Describe someone in your family who you really admire | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3 tổng hợp bài viết về Describe someone in your family who you really admire giúp các bạn tham khảo. Từ đó giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và học tốt Tiếng Anh hơn.

Describe someone in your family who you really admire | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3

Bài mẫu Part 2

1. Bài mẫu 1

Describe a family member who you really admire. You should say:

  • What their relationship is to you;
  • What they have done in their life;
  • What they do now.

And explain why you admire them so much.

Well, it’s kinda hard for me to choose one family member only because I love them all so much, but considering what springs to my mind at the moment, I would like to describe my mom.

My mom is actually in her fifties now, but I must say she has been extremely youthful despite all of her wrinkles and gray hair. Actually, my mom is a very industrious and hard-working person. She always starts the day at around 6am every morning, in order to have a quick breakfast and go to work.

Actually, she has retired for 2 years now but she has been working for her own healthcare center since then, which is something that I am so proud of. Specifically speaking, my mom used to be a renowned doctor in my city, as she was a chairwoman of a medical center which majors in maternal and children healthcare. 

She has always been an absolute role model for me, as portrayed in the way that she works, takes care of her children, everything. She is not only a mom but also a best friend to me. She is always the one for me to come to for advice; although the generation gap between me and her is quite big, she always seems to be extremely understanding and sympathetic to me.

I guess I am most influenced by her strong-will. According to some stories that my mom once told me, she has learnt to be independent ever since she was in her teenage years, because my grandparents were constantly up to their ears with their farming work. Therefore, she had learnt to take care of everything in the house, from her siblings to the household chores, and even herself. Such difficulties have shaped her to become such an inspiring woman to her children, her family and her colleagues, as she is now. 

Overall, I love my mom and my family endlessly and I always try to remind myself everyday to be as strong as my mom. 

Từ vựng:

  • Springs to my mind (phrase): dùng để nói về những ý nảy ra ngay trong đầu khi nhận được topic
  • Youthful (adj): trẻ trung
  • Industrious (adj): cần cù, chăm chỉ
  • Wrinkle (n): nếp nhăn
  • Retire (v): nghỉ hưu
  • Renowned (adj): nổi tiếng
  • Chairwoman (n): giám đốc (nữ)
  • Maternal healthcare (phrase): chăm sóc sức khỏe cho các bà mẹ
  • portrayed in the way that … (phrase): được thể hiện qua cách mà..
  • Understanding (adj): thấu hiểu
  • Strong-will (n): ý chí, nghị lực cao
  • In teenage years (phrase): những năm tháng niên thiếu
  • Up to their ears (idiom): bận rộn
  • Endlessly (adv): vô tận

2. Bài mẫu 2

1. One-minute preparation:

Mom- strong family base- memories with absolute clarity.

When younger, Always take around-the-clock care : babbling, walking, riding …

Older, consciously, thinks ahead of herself, well-loved and well-educated upbringing.

Trivial arguments: childish. But mom calm, hold tight and suggest resolution.

House-building/ home-feelings.

2. Sample Answer

“The person that springs to my mind immediately is my Mother. I think I should start by saying that being given birth is the most wonderful thing that’ve ever happened on earth. She is the one i can’t ever thank enough

You probably heard it once that Vietnamese people have a very strong family base. So I’m gonna portrait my Mom and my relationship with her so you gonna picture it in a more vivid way. Every single memory with her comes to me with an absolute clarity. I could bring back all details of her, in retrospect, when I was a little child, my Mom was always there right behind me, just to make sure I was alright at all times. She took an around-the-clock care for me when I started babbling, started learning to walk, and when started riding a bike. I mean, every moments in my childhood were entangled with her.

And when I grow older, I become more conscious of what Mom have done to me. She always thinks of me ahead of herself, she could do whatever it takes no matter how tough it is just to bring me the best: a very well-loved and well-educated upbringing. I was like a little bird being protected in my Mom’s nest.

And the thing is, you know there were always some trivial arguments that are definitely unavoidable. Because you know, my childish characteristics always make me throw a tantrum at a ridiculous thing, but she always stays calm, she holds me tight asks me what happened and suggests me what could be done to solve my problems , she is the most active listener in the whole world.

It is said that House is just a building, but home is about our feelings. so that’s the point i’m trying to make during my speech. So if I still have more time, i would probably tell you more in-depth about some memorable events in my childhood with my Mom and my family”

3. Vocabulary

Spring to so’s mind: nghĩ đến ngay lập tức

Be given birth: đc sinh ra

Portrait: phác hoạ

Vivid: rõ nét

Bring back: nhắc lại/ nhớ lại

In retrospect: hồi tưởng lại

Around-the-clock care: sự chăm sóc thường trực.

Be entangled with something: be twisted with something

Think of someone ahead of yourself: nghĩ về ng khác hơn cả bản thân

Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Family

1. In what ways have families in your country changed recently?

As our society is developing constantly, everything is changing around us, and the family structure is not an exception. I guess one of the major shifts is that the traditional extended family model is gradually replaced by the nuclear version. In other words, instead of many generations living under one roof like in the past, smaller households with only parents and children have become much more common. 

  • Constantly (adv): liên tục, không ngừng
  • Shift (n): sự chuyển đổi
  • Extended family (phrase): gia đình có nhiều thế hệ sống chung với nhau
  • Nuclear family (phrase): gia đình hạt nhân
  • Live under one roof (phrase): chung sống dưới cùng 1 mái nhà
  • Household (n): hộ gia đình

2. Should husbands and wives have different roles within the family? Why (not)?

Yes, I do definitely think that the husband and wife in a family should equally share different responsibilities and duties. The gender-based role division is such an outdated norm that it is gradually diminishing in our society nowadays. Therefore, I believe that the idea of who does what does not really matter, what really does is the mutual understanding and respect between the spouses. 

  • Gender-based role division (phrase): sự phân chia công việc dựa theo giới tính
  • Outdated (adj): lỗi thời
  • Norm (n): chuẩn mực của xã hội
  • Diminish (v): biến mất
  • Mutual (adj): chung (về sự thấu hiểu, tôn trọng,..)
  • Spouse (n): vợ chồng

3. Which are more important to you: your family or your friends?

It is really hard to answer as family and friends are both important in certain aspects of our life. One cannot survive without a family because family is where we belong. Moreover, friends seem to be the reflection of our own characteristics as we tend to rely on them for mental support. However, I believe that the significance of both family and friends are equally the same, therefore comparing them is such an unnecessary thing to do. 

  • Reflection (n): sự phản chiếu

4. What are the values of family in your country?

“Family is where our roots take hold and from there we grow. I believe that family values don’t differ from country to country and allow me to say that they should be the same throughout the world. The most essential values are the so-called moral values shaped by our family since we were kids, I mean, those values which enable people to draw plausible distinctions between right and wrong, good and bad, true and false. Besides, family is also a solid mental support that we can always come back with our ups and downs in life”

Từ vựng :

Moral value Giá trị đạo đức
Plausible Đúng đắn, hợp lý
Ups and downs Thăng trầm cuộc sống

5. How family bonding is necessary for happiness in life?

“Strong family bonds are the secret to internal happiness because it’s the only source of unconditional love. It’s something that gives you the sense of belonging and appreciation and helps to create a sense of comfort and trust which are the origin of happiness. Family closeness leads people to have a fulfilling and flourishing life. This can be justified by the fact that those kids who enjoy strong family bonding tend to be happier and mentally healthier that those who are in a dysfunctional family environment. After all, who knows you better than your own family right?”

Từ vựng :

Bond Liên kết, kết nối
Fulfilling and flourishing life Cuộc sống đủ đầy và hạnh phúc
Justify Chứng minh, minh chứng
Dysfunctional Không binh thường, xa cách

6. How family value and bonding have changed over the last decade?

“Yeah, I can admit that this sacred notion has somehow lost its meaning in the last ten -15 years. Quarrels between couples are a frequent occurrence and because women are financially independent, they don’t step back like they did many years ago. Parents and children can hardly spend time together because of their own priority. And I think one of the principal cause that has led to this situation is the internet and smart phone. When family members have some spare time they prefer to consume it by going online instead of having some family conversations. For example, yesterday, I saw a mother with 2 of her daughters and they curiously kept asking their mom about everything happening around them but she didn’t answer any of it, instead she allowed them to play games on her phone just to shut them up. I feel like she just ruined the tiny tinny family bondings left between her and her kids”

Từ vựng :

Sacred notion Khái niệm thiêng liêng
Quarrel Cãi vã, trang cãi

7. What type of family do you like? Nuclear family or joint family?

“That’s a really interesting question actually! My personal opinion is that a nuclear family is much more preferable compared to a joint family because anything that it is possible to happen in this type of family is manageable and less complicated than when you live in an extended family which includes grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on, especially with generation gaps, frequent arguments is unavoidable. Therefore, I strongly believe that a family only with mum, dad and siblings works better for me”

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