Describe a person who helps to protect the environment | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3 (2025) tổng hợp và giới thiệu bài viết Describe a person who helps to protect the environment | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3 giúp bạn ôn luyện và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Describe a person who helps to protect the environment | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a person who helps to protect the environment

1. Mẫu 1

Describe a person who helps to protect the environment. You should say:

    • who this person is
    • how this person protects the environment
    • what difficulty this person has faced

And how you feel about this person.

Ý tưởng bài mẫu (tiếng Việt)

  • Đề bài “Describe a person who helps to protect the environment” yêu cầu chúng ta miêu tả về một người đã giúp đỡ bảo vệ môi trường. Trong đó, chúng ta cần phải kể đến:
      • Người đó là ai
      • Anh/ cô ấy bảo vệ môi trường như thế nào
      • Những khó khăn anh/ cô ấy đã gặp phải
      • Và giải thích bạn cảm nghĩ như thế nào về người này
  • Đối với câu hỏi “Who this person is?”, bạn có thể chọn bất cứ ai, từ người thường đến người nổi tiếng. Ví dụ, bạn có thể miêu tả bố mẹ, anh chị em mình, một người hàng xóm, bất cứ ai xung quanh chúng ta mà bạn thấy rằng họ có những hoạt động giúp bảo vệ môi trường. Và chọn một người nổi tiếng để miêu tả cũng không phải là một sự lựa chọn tồi, miễn là bạn biết đến người đó và có thông tin về hoạt động của anh/ cô ấy để kéo dài bài nói. 
  • Câu hỏi 2 và 3 trong cue card Describe a person who helps to protect the environment liên quan đến cách mà người đó bảo vệ môi trường và những khó khăn họ gặp phải.
      • Ví dụ như đối với sự lựa chọn miêu tả người thường, bạn có thể nói rằng người đó luôn giữ cho nhà cửa sạch sẽ, có ý thức giữ gìn vệ sinh chung, tham gia nhiều hoạt động cộng đồng giúp bảo vệ môi trường,…
      • Còn đối với người nổi tiếng thì những hoạt động của họ sẽ được biết đến rộng rãi hơn nên cũng khá dễ nói, ví dụ như thành lập tổ chức giúp bảo vệ môi trường, quyên góp tiền, tích cực tham gia các hoạt động cộng đồng,…
  • Chúng ta kết bài Describe a person who helps to protect the environment bằng việc nêu ra cảm nghĩ về người đó. Vì bảo vệ môi trường là một hành động khá ý nghĩa, nên bạn có thể nói đơn giản như bạn ngưỡng mộ người đó, muốn học tập theo,…

Take-note trong 1 phút (tiếng Anh)

who this person is
  • Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Actor, producer, environmentalist
  • Legendary films: Titanic,…
  • New role: environmentalist

how this person protects the environment

what difficulty this person has faced

  • Founded an environmentally conscious organization
  • Aims to raise public awareness
  • Aims to get his message to reach more people
  • Produces many films about the environment
And how you feel about this person.
  • Set a good example for his fans
  • I am greatly influenced by him

Bài mẫu:

It is an irrefutable fact that how to protect the environment has long been a major topic of concern. As a result, I must say that in recent decades, there have been more individuals than ever who have done significant amounts of work in order to protect the environment. Among them, I would like to talk about Leonardo DiCaprio – a renowned actor, film producer and environmentalist. 

It goes without saying that Leonardo is globally recognized for his amazing performances in some of the most legendary films in the world such as Titanic or Shutter Island. Like everyone else, I first knew him by watching Titanic, but recently, I have come to a realization that he has taken on a role as an environmentalist, who has done so many things to protect our mother Earth. 

To the best of my knowledge, he created a foundation named after him, which aims to support environmentally conscious organizations. Since then, he has worked tirelessly to shift public awareness of key environmental problems. Even half of his personal website is dedicated to environmental news and he has produced a number of media projects and documentaries, just to get his message to reach more people. 

I am speechless when it comes to Leo’s contribution to the environment since it is immeasurable. He truly sets a good example for his fans, including myself, to follow. It was not until I watched some of his documentaries that I started to change my mind about the importance of environmental protection. I was greatly influenced by him, and this is evidenced  by the fact that I have switched from plastic bags to tote or paper-based bags, cutting down on the use of plastic cups and so much more. 

Overall, I strongly believe that if the world has more environmentalists like him, it can become a better place.

Từ vựng:

  • Irrefutable (adj) không thể chối cãi
  • A major topic of concern (phrase): một topic được nhiều người quan tâm
  • Renowned (adj): nổi tiếng
  • Environmentalist (n): nhà hoạt động vì môi trường
  • It goes without saying that… (phrase); dùng để chỉ những điều hiển nhiên, không phải bàn cãi
  • Recognize (v) được công nhận (thường dùng ở thể bị động)
  • Legendary (adj): huyền thoại, nổi tiếng
  • Come to a realization that.. (phrase): nhận ra rằng…
  • Take on (phrasal verb): đảm nhận một vai trò, trọng trách gì đó
  • To the best of my knowledge (phrase): theo như tôi biết thì…
  • Name after (phrasal verb): được đặt theo tên của ai/ cái gì (thường dùng ở thể bị động)
  • Environmentally conscious (phrase): quan tâm đến môi trường
  • Tirelessly (adv): không biết mệt mỏi
  • Shift (v): thay đổi, chuyển đổi
  • Public awareness (phrase): sự nhận thức của mọi người
  • Dedicate (v): cống hiến
  • Message (n): thông điệp
  • Speechless (adj): không nói nên lời
  • Immeasurable (adj): không thể đong đếm, nhiều vô kể
  • Set a good example (phrase): là một tấm gương tốt

2. Mẫu 2

  • Who this person is?
  • How this person protects the environment?
  • What difficulty this person has faced?
  • And how you feel about this person?

Bài mẫu:

Well, today I am going to tell you about my next-door neighbor, Mrs. Minh, who is a perfect example of an environmentally friendly person.
Mrs. Minh has been my neighbor for at least 4 years now. She is in her 50s and is actually a retired university lecturer. As a neighbor, Mrs. Minh is really kind and helpful as she never refuses to help me when I’m in need. From lending me some cooking spices, to taking care of my little sister when other family members are absent.

But what I find most impressive about her is how environmentally conscious she is, as she has been doing a lot of activities to help protect the environment. To be more specific, Mrs. Minh knows so much about the detrimental effects of plastic bags to our planet. She told me about how it would take these bags million of years to completely bio-degrade and how they can cause severe harm to sea animals. That’s why ever since she moved here, I have never seen her use them once; instead, everytime she needs to get the groceries, she brings her own cloth bag… you know, the type that you can bring home to wash and re-use the next day. Other than that, she also participated in a lot of voluntary work to clean up garbage or join hands in other campaigns involving raising awareness about global warming.

The effort she put into protecting the environment is really inspiring and admirable. In fact, now I am also replacing plastic bags with my cloth bags as often as I can. I always think that good actions give us strength and inspire good actions in others; so I know what she does will continue to make bigger changes.

Từ vựng:

  • Environmentally friendly person: một người có ý thức bảo vệ môi trường
  • Detrimental effect: ảnh hưởng tiêu cực
  • Bio-degrade: phân hủy
  • Environmentally conscious: có ý thức bảo vệ môi trường
  • To join hands: làm việc cùng nhau
  • Inspiring: truyền cảm hứng

3. Mẫu 3

Well, today I am going to tell you about my next-door neighbor, Mrs. Minh, who is a perfect example of an environmentally friendly person.
Mrs. Minh has been my neighbor for at least 4 years now. She is in her 50s and is actually a retired university lecturer. As a neighbor, Mrs. Minh is really kind and helpful as she never refuses to help me when I’m in need. From lending me some cooking spices, to taking care of my little sister when other family members are absent.

But what I find most impressive about her is how environmentally conscious she is, as she has been doing a lot of activities to help protect the environment. To be more specific, Mrs. Minh knows so much about the detrimental effects of plastic bags to our planet. She told me about how it would take these bags million of years to completely bio-degrade and how they can cause severe harm to sea animals. That’s why ever since she moved here, I have never seen her use them once; instead, everytime she needs to get the groceries, she brings her own cloth bag… you know, the type that you can bring home to wash and re-use the next day. Other than that, she also participated in a lot of voluntary work to clean up garbage or join hands in other campaigns involving raising awareness about global warming.

The effort she put into protecting the environment is really inspiring and admirable. In fact, now I am also replacing plastic bags with my cloth bags as often as I can. I always think that good actions give us strength and inspire good actions in others; so I know what she does will continue to make bigger changes.

4. Mẫu 4

I’m going to talk about my aunt, who is an advocate (someone who supports) for the environment. She not only lives this way in her daily life but also participates in many events and protects for the climate in Washington

D.C. I admire her green way of living and try to implement it into my own life and share these ideas with my students here in Vietnam.


In her daily life, she tries to use as little plastic as possible. She and her husband use paper bags in their garbage bins, as well as separate them into the paper, plastic, glass, etc. After doing this, they recycle their waste. Moreover, she takes their

leftovers and composts (making old food material soil) them in their backyard, which is quite amusing, I think. Furthermore, they eat a plant-based, vegan diet and are entirely self-sufficient, growing the majority of their vegetables in their garden. Apart from all of these daily activities, she participates in environmental rallies (environmental demonstrations or protests) and even goes around her local community to distribute recycle bins. There was one occasion in which she also spoke in front of hundreds of people about the environmental benefits of a plant-based diet. All in all, I admire how she embodies (follows her ideas in her way of being) and promotes her way of living to the community.

Maybe it would be difficult for some to speak in front of that number of people which is understandable, but I think it’s quite simple to be environmentally friendly in your daily life. I don’t think it’s a hassle to recycle, separate garbage, choose paper over plastic, etc. I appreciate my aunt for teaching me these kinds of ideas and that even small acts count towards building a more sustainable environment. Moreover, she is not pretentious (snobby; feeling superior to others) or judgmental towards others who aren’t as aware of environmental issues. She uses education instead of a threat, which I admire, as we live in a world where people use harsh methods to push their ideas on others.

Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Environmental Problem

1. Why should we protect the environment?

Gợi ý: changes in our environment affect our livelihood the environment provides human with air, water,…

I think it is essential that we protect the environment since a polluted living environment can have direct effects on our livelihood. For example, air pollution can cause respiratory diseases and cancer, among some other severe diseases;water pollution also destroys our health inside out. Therefore, keeping the environment clean and protected means keeping our lives safe and healthy.

2. Who is responsible for the protection of the environment?

Gợi ý: governments/national leaders, scientists, each individual.

Since all of us share a home we call Earth, we should share an equal amount of responsibility in protecting the planet. It’s not any government’s duty, it’s a global problem that needs to be solved by all living human. I believe that only by working
together will we be able to make a change.

3. What is the most serious environmental issue now?

Gợi ý:

  • Air pollution (from vehicles’ emissions, especially in big cites)
  • Water pollution (industrial waste being flushed to the ocean and rivers)
  • Deforestation: Animal extinction/cause harm to animals; global warming.

As you can see, in big cites like Hanoi, air pollution is one of the most concerning problems. Most people have to wear a mask when they go out to avoid breathing in the polluted air, filled with dust and other toxic exhaust fumes coming out of vehicles. Other than that, I think water pollution is also a prime example. A lot of rivers and oceans are full of garbage, which definitely contributes to numerous health problems for humans and causes the deaths of many aquatic animals.

Từ vựng theo chủ đề

  • Respiratory diseases: bệnh liên quan đến hô hấp
  • Make a change: thay đổi điều gì đó
  • Exhaust fume: khí thải
  • Prime example: ví dụ quan trọng nhất

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