Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member | Bài mẫu + Từ vựng IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3 tổng hợp bài viết về Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member | Bài mẫu + Từ vựng IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3 giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và đạt điểm cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member | Bài mẫu + Từ vựng IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề “Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member”

Đề bài

You should say:

  • When it happened
  • Who the person is
  • What the person did
  • And explain why you felt proud of him/her.

Bài mẫu 1

I'd like to share about the time my mom decided to start her own business. My mother is in her forties now, but she still manages to maintain a youthful appearance. She is an extremely compassionate, kind-hearted and attentive person who always takes care of her children. She is both a mother and a friend to me as she always gives me valuable advice and is always willing to be there for me during all of the ups and downs in my life. The reason that I am so proud of her is because she is such a strong-willed person. Ever since she was a kid, she learnt how to get through hardships herself because my grandparents were always on the go, and I guess her rough childhood has shaped her into who she is today. When she reached her thirties, she decided that she wanted to run her own business, a clothing store. All the members in our family tried to prevent her from doing this since we all thought it was a bad idea because she would be faced with a lot of competition from other nearby shops. But through her determination and perseverance she has managed to make a success out of her business and it really is something for us all to look up to, and I keep reminding myself every day to try to be as strong as my mother, a real-life “wonder woman”. 

Từ vựng

  • maintain a youthful appearance: duy trì một ngoại hình tươi trẻ

maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/ (v): duy trì

youthful /ˈjuːθfl/ (adj): trẻ

appearance /əˈpɪrəns/ (n): ngoại hình, diện mạo.

Ví dụ:

In order to maintain a youthful appearance, she eats a lot of fruit and vegetables.

  • ups and downs: thăng trầm

Ví dụ:

We’ve been best friends for nearly a decade and have been through many ups and downs in life. 

  • strong-willed /ˌstrɔːŋ ˈwɪld/ (adj): cứng cỏi, kiên quyết

Ví dụ:

She was a fiercely independent and strong-willed woman.

  • on the go: bận rộn

Ví dụ:

Having four children keeps her on the go all day.

  • perseverance /ˌpɜːrsəˈvɪrəns/ (n): sự kiên trì

Ví dụ:

They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty.

Bài mẫu 2

When I read this cue card, my little brother is the first person that springs to mind. He has always been the pride of my family and I’d like to talk about the time when he won a gold medal in the local junior science competition last year. 

My 17-year-old little brother, Minh, has shown a keen interest in science since he was a child. He has always been a cut above in his class so I wasn’t surprised at all when he was chosen to showcase his ability in such competitions.

Minh was having a lot on his plate at the time, as he had to be well-prepared for the upcoming competition, while ensuring his academic performances in class. There were times when I saw him burn the midnight oil to finish all his homework and do extra reading, and though he kept saying that he was okay, I knew that he was under a lot of pressure. 

On the day of the competition, our whole family came to encourage Minh and boost his confidence. He had to outperform over 100 other contestants, dealing with 100 nerve-racking questions ranging from Mathematics, Physics to Chemistry to get into the Final round. But not until he was announced to be the winner did the whole crowd reach fever pitch.

As soon as we heard the announcement, we couldn’t help ourselves but burst into tears and ran over to Minh to give him a tight embrace. There were tears of happiness in his eyes and he kept expressing his gratitude for us being by his side. Words could not describe how much we were all proud of him at that very moment.

Despite possessing an inborn talent, Minh always stays humble and shows an unparalleled dedication and stamina in everything he does. I am so proud of him, not just because of the gold medal he had achieved, but the time and effort he invested were what actually mattered. 

Từ vựng

  • Spring to mind: xuất hiện ngay trong đầu
  • Show a keen interest in thích thú 
  • A cut above (n): người vượt trội hẳn so với những người khác
  • Have a lot on one’s plate: bận rộn
  • Burn the midnight oil: thức đêm học bài/ làm việc
  • Nerve-racking (adj): căng não
  • Reach fever pitch: vỡ oà, chạm đến cao trào
  • Burst into tears: bật khóc 
  • Embrace (n): cái ôm 
  • Gratitude (n): sự biết ơn  
  • Inborn talent (n): tài bẩm sinh 
  • Unparalleled (adj): không thể sánh bằng 
  • Dedication/ stamina (n): lòng quyết tâm 

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Feeling proud 

1. When would parents feel proud of their children?

The way I see it, parents are proud of children when they achieve their own goals, whether it be saying their first word, taking their first step, getting an A in class, graduating from college, getting their first job, or buying their first house. Parents, in general, develop a sense of well-being seeing their children mature every day, and no matter how big or minor the achievement might be, they are deliriously happy. That is, undoubtedly, the beauty of parental love. 

  • Sense of well-being (n): cảm giác hạnh phúc
  • Mature (v): trưởng thành
  • Deliriously happy (adj): vô cùng vui sướng, hạnh phúc

→ Liệt kê vài hành động của con cái khiến cha mẹ tự hào, và khẳng định rằng dù thành tựu đó lớn hay nhỏ cũng đều khiến cha mẹ cảm thấy vui và hạnh phúc. 

2. Should parents reward children? Why and how?

Yes, definitely. Parents should reward their little ones for their achievements and hard work. A little pat on one’s back suggests that their effort has been recognized, and this would develop a sense of achievement among children, encouraging them to keep up the good work in the future. Parents see rewards as a way to get kids going in the right direction on the path to establishing good habits. The reward shouldn’t necessarily be money or material goods, but parents can reward children by showing them affection, praising them, or giving them extra time with a favorite activity. 

  • Pat on one’s back: cái vỗ lưng (ý chỉ hành động khen)
  • Sense of achievement (n): cảm giác đạt được thành tựu
  • Affection (n): tình yêu thương
  • Praise (v): khen ngợi 

→ Câu hỏi gồm 3 ý lớn, nên cần trả lời đầy đủ cho cả 3: Khẳng định có/ không; Giải thích lý do vì sao (động viên con trẻ, giúp trẻ có thêm niềm vui từ đó tiếp tục những thói quen tốt,…); Gợi ý cách thức (thể hiện tình thương, khen ngợi, cho trẻ làm những hoạt động yêu thích,…)

3. Is it good to reward children too often? Why?

Well, it is true that there are things regarded as personal responsibilities. It is thought by many people that giving rewards too often for achievements children “should do anyway” may undermine such duties and open up having to negotiate constantly with kids. They certainly don’t need rewards for every single good behavior or every small task they perform.

However, as I said, there are plenty of rewards that don’t cost any money. Free rewards and incentives are just as effective in providing motivation for kids. Allowing children to earn a later bedtime, choose a special meal or pick a game to play is enough to make them feel on top of the world. 

  • Undermine (v): phá hỏng, đục khoét 
  • Negotiate (v): đàm phán
  • Constantly (adv): liên tục
  • Be on top of the world: cảm thấy cực kì vui sướng

→ Nêu ra những tác động tiêu cực của việc thưởng cho trẻ quá thường xuyên (làm trẻ mất tính trách nhiệm, dựa dẫm vào vật chất,…). Tuy nhiên có thể mở rộng ý theo hướng phần thưởng không nhất thiết phải là tiền/ hiện vật mà còn được thể hiện dưới những dạng giá trị tinh thần khác. 

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