Cấu trúc Too to | Cách dùng & Công thức - Bài tập vận dụng

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Cấu trúc Too to | Cách dùng & Công thức - Bài tập vận dụng

Cấu trúc too to là gì ?

 là một dạng cấu trúc ngữ pháp quan trọng mà bạn thường gặp xuyên suốt quá trình học và sử dụng tiếng Anh. Đây là dạng cấu trúc được sử dụng rất nhiều trong tiếng Anh. Sau đây 1900 sẽ giúp bạn học hiểu rõ về công thức, cách dùng của cấu trúc too to cùng với bài tập thực hành có đáp án!

Cách dùng của cấu trúc too to

Khi muốn diễn tả sự vượt quá mức độ của tính chất của sự vật, hiện tượng nào đó, ta sẽ dùng cấu trúc too to để thể hiện điều đó. 

Too… to… : quá… đến nỗi mà…

Ví dụ. She is too young to understand this movie. (Cô ấy còn quá trẻ để hiểu được bộ phim này.)

Công thức của cấu trúc too to

1. Cấu trúc too to đi với tính từ

Công thức: S + be + too + adj + (for somebody) + to + V-inf

Ví dụ:

  • I am too tired to do my homework. (Tôi quá mệt để hoàn thành bài tập về nhà của mình.)
  • You are too young to drive a car. (Em còn quá nhỏ để lái ô tô.)
  • He is too fat to fit this shirt. (Anh ấy quá mập để mặc chiếc áo sơ mi này.)

2. Cấu trúc too to đi với trạng từ

Công thức: S + V + too + adv + (for somebody) + to + V-inf

Ví dụ: 

  • She speaks too fast for me to understand her words. (Cô ấy nói nhanh đến nỗi tôi không hiểu cô ấy nói gì.)
  • I got up too late to go to school on time. (Tôi đã thức dậy quá muộn để đến trường đúng giờ.)
  • He studied too badly to pass the final exam. (Anh ấy học quá kém để có thể thi qua kì thi cuối kì.)

3. Cấu trúc too to đi với danh từ

2.3.1. Đối với danh từ đếm được

Công thức: Too many + N (danh từ số nhiều đếm được) + to + V-inf

Ví dụ:

  • He has too many T-shirts to count. (Anh ấy có quá nhiều áo phông đến nỗi không đếm nổi.)
  • She collects too many cups to keep them around the house. (Cô ấy có nhiều cốc tới nỗi để chúng quanh ngôi nhà.)
  • I make too many cakes to eat it all. (Tôi làm quá nhiều bánh để có thêm ăn hết chúng.)

2.3.2. Đối với danh từ không đếm được

Công thức: Too much + N (danh từ không đếm được) + to + V-inf

Ví dụ:

  • It takes too much time to do that work. (Mất quá nhiều thời gian để làm công việc này.)
  • He has too much money to buy just a castle. (Anh ấy có nhiều tiền tới nỗi không chỉ mua một tòa lâu đài là hết.)

4. Can/could với cấu trúc too to

Công thức: S + be/ V + too + adj/adv + that + S + can/could (not) + V-inf

Ví dụ:

  • He is too weak that he can’t play football. (Anh ấy quá yếu nên không thể chơi bóng đá được)
  • James spoke too fast that I couldn’t hear anything. (James nói quá nhanh tới nỗi tôi không thể nghe được gì)
  • That necklace is too expensive that I couldn’t buy it. (Chiếc vòng cổ kia đắt đến nỗi tôi không mua nổi)

5. Một số lưu ý khi dùng cấu trúc too to

  • Khi nối 2 câu đơn với nhau bằng cấu trúc too to, nếu 2 câu có cùng chủ ngữ, ta có thể lược bỏ cụm “for somebody”.

Ví dụ: My brother is too shy. He can’t make friends.

=> My brother is too shy to make friends. (Em trai tôi hay xấu hổ đến nỗi rất khó kết bạn.)

  • Nếu trong câu thứ 2 sử dụng tân ngữ thay cho chủ ngữ của câu 1, có thể lược bỏ tân ngữ của câu thứ 2. 

Ví dụ: My pencil is too short. I can’t use it.

=> My pencil is too short to use. (Chiếc bút chì của tôi quá ngắn để dùng được.) 

  • Nếu có các trạng từ mang ý nghĩa nhấn mạnh như very, quite, so, extremely,.. đứng trước tính từ hoặc trạng từ, khi chuyển sang cấu trúc too to cần lược bỏ các từ này. 

Ví dụ: She is so pretty. No one can compare to her.

=> She is too pretty to compare to. (Cô ấy đẹp tới nỗi không ai sánh bằng.)

6. Một số cấu trúc có nghĩa giống với cấu trúc too to

Cấu trúc so that

  • Cấu trúc so that với tính từ: 

Công thức: S + be+ so + adj + that + S + V

Ví dụ: The dress is so tight that I can’t wear it. (Chiếc váy chật đến nỗi tôi không thể mặc được nữa.)

  • Cấu trúc so that với trạng từ:

Công thức: S + V + so + adv + that + S + V

Ví dụ: They talked so loud that I couldn’t sleep. (Họ nó to đến mức khiến tôi không thể ngủ được.)

  • Cấu trúc so that với danh từ số nhiều đếm được:

Công thức: S + V + so many + danh từ/cụm danh từ đếm được + that + S + V

Ví dụ: I eat so much meat that I don’t want to see us anymore. (Tôi ăn quá nhiều thịt đến nỗi mà tôi không muốn nhìn thấy chúng nữa.)

  • Cấu trúc so that với danh từ không đếm được:

Công thức: S + V + so much/ little + noun (danh từ không đếm được) + that + S + V

Ví dụ: She drank so much wine that she was soft drunk. (Cô ấy uống nhiều rượu đến mức cô ấy say mèn.)

Cấu trúc such that

Công thức: S + V + such + (a/an) + adj + noun + that + S + V

Ví dụ: They are such beautiful shirts that I want to buy them now. (Những chiếc áo sơ mi đẹp đến nỗi mà tôi muốn mua chúng ngay lúc này.)

Cấu trúc enough to

  • Cấu trúc enough to với tính từ

S + to be + adj + enough + (for somebody) + to V-inf

Ví dụ: The water is warm enough for you to swim. (Nước đủ nóng để bạn có thể bơi.)

  • Cấu trúc enough to với trạng từ

S + V + adv + enough + (for somebody) + to V-inf

Ví dụ: John spoke loud enough for me to hear it. (John nói đủ to để tôi có thể nghe tiếng.)

  • Cấu trúc enough to với danh từ

S + V/tobe + enough + noun + (for somebody) + to V-inf

Ví dụ: We have enough meat for the next week. (Chúng ta có đủ thịt cho một tuần tới.)

Bài tập thực hành có đáp án

Bài 1: Ghép 2 câu đơn dưới đây thành 1 câu hoàn chỉnh và sử dụng cấu trúc too… to

1. It’s very noisy. I couldn’t hear anything.

2. He is poor. He can’t buy food.

3. Jack is a really good man. He never offends anyone.

4. She is very busy. She can’t meet you right now.

5. His score is extremely low. He cannot pass the exam. 

6. This exercise was very difficult. I could not do it.

7. The problem is complicated. We cannot solve it immediately.

8. The house is very dirty. We can’t stay in it.

9. I am young. I cannot drive a car now.

10. He is very foolish. He can’t understand anything. 

Đáp án

1. It was too noisy to hear anything. (Nơi này quá ồn để có thể nghe được thứ gì.)

2. He is too poor to buy food. (Anh ấy quá nghèo để mua đồ ăn.)

3. Jack is too good a man to offend anyone. (Jack là một người đàn ông quá tốt để mà khiến ai đó tức giận.) 

4. She is too busy to meet you right now. (Cô ấy quá bận để gặp bạn ngay bây giờ.)

5. His score is too low to pass the exam. (Điểm của anh ấy quá thấp để có thể vượt qua kì thi.)

6. This exercise was too difficult for me to do. (Bài tập này quá khó đối với tôi để hoàn thành nó.)

7. The problem is too complicated for us to solve immediately. (Vấn đề này quá phức tạp đối với chúng

tôi để có thể giải quyết ngay lập tức.)

8. The house is too dirty  for us to stay in. (Ngôi nhà này quá bẩn để có thể ở lại.)

9. I am too young to drive a car now. (Tôi còn quá trẻ để lái ô tô.)

10. He is too foolish to understand anything. (Anh ấy quá ngốc để hiểu được bất cứ điều gì.)

Bài 2: Điền vào chỗ trống. Sử dụng cấu trúc too to và enough to.

1. He wasn’t heavy ______ become a navy soldier.

2. I’m _____busy _____ eat with you tonight.

3. The T-shirt isn’t good _____ for me.

4. He’s not patient ______ be a doctor.

5. It’s 1 a.m. It’s _____ late _____ go to the museum.

6. He couldn’t run fast _____ catch the bus.

7. It’s nice _____ go outside.

8. She’s _____ busy _____ take part in our party tonight.

9. We haven’t _____ people _____ form five groups.

10. Jane is _____ young _____ drive a car.

Đáp án

1. He wasn’t heavy enough to become a navy soldier. (Anh ấy không đủ cân nặng để trở thành lính hải quân.)

2. I’m too busy to eat with you tonight. (Tớ quá bận để ăn tối cùng cậu vào tối mai.)

3. The T-shirt isn’t good enough for me. (Chiếc áo phông này không đủ tốt cho tôi.)

4. He’s not patient enough to be a doctor. (Anh ấy không đủ kiên nhẫn để trở thành bác sĩ.)

5. It’s 1 a.m. It’s too late to go to the museum. (Bây giờ là 1 giờ sáng. Đã quá muộn để đến bảo tàng.)

6. He couldn’t run fast enough to catch the bus. (Anh ấy không chạy đủ nhanh để bắt kịp xe buýt.)

7. It’s nice enough to go outside. (Thật đẹp trời để ra ngoài.)

8. She’s too busy to take part in our party tonight. (Cô ấy quá bận để tham gia bữa tiệc tối mai.)

9. We don't have enough people to form five groups. (Chúng ta không có đủ người cho 5 nhóm.)

10. Jane is too young to drive a car. (Jane còn quá trẻ để lái xe ô tô.)

Bài 3: Ghép 2 câu sau thành 1 câu bằng cấu trúc Too to

1. The soup is very hot. She can’t eat it.

2. The mountain is really high. We can’t climb it.

3. The lecture is extremely long. We won’t be able to stay until the end.

4. The car is so old. It can’t run smoothly.

5. The rain is very heavy. We can’t go for a walk.

6. The movie is really boring. I can’t watch it until the end.

7. The package is extremely big. I can’t lift it.

8. The store is quite far from here. We can’t walk there.

9. The child is very young. He can’t understand this complex book.

10. The weather is extremely hot. We can’t go outside.

Đáp án: 

1. The soup is too hot for her to eat.

2. The mountain is too high for us to climb.

3. The lecture is too long for us to stay until the end.

4. The car is too old to run smoothly.

5. The rain is too heavy for us to go for a walk.

6. The movie is too boring for me to watch until the end.

7. The package is too big for me to lift.

8.The store is too far from here for us to walk.

9. The child is too young to understand this complex book.

10. The weather is too hot for us to go outside.

Bài 4: Điền vào chỗ trống sử dụng cấu trúc too to và enough to

1. The box isn't heavy ______ lift by myself.

2. It's _____ cold _____ swim in the lake today.

3. The instructions aren't clear _____ understand.

4. She's not experienced _____ handle such complex tasks.

5. The book is _____ long _____ finish in one day.

6. The coffee isn't hot _____ drink yet.

7. He's not brave _____ face his fears.

8. The movie was _____ boring _____ watch until the end.

9. The line at the supermarket was _____ long _____ wait.

10. The cake wasn't sweet _____ enjoy.

Đáp án:

1. enough to 2. too (cold) to 3. enough to

4. enough to 5. too (long) to 6. enough to

7. enough to 8. too (boring) to 9. too (long) to

10. enough to

Bài 5: Ghép 2 câu đơn dưới đây thành 1 câu hoàn chỉnh và sử dụng cấu trúc too to

1. The music is very loud. I can't concentrate on my work.

2. She is too short. She can't reach the top shelf.

3. The water is extremely cold. I can't swim in it.

4. He is too young. He can't drive a car.

5. The bag is extremely heavy. I can't lift it.

Đáp án:

1. The music is too loud to concentrate on my work.

2. She is too short to reach the top shelf.

3. The water is too cold to swim in it.

4. He is too young to drive a car.

5. The bag is too heavy to lift it.

Bài 6: Sử dụng Enough và Too điền vào chỗ trống

1. The coffee is __________ hot to drink right now.

2. She didn't have __________ money to buy the concert tickets.

3. The book was __________ difficult for me to understand.

4. He's not __________ tall to reach the top shelf.

5. The suitcase was __________ heavy for her to carry.

6. The movie was __________ scary for the young audience.

7. The car was traveling __________ fast to stop in time.

8. We didn't leave __________ time to catch the bus.

9. The cake was __________ sweet that I couldn't finish it.

10. I don't think this box is __________ to hold all the items.

11. The weather is __________ cold to go outside without a jacket.

12. The performance was __________ amazing that everyone gave a standing ovation.

13. She didn't have __________ money __________ buy a new phone.

14. The coffee is __________ hot for me __________ drink right now.

15. The store has __________ fresh fruits and vegetables for sale.

16. The children are finally __________ old __________ ride the roller coaster.

17. He didn't study __________ for the test, so he failed.

18. There are __________ chairs for everyone in the waiting room.

19. I hope you find the time __________ finish the project.

20. She was __________ tired __________ continue working.

21. The music was ________ loud that I couldn't concentrate.

22. He is ________ to handle the situation on his own.

23. The dress was beautiful, but it was ________ expensive for me to buy.

24. She speaks ________ fast that I can't understand her.

25. The water in the pool was ________ cold to swim in.

26. The book was ________ difficult for me to comprehend.

27. He arrived ________ late to catch the train.

28. The suitcase was ________ heavy for her to carry.

29. It's ________ noisy in here to have a conversation.

30. The movie was ________ scary for the young audience.

31. The child is not __________ to ride the roller coaster alone.

32. She was __________ tired to attend the party.

33. The movie was __________ long that I got bored halfway through.

34. He didn't have __________ time to prepare for the exam.

35. The coffee is __________ hot to drink right now.

36. The cake was __________ sweet that everyone loved it.

37. He is __________ young to understand the complexity of the problem.

38. The box is not __________ big to hold all the toys.

39. The water in the pool is not __________ deep for diving.

40. The music was __________ loud that I couldn't hear what she was saying.

41. The milk is __________ hot to drink right now.

42. The suitcase is __________ heavy for me to lift.

43. He didn't have __________ time to prepare for the exam.

44. The water in the pool is not __________ for diving.

45. The train was traveling __________ fast to stop in time.

46. The child is not __________ to ride the roller coaster alone.

47. The song was __________ boring that I fell asleep in the concert.

48. He isn't __________ to handle the task.

49. The dress is beautiful, but it's __________ expensive for me to buy.

50. I don't think this bag is __________ for all my clothes.

Đáp án 

1. too

2. enough

3. too

4. tall enough

5. too

6. too

7. too

8. enough

9. so

10. big enough

11. too, to

12. so

13. enough, to

14. too, to

15. enough

16. old enough, to

17. enough

18. enough

19. to

20. too, to

21. so

22. old enough

23. too

24. too

25. too

26. too

27. too

28. too

29. too

30. too

31. old enough

32. too

33. so

34. enough

35. too

36. so

37. too

38. big enough

39. deep enough

40. so

41. too

42. too

43. enough

44. deep enough

45. too

46. old enough

47. too

48. capable enough

49. too

50. big enough

Bài 7: Sắp xếp thành một câu hoàn chỉnh có nghĩa

1. tea / The / is / hot / too / to / drink.

2. much / He / that / felt / ate / sick / too.

3. enough / The / car / stop / traveling / fast / to / was / in / time.

4. movie / boring / was / The / so / fell / I / asleep / in / theater / the.

5. to / is / The / dive / water / deep / enough / in / the / pool.

6. tall / not / He's / enough / to / reach / the / top / shelf.

7. scary / wasn't / The / enough / to / give / me / nightmares / movie.

8. too / The / hot / coffee / for / was / drinking.

9. food / The / but / wasn't / it / for / enough / delicious / everyone.

10. to / I / the / exam / difficult / for / was / too / most / students.

Đáp án 

1. The tea is too hot to drink.

2. He ate too much that he felt sick.

3. The car was traveling too fast to stop in time.

4. The movie was so boring that I fell asleep in the theater.

5. The water in the pool is deep enough to dive.

6. He's not tall enough to reach the top shelf.

7. The movie wasn't scary enough to give me nightmares.

8. The coffee was too hot for drinking.

9. The food wasn't delicious enough for everyone.

10. The exam was too difficult for most students.

Bài 8: Lựa chọn đáp án đúng nhất với câu đã cho

1. The music was __________ loud for me to enjoy.

a) too

b) enough

2. She wasn't __________ prepared for the exam.

a) too

b) enough

3. The box is not __________ to hold all the items.

a) too

b) enough

4. He is __________ old to play in the kids' area.

a) too

b) enough

5. The cake was __________ sweet that everyone loved it.

a) so

b) enough

6. The water in the pool is not __________ for diving.

a) too

b) enough

7. The movie was __________ interesting to watch.

a) too

b) enough

8. The child is not __________ to ride the roller coaster alone.

a) so

b) enough

9. I have __________ time to finish the project.

a) so

b) enough

10. The car was traveling __________ fast to stop in time.

a) too

b) enough

11. The weather is __________ cold to go outside without a jacket.

a) too

b) enough

c) so

d) to

12. She didn't have __________ money __________ buy a new phone.

a) too/ to

b) enough/ to

c) too/ enough

d) so/ to

13. The movie was __________ long that I got bored halfway through.

a) too

b) enough

c) so

d) to

14. The cake was __________ sweet that I couldn't finish it.

a) too

b) enough

c) so

d) to

15. The store has __________ fresh fruits and vegetables for sale.

a) too

b) enough

c) so

d) to

16. The children are finally __________ old __________ ride the roller coaster.

a) too/ to

b) enough/ to

c) so/ to

d) enough/ so

17. He didn't study __________ for the test, so he failed.

a) too

b) enough

c) so

d) to

18. There are __________ chairs for everyone in the waiting room.

a) too

b) enough

c) so

d) to

19. I hope you find the time __________ finish the project.

a) too

b) enough

c) so

d) to

20. She was __________ tired __________ continue working.

a) too/ to

b) enough/ to

c) so/ to

d) too/ so

21. The water was __________ cold for swimming.

a) enough

b) too

22. She didn't have __________ money to buy the dress.

a) too

b) enough

23. The movie was __________ long, and I fell asleep.

a) too

b) enough

24. They didn't study __________ for the exam, so they failed.

a) too

b) enough

25. The coffee isn't __________ hot to drink.

a) too

b) enough

26. He is __________ short to reach the top shelf.

a) too

b) enough

27. We have __________ food for everyone at the party.

a) enough

b) too

28. The book was __________ easy that I finished it quickly.

a) too

b) enough

29. She didn't have __________ experience to get the job.

a) too

b) enough

30. The car was __________ fast to control on the icy road.

a) too

b) enough

Đáp án

1. b) enough

2. b) enough/ to

3. a) too

4. a) too

5. b) enough

6. b) old enough/ to

7. d) enough/ to

8. b) enough

9. d) to

10. a) too/ to

11. a) too

12. b) not enough

13. a) too

14. a) too

15. b) so

16. b) deep enough

17. b) enough

18. a) not old enough

19. b) enough

20. a) too

21. b) too

22. b) enough

23. a) too

24. b) enough

25. a) too

26. a) too

27. a) enough

28. a) too

29. b) enough

30. a) too

Bài 9: Sử dụng Enough hoặc Too để điền vào chỗ trống sao cho phù hợp với câu cho trước

1. The water in the swimming pool is not __________ for diving.

2. The coffee is __________ hot to drink right now.

3. The baby is not __________ to ride the bike alone.

4. The suitcase was __________ heavy for her to carry.

5. He didn't have __________ time to finish the project.

6. The movie was __________ scary for me to watch till the end.

7. The cake was __________ delicious that everyone loved it.

8. She isn't __________ to handle the responsibility.

9. The car was traveling __________ fast to stop in time.

10. The store didn't have __________ fresh fruits and vegetables for sale.

Đáp án 

1. enough

2. too

3. old enough

4. too

5. enough

6. too

7. so

8. capable enough

9. too

10. enough

Bài 10: Sử dụng cấu trúc của Enough hoặc Too để viết lại câu

1. The child is not old to start school.

2. The music was so loud that I couldn't hear anything else.

3. She didn't study sufficiently for the test, so she failed.

4. The book is very difficult to understand.

5. The room is not warm for the winter.

6. He's not tall to reach the top shelf.

7. The movie was very scary for the young audience.

8. The car was traveling so fast to stop in time.

9. We didn't have sufficient time to catch the train.

10. The water in the pool is not deep to dive.

Đáp án

1. The child is not old enough to start school.

2. The music was too loud that I couldn't hear anything else.

3. She didn't study enough for the test, so she failed.

4. The book is too difficult to understand.

5. The room is not warm enough for the winter.

6. He's not tall enough to reach the top shelf.

7. The movie was too scary for the young audience.

8. The car was traveling too fast to stop in time.

9. We didn't have enough time to catch the train.

10. The water in the pool is not deep enough to dive.

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