Describe a new development in the area where you live | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3 tổng hợp và giới thiệu bài viết Describe a new development in the area where you live bao gồm: đề bài, bài mẫu và từ vựng siêu hay giúp bạn ôn luyện và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Describe a new development in the area where you live | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề: Describe a new development in the area where you live

1. Mẫu 1

Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g. shopping mall, park…). You should say:

    • What the development is
    • When/Where you noticed it
    • How long it took to complete it

And explain how you feel about it.

Bài mẫu:

A week ago, I noticed a new development in my neighborhood, which is a shopping mall built in the heart of the city. I first saw the construction site while driving around the area. It was quite large, and hence it was not a surprise to hear that the building took a few months to complete. 

In fact, the shopping mall is quite impressive. It features a modern design with a lot of glass and steel, with a sleek and contemporary facade. Within the mall complex, there are a variety of stores, restaurants, and entertainment venues as well as a large parking lot for visitors. The mall also has a lot of green spaces and a few outdoor seating areas. 

To be honest, I’m quite pleased with the new development because it has brought lots of life to the area and created many job opportunities. Thanks to its presence, the area looks more metropolitan and vibrant, so it has been a great addition to the city so far. However, it might have also increased traffic in the area and detrimentally affected local small businesses.

Therefore, I think the new development has both positive and negative impacts, but the pros outweigh the cons. Plus, it has been considered a great accomplishment in architecture, and I’m excited to see what other benefits it will bring to the community.

Tổng hợp từ vựng:

    • Construction site (n.): công trình xây dựng
    • Steel (n.): thép
    • Sleek (n.): kiểu dáng đẹp
    • Contemporary (adj.): hiện đại
    • Facade (n.): mặt tiền
    • Complex (n.): khu tổ hợp
    • Venue (n.): địa điểm
    • Green space (n.): không gian xanh
    • Metropolitan (adj.): mang cảm giác phồn hoa, đô hội
    • Vibrant (adj.): sống động
    • Detrimentally (adv.): gây hại
    • Architecture (n.): kiến trúc

2. Mẫu 2

Dàn ý

Situation - a brand new shopping mall that just opened up recently.

Task -  situated in the heart of the city and is a pretty big deal around here. There are so many stores, restaurants, and entertainment options that it's hard to keep track of them all.

Action -  the first time I walked into the mall, I was blown away by its sheer size and grandeur. As for the shops, there's something for everyone. But I have to say, my favorite part of the mall is the entertainment options.

Result -  I'm really impressed with the new shopping mall in my area. It's a great addition to the community and I think it's going to be a popular destination for years to come

Bài mẫu:

Today I want to talk about a new development in my area - a brand new shopping mall that just opened up recently. It's been the talk of the town since it opened, so I’m going to share my thoughts on it.

The mall is situated in the heart of the city and is a pretty big deal around here. There are so many stores, restaurants, and entertainment options that it's hard to keep track of them all. In fact, I was surprised to see so many international brands and luxury shops in one place.

I remember the first time I walked into the mall, I was blown away by its sheer size and grandeur. It's a multi-level mall with plenty of natural light and greenery, which gives it a welcoming and relaxing vibe. The architecture is modern and sleek, with lots of open spaces and clean lines. It's definitely a far cry from the traditional markets that we have around here.

As for the shops, there's something for everyone. There are high-end boutiques, chain stores, and even some locally-owned shops. And the variety of restaurants is amazing. You can find everything from fast food to fine dining, and the food court is always packed with people trying out new cuisines.

But I have to say, my favorite part of the mall is the entertainment options. They have a state-of-the-art cinema complex, a bowling alley, and even an indoor theme park! It's a great place to take the family on the weekends, or to catch up with friends and watch a movie.

Overall, I'm really impressed with the new shopping mall in my area. It's a great addition to the community and I think it's going to be a popular destination for years to come.

Từ vựng:

the talk of the town: tâm điểm bàn tán của thị trấn

in the heart of the city: trung tâm thành phố

entertainment options: những sự lựa chọn giải trí

international brands: thương hiệu quốc tế

I was blown away by its sheer size and grandeur: bị choáng ngợp bởi quy mô và sự hoành tráng của nó

architecture: kiến trúc

a far cry from: khác xa so với

high-end boutiques: các cửa hàng thời trang cao cấp

locally-owned shops: các cửa hàng được sở hữu địa phương

state-of-the-art cinema complex: trung tâm rạp chiếu phim hiện đại.

3. Mẫu 3

You should say:

  • What the development is
  • When/where you noticed it
  • How long it took to complete it
  • And explain how you feel about it

Bài mẫu:

There’s a new shopping mall that just opened up in the area where I live. I first noticed it when I was taking a walk in the neighborhood about a year ago. Construction was already underway, and from what I could see, it looked like it was going to be quite a big development. I’d say it took about 2 years for the mall to be completed, and a lot of money was invested in it.

The mall is called “The Star Plaza” and it’s located near the city center. It’s a multi-level building with lots of shops, restaurants and a variety of entertainment options inside, such as a movie theater, an ice-skating rink, and a gym. The mall is located in the bustling area, so it attracts a lot of people who live in the neighborhood as well as people from other are areas.

I haven’t had a chance to go inside yet, but from what I can tell, most people in my area seem to be happy with the new development. There’s a lot of foot traffic going in and out of the mall, and I think it’s good for the local businesses too. The mall is quite new so it’s still in good condition, and it’s well-lit and secure, which makes it feel safe to walk around at night. I’m a little bit concerned about the traffic it might cause but overall, I think the mall is a really useful addition to the area, it’s a really good place to hang out with friends and family.

Overall, I’m excited about this new development. It’s great to see that the area is growing and improving. I’m looking forward to visiting it soon and seeing what it has to offer. It’s definitely a positive change for the community around here, and I think it will bring many benefits to the local people, including myself.

4. Mẫu 4

Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g. shopping mall, park...)

You should say:

  • What and where the development is
  • What it was like before
  • How long it took to complete it
  • How people feel about it

And explain how it has improved the area you live in

Bài mẫu:

One of the most exciting new developments in the area where I live is a large-scale park renovation project that has been underway for the past year. The park in question has been a fixture of the community for decades, but in recent years it had fallen into a state of disrepair and neglect. The local government recognized the importance of the park to the community and decided to undertake a complete renovation to bring it back to its former glory.

The project has been a massive undertaking, with the entire park being closed for the duration of the construction. However, the results have been well worth the wait. The new park is a beautiful green oasis in the middle of the city, with lush lawns, winding pathways, and plenty of shade trees. There are also new features such as a large pond with a fountain, a playground for children, and a fitness area for adults.

Since the park reopened, it has quickly become a hub of activity in the community. People of all ages gather to walk, run, play, and relax in the beautiful surroundings. It has brought new life to the area and has become a source of pride for the community.

In conclusion, the renovation of the local park has been a fantastic new development in my area. It has breathed new life into a beloved community space, and has given residents a beautiful new place to enjoy the outdoors. The attention to detail in the design and the inclusivity of the park's features make it a shining example of what can be accomplished when communities come together to make positive changes.

Từ vựng cần lưu ý:

  • renovation (n): sự cải tiến
  • underway (adj): đang được tiến hành
  • disrepair (n): hư hỏng
  • neglect (n): bị bỏ quên
  • massive (adj): rộng lớn
  • duration (n): khoảng thời gian
  • oasis (n): ốc đảo
  • lush lawn: bãi cỏ tươi tốt
  • winding (adj): quanh co
  • fountain (n): đài phun nước
  • gather (v): tụ họp 
  • accomplish (v): đạt được
  • inclusivity (n): tính toàn diện

Bài dịch:

Một trong những cải tiến mới thú vị nhất trong khu vực tôi sống là một dự án cải tạo công viên quy mô lớn đã được tiến hành trong năm qua. Công viên được đề cập bên trên đã là một phần cố định của cộng đồng trong nhiều thập kỷ, nhưng trong những năm gần đây, nó đã rơi vào tình trạng hư hỏng và bị bỏ quên. Chính quyền địa phương đã nhận ra tầm quan trọng của công viên đối với cộng đồng và quyết định tiến hành cải tạo hoàn toàn để đưa nó trở lại thời huy hoàng trước đây.

Đây là một dự án lớn, toàn bộ công viên đã bị đóng cửa trong suốt thời gian xây dựng. Tuy nhiên, kết quả rất đáng để chờ đợi. Công viên mới là một ốc đảo xanh tuyệt đẹp ở giữa thành phố, với những bãi cỏ tươi tốt, những con đường quanh co và nhiều cây bóng mát. Ngoài ra còn có các đặc điểm mới như cái hồ lớn với đài phun nước, sân chơi cho trẻ em và khu vực tập thể dục cho người lớn.

Kể từ khi công viên mở cửa trở lại, nó đã nhanh chóng trở thành một trung tâm hoạt động trong cộng đồng. Mọi người ở mọi lứa tuổi tụ tập để đi bộ, chạy, chơi và thư giãn trong khung cảnh tuyệt đẹp xung quanh. Nó đã mang lại sức sống mới cho khu vực, và trở thành nguồn tự hào cho cộng đồng.

Tóm lại, việc cải tạo công viên địa phương là một bước phát triển mới tuyệt vời trong khu vực của tôi. Nó đã thổi sức sống mới vào một không gian cộng đồng được yêu thích và mang đến cho cư dân một nơi mới tuyệt đẹp để tận hưởng không gian ngoài trời. Sự tỉ mỉ đến từng chi tiết trong thiết kế và tính toàn diện của các tính năng của công viên làm cho nó trở thành một ví dụ điển hình về những gì có thể đạt được khi các cộng đồng cùng nhau tạo ra những thay đổi tích cực.

5. Mẫu 5

Well, there are few projects ongoing in the public area of my neighbourhood. I'd like to talk about one of them which is just a mile away from my house. It's a park especially for children, currently, there are no any parks for kids to play around; however, there is a football ground, but it's meant for an adult and no children are allowed for safety purpose. Thus, the municipal corporation has decided to build the kids park on request from the local dwellers.

I vividly remember that it was the Independence Day of my country, Malaysia, when the announcement of the new park was made by the authority. They had also added that this new park would be equipped with many amenities, such as a restroom, picnic area, bikeway, mini zoo, etc. You know, how much time they took to complete their promise, in a year they managed to complete the construction of the park with an installation of the all the equipment.

Next month there is an inauguration of the park. I'm sure that all the children in my neighbourhood will take the benefits of this park. It will contribute to the development of children's physical fitness as well as they would be pleased with such an awesome park.

Overall, I can say that this is the recent development in my area which encourages me to motivate the children who are not cognizant of the newly built park.

Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Describe a new development in the area where you live

1. What transportation do you use the most?

I always take the bus to get to work, school, and other places. In addition to being convenient and cost-effective, it helps reduce my carbon footprint. It also increases my productivity while I’m on the go, as I can read, listen to music, or work on my laptop. Overall, public transportation is an efficient, economical, and eco-friendly way to get around.

    • Cost-effective (adj.): tiết kiệm chi phí
    • Carbon footprint (n.): dấu chân carbon
    • On the go (idiom): trên đường đi
    • Economical (adj.): tiết kiệm
    • Eco-friendly (adj.): thân thiện với môi trường

2. Is public transportation popular in your country?

Not really. Despite the fact that the country has a well-developed network of roads and railways, the majority of people still rely on private vehicles for their daily commute. This is due to the lack of infrastructure investment in public transportation, and the low convenience and reliability of public transportation services don’t help either. Plus, the absence of safety measures and the prevalence of overcrowding on public transport vehicles disincentivize people from using them. As a result, public transportation isn’t as popular as it could be.

    • Infrastructure investment (n.): sự đầu tư cơ sở hạ tầng
    • Reliability (n.): sự đáng tin
    • Overcrowding (n.): sự đông đúc
    • Disincentivize (n.): làm mất động lực

3. What can be improved in public transport services?

Public transport services may be enhanced in various ways. Firstly, the infrastructure of public transport systems should be improved, by increasing the number of buses, trains, and other forms of public transport, as well as upgrading the quality of the roads and tracks they use. Apart from that, new technologies, such as automated ticketing systems, should be introduced in public transport, to reduce waiting times and improve the overall user experience. Finally, the services should be more environmentally friendly, by producing more electric buses and trains.

    • Automated ticketing system (n.): hệ thống thu vé tự động
    • Environmentally friendly (adj.): thân thiện với môi trường

4. What leisure facilities can be used by people of all ages?

In my view, swimming pools, parks, playgrounds, and sports fields can be used no matter the age. Swimming pools are a wonderful way for people of all ages to stay fit and have fun, while parks can allow people to get out and enjoy nature. Additionally, many other options such as bowling alleys, arcades, and movie theaters exist as well. All of these facilities provide a great way for people to stay active and pursue their hobbies. 

    • Plethora (n.:): số lượng rất lớn
    • Bowling alley (n.:): sân chơi bowling 
    • Arcade (n.:): khu vui chơi các trò chơi điện tử

5. Do you think young people in your country like to go to the cinema?

Definitely! Going to the cinema is a popular pastime for many young people, as it provides an opportunity to escape reality and immerse themselves in a different world. It’s also a communal activity which allows people to socialize with friends and family. Because cinemas often have a wide variety of films to choose from, there’s something for everyone. The cinematic experience is also enhanced by the use of modern technology, such as 3D and 4K projection, which makes the experience more immersive and enjoyable. These factors often result in the proliferation of cinemas in my country.

  • Communal (adj.): chung
  • Projection (n.): công nghệ chiếu
  • Immersive (adj.): nhập sâu
  • Proliferation (n.): sự phổ biến

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