Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2 tổng hợp bài viết về Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution gồm đề bài, bài mẫu và từ vựng siêu hay. Từ đó giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và học tốt Tiếng Anh hơn.

Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2

Sample Speaking: Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution

1. Mẫu 1

One of the places that come to mind when talking about pollution would be Hanoi, I think. I went to Hanoi in late 2015 for business and stayed there for a couple of months in the winter. It’s definitely a nice city but the experience could be better, mostly because of the pollution that I experienced.

During the first morning that I was in the city, I went outside and there was a weird smog that covered the entire sky in grey. The whole day was dreary because of it and later, I noticed that it wasn’t the only day when that would happen. There were days when the weather was definitely sunny, because you could see sunlight on the street, yet when you looked up you could hardly see the sun. The smog completely shielded the sun from view, but I don’t think many people realized how serious that was, though.

The main method of transport in Hanoi is the motorbike and it’s probably one of the reasons why the city was so polluted. I used to travel by motorbike outside and because of that I was advised to wear a face mask to protect myself from all the dust and whatever particles in the air. But even though I wore a mask I could still feel the distinct smell of the fume that so many bikes were pumping into the environment through their exhaust pipes.

What was also striking was the river near the place that I stayed at. The water looked like a pitch blacksludge, and in fact, it was so black that I thought it was the city’s sewage line. The local folks told me that it was actually a river before getting polluted. It’s quite amazing actually that people managed to put up with this much pollution. But maybe if I had stayed longer, I would have learned to put up with it too.

Từ vựng:

  • Could be better (v.): chưa tốt lắm (Cách dùng: N + could be better)
  • Smog (n.): màn khói bụi
  • Dreary (adj.): ảm đạm
  • Shield (v.): che chắn trước thứ gì đó (Cách dùng: shield + Nh  from + N2)
  • Distinct (adj.): đặc trưng
  • Pitch black (n.): màu đen như mực
  • Sludge (n.): bùn nhớt
  • Put up with (v.): chịu đựng điều gì đó (Cách dùng: put up with + N)

2. Mẫu 2

You should say:

--- Where it is

--- When you visited this place

--- What kinds of pollution you saw there And explain how this place was affected

IELTS Speaking sample:  

Well, if I have to talk about a polluted place I’ve been to, it would be Ho Chi Minh City. It’s located in the Southern part of Vietnam.

I’ve been living here for around 2 years. When I first came here, I was so surprised how polluted the city is. It’s so different from my hometown which is a green and clean rural area. There are many kinds of pollution here: air pollution, water pollution and even noise pollution. There are so many vehicles on the streets and they make noises and emit fumes all the time. It was especially terrible travelling on the street during peak hours. Besides, it’s easy to see trash in rivers and lakes because some people just throw their waste into these community water sources without any awareness of the damage to the surrounding environment. It’s even worse that some factories also dump dirty water and other waste directly into rivers so many of them are black and smelly. I think the pollution affects people’s lives in a negative way.

Air pollution can cause serious respiratory diseases such as asthma or lung cancer. Water is polluted so people may face water scarcity in the future and the noise can drive people crazy because it’s really annoying and distracting. Many animals living in water are also affected, too. They are losing their habitats or food source since the water is contaminated. Some of them may become extinct if we do not take action now. I hope the government will have some kinds of campaigns or TV shows to raise people’s awareness of protecting the environment and plant more trees in the city to improve air quality.

Từ vựng:

Noise pollution /ˈnɔɪz pəˌluː.ʃən/: Ô nhiễm tiếng ồn

Noise /ˈnɔɪz/ : tiếng ồn

Pollution /pəˌluː.ʃən/ : Ô nhiễm

Ví dụ: An airport can generate noise pollution at most 24 hours in a given day.

Emit fumes: Xả khói

Emit /iˈmɪt/ : phát ra, xả

fumes  /fjuːmz/ : khói

Ví dụ: Trolleybuses – a quiet form of public transport that was cheap and did not emit fumes – were also culled.

Peak hours /piːk/  /aʊər/: Giờ cao điểm

Ví dụ: The old bridge carries at peak hours about 12,000 vehicles a day.

Community water source: Nguồn nước công cộng

Community /kəˈmjuː.nə.ti/ : công cộng

water /ˈwɔː.tər/   : nước

source  /sɔːs/ : Nguồn

Ví dụ: The outbreak highlighted the need for policies that would lead to improved community water sources and waste management throughout Kosovo.

Dump dirty water: Xả nước bẩn

Dump  /dʌmp/ : đổ, xả

dirty  /ˈdɜː.ti/ : Bẩn

Ví dụ: Waves were dumping more dirty water on the dirty beach.

Respiratory disease: Bệnh về đường hô hấp

Respiratory /rɪˈspɪr.ə.tər.i/ : hô hấp

disease  /dɪˈziːz/ : Bệnh

Ví dụ: Respiratory disease in children represented 13% of deaths from household ambient pollution.

Asthma /ˈæs.mə/: Hen suyễn

Ví dụ: Also, the measure of asthma treatment is limited to self-report of having received treatment.

Lung cancer: Ung thư phổi

Lung  /lʌŋ/  : phổi

cancer  /ˈkæn.sər/ : Ung thư

Ví dụ: Lung cancer strongly linked to smoking

Water scarcity: Sự thiếu hụt nước

scarcity /ˈskeə.sə.ti/: sự khan hiếm, thiếu hụt

Ví dụ: Water scarcity and pollution are persistent global problems.

Drive someone crazy /draɪv/ /ˈsʌm.wʌn/ /ˈkreɪ.zi/: Khiến ai đó phát điên

Ví dụ: He leaves dirty clothes all over the floor and it's driving me crazy.

Take action /teɪk/ /ˈæk.ʃən/: Hành động (để giải quyết vấn đề)

Ví dụ: We must take action to deal with the problem before it spreads to other areas.

Improve air quality: Cải thiện chất lượng không khí

Improve /ɪmˈpruːv/ : Cải thiện

air /eər/ : không khí

quality /ˈkwɒl.ə.ti/ : chất lượng

Ví dụ: The US said it would share data and tools to help improve air quality.

3. Mẫu 3

If I had to choose one polluted city close to my home, it would be the one closest to me, a small town in the North of China.

I just relocated here after being informed of my mandatory three-year employment commitment. When I initially arrived in this huge metropolis, I was taken away by the extreme degree of pollution present here. It’s a far cry from my hometown’s gorgeous, organized countryside back in the Midwest. Air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution are just a few of the forms of pollution that have become endemic to this area. Numerous vehicles provide a constant stream of noise and pollutants. 

Transportation at rush hour was fraught with danger. Further, some individuals carelessly dump their rubbish in rivers and lakes, therefore it is not hard to locate trash in these public water sources. One of the reasons why garbage is so prevalent in these waterways is because of this. Worse, some businesses are to blame for dumping dirty water and other forms of garbage into rivers, turning many of them into unsanitary cesspools. Pollution, in my view, has a negative impact on people’s day-to-day lives.

Several respiratory diseases, including asthma and lung cancer, have been linked to pollution. The degradation of water supplies can result in shortages in the future, and the incessant cacophony of traffic is enough to drive anyone nuts. Numerous aquatic organisms will be impacted. Since they can’t use the water for either drinking or farming, they risk losing their homes and food sources. There is a possibility that we may lose some of them for good if we do not act quickly. Luckily, the government will fund TV shows or other educational initiatives to raise public awareness about the need of environmental protection and increasing the amount of land covered by trees in urban areas.

Từ vựng:

  • relocated [v]: di dời
  • mandatory [adj]: sự bắt buộc/ràng buộc
  • metropolis [n]: đô thị
  • endemic [adj]: bệnh địa phương
  • cesspools [n]: hầm cầu
  • respiratory diseases [n]: bệnh hô hấp
  • asthma [n]: bệnh hen suyễn
  • lung cancer [n]: ung thư phổi
  • degradation [n]: sự xuống cấp
  • cacophony [n]: tạp âm

4. Mẫu 4

You should say:

  • Where it is
  • When you visited this place
  • What kinds of pollution you saw there And explain how this place was affected

Sample Answer:

Well, if I have to talk about a polluted place I’ve been to, it would be Ho Chi Minh City. It’s located in the Southern part of Vietnam.

I’ve been living here for around 2 years. When I first came here, I was so surprised how polluted the city is. It’s so different from my hometown which is a green and clean rural area. There are many kinds of pollution here: air pollution, water pollution and even noise pollution . There are so many vehicles on the streets and they make noises and emit fumes all the time. It was especially terrible travelling on the street during peak hours . Besides, it’s easy to see trash in rivers and lakes because some people just throw their waste into these community water sources without any awareness of the damage to the surrounding environment. It’s even worse that some factories also dump dirty water and other waste directly into rivers so many of them are black and smelly. I think the pollution affects people’s lives in a negative way.

Air pollution can cause serious respiratory diseases such as asthma or lung cancer . Water is polluted so people may face water scarcity in the future and the noise can drive people crazy because it’s really annoying and distracting. Many animals living in water are also affected, too. They are losing their habitats or food source since the water is contaminated. Some of them may become extinct if we do not take action now. I hope the government will have some kinds of campaigns or TV shows to raise people’s awareness of protecting the environment and plant more trees in the city to improve air quality .

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