Describe an important choice you had to make in your life | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3 tổng hợp và giới thiệu bài viết về Describe an important choice you had to make in your life trong đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3 giúp bạn ôn luyện và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Describe an important choice you had to make in your life | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3

You should say

  • when you had to make this choice
  • what you had to choose between
  • whether you made a good choice
  • and explain how you felt when you were making this choice.

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2

Mẫu 1

I don’t have the best track record when it comes to decision making in my life, when I graduated from high school I was faced with the biggest decision yet, what should I study. It’s not a decision I took lightly and it kept me up many a night as I couldn’t entirely wrap my head around deciding what to do for the rest of my life. My friends all around me seemed so sure about their choices and that just sank me deeper into my frustration. I attempted to be proactive about this and narrow down my choices by talking to my family and friends, attempting to figure out what I’m really good at or what choices I should look into, but didn’t get very far, so I eventually went for one of those aptitude tests.

I thought that would hit the nail on the head finally. Unfortunately the results did not particularly scratch my itch for a career choice. My parents were very supportive and tried to help as best they could, but it was my mother who made the deepest impact on me though. She told me that she went through a hard time herself when trying to pick a career, and she ended up changing her choice halfway through her studies after becoming disillusioned with the path set in front of her.

That made me relax a little about my own upcoming decision, I stopped seeing it as something written in stone and more like a line in the sand, since I now knew that no matter what happened I would have my parent’s support. In the end I chose as best as I could and went on to study graphic design after testing the waters in other careers for my first year of university. I think I made the appropriate choice for me at the time and I am pretty happy where that decision has taken me in life, even when that path has taken me to some pretty odd places.




wrap head around

/rap hɛd əˈraʊnd/ 


suy nghĩ triền miên về điều gì, hiểu được điều gì



quẫn trí



chủ động, tích cực



năng khiếu

hit the nail on the head

/hɪt ðə neɪl ɒn ðə hɛd/ 

nói ra điều chính xác

scratch itch

/skratʃ ɪtʃ/ 


giải quyết vấn đề



ảo tưởng, u mê

test the water

/tɛst ðə ˈwɔːtə/ 

thử, trải nghiệm điều gì

Mẫu 2

I have made many decisions in my life and some of them were really backbreaking for me, I have taken those decisions sometimes alone and sometimes discussing with my parents and friends.

The decision that seems crucial to me was the time when I decided to pursue commerce rather than law.

My mother wanted me to get admitted to the Gujarat University for LLB and do my graduation in LLB while my fascination was studying in Bachelors of commerce.

I had made this decision on my own when I was just 18 years old and at the same time I had finished my 12th grade.

My dad had not forced me to do anything, instead, he told me to do what I thought was best for me and for my brighter future.

My neighbors even some of my friends thought that I was a fool and too immature to make that big decision for myself.
Nonetheless, after considering several troubles and perspectives I had decided to get myself admitted in a university that offers best graduation in Bachelors in commerce.

I am happy that I made this decision. I am yet to finish my graduation but throughout the last 3 years I have enjoyed studying advanced level of commerce and I am doing quite well academically.
Making the decision is not really piece of cake and I had to go through an arduous time.

I did fight a lot with my inner self and then convinced my mother to let me do what I really wanted to do. There has always been a danger of failing when you choose alternatives for you. The decision which I made was my own. My parents would have gone berserk   if I had not made a promising result.

I can remember the suspicious feelings I had at that time. Sometimes it seemed to me that I should leave my passion and yield to my parent’s decision but then again I strongly felt I should stick for my own choice and passion.

Since, I had made my own decision at that time and I strongly worked on myself that I have to do my best and I am happy that I took my decision and doing great so far.

  • Unorthodox: Opposite to traditional views and beliefs
  • Pursue: Follow a plan or study with working hard
  • Backbreaking: hard task, very difficult to do.
  • Fascination: interest, passion
  • Piece of cake: a task which is really easy to do.
  • Crucial: very important
  • Arduous: difficult, a task which requires a lot effort.
  • Berserk: Furious and angry
  • Suspicious: dubious, doubtful
  • Yield : Surrender

Mẫu 3

Life perhaps would be a lot easier for us if we didn’t have to make any choices in life. But, then life is not meant to be easy, so we are forced to make choices at some points in order to meet the demands of time, just like I did about a few years ago.

I am not exactly an ambitious person who likes to achieve or acquire material things of life by hook or by crook. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I am a lazy person either. It is just that I don’t like too many complexities and commotions in and around my life which would push me too far away from my family and friends. But, that’s exactly what was about to happen to me, and that’s what I had thought when I was promoted at my office about a few years ago.

The promotion, of course, was offered to me with a better salary package and other benefits, but it also came with greater responsibilities and risks – responsibilities and risks which sure would give me more headaches and sleepless nights than I could perhaps handle. Besides, what else also had worried me about the promotion that I would need to stay away from my family for a brief period of time every once in a while. Now, I had to choose either to accept the promotion or stay in the same position. But, after giving it a lot of careful thoughts and consideration, I decided that I would rather live with a smaller paycheck than unnecessary headaches and health risks.

Anyway, as I was making this choice, I was a bit worried about its possible outcome or ramification, thinking that perhaps such a choice would hurt me professionally and financially later on. Besides, I was also asking myself if I was being too lazy or scared of extra responsibilities. But, in the end, I stuck with my choice because it was a good one in the greater scheme of things. A couple of years later, I got an even better job and a higher position without leaving my family and doing things that I always wanted to do.

Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 chủ đề: Life Choices

1. What are the typical choices people make at different stages of their lives?

I believe life consists of a series of choices to be made, most of them are in our hands and some are chosen for us, but at the end of the day, it’s the only way to move forward. I would say there are three major decisions that are typically taken. First we choose our career path and in doing so chose to study close to home or to go far away. We also have to make a choice when it comes to how much we study, do we stop at attaining a degree or do we go for a masters degree? Secondly, we are also faced with an important decision when it comes to work, we need to decide whether we take a job working for someone or whether we put our nose to the grindstone and start our own business. And finally there are the typical adulthood milestones which bring a series of choices to be made. Apartment or house, children or no children, should you have any pets, and so on. And it goes without mention all the small choices that we make on a daily basis can reverberate into our future unexpectedly.






đạt đến

nose to the grindstone

/nəʊz tə ðə ˈɡrʌɪn(d)stəʊn/

làm việc chăm chỉ lâu năm



cột mốc



có ảnh hưởng dội lại


2. Should important choices be made by parents rather than by young adults?

There comes a point in life where we should be in charge of our own decisions and young adults should try to make as many decisions as they can on their own. Of course they should be able to consult with parents or other adults in order to make an informed decision and to benefit of their experience. At the end of the day however, the decision should be taken by them so they take ownership of those decisions, their result and consequences. That way they can begin to learn to make choices on their own which will prepare them for a time when they must live alone and not have the safety net of a parent behind them.






hỏi ý kiến


3. Why do some people like to discuss choices with other people?

In a word I would summarize it as uncertainty. People discuss with others because they are filled with uncertainty and so look for advice in order to reduce that and make a better choice. The fact is that opening up a topic for discussion can help see solutions or choices that weren’t immediately apparent to them at first. It can bring us the benefit of others’ experiences and show us what benefits or risks they have gone through as a way to try and foresee outcomes for ourselves.






tóm tắt



sự không chắc chắn



rõ ràng


4. What kind of choices do people have to make in their everyday life?

People are faced with choices on a daily basis, from things as simple as what attire to wear to what your meals will be. You can also have a choice in transportation if you don’t your own vehicle. Depending on how far away from work you live, you could ride a bicycle, use public transportation or some sort of carpooling app. You might also have to choose how much to spend on essential groceries versus snacks, always a difficult decision. These are usually very familiar choices we’re at ease with and rarely shock us.






trang phục



gọi xe



dễ dàng


5. Why do some people choose to do the same things every day? Are there any disadvantages in this?

I think we are quite simply creatures of habit, we choose to stick to a routine because it requires less thought from our part, it makes things simpler inside our own little comfort zone. This mindset however causes us to dismiss new things and experiences as that could rock the boat too much and bring conflicts into their lives. Unfortunately that also means that growth stagnates, you stop trying to experience new things which could improve daily living.




comfort zone

/ˈkʌmfət zəʊn/ 

vùng an toàn



bài trừ, loại bỏ

rock the boat

/rɒk ðə bəʊt/ 

gây xáo trộn tình hình



trì trệ


6. Do you think that people today have more choices to make than in the past?

I would have to agree with that statement. We live in a world where society and technology have developed at an unexpected pace, which makes us have more choices and make it feel more overwhelming to a lot of people and expectations run high. A simple choice like where to eat might have been easy in the past, but now the amount of choices is so vast, that it seems complicated than it really is. And I believe it’s the same thing for choices that should be simple, we’ve made them seem more complicated than they really are by overloading our minds with choices.






choáng ngợp



gánh nặng, chồng chất lên

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