25+ Phrasal Verbs with Take | Cụm đồng từ với Take | Ý nghĩa, cách dùng và bài tập vận dụng
Các cụm đồng từ Take thông dụng trong Tiếng Anh
1. Take aback
Meaning: Surprise or shock; to discomfit – làm ai đó bất ngờ, sốc (theo hướng tiêu cực)
Example: They all took aback after hearing the news. – Họ đều bất ngờ sau khi nghe thấy tin tức.
2. Take after
Meaning: To have similar character or personality to a family member – tính cách giống ai đó trong gia đình
Example: She takes after his father. – Tính cách của cô ấy giống bố lắm.
3. Take against (UK)
Meaning: Stop liking someone; to become unfriendly toward – ngừng thích hoặc không thân thiện với ai đó nữa
Example: She took against him since he rejected her proposal. – Cô ấy không thích anh ta vì anh ta đã từ chối đề xuất của cô.
4. Take apart
Meaning: Separate something into its parts – Chia tách cái gì đó ra thành các phần
Example: I have to take your motorbike apart to fix it. – Tôi cần tháo xe của cậu ra để sửa.
5. Take aside
Meaning: Get someone alone to talk to them – Nói chuyện riêng với ai đó.
Example: She took me aside after the meeting to discuss more about the project. – Cô ấy nói chuyện riêng với tôi sau cuộc họp để thảo luận thêm về dự án.
6. Take away
Meaning 1: Remove something and put it in a different place – Di chuyển, đặt sang chỗ khác
Example: My mother took the old bike away in the storage. – Mẹ tôi mang cái xe đạp cũ để vào trong kho.
Meaning 2: Remove something, either material or abstract, so that a person no longer has it – Cất, giấu, lấy đi cái gì đó để không ai sở hữu.
Example: Her father took his cosmic away and told her that he would give it back until she finished his homework. – Bố cô bé lấy cuốn truyện tranh và nói rằng cô bé phải hoàn thành xong bài tập thì bố cô mới trả lại cuốn truyện.
Meaning 3: Subtract or diminish something – Trừ đi, xóa bỏ
Example: If you have 15 candies, I take 6 away so how many do you have left? – Nếu con có 15 cái kẹo, mẹ lấy đi 6 cái vậy thì con còn bao nhiêu cái?
Meaning 4: Leave a memory or impression in one’s mind that you think about later – Ghi nhớ, để lại ấn tượng về điều gì đó
Example: I took away the memory that he was good at History. – Tôi nhớ là cậu ấy rất giỏi môn Lịch sử.
Meaning 5: Make someone leave a place and go somewhere else – Yêu cầu ai đó rời đi.
Example: The teacher took me away for talking privately with my mother. – Cô giáo bảo tôi ra ngoài để trao đổi riêng với mẹ tôi.
Meaning 6: Prevent, or limit, someone from being somewhere, or from doing something – Ngăn cấm, ngăn cản, hạn chế ai đó đi đâu, làm gì
Example: His broken leg takes him away from traveling. – Cái chân gãy đã ngăn anh anh ta đi du lịch.
Take away from
Meaning: Make something seem not so good or interesting – Khiến cho điều gì đó không tốt, thú vị nữa.
Example: The heavy snow takes driver away from seeing the road. – Tuyết rơi nặng hạt khiến cho các tài xế khó quan sát đường.
7. Take back
Meaning 1: Retract an earlier statement – Rút lại lời tuyên bố
Example: He takes back the statement that Covid-19 is just a common flu. – Anh ta rút lại lời tuyên bố rằng Covid -19 chỉ là cúm mùa thông thường.
Meaning 2: Cause to remember some past event or time – Gợi nhớ về điều gì.
Example: Your dish takes me back to my grandma’s. – Món ăn của cậu khiến tớ nhớ về bà ngoại.
Meaning 3: Resume a relationship with someone – Nối lại mối quan hệ với ai đó.
Example: Because of his apologies, she took him back. – Vì lời xin lỗi của anh ấy nên cô quyết định quay lại với anh.
Meaning 4: Regain possession of something – Lấy lại, giành lại quyền sở hữu.
Example: If you don’t give me the book, I will come to your house and take it back. – Nếu cậu không trả tớ sách thì t sẽ đến nhà cậu lấy đó.
Meaning 5: Return something to a vendor for a refund – Hoàn trả để nhận lại được tiền.
Example: If you take back the faulty machine to the store in 10 days after buying, you will get 5% compensation. – Nếu bạn trả lại máy lỗi cho cửa hàng trong vòng 10 ngày sau khi mua, bạn sẽ nhận được 5% tiền bồi thường.
8. Take down
Meaning 1: Remove something from a wall or similar vertical surface to which it is fixed – Tháo, gỡ cái gì đó từ trên tường hoặc 1 mặt phẳng thẳng đứng.
Example: My father takes down the clock to change the battery. – Bố tôi tháo đồng hồ treo tường xuống để thay pin.
Meaning 2: Remove something from a hanging position – Tháo cái gì đó khỏi vị trí nó đang treo
Example: I take down the family photo frame to clean it. – Tôi tháo tấm ảnh gia đình xuống để lau dọn.
Meaning 3: Write down as a note, especially to record something spoken – Viết ghi chú, ghi lại những gì đã nói.
Example: Taking down the lecture note is the good way to remember. – Ghi chú bài giảng là một cách rất tốt để ghi nhớ bài học.
Meaning 4: Remove a temporary structure such as scaffolding – Loại bỏ cấu trúc tạm thời như giàn giáo.
Example: When the party's over, we have to take down all the decorations before going home.. – Khi bữa tiệc kết thúc, chúng ta phải tháo hết các đồ trang trí xuống trước khi về nhà.
Meaning 5: Lower an item of clothing without removing it – Tháo 1 phụ kiện (quần áo)
Example: Doctor told him to take down the belt. – Bác sĩ bảo anh ta tháo thắt lưng.
9. Take for
Meaning: Regard as (Coi như là)
Example: She takes him for a son. – Cô ấy coi cậu bé như con trai ruột.
Meaning: Consider mistakenly – Nhận nhầm, xem xét nhầm
Example: They took me for their friend. – Họ nhận nhầm tôi là bạn của họ.
Meaning: Defraud; to rip off – ăn gian. xé toạc
Example: She is upset because she was taken for 500. – Cô ấy rất buồn vì cô bị lừa mất 500.
10. Take in
Meaning 1: Receive (goods) into one’s home for the purpose of processing for a fee – Nhận (hàng hóa) vào nhà của một người với mục đích xử lý để được trả một khoản phí.
Example: In summer vacation, he takes in harvesting oranges on his uncle’s farm. – Vào kì nghỉ hè, anh ấy thu hoạch cam ở trang trại của bác anh ấy.
Meaning 2: Shorten (a garment) or make it smaller – Làm ngắn lại, nhỏ lại.
Example: She tried taking the skirt in a little around the waist. – Cô ấy cố gắng làm nhỏ cái váy lại để cho vừa eo.
Meaning 3: Absorb or comprehend – hấp thụ, lĩnh hội, hiểu
Example: The lesson is too difficult that I can not take in anything. – Bài học quá khó đến mức tôi chẳng hiểu chút nào.
Meaning 4: Deceive, give a false impression – Lừa dối, tạo ấn tượng sai lầm.
Example: Everyone was taken in him by his appearance. – Mọi người thường có ấn tượng sai về anh ấy vì ngoại hình của anh.
11. Take it away
Meaning: Begin, especially used to launch a performance of some sort (usually imperative and/or exclamatory) – Bắt đầu (biểu diễn)
Example: Now it’s show time for Daisy the cat. Take it away! – Giờ là lúc bé mèo Daisy của chúng ta biểu diễn. Hãy mang bé lên sân khấu nào.
12. Take it out in
Meaning: Accept as payment – Chấp nhận như thanh toán.
Example: She convinced them to take it out in stuff instead of cash. – Cô thuyết phục họ thanh toán bằng hiện vật thay vì tiền mặt.
13. Take it out on
Meaning: Unleash one’s anger on [a person or thing other than the one that caused it] – trút giận lên ai/cái gì đó
Example: Don’t take it out on your dog if you had trouble at work. – Đừng có trút giận lên con chó của cậu nếu cậu gặp chuyện không hay ở chỗ làm.
14. Take it upon oneself
Meaning: Assume personal responsibility for a task or action – đảm đương 1 trách nhiệm cá nhân cho 1 nhiệm vụ, hành động nào đó.
Example: He took it upon himself to manage the marketing team. – Anh ấy chịu trách nhiệm quản lý nhóm marketing.
15. Take off
Meaning 1: To remove something, usually clothing or accessories – Cởi, tháo phụ kiện, giày dép, quần áo.
Example: Please take off your shoes before coming into the shop. – Vui lòng tháo giày ra trước khi vào cửa hàng.
Meaning 2: Imitate, often in a satirical manner – Bắt chước, theo cách châm biếm.
Example: Politicians are usually taken off on SNSs. – CÁc chính trị gia thường xuyên bị nhại lại trên các mạng xã hội.
Meaning 3: Leave the ground and begin flight; to ascend into the air, Depart – Cất cánh
Example: The plane US07 will take off at 5.pm from runway 2. – Máy bay số hiệu US07 sẽ cất cánh lúc 5 giờ chiều từ đường bay 02.
Meaning 4: Become successful, to flourish – Thành công
Example: The company has really taken off this year and has made quite large a profit. – Công ty đã rất thành công và đạt được mức lợi nhuận khá lớn trong năm nay.
Meaning 5: Absent oneself from work or other responsibility, especially with permission. – Nghỉ làm, vắng mặt
Example: If you take off for this Saturday you have to work on Sunday. – Nếu cậu xin nghỉ làm thứ 7 tuần này thì phải làm bù vào Chủ nhật đó.
16. Take on
Meaning 1: Acquire, bring in, or introduce – Đạt được, mang đến, giới thiệu.
Example: She took on an English course for me. – Cô ấy giới thiệu một khóa học tiếng Anh cho tôi.
Meaning 2: Begin to have or exhibit – Bắt đầu có, triển lãm
Example: The exhibition is going to take on 31 March – Buổi triển lãm sẽ bắt đầu từ ngày 31 tháng 3.
Meaning 3: Assume responsibility for – Đảm nhận trách nhiệm
Example: Noone volunteered so she had to take on the project. – Không ai xung phong nên cô ấy phải chịu trách nhiệm cho dự án này.
Meaning 4: Attempt to fight or compete with – đánh, đầu, cạnh tranh với ai
Example: I don’t think you should take on that match, they are a very strong team. – Tôi không nghĩ là cậu nên tham gia vào trận đó, họ thực sự là đội quá mạnh.
17. Take out
Meaning 1: Remove – Tháo ra, bỏ ra
Example: You should take out all the old food in the fridge to cook before they are out of date.- Cậu nên bỏ những thức ăn cũ ra để nấu trước khi chúng bị hết hạn.
Meaning 2: Invite someone out socially, especially on a date
Example: Let me take you out for dinner
18. Take over.
Meaning 1: Adopt a responsibility or duty from someone else – Tiếp quản công việc của ai đó
Example: Mr.John will take over our class until Ms Jenni gets better. – Thầy John sẽ đảm nhiệm lớp ta cho đến khi cô Jenni khỏe hơn.
Meaning 2: Relieve someone temporarily – thay phiên
Example: If you will take over driving, I’d like to get some sleep. – Nếu cậu lái xe thì thì tớ sẽ ngủ 1 lát.
Meaning 3: Buy out the ownership of a business – Mua lại quyền sở hữu doanh nghiệp
Example: BigC supermarket was taken over by a Thailand business. – Siêu bị BigC được 1 công ty Thái Lan mua lại
Meaning 4: Annex a territory by conquest or invasion – Xâm lược, chinh phục một đất nước, vùng lãnh thổ
Example: Ancient Mongolia took over almost Europe and a part of Asia. – Mông Cổ cổ đại đã từng đánh chiếm gần hết châu u và 1 phần Châu Á.
Meaning 5: Become more successful (than someone or something else)
Example: Apple Inc has taken over as the top technology company in the world
19. Take pity
Meaning: Show compassion (towards) – thể hiện lòng trắc ẩn, thương cảm
Example: Someone please take pity on that homeless man in the rain and give him a place to stay overnight. – Ai đó hãy rủ lòng thương người vô gia cư đang đứng giữa mưa đó và cho anh ta ngủ nhờ 1 đêm.
20. Take to
Meaning 1: Adapt to; to learn, grasp or master – Thích nghi, Học, chuyên gia về gì đó
Example: She took to cooking like a chef. – Cô ấy học nấu ăn như một đầu bếp.
Meaning 2: Enter; to go into or move towards – Đi vào, tiến vào, đưa vào
Example: When I was a child, my mother always took me to school. – Hồi còn nhỏ, mẹ thường đưa tôi đến trường.
Meaning 3: Begin, as a new habit or practice – Bắt đầu 1 thói quen mới.
Example: After watching IELTS Face Off, she took to learning English. – Sau khi xem chương trình IELTS Face Off, cô ấ bắt đầu học Tiếng Anh
21. Take up
Meaning 1: Pick up – Nhặt được
Example: Mary suddenly takes up 200 on the road. – Mary vô tình nhặt được 200 trên đường.
Meaning 2: Begin doing (an activity) on a regular basis – Bắt đầu làm gì đó từ cơ bản
Example: I’ve taken up swimming this summer. – ôi bắt đầu học bơi và mùa hè này.
Meaning 3: Address (an issue) – Giải quyết vấn đề gì
Example: Let’s take this issue up with the manager. – Hãy giải quyết vấn đề này với quản lý.
Meaning 4: Occupy; to consume (space or time) – Tốn, chiếm (thời gian, không gian)
Example: The books on science take up two shelves. – Sách về khoa học chiếm hết 2 giá sách.
Meaning 5: Shorten by hemming – Làm ngắn lại bằng cách viền lại
Example: If we take up the sleeves a bit, that shirt will look much better on you. – Nếu cậu viền lại cái áo thì trông nó sẽ hợp với cậu hơn đấy.
Meaning 6: Accept (a proposal, offer, request, etc.) from – Chấp nhận lời đề xuất, đề nghị, yêu cầu… từ ai đó
Example: Shall we take them up on their offer to help us move? – Chúng ta có nên chấp nhận đề nghị giúp đỡ chuyền đồ của họ không?
Meaning 7: Resume – Bắt đầu lại, tiếp tục
Example: Let’s take up where we left off. – Chúng ta sẽ tiếp tục từ đoạn mà dừng lần trước nhé!
Take up with
Meaning: Form a close relationship with (someone) – Tạo một mối quan hệ thân thiết với ai đó.
Example: I hear that Joe has taken up with Taylor.
22. Take upon oneself
Meaning: Assume personal responsibility for – Đảm nhận, chịu trách nhiệm cho việc gì đó
Example: That’s an awful lot of work to take upon yourself. – Đó đúng là một khối công việc kinh khủng mà tôi phải chịu trách nhiệm.
23. Take through
Meaning: Explain something; give a tour of a place – Giải thích, đưa đi tham quan một địa điểm nào đó
Example: Can you take through the previous lesson before starting the lesson today, teacher? – Thưa thầy, thầy có thể giải thích qua lại bài học hôm trước trước khi vào bài mới không ạ?
Bài tập Phrasal verb với Take
Bài 1. Điền Phrasal verb take thích hợp vào chỗ trống
1. This toy car can be …………………. and put together easily.
2. Anna just …………………. 2 more interns for Accounting Department yesterday.
3. Don't let him …………………. your freedom to think for yourself.
4. He said he would never …………………. his promise.
5. The lecture was rather boring and I didn't …………………. much of what the lecturer said.
Đáp án:
1. taken apart
2. took on
3. take away
4. take back
5. take in
Bài 2. Hoàn thành câu với các giới từ OUT, ON, OFF, UP, AFTER, IN, BACK phù hợp vào ô trống
1. They ought to get rid of this wardrobe. It takes _____ far too much space.
2. If you feel hot, you can take _____ your coat.
3. This meat can't be fresh. You should take it _____ to the butcher.
4. Johnson's always been difficult. He must take _____ his kids without any support.
5. Linda shouldn't take _____ too many responsibilities.
6. The school plans to take the matter ____ with the parents.
7. We'll need to take _____ some temporary handmaidens for the summer.
8. Kai took _____ his glasses when he had his photograph taken.
9. The company is taking ____ 20 new employees this year.
10. Ran took me _____ to the concert.
Đáp án:
1. up
2. off
3. back
4. after
5. on
6. up
7. on
8. off
9. on
10. out
Bài 3. Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng OUT, ON, OFF, UP, AFTER, IN hoặc BACK
1. We ought to throw this bed away. It takes ___________ far too much space.
2. If you're hot, you can take ___________ your coat.
3. These apples can't be fresh.They taste awful. I'm taking them to __________ the supermarket.
4. David's always been strict. He must take __________ his dad.
5. You shouldn't take _____________ too many responsibilities.
6. Our company will need to take ___________ some temporary workers for the winter.
7. She's such a charmer. She took me ___________ completely.
8. Samia took me _________ to dinner.
9. Would you please take _________ your shoes?
10. As the plane was taking _________, she realized she hadn't locked the door.
11. The factory is taking __________ 100 new employees this year.
12. Harry has taken ___________ painting.
Đáp án:
1. up
2. off
3. back
4. after
5. on
6. on
7. in
8. out
9. off
10. off
11. on
12. up
Bài 4. Tìm Phrasal verb đồng nghĩa với các từ in đậm
1. The visitors were surprised to see that nobody was waiting for them.
2. She resembles her mother in being able to dance so well.
3. Now that you have won I retract what I said about your bad style of play.
4. He was believed to be an educated man because of the way he spoke.
5. This is John’s camera, I’ll have to return it.
6. We are increasing sales and can consequently re-employ some of our old employees.
7. We were conned when we bought this faulty machine.
8. The secretary was writing down all that the director said.
9. We could not understand what he said about computers.
10. The city also includes the area round the port.
Đáp án:
1. taken aback |
2. takes after |
3. take back |
4. taken for |
5. take it back |
6. take back on |
7. taken in |
8. taking down |
9. take in |
10. takes in |
Bài 5. Điền giới từ OUT, ON, OFF, UP, AFTER, IN, BACK vào ô trống
1. We ought to get rid of this table. It takes _____ far too much space.
2. If you're hot you can take _____ your jacket.
3. This meat can't be fresh. It tastes awful. I'm taking it _____ to the butcher.
4. John's always been difficult. He must take _____ his dad.
5. You shouldn't take _____ too many responsibilities.
6. It must be difficult to take _____ teaching in order to travel.
7. We'll need to take _____ some temporary teachers for the summer.
8. She took _____ her glasses when she had her photograph taken.
9. He's such a charmer. He took me _____ completely.
10. Rachel took me _____ to lunch.
11. Would you please take _____ your coat?
12. If the shirt doesn't fit I'll take it _____ .
13. As the plane was taking _____ , I realised I hadn't turned off the iron.
14. The company is taking _____ 50 new employees this year.
15. Glenn has taken _____ painting.
16. Writing her homework took _____ most of the weekend.
Đáp án:
1. up
2. off
3. back
4. after
5. on
6. up
7. on
8. off
9. in
10. out
11. off
12. back
13. off
14. on
15. up
16. up
Bài 6. Lựa chọn các phrasal verb với Take phù hợp để điền vào ô trống
1. Don't be _____ if I start talking in my sleep. I've done it since I was a small child and the doctors say it's harmless.
2. If you don't _____ what you said to my wife, I will have to sack you. She was hugely offended.
3. I was busy _____ my father and making everyone laugh when he entered the room. I didn't see him and continued my impersonation. So embarrassing!
4. The car didn't stop at the scene of the accident but fortunately, someone managed to _____ the number and the police are looking for the vehicle now.
5. If you _____ tennis, you will feel healthier and get to meet new people too.
6. The old woman was _____ by the tricksters who said they were there to check for a gas leak, but then stole the woman's silver collection.
7. They agreed to _____ (me) only if I agreed to a short-term contract till Christmas.
8. Microsoft really _____ as a company when they developed the Windows software.
9. It seemed unfair that my father would return home from work exhausted and _____ (it) on us poor children. That's what I remember most from my childhood.
10. They look very alike but they also _____ each other so it's even harder to tell them apart.
11. Do you want me to _____ (you) the procedure again so that you can do it on your own next time.
12. I _____ (you) a generous, kind-hearted person, but now I see I was sadly mistaken.
Đáp án:
1. taken aback
2. take back
3. taking off
4. take down
5. take up
6. taken in
7. take me on
8. took off
9. take it out
10. take after
11. take you through
12. took you for
Bài 7. Chọn cụm từ đi với Take phù hợp trong bảng trên để điền vào ô trống trong các câu sau đây:
1. His unexpected comment really _______________ me aback during the meeting.
2. Can I _______________ you aside for a private conversation?
3. I don’t know why she suddenly _______________ me; we used to be good friends.
4. After a long day at work, it’s important to _______________ and relax.
5. She quickly _______________ the new hobby of painting and has been doing it regularly.
6. The restaurant offers both dine-in and _______________ options for customers.
7. Please _______________ the notes from the presentation so we can review them later.
8. He realized his mistake and wanted to _______________ his hurtful words.
9. They decided to _______________ the project despite the challenges it presented.
10. The kind family agreed to _______________ the homeless man and provide him with a place to stay.
Đáp án:
1. took
2. take
3. took against
4. take it easy
5. took to
6. take away
7. take down
8. take back
9. take on
10. take in
Bài 8. Điền phrasal verb “take” vào chỗ trống để hoàn thiện câu
1. I’m going to the store to _______________ some milk.
2. The teacher asked the students to _______________ their notes.
3. The police _______________ the criminal into custody.
4. The company is _______________ over by a new owner.
5. The airplane _______________ off from the runway.
Đáp án:
1. take
2. take down
3. take into custody
4. take over
5. take off
Bài 9. Chọn phrasal verb phù hợp để hoàn thành các câu sau
1. I _______________ the book from the shelf. (take in, take down, take out)
2. She _______________ the baby to the park. (take care of, take after, take away)
3. I _______________ a course in English. (take over, take up, take on)
4. I didn’t _______________ what he said seriously. (take in, take away, take seriously)
5. I _______________ a bite of the cake. (take off, take in, take out)
Đáp án:
1. take down
2. take care of
3. take up
4. take seriously
5. take a bite of
Bài 10. Điền vào chỗ trống với các giới từ OUT, ON, OFF, UP, AFTER, IN, BACK phù hợp.
1. The new printer is not working; we should take it _____ for a refund.
2. When the movie ended, she quickly took _____ her 3D glasses and left the cinema.
3. Feeling dissatisfied with the service, he decided to take his complaint _____ to the customer service manager.
4. Ever since their parents traveled, he has had to take _____ looking after his younger siblings.
5. To manage the increasing workload, it’s important not to take _____ more than you can handle.
6. The community center is planning to take this issue _____ at the next town hall meeting.
7. As the season peaks, the resort will take _____ additional lifeguards to ensure safety.
8. Before entering the lab, he took _____ his watch as required.
9. This year, our company is excited to take _____ several interns from overseas.
10. For her birthday, he took her _____ for a surprise dinner at her favorite restaurant.
Đáp án:
1. back
2. off
3. up
4. after
5. on
6. up
7. on
8. off
9. on
10. out
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