Describe a Manager You Admire | Đề bài, bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 tổng hợp bài viết về Describe a Manager You Admire bao gồm: Đề bài, bài mẫu, từ vựng bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 2 siêu hay giúp các bạn tham khảo. Từ đó giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và học tốt Tiếng Anh hơn.

Describe a Manager You Admire | Đề bài, bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2

Mẫu 1

You should say:

  • who this person is
  • what this person did (has done) that you admire
  • how you know this person or know about this person
  • and explain how this leader’s qualities impressed you.

Bài mẫu: 

One leader that I admire is Bill Gates

Well, what do I admire about Bill? He’s really rich! No, just kidding. But that is one of the reasons that I admire him. I think that if you are going to make money end that is your goal then he is the best role model. He is a success story that you don’t see too often. Of course, I use his software and I know that it is not the greatest, but you know what, it is the first and that says something to me.

I also admire him for not staying in school just to stay in school. Once he saw what he wanted to do, he didn’t wait around until graduation but instead grabbed the opportunity while he could and took off with it.

Another thing that I admire about him is that he is not content with what he has accomplished, but is still looking for ways to get his product to the world. Now I know that he has enemies and people that say this and that about him, but so has every other visionary that has stood out from the crowd. I hear now that is giving a lot of his money to charitable organizations and this just makes me want to say, “Bravo to him!” He’s a modern-day hero.

Từ vựng hay:

  • say something to yourself (idiom): suy nghĩ
    ENG: think something
  • grab the opportunity (collocation): nắm bắt lấy cơ hội, chớp lấy thời cơ
    ENG: to take the opportunity to get, use, or enjoy something quickly
  • take off (phr.v): bắt đầu thành công
    ENG: to suddenly start to be successful or popular
  • be content with sth sth/ sb (a): hài lòng với cái gì/ ai
    ENG: to be happy or satisfied with something, often something that is lacking or disappointing in some way
  • stand out (v): nổi bật
    ENG: to be very noticeable

Lược dịch:

Một nhà lãnh đạo mà tôi ngưỡng mộ là Bill Gates

Tôi ngưỡng mộ điều gì ở Bill? Ông ấy thực sự giàu có! Đùa đấy. Nhưng đó là một trong những lý do mà tôi ngưỡng mộ ông ấy. Tôi nghĩ rằng nếu bạn có ý định kiếm tiền thì ông ấy là hình mẫu tốt nhất. Ông ấy là một câu chuyện thành công hiếm có. Tất nhiên, tôi sử dụng phần mềm của ông ấy và tôi biết rằng nó không phải là tốt nhất, nhưng bạn biết không, nó là phần mềm đầu tiên và điều đó khiến tôi suy nghĩ.

Tôi cũng ngưỡng mộ ông ấy vì đã không ở lại trường học mà chỉ với mục đích học tập. Một khi ông ấy thấy những gì ông ấy muốn làm, ông ấy đã không chờ đợi cho đến khi tốt nghiệp mà thay vào đó nắm bắt cơ hội khi có thể và bắt đầu thành công với nó.

Một điều khác mà tôi ngưỡng mộ ở ông ấy là ông không hài lòng với những gì mình đã đạt được mà vẫn tìm cách đưa sản phẩm của mình ra thế giới. Bây giờ tôi biết rằng ông có kẻ thù và những người nói điều này điều kia về ông, nhưng ai có tầm nhìn nổi bật giữa đám đông đều bị như vậy vậy. Bây giờ tôi nghe nói rằng ông đang quyên góp rất nhiều tiền cho các tổ chức từ thiện và điều này khiến tôi chỉ muốn nói: “Hoan hô ông!” Ông ấy là một anh hùng thời hiện đại.

Mẫu 2

Well, there is someone who I've always been impressed by and that is Sir Edmund Hillary.

I first learned about him when I was at primary school. At that time, we had lessons about famous people in our country's history and there was a picture of Sir Edmund Hillary on the wall in the classroom.

The teacher also told us stories about his journeys to explore Mt Everest. She said he was one of only three people ever to reach its summit without using supplementary oxygen (or something like that).

And she said it's not easy because you have to carry all your food, fuel and other equipment yourself, including two oxygen tanks! And it's nearly 6km high!

I was fascinated that someone would do such a thing, remember I was very young still.

Later, I searched the internet for some more details about his adventures and managed to find some stories about his climbs and also some pictures.

I was shocked! He climbed Mt Everest 8 times and K2, the world's second-highest peak five times. That's amazing!

I think he must have been a good leader because his actions were tough and he achieved something most people thought impossible.

What impressed me most about him was when he climbed Mt Everest without oxygen. I saw the picture of him standing on the summit and smiling and it's like, he was conquering this mountain which is a part of our planet earth.

How amazing that he was able to go up there and see what nobody had seen before. Also, going up in very bad weather conditions with little oxygen supply ...that must have been epic!

I know some people who follow his example by doing lots of endurance sports such as running long distances or cycling races. Others say they respect him so much because of the way he worked hard for what he believed in (to raise money for cancer research). He climbed several times to raise funds for various charities - very inspiring!

Mẫu 3

  • Who are some of the most inspirational leaders?
  • What does it take to be an iconic leader today?
  • We all know that times change and so do leadership styles, are you still able to remain relevant when your style doesn't changes with the times?
  • What kind of leader are you?
  • Which person would you say is the best inspiration in your life, and why?
  • What advice do you have for living a full, fulfilled life?


I'd like to talk about Steve Jobs. I think he was a very important leader for some time in history.

Like many famous leaders in the past he changed the way we see things and do things through his innovation and creativity.

Some people may think he just invented the Apple Mac computer and a phone, but the invention or device which really changed everything was the iPhone.

It made people rethink what a phone could be and should be and as we can now see it has been the catalyst behind much of the smartphone technology and developments since it was first launched.

Current smartphone technology now makes online shopping even easier and accessing any kind of information online which has fundamentally transformed our daily behavior.

Maybe if he hadn't launched the iPhone, someone else would have done something similar eventually, but he had the vision and the creativity to do it first and that always makes a difference.

I don't think he planned to become a world influencer or business leader, he simply had a company which innovated something that impacted on the daily lives of many people in a big way.

The qualities that he had; being an innovator, being able to see things in a different way and conceptualize other ways of doings things, some people would call it being visionary are what impressed me most about him.

He changed the way we interact with each other through mobile devices and that has had a tremendous impact on modern life and the other technology developments that have followed on the back of it.

The world will never be the same as it was before the iPhone came along.

Mẫu 4

Due to my nature as a person, I lean more towards those people who seek peace and do good, therefore the leader that I admire most is the Dalai Lama.

I consider the Dalai Lama to be a person with a very strong ideal, which despite all the obstacles he has encountered in his life, has continued to struggle to achieve it.

He seeks peace in his land (Tibet) and although he has been exiled for many years he has continued to try to find it.

He travels, visits other countries and also promotes the unity of religions, not as a single religion but its acceptance among themselves and the knowledge of all to be understood. He is a visionary person, a fighter and without fear to express his thoughts.

I think he is a person who became a leader and was not necessarily born a leader. He was probably born with certain characteristics to be a leader but was prepared to become the future Dalai Lama since he was 2 years old, to take power in the future.

I still believe that he is a leader that was made, or rather he was formed, to be the head of an independent region of China.

I can’t really imagine the life of this type of people, full of meditation, trial and error, and the search for inner peace and transparency; these types of religion, in particular, are extremely spiritual, therefore he must have gone through many more improvements than many of the other modern leaders.

I consider that people immersed in such a spiritual life and in the pursuit of perfection at that level, are probably more deeply analytical than a person who does not follow such a religion.

The Dalai Lama, just as any human being, had to have gone through a lot of changes in his life to get to improve his person the way he has done. The important thing about this is to recognize the mistakes and really change and work hard to not commit them again or at least that each time is on a smaller scale.

Most people can be everything they set out to be, but for that, you have to really believe it, and also not rest until you reach your goal and then propose another and so on.

I have always believed that I can achieve it, but the most important thing when it comes to setting goals, is to look for those that are attainable because otherwise, we end up frustrated.

I would really love to find that spiritual peace that such people achieve and be able to teach other people to live that way.

Mẫu 5

You should say:

Who is he/ she?

What is so appealing about him?

What type of leader is he/ she

And explain why do you admire him /her.


I would like to talk about Mr David Cameron, the former Prime Minister of the UK and I do believe that he is the most professional person that I have ever known in my life.

First, I would like to get the ball rolling by touching on the matter of how I knew him. it was about 5 years ago more or less, when I travelled to England and had a chance to meet him in front of Number 10 Downing Street.

On the subject of his appearance, I must confess that I was struck by his powerful and presentable look at the first time seeing him. He was so charismatic and confident that everyone wanted to listen to him when he was talking as well as debating with others over political issues.  As well as that, he was always cool headed in every situation because he weighed up the pros and cons before making any decision instead of jumping to a conclusion.

There are several reasons why I really admire Mr Cameron. First, he led his party in a democratic way. You know, he always listened to everyone’s opinions and commented fairly on them. Second, with his contributions to many areas, ranging from medicine to social welfare, the UK has become the fifth strongest economy globally.

For all these reasons, I want to reaffirm that David Cameron is the most honorable leader that I have ever met. And in the future, if I have a chance, I will go back to the UK to meet him once again.

Vocabulary highlights

Charismatic: To have the powerful quality to attract and impress other people

Cool-headed: calm

To weigh up the pros and cons: to consider both advantages and disadvantages

To jump to a conclusion: to make a decision too quickly

Câu trả lời mẫu 

1. Do you want to be a leader?

Definitely yes. When I was knee high to a grasshopper, I used to dream of becoming a leader in the political area, like a prime minister or a governor. You know, those positions give me a lot of power and a sense of pride.

2. What qualities should a leader have?

I believe to become a good leader, people need to have patience to overcome challenges during their leadership. Without patience, they easily make mistakes and inappropriate decisions. Another important thing is excellent presentation skills. As you know, it is important for a leader to deliver a plan or a strategy clearly to his colleagues and make sure that all members fully grasp it.

3. How do you think we can improve the leaders qualities?

Well, I do think that leadership skills can be polished via proper training and practice. For example, to become a good leader, people should engage in some courses about leadership in their free time. During such courses, they will be given more chances to practice their skills and learn new things about this interesting, but challenging skill.

4. Do you think a leader should be perfect in all fields?

No, I don’t think so. It goes without saying that each person can only be good at one or some areas. Therefore, I suppose that people should focus on their strengths and become the leader of that area. In this way, they can easily reap more success in their career path.

5. Why do we need a leader?

A leader in a team or an organization can be seen as the backbone, the spirit of the team, I would say. We do need that person because he can operate all of the activities, and give a clear direction for the whole team. Without him, the team cannot develop and easily fall into disunity, which could be followed by continuous failures.

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