Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3 tổng hợp bài viết về Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3 giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và đạt điểm cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting

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IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting

You should say: 

  • who the person is 
  • how you knew him/her 
  • what kind of person he/she is
  • and explain why you think he/she is interesting

Bài mẫu 1: 

I am going to talk about Komuro Mako, who was a princess in Japan until recently. She had to give up her royal title to marry her long-time boyfriend, who is a commoner. I didn’t really know about Japan’s marital practices. However, from what I’ve read, when a Japanese woman marries, she must change her last name to that of her husband. Since her husband is just a regular citizen, she also becomes one. The wedding has attracted so much drama and the couple must have been under much pressure.

A little bit more on Mako, I just got to know her from what the press has written about as well as the videos I’ve seen on social media. To me, she looks like what I expect from a princess. She’s always well-dressed in an elegant way and not too showy. Her demeanour is calm and when she answers the press, her gesture is polite and composed. She seems to be highly educated, in fact, her husband is her college sweetheart, whom she referred to as “irreplaceable” in an interview.

The reason why I’m interested in her is that her story seems like a modern-day fairy tale. She and her husband have endured so much just to be together. It’s very brave of her to follow her heart. That’s something that the rest of us can learn from. I wish her all the best with her new life. 

Từ vựng:

  • to give up (phrasal verb): từ bỏ
  • royal title (adj n): tước hiệu hoàng tộc
  • marital (adj): (thuộc về) hôn nhân
  • practice (n):
  • to be under pressure: chịu áp lực
  • well-dressed (adj): 
  • elegant (adj): sang trọng, quý phái
  • showy (adj): 
  • demeanour (n): thái độ, cử chỉ
  • gesture (n): cử chỉ (hình thể)
  • composed (adj): điềm đạm
  • college sweetheart : mối tình từ thời đại học
  • fairy tale : chuyện cổ tích 

Bài mẫu 2:

Well, I like to watch competitive sports so most of the foreigners that I know are professional sportspeople from other countries. So, I’d like to talk about one of the highest-paid athletes in the world, Floyd Mayweather, a professional boxer from America.

 A few years ago, I read an article about a boxing fight between two very famous boxers at that time. One of them was Floyd Mayweather. He was described in the newspaper as the “Fighter of the Decade”, “The unstoppable”, or “the greatest boxer of all time”. These names really impressed me so I decided to do a bit of research on him. As it turned out, he was very similar to what I expected. 

He is a true champion, winning numerous major world championships. I also found that Mayweather is one of the most lucrative pay-per-view attractions of all time, in any sport. So unsurprisingly, he was the highest-paid athlete in 2018. So I watched the match that I was talking about. His boxing skills were outstanding. He was the best defensive boxer I have ever seen. I mean, he moved his body very smoothly so that he could dodge all of the opponent’s attacks. Besides that, he was also an accurate puncher. With all of these characteristics, I think that he must endure strenuous training sessions and have a strict high-protein diet. 

I would love to meet him and if I could, I would love to listen to all of the difficulties that he had to face on the road to stardom.


(Bối cảnh)

  • Đọc báo về trận đấu boxing nổi tiếng

  • Ấn tượng với những cái tên


(Nội dung)

  • Mayweather là một nhà vô địch

  • Kiếm được nhiều tiền

  • Kĩ thuật vượt trội

  • Trải qua khổ luyện


(Kết thúc)

  • Muốn lắng nghe câu chuyện của anh ta

Từ vựng:

  • Competitive sports /kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv spɔːts/: những môn thể thạo mạo hiểm

I have always regarded competitive sport as important in my children's education.

  • As it turned out (idiom): diễn ra như dự kiến

As it turned out, the weather—and the whole weekend—was perfect. 

  • Champion /ˈtʃæmpiən/: nhà vô địch

He became the youngest US Open champion in 88 years.

  • lucrative /ˈluːkrətɪv/ sinh lời

Had the plan worked, it would have proved highly lucrative.

  • Outstanding /aʊtˈstændɪŋ/: rất tốt

It was altogether an outstanding achievement.

  • dodge /dɑːdʒ/: né tránh

He ran across the road, dodging the traffic.

  • Stardom /ˈstɑːr.dəm/ trở thành ngôi sao

From childhood, Britney Spears seemed destined for stardom.

  • Defensive /dɪˈfensɪv/: phòng ngự

These are purely defensive measures.

Bài mẫu Part 3: Foreigner

1. Do you have any foreign friends and do you think having foreign friends is a good way to know other countries?

Oh, I’ve got many friends from all sorts of countries since I used to frequent cultural exchange clubs in my city. Ever since the Covid Pandemic became dangerous, I’ve moved on to meeting people online using language exchange platforms. I’ve got the opportunity to teach people about my language and culture and receive others’ in return. 

  • to frequent (v): thường đến, lui tới
  • cultural exchange club: câu lạc bộ trao đổi văn hóa 
  • move on to doing sth (phrasal verb): đổi sang, chuyển sang, thay đổi (sang kế hoạch khác)

2. Do you think it’s important to know the culture and language before going to another country?

Yes, it’s absolutely crucial to at least have essential knowledge about the customs as well as the taboos of a culture if you’re planning on travelling there. You will represent your country and culture there as well, so it is a must that you follow what they consider polite and good and avoid making a fool of yourself. As for the language, I think it’s a plus and a good way to show respect but it can be quite difficult to master a language. Besides, you can hire a local interpreter and create a job in the process. 

  • crucial (adj): quan trọng
  • custom (n): tục lệ
  • taboo (n): điều cấm kị
  • to represent (v): đại diện
  • to make a fool of oneself (idiom): làm bản thân trông ngốc nghếch
  • interpreter (n): thông dịch viên

3. What do you think of people who work in international companies?

In my country, they are seen as having lucrative professions and are regarded as highly skilled labourers because they can work and  communicate with foreigners. In order to work in an international environment, they ought to have great language skill and also excellent cultural sensitivity.

  • lucrative (adj): hời, làm ra nhiều tiền
  • highly skilled (adv adj): trình độ cao
  • cultural sensitivity (adj n): sự nhạy bén/nhạy cảm về mặt văn hóa.

4. What abilities do people need to have when working in an international company?

Apart from what I’ve just mentioned, being technologically literate is needed here. They have to communicate with their partners and co-workers overseas so they have to send hundreds of emails every month. Knowing your way  around with a computer really helps. 

  • apart from : ngoài ra
  • technologically literate (adv adj): thành thạo về công nghệ
Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3 - Ảnh 1
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