Describe a person whose work is useful to society | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2 tổng hợp bài viết về Describe a person whose work is useful to society - Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2. Từ đó giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và học tốt Tiếng Anh hơn.

Describe a person whose work is useful to society | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề: Describe a person whose work is useful to society

1. Bài mẫu 1

Describe a person you know who does a job which is useful to society. You should say:

- Who this person is

- How you knew him/her

- What type of work he/she does

And explain why you think his/her work is useful to the society

Bài mẫu:

Let me tell you about my friend, Linh,  whose job I believe is critical to the well-being of our society, especially in this day and age. She is a few years older than me and is currently working as a nurse at our local hospital.  Linh is also my neighbor so we get to hang out quite often. 

I think Linh’s job is incredibly important, especially amid a raging pandemic like COVID-19. She helps care for patients, communicate with doctors, administer medicine, and check vital signs. Not only does she have to care for the patient, she also supports their families by helping them cope with the illness of their loved ones, and if necessary live with it, so that these people can work through the obstacles that may arise with the sickness of a family member. Nurses are always the first to notice when the patient’s conditions change. They must always be ready to spring into action in any emergencies or critical situation. 

Serving as the front line of healthcare, Linh and other nurses also expose themselves to a lot of risks. For this pandemic, Linh has been taking up numerous long shifts. There are many days when she could not go home because the hospital was understaffed. There are also days when Linh had to quarantine at work due to exposure to a COVID-positive patient. Despite all these difficulties, I have never seen Linh complaining about her jobs. She has a heart of gold and genuinely seems to find joy in helping people. Thanks to her and other medical professionals, we can deal with all the diseases and illnesses in our lifetime and stay healthy. I always have immense respect for them.

Từ vựng được sử dụng:

  • critical (a): quan trọng, có tính quyết định
  • well-being (n): tình trạng hạnh phúc, khỏe mạnh 
  • in this day and age (n): ngày nay
  • Amid (prep): giữa, ở giữa
  • A raging pandemic (phr): đại dịch đang hoành hành
  • administer medicine (phr): kê thuốc
  • check vital signs (phr): kiểm tra dấu hiệu sinh tồn
  • cope with (phrasal verb): đương đầu với 
  • arise (v): phát sinh
  • spring into action (phr): nhanh chóng hành động
  • critical situation (phr): hoàn cảnh nguy cấp
  • front line (n): tuyến đầu
  • expose oneself to (phr): tự đặt mình vào 1 tình thế nào đó (thường là tình thế nhiều rủi ro, nguy hiểm)
  • understaffed (a): thiếu nhân viên 
  • quarantine (v, n): cách ly, thời gian cách ly
  • genuinely (adv): thành thật, chân thành
  • find joy in (phr): tìm thấy niềm vui
  • immense respect (phr): tôn trọng sâu sắc

2. Bài mẫu 2

You should say:

- Who this person is

- How you knew him/her

- What type of work he/she does

- And explain why you think his/her work is useful to the society.

Personally, I think that every job contributes something to society. But of course, there are jobs that have a far greater impact on our society than any other profession. So, I’m going to tell you about one of my cousins, who is serving in the army at the moment.

His name is Nam. He and I grew up together so I understand him quite well. He is a selfless person, who always puts the welfare of others before his own. He is very polite and careful. He always treats others with dignity, which helps him to gain respect from the people around him. Also, he’s very courageous, I mean, he’s willing to face fear, danger, or adversity. He’s always able to remain calm in those situations. All of these characteristics make him perfectly suitable for the army.

I’m glad that my cousin could contribute his efforts to our society. You know, being a soldier is noble in any society. They are the ones who defend our country whenever there is an enemy threat. They also protect innocent citizens from terrorism or riots. To be able to do that, soldiers have to endure strenuous training sessions and sometimes, harsh living conditions. I always look up to people serving the army. Without them, we are not able to live as comfortably as we do at the moment.

Từ vựng chủ đề “Describe a person you know who does a job which is useful to society”

- contributes /kənˈtrɪbjuːt/ đóng góp

- parental involvement contributes significantly to children's learning.

- impact /ˈɪmpækt/ tác động

She has had a lasting impact on the lives of many of her students.

- selfless /ˈselfləs/ quan tâm tới lợi ích của người khác nhiều hơn bản thân

A life of selfless service to the community

- Dignity /ˈdɪɡnəti/ phẩm giá

His aristocratic voice gives him an air of dignity and power.

- Adversity /ədˈvɜːsəti/ khó khăn, thử thách

He overcame many personal adversities.

- effort /ˈefət/ nỗ lực

The local clubs are making every effort to interest more young people.

- strenuous /ˈstrenjuəs/ đòi hỏi nhiều công sức

Avoid tasks which require strenuous physical activity.

- terrorism /ˈterərɪzəm/ khủng bố

The government has sworn to do everything in its power to combat terrorism.

3. Bài mẫu 3

You should say:

  • who this person is
  • what his/her profession is
  • how he/she helps others

and explain why the job this person does is important to society.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

This is such an important topic to ponder over every once in a while. So, I would be more than happy today to talk about a person (and his job) who I think has a far greater impact on our society than any other person or professional.

Anyway, the person, I want to talk about, is a policeman and also a cousin of mine, who has been working in the police force for more than 5 years. Now, I don’t really want to put my police cousin in any negative light, but initially, I didn’t really like him to work in the police force because I thought that it would complicate his relationship with his family and friends by essentially turning himself into an “unsocial” fellow.

After all, as a policeman, he would almost always need to deal with all kinds of “bad” elements of our society. But, as time went on, and I found how hard and tirelessly he works in order to keep the good citizens of our country safe and secured from dangerous and criminal activities, I had no other choice but to change my mind about the job of a police officer.

Of course, some would argue that in a first-world country, like ours, police has a rather limited role to play since we all more or less are law-abiding citizens, but that may not necessarily be true always. In fact, after seeing my good cousin how he helps the elderly walk out of a grocery store and find her car in a parking lot, and helping a little, lost kid to find his parents in a stadium, I know that a police officer does a lot more than just keeping the bad elements of society at bay.

Anyway, I think, the job my cousin does is important to society because it is the dedication and hard works of police personnel, like my cousin, that we have managed to thrive and peacefully coexist in a beautiful country like ours. Besides, it is usually the police people who always extend their helping hands whenever we are in any kind of danger or distress.

Sample Answer 2:

Every honest job is noble in my opinion if it somehow helps others. While police officers risk their lives to protect the people and ensure the law and order, lawyers defend the innocents or prove a criminal guilty. Likewise, politicians devote their time and life for the greater good of the country, doctors heal our illness, scientists and researchers put our civilisation one step forward and this list goes on and on. However, for this cue card topic, I would like to talk about a person who is a teacher and in my opinion, her job is quite important to society as well as to the country.

The name of this teacher is Mary Margaret and she is an English teacher in a high school located in our area. She is in fact, a much-revered teacher among her students and colleagues and I like the invaluable contribution she has for teaching in an excellent way. Besides, she is an honest person with many other excellent qualities that make her an exemplary person in our society.  

Teaching, in my opinion, is a very noble profession and makes society a better place by eradicating our ignorance and by creating an enlightened generation. This profoundly important job is done by teachers who are doing a really great job for all of us. In this present era, formal educational institutes help us to enhance our knowledge and prepare us for the future. Creating an illuminated society is the main purpose of the education and teachers are helping us to acquire the wisdom and knowledge we need to lead a better life. This is why I personally think that a teacher's job is one of the most important jobs in our society.  

Speaking of Mary Margaret, I was one of her favourite students and her teaching style was quite unique. Her excellent teaching style helped me learn many grammatical rules and use English more fluently. As a teacher, she was quite devoted and punctual. She must be very proud that some of her students are in important positions nationwide and some of them still visit her.

Một vài câu hỏi thường gặp trong Part 3

Why do people like to do those things that are important for society?

There can be many reasons why people choose to work for the betterment of our society. Some people may want to see their community being uplifted and progress collectively. Others like to do things important to society since the authorities responsible may neglect their duties. Many people engaged in social work have also been victims of issues like poverty and feel like they have a sense of responsibility towards others who face similar perils. Thus, they associate themselves with organisations and NGOs that work towards improving society as a whole.

Would you like to do this type of job in the future? Why or why not?

Yes, I would like to engage in social work in the future and work to ameliorate the underprivileged. Our country is home to countless individuals who suffer from various societal issues like poverty, homelessness and unemployment. Although our government has to work towards the development of such segments of society, such responsibilities are often overlooked by the authorities. Thus, the onus of uplifting the underprivileged is upon the general public and a sizeable portion of society are working towards the same. I would also like to work towards this cause once I reach a certain age.

What are the jobs which are important to society?

There are several job roles and responsibilities that are vital to society. When listing jobs that are essential to the smooth functioning of society, the most common professions that are named are doctors, teachers, civil servants, etc. Indeed, professionals like doctors and civil servants like policemen and military soldiers enable the general populace to live harmoniously. However, we, as a society, tend to overlook individuals who work under the radar. Cleaning staff, security guards and other workers with similar job roles also contribute significantly to society.

Is it easy to do the job of a teacher? Why or why not??

No, I believe that teachers have one of the toughest jobs in our society. The duty of educating the younger generation is pivotal, as they are the ones who will be essential members of society in the future. Thus, teachers have a crucial role in shaping the future of human civilization. Apart from that, teachers also have to be role models to their students in terms of morality and decent human values. Therefore, it can be said that a teacher’s job is one of the most challenging and vital at the same time.

Are politicians serving humanity?? Why or why not?

Politicians are civil servants that the people elect in order to lead society towards progress. A politician has to analyze the needs of their community and spend government resources towards meeting these needs and demands of the general public. However, politicians are known to work towards selfish gains using their power and influence in many countries. Such instances are more common in third-world nations like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, etc. Nevertheless, there are also politicians like Barack Obama, whose tireless efforts have significantly improved the lives of people residing under their jurisdiction.

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