Describe a famous city that you think is interesting | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3 (2025) tổng hợp bài viết về chủ đề Describe a famous city that you think is interesting bao gồm: đề bài, bài mẫu, câu trả lời mẫu và loạt từ vựng đi kèm siêu hay. Từ đó giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và học tốt Tiếng Anh hơn.

Describe a famous city that you think is interesting | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề Describe a famous city that you think is interesting

1. Mẫu 1

Describe a famous city that you think is interesting. You should say:

Where it is

What the city is famous for

Why it is interesting

And explain how you feel about it.

Dàn bài Part 2

Ý tưởng bài mẫu (tiếng Việt)

  • Đề bài Describe a famous city that you think is interesting yêu cầu thí sinh miêu tả một thành phố nổi tiếng mà thí sinh cảm thấy thú vị, trong đó cần đưa ra những thông tin:

Thành phố này ở đâu

Thành phố này nổi tiếng vì yếu tố gì

Tại sao thành phố này lại thú vị

Nêu lên cảm nhận của bạn về thành phố này

  • Đề bài Describe a famous city that you think is interesting thuộc chủ đề lớn là Places. Để xử lý đề bài Describe a famous city that you think is interesting, cách dễ dàng và hiệu quả nhất đó chính là bám sát các cue (gợi ý) đề đưa ra và cung cấp thông tin rõ ràng nhất có thể, hạn chế nói chung chung.
  • Với câu hỏi đầu tiên trong đề bài Describe a famous city that you think is interesting, “Thành phố này ở đâu”, ngoài việc đề cập tên và vị trí địa lý của thành phố, chúng ta có thể nói thêm tại sao và nhờ vào nguồn thông tin nào mà chúng ta biết đến thành phố này..
  • Tiếp đó, với câu hỏi thứ hai “Thành phố này nổi tiếng vì yếu tố gì” và thứ ba “Tại sao thành phố này lại thú vị” chúng ta có thể kể ra một số yếu tố nhưng cần lưu ý chọn ra chỉ một hoặc hai yếu tố trung tâm để phát triển sâu hơn thay vì sa đà vào liệt kê. Những yếu tố này nên được support bằng các ví dụ cụ thể (những cái tên cụ thể, con số cụ thể) để tăng tính thuyết phục. 
  • Với câu hỏi gợi ý cuối cùng trong bài Describe a famous city that you think is interesting yêu cầu giải thích “Nêu lên cảm nhận của bạn về thành phố này”, chúng ta có thể khẳng định sức hấp dẫn của thành phố và đề cập tới mong muốn ghé thăm thành phố trong một tương lai không xa. 

Take-note trong 1 phút (tiếng Anh)

Take-note đề bài Describe a famous city that you think is interesting trong 1 phút

  • Where it is
    • Seoul, the capital of Korea
    • World-renowned metropolis
  • What the city is famous for
    • Successful music industry
    • Major entertainment corporations: YG, SM and Big Hit
    • K-pop megastars: Big Bang, EXO, BTS
  • Why it is interesting
    • Tasty traditional cuisine: KimChi, Tokbokki and BBQ
    • Unbelievable growth rate: the world’s 10th-most economically powerful city and second-largest metropolis in only 50 years
  • And explain how you feel about it
    • Reasonable why Seoul regularly ranks as one of the greatest cities in Asia. 
    • In the future: attend a concert of Big Bang in this glamorous city

Bài mẫu:

Today, I’m gonna tell you about Seoul, an intriguing world-renowned metropolis. To begin with, I’m a movie buff, and I’m crazy about K-dramas. Thanks to various TV series, I’ve learnt a lot about this capital city of Korea. 

In terms of its fame, it is typically well-known for its successful music industry which has enormous impacts on citizens all over the world. To be more specific, Seoul is home to major Korean entertainment corporations such as YG, SM and Big Hit, and accordingly K-pop megastars like Big Bang, EXO and BTS. As a matter of fact, Seoul welcomes more than 10 million foreign tourists annually, and many of them have reported that they opt for it to stand a chance of meeting their idols in person. 

Besides its entertainment aspect, Seoul is also interesting for its tasty traditional Korean cuisine like KimChi, Tokbokki and BBQ. Even on weekdays, restaurants in Seoul are usually packed with both local and foreign visitors, so those who wish to secure a place for themselves might have to book in advance.

Another intriguing fact about this city is its unbelievable growth rate. Springing from the ruins of the Korean War, Seoul has boomed in just five decades to become the world’s 10th-most economically powerful city and second-largest metropolis.

All things considered, it is reasonable why Seoul regularly ranks as one of the greatest cities in Asia. Hopefully, in a not-too-distant future, I can attend a concert of Big Bang, my favorite boy band in this glamorous city.

Từ vựng:

  • Intriguing (adj): thú vị
  • World-renowned (adj): nổi tiếng thế giới
  • Metropolis (n): thủ đô
  • A movie buff (n): mọt phim
  • Music industry (n): ngành âm nhạc
  • Enormous (adj): to lớn, đáng kể
  • Entertainment corporations (n): các tập đoàn giải trí
  • Megastars (n): các siêu sao
  • Stand a chance of Ving (collocation): có cơ hội làm gì
  • Be packed (adj) with people: chật ních người
  • Secure a place: giữ chỗ
  • Book in advance: đặt trước
  • Growth rate (n): tốc độ phát triển
  • The ruins (n): đống tàn tích
  • Boom (v): phát triển nở rộ
  • Economically powerful (adj): lớn mạnh về mặt kinh tế
  • All things considered: tóm lại
  • In a not-too-distant future: trong một tương lai không xa
  • Glamorous (adj): đẹp lộng lẫy

2. Mẫu 2

You should say

Where it is

What the city is famous for

Why it is interesting

And explain how you feel about it

I consider myself an avid traveler as I have been to many different places. From my experience, all cities are unique, they are different from others in some way or another. But, I'm going to tell you about a city that I find very interesting, the one-of-a-kind Dubai.

It is in the middle east. The name of the city is Dubai, and it is the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Dubai is well-known for many things. The first and foremost is that it is a world-class travel destination.  Millions of tourists come here to visit every year. The most common activity that tourists often do here is go shopping as there is a wide range of stylish and luxurious items which are sold here, including fashionable clothing, gold, diamond, and many other things. The views are also particularly impressive. Although Dubai isn't close to nature like many other tourist cities, the extravagant luxury, high-tech facilities, and old-world charm of Dubai are something tourists love to explore. 

I know this city because I have read about it in a newspaper. The city was described as a heaven for high-class tourists with unbelievable services and scenery. However, paying a visit to Dubai costs an arm and a leg so I haven't had a chance to go there yet. In the future, I hope that I will be able to earn enough money to cover the cost of a trip there. It would be unforgettable, I’m sure.

Từ vựng:

an avid traveler: những hành khác tràn đầy nhiệt huyết

Avid /ˈævɪd/ tràn đầy nhiệt huyết

Such an avid traveler like me will not refuse to try any weird experience while traveling.

one-of-a-kind độc đáo, khác biệt

My father was one of a kind—I'll never be like him.

world-class /ˌwɜːld ˈklɑːs/ tốt nhất thế giới

The team is world class.

extravagant /ɪkˈstrævəɡənt/ phung phí

I felt very extravagant spending £200 on a dress.

old-world charm /ˈəʊld wɜːld tʃɑːm/ sức hút cổ kính, vẻ đẹp cổ kính

The old-world charm of the palace attracts millions of visitors every year.

high-class tourists /ˌhaɪ ˈklɑːs ˈtʊərɪst/ du khách giàu có

He is such a high-class tourist

cost an arm and a leg rất đắt

The repair work cost an arm and a leg.

boost the local economy: thúc đẩy kinh tế địa phương

boost /buːst/: thúc đẩy, làm tăng lên

economy /ɪˈkɑːnəmi/: kinh tế

Ví dụ: Tourism is one of the main factors which boosts the local economy.

Occupations /ˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn/ nghề nghiệp

please state your name, age and occupation below.

career advancement: sự thăng tiến sự nghiệp

career /kəˈrɪr/: sự nghiệp

advancement /ədˈvænsmənt/: sự thăng tiến, phát triển

Ví dụ: Career advancement is referred to as the upward evolution of one's career.

Dynamic /daɪˈnæmɪk/ tràn trề năng lượng

He was a dynamic young advertising executive.

simultaneously /ˌsɪmlˈteɪniəsli/ cùng lúc

The fall of the US economy occurred simultaneously with a downturn in Europe.

population density mật độ dân số

The high population density, extensive factory farming and increased antibiotic drug resistance put the country into an agricultural health crisis.

cramped condominium /kræmpt ˌkɑːndəˈmɪniəm/

He lived for six months in a cold, cramped condominium.

litter /ˈlɪtə(r)/ xả rác

There will be fines for people who drop litter.

3. Mẫu 3

You should say:

– Where it is

– What it is famous for

– How you knew this city

– And explain why you think it is very interesting


There are many beautiful cities across the world. I am quite fascinated by a few European cities but the one I find most interesting is Amsterdam. It is the capital city of Netherlands and is a remarkable feat of planning and development. For a metropolitan city, it has quite laid-back feel to it. The city has managed to gel in the modern world aptly while preserving its culture and heritage at the same time.

I am a well-informed person when it comes to cities and my geography is pretty good too. Even though I have known about Amsterdam for a long time it’s only recently that my friend came back from there and he gave me a lot of information in detail about the city. At first, I wasn’t impressed and thought it to be like any other city but after seeing pictures on his phone, I realised that I was mistaken and promptly started searching for the city.

Well right now, I am a bit occupied with other work and studies. I’ll be free in the coming summer so that’s when I am planning to visit Amsterdam. It’ll be once in a life kind of experience and shortage of funds is something that should not bother me while, I am on the trip. I am working overtime right now and saving every last penny for the trip. As of now there are two of us planning to go and currently in conversation with a few more friends as the more the merrier. We might even go to France from there but let’s see how it goes.

It is a beautiful place, and it has great infrastructure. The city is full of canals and coffee shops. What fascinates me the most is the preferred mode of transport of the locals. More than half the population uses bicycle as a mode of transport, and I’ll be doing the same too. The national history museum is quite famous too and it houses some of the most lucrative pieces of artefacts mankind has ever witnessed. Since I am quite fond of clubbing and Amsterdam is the EDM (electronic dance music) capital of the world I’d try and visit as many as I can on my trip

4. Mẫu 4

You should say:

  • what city it is
  • what it is famous for
  • how you know about this city

and explain why you think it is a very interesting city.

Thank you for choosing this interesting topic for me because I actually love to learn and talk about interesting places around the world. One such tremendously interesting place, in my humble opinion, is New York City.

Now, please don’t get me wrong as I have nothing against London, Paris, Tokyo or Rio de Janeiro, but I have always struggled to understand why people would prefer these cities over New York City. To me, New York City undoubtedly is the “capital” of this world since there is just something for everybody here.

Of course, I must admit that I have visited this city only once for a week, but after learning so much about it from my visit and from my friends (living there), TV programmes, movies, newspapers and travel magazines, I think that I know a lot more about this city than the people who actually live in there!!!  Now, you are probably thinking I am just bluffing here, but I am not! For example, I know it is famous for “the statue of liberty” standing tall in the Hudson River, actually had arrived as a gift from France! By the way, this city, home to 80 million people, is also famous for some of the world’s tallest Skyscrapers, and the world’s largest gold reserve. Besides, the incredibly fast pace of this place, the buzzing traffic, the hustle and bustle of the people from all over the world, the 24-hour life, and the creative spirit are also some of the things which make this city really famous as well.

But, apart from all these things, what makes this city even more interesting to me is that it is undoubtedly the most linguistically diverse city in the world where 800 languages are spoken! In other words, there isn’t even a single country of this world whose citizens don’t live in this mega city or haven’t lived here at some point in time since the birth of it!  Besides, the positive vibe and energy it creates among its citizens, no matter where they come from, transcends all kinds of national and cultural barriers.

5. Mẫu 5

You should say:

  • what city it is
  • what it is famous for
  • how you know about this city

and explain why you think it is a very interesting city.


Scotland is one of the most beautiful countries in the world with a rich history and culture. I am lucky that I had been to this country a couple of years ago. The country is filled with breathtaking landscapes, fascinating castles, and charming towns. One of the cities in Scotland that I find very interesting is Edinburgh.

What city it is:

Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland and is located in the southeastern part of the country. It is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and cultural festivals.

What it is famous for:

Edinburgh is famous for its iconic Edinburgh Castle, which sits atop an extinct volcano and is visible from most parts of the city. It is also known for the Royal Mile, a historic street that stretches from the castle to the Palace of Holyroodhouse, the official residence of the monarch in Scotland. The city is also famous for its annual festivals such as the Edinburgh International Festival, the Fringe Festival, and the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

How you know about this city:

I first learned about Edinburgh when I was studying Scottish history in school. Since then, I have always been fascinated by its rich history and cultural heritage. Then in 2019, I had been lucky enough to visit this city and witness its stunning beauty and interesting landscapes and castles with my own eye.

And explain why you think it is a very interesting city:

Edinburgh is an interesting city because it has so much to offer. Its beautiful architecture, rich history, and cultural festivals make it an ideal destination for tourists from all over the world. The city has a unique charm that is difficult to find elsewhere. I am particularly drawn to the city's beautiful landscapes, which are perfect for hiking and exploring. Additionally, the Scottish people are very friendly and welcoming, which adds to the overall appeal of the city.

Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: City

1. What advantages can tourism bring to a city?

Well, I’m pretty convinced that there are a number of benefits that a city can reap from its tourism development. However, the most outstanding ones are job opportunities for the locals.

Admittedly, in regions where tourism is well-developed, there are a wide variety of jobs available, especially in the travel and hospitality sector. Take coastal cities in Vietnam as an example. These tourist attractions are usually packed in the summer, and people can earn a large amount of money during this time of the year. This can make a major contribution to the local economy, and thus alleviating unemployment and many other social problems.

Reap (v): gặt hái

The locals (n): dân địa phương

Packed (adj): đông đúc

Make a contribution to St: đóng góp cho cái gì

Alleviate (v): giảm nhẹ

2. Why do some young people like to live in cities?

I strongly believe that this is the case for a number of reasons. For the most part, young people residing in urban areas are given various opportunities to earn a well-paid job, which helps them to pay the bills and provide for their family. On top of that, major cities are usually home to modern infrastructure and facilities which could ensure a much higher standard of living for the young. 

This is the case: điều này là đúng

A well-paid job: công việc có mức lương cao

Reside in (v): sống ở

Pay the bills (idiom): chi trả các hoá đơn

Provide for one’s family: chu cấp cho gia đình, nuôi gia đình

Standard of living (n): mức sống, tiêu chuẩn sống

3. Do most elderly people live in the city or in the countryside?

I hold the opinion that the majority of elderly people often reside in rural areas for some obvious reasons. Many of them enjoy living in peace and tranquility and wish to stay away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Others might have to relocate to the suburbs or other rural areas where living costs are more affordable as there has been a significant increase in expenses on food and accommodation in large cities in recent times. 

Stay away from the hustle and bustle of city life: rời xa sự hối hả, xô bồ của đời sống thành thị

The suburbs (n): vùng ngoại ô

Living costs (n): chi phí sinh hoạt, chi phí sống

Affordable (adj): phải chăng, có thể chi trả được

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