Describe a time when someone apologized to you | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3 tổng hợp bài viết về Describe a time when someone apologized to you | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3 giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và đạt điểm cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Describe a time when someone apologized to you | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3

Đề bài IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a time when someone apologized to you

Describe a time when someone apologized to you. You should say:

  • When it was
  • Who this person is
  • Why he or she apologized to you

And how you felt about it.

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a time when someone apologized to you

Bài mẫu 1

Ý tưởng bài mẫu (tiếng Việt)

Thông tin bối cảnh
  • Mua quà Giáng Sinh cho mẹ nhưng người bán hàng gửi nhầm size.
  • Món quà: dép bông đi trong nhà
  • Nơi mua: Lazada, nhà bán hàng quốc tế
Cách giải quyết Liên lạc với nhà bán hàng, nhận lời xin lỗi, nhà bán hàng gửi lại món hàng món hàng đúng size và phiếu giảm giá

Take note trong 1 phút (tiếng Anh)

Setting (who, how, when, where)
  • Time: Last Christmas
  • How: wrong size of an item bought online
  • Who: the shop owner
  • Christmas time last year
  • Shopped online for mom’s present, which was a pair of fuzzy slippers
  • Received the wrong size – baby size
  • Laughed at by mom
  • Contacted the seller and received apology with solutions (got the right size and a discount coupon)

Bài mẫu

I had quite a laughable experience when I shopped for my mom’s Christmas gift last year. I ordered a pair of fuzzy slippers my mom’s size, but when the parcel arrived, it turned out to be ones of a child’s size.

I stumbled upon the pair when I was scrolling through the gift section of Lazada and quickly made an order. They were in velvet shade, with a cross-band and open-toe design that looked fashionable and elegant. They were advertised as “ergonomic pillows under your feet” and would not make one skid on the wooden floor, particularly suitable for my mom who usually walks round and about inside our 4-level home. I thought it would be a perfect gift for my mom. What’s more, I made a bargain because they were also on sale. 

After a few days, my parcel was delivered, and I was super delighted. Then to my disbelief, lying in the box were a pair of baby-sized fuzzy slippers. My feeling at that moment was, needless to say, a bit of a shock. The next thing that happened was I heard my mom burst into laughter. Even though she wouldn’t think I made the wrong order on purpose, the cute baby-sized slippers were still quite an amusing scene to look at to her. She even mocked me while trying them on, but they only fit her two fingers.

After getting over the moment of disbelief mixed with a sense of embarrassment, I contacted the seller to make a return or exchange. I was actually a bit hesitant to do so at first because the shop wasn’t in Vietnam, which means the procedure might be complex. It turned out it wasn’t at all. All I needed to do was, first, talk to the owner of the shop via the customer support section. She politely asked me to send her pictures of the faulty items so that she could verify. As soon as everything had been checked, I immediately received an apology.

Not just so, she then offered me compensation for her shop’s mistake. The correct size of the slippers would be sent to me plus a discount coupon of 30% of the total bill for my next purchase. Once everything had been settled, she apologised again and wished me a merry Christmas. 

I found the way the shop owner handled the situation was prompt and professional. I did come back to the shop to buy more things with the coupon. My mom then also got her correct-sized fuzzy slippers, and she said it had been the most comfortable ones she had ever worn, just as what was advertised.

Từ vựng:

  • laughable (adj): buồn cười
  • fuzzy slippers (n): dép bông đi trong nhà
  • parcel (noun): món quà
  • in velvet shade (phrase): có màu đỏ nhung
  • cross-band (adj): quai ngang
  • Open-toe (adj): hở mũi chân
  • Ergonomic pillow (adj): gối xốp tự điều chỉnh
  • walk round and about (phrase): đi lại xung quanh 
  • make a bargain (phrase): mua được với giá hời
  • to someone’s disbelief (phrase): trước sự bất ngờ của ai đó
  • needless to say (phrase): không cần phải nói ra
  • burst into laughter (phrase): bật cười
  • Amusing (adj:  buồn cười (syn. laughable)
  • a sense of embarrassment (phrase): cảm giác xấu hổ
  • Hesitant (adj): e dè
  • Verify (verb): xác nhận
  • not just so (phrase): không chỉ vậy
  • Compensation (noun): đền bù
  • prompt (adj): kịp thời

Bài mẫu 2

Bài mẫu:

I’d like to talk about a time when someone apologized to me. It happened a few years ago when I was working at a retail store. I had just started my shift and was organizing some items on the shelves when a customer approached me and asked for help finding a specific product. I was happy to assist her and showed her where the product was located.

However, after a few minutes, the customer returned to me and said the product was not what she was looking for. She raised her voice and berated me for not being helpful enough. I was taken aback by her sudden outburst and felt really upset. 

Just then, my manager walked by and noticed the commotion. She immediately stepped in and apologized to the customer on my behalf. She explained that I was new to the job and still learning the ropes and that we would do everything we could to make things right.

The customer eventually calmed down and expressed regret for her behaviour before leaving the store. Later, my manager pulled me aside and reassured me that I was doing a great job, and that I shouldn’t take it personally. She acknowledged the difficult situation and offered words of encouragement, which helped me feel better about the incident.

I felt relieved and grateful for my manager’s support. Her apology made me feel valued as an employee and gave me the confidence to keep working hard. I think it was a good lesson on how to handle difficult customers and how to show empathy towards others.

Từ vựng:

  • Retail store (n): cửa hàng
  • Shift (n): ca làm việc
  • To approach (v): tiếp cận
  • Specific (adj): đặc biệt
  • To berate (v): nhiếc móc
  • To be taken aback (v): bị ai đó, cái gì đó làm sửng sốt
  • Outburst (n): bộc phát (giận dữ)
  • Commotion (n): hỗn loạn, sự ồn ào
  • To step in (v): xen vào
  • On someone’s behalf: thay mặt cho ai đó
  • To learn the ropes: học hỏi cách thức làm một việc gì
  • To pull someone aside: đưa ai sang chỗ khác nói chuyện riêng tư
  • To reassure (v): trấn an
  • Incident (n): sự việc 
  • Relieve (adj): nhẹ nhõm
  • Grateful (n): sự biết ơn
  • To handle (v): kiểm soát
  • Empathy (n): sự đồng cảm

Bài mẫu 3

I’d like to talk about the waiter whom I met at a restaurant near my house last week.

Back then, my friend and I decided to have dinner at a Korean restaurant near my house, as we are both Korean food lovers. I had made a reservation because I was well aware of how famous this restaurant was and how crowded it could be. However, when we arrived at the restaurant, it was full of people, and we had to wait for around 15 minutes.

We were starving at that time and really upset, and I was ready to make a very ugly scene. Yet, as I looked at the waiter, I didn’t have the heart to do so. He looked so young that I guessed he was just a newbie, maybe just a college student doing his part-time job, and it seemed that having to serve so many customers completely drained him. 

Therefore, after some minutes to compose myself, I approached the waiter and politely explained what had happened. 

He panicked at first, but then immediately apologized and prepared a table for us in just a blink of eyes. Seeing that, I really couldn’t be angry at him. 

Before we left, he came to us and said that he’s sorry once again. 

To me, it was forgivable that the waiters made mistakes in such a stressful time, and I really liked how he sincerely apologized and compensated for his mistakes.

Từ vựng:

1.    To make a reservation: đặt chỗ

Ví dụ: I'd like to make a table reservation for two people for nine o'clock.

2.    To starve: cực kỳ đói

Ví dụ: Whole communities starved to death during the long drought.

3.    To make a very ugly scene: gây nên một trận tranh cãi

Ví dụ: I was ready to make a very ugly scene

4.    Do not have the heart to do something: không nỡ làm điều gì đó

Ví dụ: She asked me to go with her and I didn't have the heart to refuse.

5. Newbie: người mới

Ví dụ: The guide helps newbies understand the latest social networking sites and apps.

6. Sincerely: một cách chân thành

Ví dụ: I'm sincerely grateful.

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Describe a time when someone apologized to you

On what occasion do people usually apologize to others?

People usually apologize to others when they make a mistake or cause harm, are running late or have to cancel plans, or want to show respect and maintain positive relationships. Apologizing is a powerful way of acknowledging our mistakes and taking responsibility for our actions, and can help to build trust and compassion in our relationships with others.

  • Harm (n): làm hại, gây hại
  • Maintain (v): gìn giữ
  • Powerful (adj): mạnh mẽ
  • Trust (n): niềm tin, sự tin tưởng (vào ai đó hoặc điều gì đó)
  • Compassion (n): lòng trắc ẩn

Do people in your country like to say “sorry”?

I think in Vietnam, people generally value politeness and respect for others, but the cultural norms around apologizing may differ. In some cases, we Vietnamese may be more reserved when it comes to apologizing, especially in situations where they feel that it might cause us to lose face or damage our reputation. However, this can vary depending on the individual and the specific situation. In general, it is still considered important to show respect and consideration for others, and many people in Vietnam will apologize when they feel that they have made a mistake or caused harm to someone else.

  • To value (v): trân trọng
  • Cultural norms (n): các chuẩn mực văn hóa
  • Politeness (n): sự lịch sự
  • To reserve (v): kín đáo
  • To lose face (v): mất mặt
  • Reputation (n): danh dự
  • Consideration (v): sự kính trọng

Do you think people should apologize for anything wrong they do?

Yes, I believe that people should be sorry for their wrongdoings. Apologizing is an important way of acknowledging our mistakes and taking responsibility for our actions. It shows that we recognize the impact of our manners on others. By apologizing, we can help to restore trust and repair relationships that may have been damaged by our actions. Of course, it is also important to follow up our apology with actions that demonstrate our commitment to making things right.

  • Impact (n): ảnh hưởng
  • Manner (n): hành vi, thái độ
  • Demonstrate (n): thể hiện
  • Commitment (n): sự cam kết

Why do some people refuse to say “sorry” to others?

Some people may refuse to apologise because they feel that it would be an admission of guilt or weakness, they genuinely do not believe that they have done anything wrong, or they have difficulty empathizing with others. Refusing to say sorry can be destructive to both the individual and the relationship, and it is important to cultivate the ability to apologize when we make mistakes in order to promote understanding, compassion, and healthy relationships with others.

  • Admission (n): sự thú nhận
  • Weakness (n): điểm yếu
  • Genuinely (adv): chân thật, thật sự
  • Destructive (adj): phá hủy
  • To cultivate (v): vun đắp
  • To promote (v): khuyến khích, thúc đẩy

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