Tổng hợp những từ thay thế cho "Many" và ví dụ đi kèm

1900.com.vn tổng hợp và giới thiệu bài viết Tổng hợp những từ thay thế cho "Many" và ví dụ đi kèm giúp bạn ôn luyện và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Tổng hợp những từ thay thế cho "Many" và ví dụ đi kèm

Ý nghĩa của Many

Từ Many có thể được sử dụng như một xác định, đại từ, tính từ hoặc danh từ.

Khi được sử dụng như một đại từ xác định, đại từ hoặc tính từ, từ nhiều có nghĩa là có một số lượng lớn một cái gì đó.

Khi được sử dụng như một danh từ, từ nhiều có nghĩa là đại diện cho một số lượng lớn hơn.


Many people believe that global warming is not a real issue in the world today.

Nhiều người cho rằng hiện tượng nóng lên toàn cầu không phải là một vấn đề thực sự trên thế giới.

I have many things to do tomorrow and all I can think about doing is sleeping.

Tôi có nhiều việc phải làm vào ngày mai và tất cả những gì tôi có thể nghĩ là ngủ.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?

Phải mất bao nhiêu lần để đến trung tâm của Tootsie Roll Pop?

Từ đồng nghĩa phổ biến cho "many"

Abundant A bunch of Large number Right
Copious A large number of Legion Several
Countless A lot of Loads of Significantly
Innumerable A mass of Long So much
Manifold (formal) A wealth of Lot of Sundry
Multifarious Abundant Lots Tons
Multitudinous Although Lots of Umpteen
Myriad Assorted Manifold Umpteen (informal)
Sundry Awful lot Manifold (formal) Various
Umpteen (informal) Copious Much Very
Various Countless Multifarious Very many
Numerous Fine Multiple Very much
A lot of For a lot Multitude Well
A large number of For many Multitudinous Whole hell of a lot
Multiple Good deal Myriad Whole lot
Assorted Good deal of Nice Plenty
Lots of Great Number Plenty of
Plenty of Great amount Number of Really
A mass of Great deal Numerous In many
A wealth of Great many Often Innumerable
Loads of Great number Okay A bunch of

Các ví dụ được sử dụng với từ đồng nghĩa many


Our country has a large population, vast territory and abundant resources.

Nước ta có dân số đông, lãnh thổ rộng lớn, tài nguyên phong phú  .


She listened to me and took copious notes .

Cô ấy lắng nghe tôi và  ghi chép rất nhiều  .


She received countless letters of support while in jail.

Cô đã nhận được  vô số  lá thư ủng hộ khi ở trong tù.


We have to move innumerable times to find a place where we can watch in peace.

Chúng tôi phải di chuyển  vô số  lần để tìm một nơi mà chúng tôi có thể xem trong yên bình.

Manifold (formal)

Gaelic can be heard here in manifold forms.

Tiếng Gaelic có thể được nghe thấy ở đây trong  các hình thức đa  dạng.


Due to multifarious factors, this movement was slow and tortuous.

Do  các yếu tố đa dạng  , chuyển động này diễn ra chậm và quanh co .


The tinkling of multitudinous bells from the herd.

Các leng keng của vô số chuông từ đàn gia súc.


There are numerous people in the square.

Có  rất nhiều  người trong quảng trường.


Gamers freely download them from myriad sites.

Game thủ có thể thoải mái tải chúng từ  vô số  trang web.


We had sundry visitations from the Tax Inspector.

Chúng tôi đã có  những chuyến thăm lặt vặt  từ Thanh tra thuế.

Umpteen (informal)

There seemed to be umpteen rules and regulations to learn.

Dường như có  vô số  quy tắc và quy định để học.


They wrote various numbers on a large sheet of paper.

Họ viết  nhiều con số khác nhau  trên một tờ giấy lớn.

A lot of

Oh, you’ve got a lot of candies! Will you split with us?

Ồ, bạn có  rất nhiều kẹo! Bạn sẽ chia tay với chúng tôi chứ?

A large number of

There were a large number of candidates for the job.

Có  một số lượng lớn các  ứng cử viên cho công việc.


A smile is the language has multiple meanings.

Nụ cười là ngôn ngữ có  nhiều  nghĩa.


The jumper comes in assorted colors.

Áo liền quần có  nhiều  màu sắc khác nhau.

Lots of

 She showed her inexperience by asking lots of trivial questions.

Cô ấy thể hiện sự thiếu kinh nghiệm của mình bằng cách hỏi  rất nhiều  câu hỏi tầm thường.

Plenty of

They have plenty of satisfied customers.

Họ có  rất nhiều khách hàng hài lòng.

 A mass of

The page was covered with a mass of figures.

Trang được bao phủ bởi  một khối lượng lớn các  số liệu.

A wealth of

A wealth of examples are given.

Rất nhiều  ví dụ được đưa ra.

Loads of

I’ve got loads of friends who’re unemployed.

Tôi có  vô số  bạn bè đang thất nghiệp.

A bunch of

A bunch of girls was sitting on the grass.

Một đám  con gái đang ngồi trên bãi cỏ.

Bài tập về những từ thay thế cho "Many"

Ex 1. Điền much hoặc many vào ô trống 

1. I haven't got ____ time for reading.

2. There are so____ people here that I feel tired.

3. Did you spend____ money for the cars?

4. We didn’t spend ____ presents for Mid - Autumn.

5. ____ students have financial problems.

6. There was ____ bad driving on the road.

7. Do you eat ____ fruit?

8. There was so ____ traffic that it was too late.

9. You made too ____ mistakes in your test.

10. You can’t see ____ of a country on a trip..

Đáp án:

1. Much

2. Many

3. Much

4. Many

5. Many

6. Much

7. Much

8. Much

9. Many

10. Much

Ex 2. Sửa lỗi sai

1. We didn’t spend many time on Christmas.

2. Did you take much photographs when you were on holiday?

3. The tickets cost too many, so we can’t afford them.

4. How many butter do we put in?

5. My father drinks many coffee.

6. We get much rain here, but we don’t get many storms.

7. How many cups of tea have you taken?

8. We haven’t got some bread.

9. They’ve got so lots of money that they don’t know what to do with it.

10. I take photos, but not as many as I used to. At one time, I took many.

Đáp án:

1. Many => much

2. Much => many

3. Many => much

4. Many => much

5. Many => much

6. Much => lots of

7. Many => much

8. Some => much

9. Lots of => much

10.Many => lots of

Ex 3. Hoàn thành câu với “much, many, few, a few, little, a little”

1. He isn’t very popular. He has ………..friends.

2. Ann is very busy these days. She has ………..free time.

3. Did you take …………….photographs when you were on holiday?

4. The museum was very crowded. There were too………..people.

5. Most of the town is modern. There are …………..old buildings.

6. We must be quick. We have………..time.

7. Listen carefully, I’m going to give you ……….advice.

8. Do you mind if I ask you……….questions?

9. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so …….tourists come here.

10. I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She’s got …………..patience.

11. “Would you like milk in your coffee?” – “yes, please. ………….”

12. This is a very boring place to live. There’s ………….to do.

Đáp án:

1. few

2. little

3. many

4. many

5. few

6. little

7. a little

8. a few

9. a few

10. little

11. a little

12. little

Ex 4.  Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1. I can’t help you to set up your website because I haven’t got _____ time today. 

A. much

B. little

C. any

2. Matt logged onto Facebook and read _____ messages. 

A. much

B. a few

C. some

3. ______ of my friends liked my selfie.

A. all

B. none

C. either

4. Dad gave _____ of us £10 to spend.

A. each

B. both

C. any

5. They make ______ of these phones in Taiwan.

A. most

B. all

C. every

 Đáp án:







Đáp án






Ex 5.  Một số câu bên dưới thì chưa đúng. Hãy viết lại sao cho đúng. Câu nào đúng thì hãy đánh dấu tick (√):

1. No of my classmates did their homework. X 

None of my classmates did their homework.

2. Some of gadgets are difficult to use.


3. We had no time to lose.


4. Tom can write with every hand.


5. Not much games are easy to program.


6. There’s a mistake in each sentence.


7. Kate doesn’t like any these apps.


8. Jason spends few money on downloading music.


Đáp án:

2. Some of the gadgets are difficult to use. 

3. √

4. Tom can write with both hands.

5. Not many / all games are easy to program. 

6. √

7. Kate doesn’t like any of these apps.

8. Jason spends little money on downloading music.

Ex 6. Bài tập how much, how many. 

1. ______ new players are there in the rugby team?

2. ______ sugar do you take in your tea?

3. ______ times did I tell you not to do that?

4. ______ tourists come here in the winter?

5. ______ coffee do your parents drink every day?

6. ______ pocket money do you get per week?

Đáp án:

1. How many

2. How much

3. How many

4. How many

5. How much

6. How much

Ex 7. Fill in the gaps with a lot of, much or many

1. Sara hasn’t got _______________ children

2. I’ve got _______________ nice friends

3. There aren’t _______________ flats in our street

4. My little brother has got _______________ toys

5. Have you got _______________ English books?

6. There isn’t _______________ coffee in my cup

7. There is _______________ sugar in the bowl

8. John hasn’t got _______________ CDs.

9. We are early. We have _______________ time

10. Are there _______________ apples on the tree?

 Đáp án:

1. many

2. a lot of.

3. many

4. a lot of.

5. many

6. much

7. much

8. many

9. a lot of

10. many

Ex 8. Choose the best answer How many/ How much

1. ___________ pancakes are you going to make?

2. ___________ salad do you want?

3. ___________ eggs do you need?

4. ___________ slices of toast is she making?

5. ___________ spaghetti did they eat?

6. ___________ cats do you have?

7. ___________ meat would you like?

8. ___________ goldfish does Linh have?

9. ___________ rabbits do they have?

10. ___________ water does it drink?

 Đáp án:

1. ____How many_______ pancakes are you going to make? (vì bánh nướng chảo đếm được)

2. ____How much_______ salad do you want? (vì sa-lát không đếm được)

3. ____How many_______ eggs do you need? (viì trứng đếm được)

4. ____How many_______ slices of toast is she making? (vì lát bánh mì đếm được)

5. ____How much_______ spaghetti did they eat? (vì mỳ không đếm được)

6. _____How many______ cats do you have? (vì mèo đếm được)

7. _____How much______ meat would you like? (vì thịt không đếm được)

8. _____How many______ goldfish does Linh have? (vì cá vàng đếm được)

9. _____How many______ rabbits do they have? (vì thỏ đếm được)

10. _____How much______ water does it drink? (vì nước không đếm được)

Ex 9. Choose the correct answer A, B or C

1. There aren’t _________ children in the classroom

A. much

B. many

C. a lot of

2. How _________ milk is there in the carton?

A. much

B. many

C. a lot of

3. Are there _________ trees in the park?

A. much

B. many

C. a lot of

4. There aren’t _________strawberries in the bowl.

A. much

B. many

C. a lot of

5. There isn’t _________ cola in the bottle.

A. much

B. many

C. a lot of

Đáp án:

1. B

2. A

3. B

4. B

5. A

Ex 10. Put in much/many/few/little (one word only)

1. She isn't very popular. She has few friends.

2. Ann is very busy these days. She has .... free time.

3. Did you take .... photographs when you were on holiday?

4. I'm not very busy today. I haven't got .... to do.

5. This is a very modern city. There are .... old building.

6. The weather has been very dry recently. We've had .... rain.

7. "Do you know Rome?" "No, I haven't been there for .... years."

Đáp án:

2. little

3. many

4. much

5. few

6. little

7. many

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