Describe a difficult decision that you once made | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3 tổng hợp và giới thiệu bài viết về Describe a difficult decision that you once made giúp bạn ôn luyện và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Describe a difficult decision that you once made | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề “Describe a difficult decision that you once made” 

1.  Mẫu 1

Tài liệu VietJack

Bài mẫu:

If I’m to talk about a difficult decision that I remember making, I’ll definitely pick the gym membership that I purchased a couple of months back. I really had to think everything through before coming to that decision, because I also wanted to own a new laptop then. My computer had seen better days and its poor performance was barely tolerable. But there was no running away from the fact I could only afford either the pass to the health club or the PC. 

In the end, I went with the gym card for my health’s sake. My weight had been ballooning, which was why I even thought of going to a health club in the first place. The club that I set my eyes on offered me an additional year of access to its facilities if I bought the pass, and you could imagine this really helped me to decide. I’d have to keep using my decrepit laptop for a while, though.

I always felt that was a tough decision as no matter what I chose to buy, it would be a significant expense. Money doesn’t grow on trees and my dilemma occurred at a time when prices were hiking across the board. Nevertheless, I’m glad that I was able to make the correct choice, because now I’m in good health and I feel very much in shape.

Từ vựng:

  • Think sth through (v.): suy nghĩ điều gì đó kỹ càng
  • Seen better days (v.): cũ kỹ, tồi tàn – chỉ được dùng ở thì hoàn thành
  • Tolerable (adj.): chấp nhận được
  • Balloon (v.): phình to
  • In the first place (adv.): ngay từ đầu
  • Set eyes on sth (v.): để ý đến
  • Decrepit (adj.): mục nát
  • Dilemma (n.): tình huống khó khăn
  • Price hike (n.): tình hình vật giá leo thang
  • Across the board (adv.): trên mọi mặt

2. Mẫu 2

Dàn bài tóm tắt:

1. What decision it was

  • Graduate high school
  • University 

2. What difficulties you faced and 4.Why it was a difficult decision

  • Strengths, weaknesses, interests 
  • Career path - family
  • Time - think through
  • Peer pressure

3. How you made the decision

  • Seek advice
  • Find more information 
  • Now - satisfied

Bài mẫu:

Life is often full of choices and people always have to make their decisions. If I have to say about the most difficult decision, it will be the one on which university I would go to.

After graduating from high school about 4 years ago, I struggled with one of the life-time decisions of choosing the university that I would enroll in.

It was difficult because at that time I understood neither my strength nor the career that I am interested in. My family wanted me to pursue a business career, therefore I should enter Foreign Trade University. However I was not fond of it and I even could not meet its entry requirement. I was so worried because most of my friends had already made up their minds and I didn't have much time to think it through.

Then I told everything to my friends and my teachers. Some of them really gave me sound advice as well as helped me to find detailed information about many prestigious universities. In the end, I finally found the university and major that I have passion for, which is International Relations.

Now, I am a senior at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities and I think that I have made a good choice. In the future if I have difficulty making decisions, I believe the best way is to seek advice from those who have experienced the same thing and have the ability to evaluate your ability.

Từ vựng:

  • Make the decision: đưa ra quyết định
  • Struggle: khó khăn, vật lộn để đưa ra quyết định
  • Entry requirement: yêu cầu đầu vào
  • Make up someone’s mind: quyết định
  • Think through: suy nghĩ kĩ càng
  • Sound advice: lời khuyên hữu ích
  • Prestigious: danh tiếng
  • Seek advice from someone: hỏi xin lời khuyên từ ai

3. Mẫu 3

Well, honestly, I don’t consider myself a decisive decision-maker. I often overthink and hesitate a lot, I mean, I choose to err on the side of caution. But let me tell you an exception when I made a difficult decision and received fruitful results afterwards.

It was about 3 months ago when a friend of mine invited me to go in for an online contest with her. It was a big contest held by a prestigious organization in my country so I was immediately interested in it.

The big problem was that I was already snowed under assignments at my university, so I could hardly find time to join her. If I spent time with her, my assignments might be negatively affected.

I tried to cover every eventuality. The contest was famous and the rewards were so attractive. I understood that if I could win the contest, I would receive a certificate which was given by a famous organization.

So, as embarrassing as this may sound, I guess the fame of the contest holder was the deciding factor that made me reach the decision.

After careful consideration, I told my friend that I could come along with her. We drew up a smart schedule and stuck to it to make sure we could work to the best of our ability and wouldn’t waste any time.

Luckily, after launching the scheme, my friend came up with an idea that we could drum up support from our seniors to speed up the rate of brainstorming the structure of our project. I saw eye to eye with her on that so we put it into practice with eager anticipation.

Well, the result was so sweet when our team became the winner in our province and the first runner-up in the national competition. Hard work paid off. Even though I was pretty exhausted after the contest, the result and reward totally satisfied me.

Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 chủ đề: Decision Making

1. Why do some people find it hard to make decisions?

From my point of view, most of the difficulty actually stems from having too many options. When people have an excess of choices, they might get caught up in picturing the outcome of each one, and as a result, they’ll have a hard time deciding on the one that achieves the best result.

        • Caught up in sth (adj.): bị sao nhãng bởi điều gì đó
        • Picture sth (v.): hình dung thứ gì đó
        • Have a hard time V-ing (v.): gặp khó khi làm điều gì đó

2. How important is it to get advice from other people when making decisions?

It’s rather important, and arguably even more so if someone hasn’t been used to coming up with their own decisions. Still, if you find yourself always consulting others then I think you’re a tad too preoccupied with maximizing the benefits of every activity. It’s simpler to follow your heart on some decisions, because not all of them are gonna be life-and-death.

  • A tad (n.): một chút (như “a bit”)
  • Preoccupied (adj.): bận tâm
  • Maximize sth (v.): tối đa hóa điều gì đó
  • Life-and-death (adj.): hệ trọng

3. What are some of the most important decisions young people have to make?

Choosing what to do next after graduation from high school or university springs to mind. I think many young people are aware that if they make the wrong choice, it might result in several years of their lives down the drain. Having a carefree mindset will ease a lot of worries but it’s not always easy to be happy-go-lucky if your resources are constrained.

        • Spring to mind (v.): xuất hiện trong đầu
        • Down the drain (adj.): bị lãng phí
        • Carefree/happy-go-lucky (adj.): vô tư
        • Constrained (adj.): bị hạn chế

4. Do you agree that parents should make important decisions for their children?

Well, I agree, to an extent. Parents need to be the decision makers for their children before the youngsters reach adulthood. However, moms and dads also ought to be prepared to hand the agency back to their children as far as the offspring’s adult life decisions are concerned. The last thing you want is for your son or daughter to resent you for forcing them into something they aren’t fond of.

  • Decision maker (n.): người đưa ra quyết định
  • Hand back sth (v.): trao trả lại điều gì đó
  • Agency (n.): quyền tự quyết
  • The last thing (sb wants/needs) (n.): điều không mong muốn
  • Resent sth (v.): phẫn uất với điều gì đó

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