 
  • Congratulations (n): lời chúc

2. What sorts of things do they give?

It depends, I guess so. Gift givers have to consider many factors when it comes to purchasing for others. If the recipients are someone in our circle of family and friends, then it would be OK to overspend a bit for them, such as an expensive watch or a high-end clutch, otherwise it would cause some discomfort for the receiver if the gift cost way too much. Another factor to concern is the recipient’s age. While educational books and toys are the most appropriate options for young children, essential stuff for work and daily life would be suitable for adult recipients.

  • Purchase (v): mua 
  • In our circle of family and friends (adv): trong hội người thân và bạn bè
  • Overspend (v): vung tay (để mua đồ vật gì) 
  • High-end (adj): cao cấp
  • Discomfort (n): làm cho ai không thoải mái
  • Educational (adj): có giá trị giáo dục 

3. Do people today still give the same kinds of gifts that people used to give, many years ago?

I think that time changes every aspect of life so it definitely affects the way people give gifts to others.  In the past, when it seemed impossible to access a wide range of products and services, I believe that people would resort to the most accessible resources around them for gifts such as homemade food or handmade crafts. However, these days, increasing availability of goods has made it easier for people to purchase anything. Undoubtedly, there is no limitation in choices for gifts and basically they will choose something inclusive of special meaning for their family and friends.

  • access (verb): truy cập
  • resort (verb): trông cậy vào
  • accessible (adj): có thể truy cập 
  • availability (noun): có sẵn
  • purchase (verb): mua
  • inclusive (adj): gồm

4. Why do people like to receive gifts?

Gift-giving is a symbolic manner of emotional expression towards gift recipients. When a person receives even a small thing like a cute pen, they can see the thoughtfulness and affection that the gift-giver embraces in that little thing. They will feel appreciated and loved, which shines more than any glamorous diamonds. And of course, if the gifts are something practical, such as a new wardrobe for a newly wed couple, I believe that no one can resist the feeling of pleasure and gratitude when receiving such things. 

  • symbolic manner (n): hành động mang tính biểu tượng
  • Recipients (n): người nhận
  • Thoughtfulness (n): suy nghĩ
  • Embraces (v): gửi gắm, ôm trọn
  • glamorous (adj): rực rỡ
  • gratitude (n): sự biết ơn

5. Do you think it’s suitable to give money as a gift?

Yes, in some circumstances and also in certain cultures. In some countries such as Vietnam or Korea, it is a norm that people give money in red envelopes for children at Lunar New Year. More often than not, money is a common gift for couples when they get married. However, as this practice is only acceptable in some cultures, the gift-givers should ensure that they understand the etiquette when giving money thoroughly to avoid unnecessary offense and embarrassment.

  • a norm (n): việc thường tình
  • etiquette (n): phép xã giao 
  • offense (n): xúc phạm

6. Do you think it’s a good idea for people who are doing business with each other to exchange gifts?

Sure. I do believe exchanging gifts to business partners is an act of courtesy. First, in any occasions, not just in professional settings, giving presents to others can help tighten the relationships, as well as minimizing the cultural differences. Besides, such act can be considered a psychological strategy in business, as it brings a friendly attitude that shows “we mean no harm”, which can be of great help when it comes to signing contracts.

  • business partner (noun): đối tác kinh doanh
  • Courtesy (noun): lịch sự
  • professional setting (noun): trong môi trường chuyên nghiệp 
  • tighten (verb): thắt chặt, tăng cường
  • cultural differences (noun): sự khác biệt về văn hóa
  • psychological strategy (noun): chiến lược tâm lý

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