Describe a photo you took that you are proud of | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3 tổng hợp bài viết về Describe a photo you took that you are proud of bao gồm: Đề bài, bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3 giúp các bạn tham khảo. Từ đó giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và học tốt Tiếng Anh hơn.

Describe a photo you took that you are proud of | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề: Describe a photo you took that you are proud of

You should say:

  • When you took it 
  • Where you took it 
  • What is in this photo

And explain why you are proud of it


(Bối cảnh)

Bức ảnh nhiều năm trước, lần đầu gia đình đi cắm trại vùng hoang dã


(Nội dung)

Đi cùng với một vài gia đình khác

Chuyến đi khá kho khăn, người trẻ giúp người lớn tuổi.

Dựng lều để ngủ 

Chụp cảnh hoàng hôn cùng mọi người và những chiêc lều


(Kết thúc)

Tự hào không những vì bức ảnh như được chụp bởi một nhiếp ảnh gia mà còn vì mọi người đã cùng nhau để có được bức ảnh đó.


Dàn ý Describe a photo you took that you are proud of

  • Trong bài viết chủ đề Describe a photo, ta cần nói qua một chút về bối cảnh trước khi chụp bức ảnh đó như thế nào. Bạn có thể chọn các kỳ nghỉ dưỡng ấn tượng nhất hoặc các sự kiện xảy ra gần nhất để có thể đưa ra nhiều chi tiết hơn vào trong bài Describe a photo. Tuy nhiên, phần này chỉ nên kéo dài trong khoảng 1 – 2 câu để có thể tập trung vào ý chính nhé.
  • Về phần quan trọng nhất trong đề bài Describe a photo, mô tả ảnh, mình có thể kể đến trang phục, cách tạo dáng và nền đằng sau ra sao, liệu có quá trình hậu kỳ không (photoshop hay để tự nhiên). Sau khi tả ảnh xong, ta có thể nói về việc chúng ta sử dụng bức ảnh đó như thế nào. Bạn có thể dựa theo quyết định cá nhân như đăng lên Facebook hoặc giữ bức ảnh cho riêng mình,…
  • Cuối cùng, ta có thể nói về cảm xúc của mình với bức ảnh và liên kết phần này với bối cảnh ban đầu ta đã trình bày trong đề bài Describe a photo.

Bài mẫu tham khảo

Mẫu 1

A photo that I am very proud of is one from many years ago. It was the first time that my family went camping in the wilderness.

A couple of other families came with us, namely the families of some of my friends and of my brothers friends. Most of us were not in great shape and we were all people from the city without a ton of knowledge about living in the wilderness. It took us a few hours of hiking along the river until we found our campsite. It was very difficult, and the younger ones of the troupe had to constantly help the older members over rocks and fallen trees that made it difficult to walk. We had started out into the forest very early in the morning, just after first light of the sun, if I am remembering correctly. It was well after lunch when we arrived at the site which was meant to be our home for the night. After some more time, we got our tents set up so that everyone had a place to sleep, and we lit a fire to cook dinner on. Just as all this hectic work had completed and the fire was burning, one of my mothers friends turned and quickly pointed to the mountain behind us saying “Look at that sunset!”, everyone then turned to look at it. It was this moment that I took a picture of the whole group, our tents, alone in the middle of the forest, beside a clean running river, our simple little fire and this beautiful sunset. 

I am very proud of this picture, not just because it looks like a real photographer took it, but because how well we had all worked together to achieve the scene that it captured.

Mẫu 2

In my senior year of university, I had an intriguing assignment about Language Media. My teammates and I had to make a video reportage to apply the knowledge that we had learned. At the end of the shoot, we took a photo to memorize the course. Since I was not good at taking selfies, I set my phone from afar to capture the whole team.

Besides, If I had held the phone, the picture would have been definitely out of focus. I was lost at the layout in photography, so I told the girls to stand at the center of the camera’s lens. Four of us did a typical posture, the V sign with a smile. And because the concept was Vietnamese news reporters, we wore ao dai, which is the traditional costume for women.

Surprisingly, all of the colors of our outfits matched very well. The process went like clockwork, so our work, both the assignment and the picture, was satisfying. However, the photo was taken in a room with a greenscreen; therefore, I seized the chance and told my teammate to photoshop it just like we were in a real television studio.

Later on, we added the photo at the ending credits of the video assignment for self-encouragement, which was also a wave goodbye to this subject as it was a difficult subject. Luckily, we received a high score for that. I still keep it in my phone just to cherish that moment of pride and happiness.

Một số từ vựng phù hợp với chủ đề

  • Out of Focus: vỡ nét
  • Be lost (adj): không biết
  • Layout (n): bố cục
  • Lens (n): ống kính
  • Posture (n): dáng
  • go like clockwork: tiến triển tốt mà không gặp khó khăn
  • Television studio (n): trường quay truyền hình
  • Ending credit (n): danh đề
  • Cherish (v): trân trọng

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 chủ đề: Photography

1. What are the pros and cons of digital photography?

I think shooting digital pictures brings both benefits and drawbacks for the users. Speaking of the pros, digital cameras use a sensor array to automatically focus on the subject of the photo, which is quite helpful for new learners. Another good point of this type of photography is that we can see the end result of the work immediately. If the shot does not make you feel content, you can always take another one instantly. But every coin has two sides.

Digital cameras have a certain battery limitation, about 3 to 4 hours. In other words, if the photographer wants to use it for a whole day, he will have to carry several backup chargers. That is quite inconvenient in terms of portability.

  • Sensor array (n): màng cảm biến
  • Focus (v): lấy nét
  • Shot (n): bức ảnh
  • Content (adj): hài lòng
  • Portability (n): dễ dàng xách theo

2. Should people share their photographs online? Why/ Why not?

I would say it depends on the different situations. In the marketing field, celebrities posting pictures online to endorse a product is a must to advertise goods. I don’t think there is a problem when a person wants to share their photo when using a service. Infants or small children’s images, however, shouldn’t be exposed to the virtual world as they could become the subject of kidnappers. 

  • Endorse (v): quảng cáo
  • Infant (n): trẻ sơ sinh
  • Be exposed to sth (adj): để lộ

3. Is it necessary to take a course to become a good photographer? Why/ Why not?

In a scene when a person wants to become a professional photographer, he or she ought to undergo formal training. Much of the reason is that having a degree can support the career of a person substantially.

Moreover, photographers-to-be can learn different schools of art so that they can gain inspiration or knowledge about the style that they want to pursue. For people who only consider taking pictures as a recreational activity, I don’t see the drive to engage in such academic curriculum. Well, short-term courses are much suitable for these people.

  • Undergo (v): trải qua
  • Formal (adj): chính quy
  • School (n): trường phái
  • Drive (n): động lực

4. Why do some people like to record important things with photos?

I think this is a simple one. Photographs are incredibly easy nowadays but the world is changing as quickly, if not quicker, than ever. This means that things can come and go before we have realized their importance to us and by taking a lot of photos it allows us to keep important memories, even if we aren’t aware in the moment that they will be important later.

  • come and go /kʌm ænd gəʊ/ : Đến và đi

Ex: She's seen a lot of employees come and go during her time in the company.

5. What can people learn from historical photographs?

That depends a lot of the photo and on the context, but I think that the most important thing for everyone to learn from old photos, with one meaningful exception, is just how much things have improved. While there are many things from the past to romanticize about, it is pretty evident from almost any old photo that our quality of life now is better than their was back then. The exception to this I would say is in pictures of nature, where nature is unquestionably having a more difficult time now than ever before.

  • exception (n) /ɪkˈsepʃn/ : ngoại lệ

Ex: Most of the buildings in the town are modern, but the church is an exception.

  • romanticize (v) /rəʊˈmæntɪsaɪz/: thú vị hóa / hấp dẫn hóa

Ex: Men tell violent tales and romanticize the lessons violence brings.

  • evident (a)/ˈevɪdənt/ : Rõ ràng

Ex: It was evident to me that the mission would fail.

6. Which is better, taking photos or keeping a diary?

Ideally, both should be done if we want to remember everything about our lives for as long as possible, and even more importantly to pass down our own views of our times to those coming after us. I think that keeping photos is probably more of a benefit when considering emotional attachment so a time, place, or person. Though a diary is much more useful for recalling all the complexities of emotions and misunderstanding of a situation.

  • emotional attachment /ɪˈməʊʃənl əˈtæʧmənt/: tình cảm gắn bó

Ex: The goal is to build emotional attachment based on the research you did.

  • diary (n)/ˈdaɪəri/: Nhật kí

Ex: Peter began writing his diary in October last year.

  • complexity (n) /kəmˈpleksəti/: Sự phức tạp

Ex: Only now did he understand the full complexity of the problem.

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