Describe an important event in your life | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 2 (2025) tổng hợp và giới thiệu bài viết về Describe an important event in your life trong bài thi IELTS Speaking part 2, giúp bạn ôn luyện và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Describe an important event in your life | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 2

Bài mẫu về chủ đề: Describe an important event in your life

1. Mẫu 1

Describe an important event in your life that you celebrated.

You should say:

  • What the event was
  • When it happened
  • Who attended the event

And explain how you feel about the event

Bài mẫu:

I would love to tell you about one of the most important events in my life, which is my 18th birthday. 

By that time, I had just graduated from high school and was a freshman. This was such a turning point in my life – I had to leave my hometown behind to move to a new city where I knew almost no one. I was kinda clueless about my future without family and closest friends by my side. 

And there came my birthday. Luckily it was on weekends so I decided to return home to celebrate it with people I loved. That event indeed refreshed me. Once again, I was surrounded by my family and friends whom I had always missed from far away. 

What happened was that we had meaningful conversations. In these conversations, I had a chance to express all my feelings, like how homesick I was, and how lonely I felt when I was in a new environment. My parents and friends encouraged me a lot by saying that I got their back anywhere anytime. They would always be there for me. 

From that moment on, I realized that I had grown up with much love and support. I felt bigger and stronger. Thanks to that, it can be difficult to stay away from them, but I feel like I can stand on my own feet.

Từ vựng và các collocation trong bài

  • turning point: bước ngoặt
  • clueless: không biết gì, mơ hồ, hoang mang
  • by my side: bên cạnh tôi, kề vai sát cánh bên tôi
  • had meaningful conversations: đã có những cuộc trò chuyện ý nghĩa
  • had a chance to: đã có cơ hội để 
  • got their back: có sự hỗ trợ giúp đỡ của họ
  • be there for me: ở bên tôi
  • stand on my own feet: tự đứng trên đôi chân của mình

2. Mẫu 2

I’ve had my fair share of exhilarating and unforgettable moments, but the one that really stands out must be the first time I participated in a singing competition. 

If my memory serves me right, it all took place in September of 2018. Out of the blue, my friend sent me an application form for a singing contest to be launched in the following month. I ran my eyes through the whole page without really registering the information, since the big headline in bold, fancy font “SINGING COMPETITION” already put me off.

I knew I had a certain knack for singing, but joining any kinds of competitive events has never been in my bucket list. My friend, however, spent days persuading me, insisting how the competition was small-scale and all chill. In the end, the passion to sing won my inherent stage fright. I crossed my fingers and applied. 

The competition was held by my school for the students, so most of the contestants were people I was already acquaintances with. We had three rounds, each of which a performance in a different genre must be prepared. As I absolutely adored neo soul, RnB as well as musicals at the time, I decided to perform songs in these styles. The preparation process was, to be honest, mentally taxing.

Searching for appropriate songs that could show off my voice strengths, yet still resonated with my thoughts was hard, but directing the stage – as in deciding on what I should do or dress in, or if any choreography was needed, was even more challenging. Not only did I lack the experience, I also had performance anxiety. A lot of the times, I felt very let down by my own shortcomings and wanted to quit because it seemed like my efforts were in vain. 

I am so glad that I pulled through it all, though, because the performances were really worth it. I believe I managed, in a very short span of time, to come up with what were possibly the best performances in my capability.

As I finished all the songs, I realized that while there were rooms for improvement, I was on cloud nine throughout and there was no remorse, just pride of what I achieved. I didn’t win any big prize, but I got so many fond memories and also the confidence to pursue my interests thanks to the competition. The event itself was so indelible that September and October becomes my favorite time of the year, since it always is a trip down the memory lane for me, and an especially precious one, too. 

Từ vựng:

  • fair share of something (n): có nhiều cái gì
  • exhilarating (a): phấn khích
  • out of the blue (idiom): đột nhiên
  • to run one’s eyes through something (v): đọc lướt qua 
  • register (v): ghi nhận, ghi nhớ
  • fancy (a): đẹp mắt, màu mè
  • put somebody off (phrasal verb): khiến ai đó mất đi hứng thú
  • have a knack for something (idiom): có tài năng, có kĩ năng trong một lĩnh vực nào đó
  • bucket list (n): danh sách mục tiêu muốn đạt được
  • Insist (v): khẳng định
  • Small-scale (a): quy mô nhỏ
  • inherent (a): bản năng, bẩm sinh
  • stage fright = performance anxiety (phr): sợ sân khấu/ sợ biểu diễn
  • cross my fingers (idiom): cầu may mắn
  • Neo soul (n): nhạc Tân Soul
  • Musicals (n): nhạc kịch
  • Mentally taxing (a): mệt mỏi về mặt tinh thần
  • show off (phrasal verb): thể hiện, khoe ra
  • Resonate (v): cộng hưởng
  • Let down (v): làm cho thất vọng
  • My efforts were in vain (phr): nỗ lực của tôi là vô ích
  • pulled through (phrasal verb): vượt qua
  • Worth it (phr): xứng đáng
  • A very short span of time (n): trong một khoảng thời gian rất ngắn
  • Rooms for improvement (n): còn có thể cải thiện
  • On cloud nine (idiom): hạnh phúc
  • Remorse (n): hối hận, nuối tiếc
  • Indelible (a): đáng nhớ
  • A trip down the memory lane (idiom): du hành về miền ký ức

Một số từ vựng chủ đề Describe an important event in your life

1. Cấu trúc câu

Cấu trúc câu để nói về cảm giác khi sự kiện xảy ra

  • …gave me sense of achievement: …. cho tôi cảm giác thành tích
  • nervous: lo lắng
  • anxious: lo lắng
  • embarassed: xấu hổ
  • delighted: vui mừng
  • over the moon: rất vui
  • terrified: kinh hoàng
  • surprised: ngạc nhiên
  • …come as a surprise to someone: …. là một bất ngờ cho ai đó
  • Looking back at it,……….: Khi nhìn lại hồi đó, ……….
  • I still remember vividly / I can still recall vividly …: Tôi vẫn nhớ rất rõ / Tôi vẫn có thể nhớ lại một cách sống động
  • Regarding my feelings about that event, ….: Về cảm nhận của tôi về sự kiện đó, ….

Cấu trúc câu miêu tả diễn biến của sự kiện

  • Moving on to the details, …
  • Moving onto what happened on that day, ….
  • After that/ Later on/ Subsequently, …
  • Next/ Following that,…
  • Once …..had been finished, ….

Cấu trúc câu để giải thích vì sao nó là một sự kiện đáng nhớ

  • The reason why …. is one of my most memorable events is that ….: lí do tại sao … là một trong những sự kiện đáng nhớ nhất của tôi là…
  • What makes …… such an unforgettbale/ special event is that …: điều khiến …. một sự kiện không thể quên/ đặc biệt đó là …
  • There are several things that made ….. such a memorable day.: có một vài điều khiến …. một ngày đáng nhớ của tôi
  • Turning point: bước ngoặt
  • ….is one of the most important milestones in everyone’s life: … là một trong những cột mốc quan trọng trong cuộc đời mỗi người
  • It marked the transition from… to ….: nó đánh dấu bước chuyển giao từ … sang …

2. Từ vựng nói về cảm xúc

  • Anger – giận dữ

Disgust – kinh tởm: Contempt, disgust, revulsion

Envy – ganh tỵ: Envy, jealousy

Exasperation – bực tức: Exasperation, frustration

Irritation – khó chịu: Aggravation, agitation, annoyance, grouchiness, grumpiness, irritation

Rage – nổi giận: Anger, bitterness, dislike, ferocity, fury, hate, hostility, loathing, outrage, rage, resentment, scorn, spite, vengefulness, wrath

Torment – dày vò: Torment

  • Fear – sợ hãi

Horror – kinh hoàng: Alarm, fear, fright, horror, hysteria, mortification, panic, shock, terror

Nervousness – lo lắng: Anxiety, apprehension, distress, dread, nervousness, tenseness, uneasiness, worry

  • Joy – niềm vui

Cheerfulness – vui vẻ: Amusement, bliss, cheerfulness, delight, ecstasy, elation, enjoyment, euphoria, gaiety, gladness, glee, happiness, jolliness, joviality, joy, jubilation, satisfaction

Contentment – hài lòng: Contentment, pleasure

Enthrallment – say mê: Enthrallment, rapture

Optimism – lạc quan: Eagerness, hope, optimism

Pride – tự hào: Pride, triumph

Relief – nhẹ nhõm: Relief

Zest – hăng hái: Enthusiasm, excitement, exhilaration, thrill, zeal, zest

  • Love – yêu

Affection – yêu mến: Adoration, affection, attraction, caring, compassion, fondness, liking, love, sentimentality, tenderness

Lust – si mê: Arousal, desire, infatuation, lust, passion

  • Sadness – buồn bã

Disappointment – thất vọng: Disappointment, dismay, displeasure

Neglect – thất bại, bỏ rơi: Alienation, defeat, dejection, embarrassment, homesickness, humiliation, insecurity, isolation, insult, loneliness, neglect, rejection

Sadness – buồn bã: Depression, despair, gloom, glumness, grief, hopelessness, melancholy, misery, sadness, sorrow, unhappiness, woe

Shame – xấu hổ, tội lỗi: Guilt, regret, remorse, shame

Suffering – đau đớn, thống khổ: Agony, anguish, hurt, suffering

Sympathy – đồng cảm, thương xót: Pity, sympathy

  • Surprise – kinh ngạc

Surprise – kinh ngạc, ngạc nhiên: Amazement, astonishment, surprise

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