Describe your idea of a perfect holiday | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3 tổng hợp bài viết về Describe your idea of a perfect holiday. Từ đó giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và học tốt Tiếng Anh hơn.

Describe your idea of a perfect holiday | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề Describe your idea of a perfect holiday

1. Bài mẫu 1

Đề bài: Describe your idea of a perfect holiday

Describe your idea of a perfect holiday. You should say:

  • where the vacation would be
  • who would be with you
  • what you would like to do there

and explain why you think it would be a perfect vacation for you.

Sample Speaking: Describe your idea of a perfect holiday

Today, I’m gonna tell you about my ideal vacation. To begin with, I’m the kinda person who is quite family-oriented, so this holiday would definitely be one spent with my whole family. In other words, it is called a family holiday. 

Although my parents, my elder brother and I were born and raised in the city, sometimes we do get exhausted and fed up with its fast-paced life. Therefore, we share the same opinion that our perfect vacation would take place in any home farms located on the outskirts of the city. 

If we were there, we would initially take a stroll around the farmland to truly enjoy the fresh air and admire the place. The farm owner would then play the role of a tour guide by showing us around, telling us how to harvest some common kinds of plants and collecting certain types of animal products. Such farm work would be so fun and novel to city people like us, so I guess all of us would volunteer to lend him a helping hand. My mom and I would pluck some fresh carrots, while my dad and my elder brother could help collect some chicken eggs.

All in all, a home farm visit would be an amazing opportunity for us to stay away from the hustle and bustle of city life, be surrounded by beautiful and unspoiled nature, and enjoy healthy and high-quality family time together.

Một số từ vựng ăn điểm được sử dụng trong bài Describe your idea of a perfect holiday IELTS Speaking Part 2:

Ideal (adj): lý tưởng

Family-oriented (adj): hướng về gia đình

Get fed up with Sb/St: phát chán với ai/cái gì

Fast-paced (adj): hối hả, nhanh chóng

Share the same opinion (collocation): có cùng quan điểm

On the outskirts of the city: ở vùng ngoại vi thành phố

Take a stroll (collocation): đi dạo

Show Sb around (phrasal verb): dẫn ai đi tham quan

Novel (adj): mới lạ

Lend Sb a helping hand (idiom): giúp đỡ ai

Pluck (v): hái

All in all: tóm lại

Stay away from the hustle and bustle of city life: rời xa nhịp sống hối hả của đô thị

Unspoiled nature (n): thiên nhiên hoang sơ

2. Bài mẫu 2

You should say:

  • where the vacation would be
  • who would be with you
  • what you would like to do there

and explain why you think it would be a perfect vacation for you.

Model Answer 1:

Having a perfect vacation is many people’s dream except, of course, they don’t know how to have it most of the time. However, over the years, if I have learned one thing about enjoying a perfect vacation, it can be achieved only if we don’t worry too much about the word “perfect”. After all, it is the very ‘stress’ of planning a perfect vacation that takes the fun away from it.

But, since I will have to put the discussion of this topic into proper context, I am bound to name the spot of my vacation which could be anywhere from visiting an isolated island, far away from the rest of the civilization, to a beautiful mountain site close to a nice lake, depending on the time of the year. But, since I prefer to enjoy my vacation during the summertime, I would preferably choose a mountain site.

To be honest, my perfect idea of a vacation doesn’t include anything fancy except enjoying some good jokes and laughs with my family members and friends while forgetting about the worries about our worldly life for a while by lying at the feet of the mountain. While I am enjoying my vacation there, I want to be able to fully connect to mother nature which has fed us and taken care of us even though we have done so much harm to it for the last few centuries.

Frankly speaking, I don’t even want to worry about cooking or eating my food when I am enjoying my perfect vacation because that would steal a lot of time from me when enjoying mother nature around me. Of course, I wouldn’t mind at all jumping in the lake and catching some fish to do some barbecue, apart from swimming in it as long as I want.

I think it would be a perfect vacation for me because I would be able to do anything I want there. Besides, this vacation would allow me to enjoy little things with families and friends which don’t happen often when I am busy with my work life.

Model Answer 2:

A perfect vacation, in my opinion, is a type of vacation that would be thoroughly enjoyable and refreshing. First of all, a solid plan about the vacation should be in place, and so there would be no confusion about the places to visit, food to try and things to do. Such a vacation would be not less than a week, I guess.

Moreover, it would be far away from the place the vacationer lives or works. Usually, people enjoy visiting a place that has great natural beauty, a quiet environment, entertaining amenities and a relaxing living place. So I would prefer a place near the sea or hill or a tea garden which is located in a suburban area with natural beauty. A historic place that offers a good travelling route and other amenities would also do. The journey has to be enjoyable as well.

I would prefer either my friends or family members to have such a great vacation with me. If it is totally my choice, I would like to go to the far end of the country or to a foreign country. But the place has to offer a lot of different activities like hiking, surfing, natural sceneries and an arrangement for a comfortable stay. I would go to the famous and attractive places there, hang out with my friends or family outside, take photos, try different food together, take part in the activities offered there, walk beside the open space and enjoy the night from the rooftop. I would stay in a quiet place, and in the morning, I would go to explore the area to know about the people, their customs and culture. 

This would be a perfect vacation mostly because it would be delightful and invigorating. It will offer different activities and a scope to get away from the monotonous routine.  A vacation is aimed to recharge us and give us pleasure so that after we come back from that vacation, we can concentrate on our daily routine with a pleasant feeling. My idea of the vacation would give plenty of opportunities to enjoy and to be refreshed. 

3. Bài mẫu 3

Describe your idea of a perfect holiday.

You should say:

Where it would be               

How you would get there             

Where you would stay

And explain why this would be your perfect holiday.

I would like to start off by talking about a perfect holiday I usually dream of. Different people have different criteria for a perfect holiday and the place to enjoy it. Personally, the best place to have a perfect holiday should be on an offshore island, which is as pristine as possible, for example an island off the Caribbean coast or Indonesia.

Due to the geographic distance of the island, we have to get there by boat but I suppose the most romantic way to get there is by sailing, using the power of the wind. Then, we can truly enjoy the fresh air and some type of adventure.

Well, usually we stay in a luxurious hotel or resort during our holiday because we cannot resist the comfort and convenience of the service there. But what I like for a perfect holiday on an island is a bungalow or small cottage with basic furniture.

Then, we can experience true feelings of eco-tourism. In the evening, we can sleep under a clear sky and it is fantastic. I have to say that this holiday would be a perfect one because I can enjoy the sea, the beach and the fresh air in a very comfortable way and not being disturbed by the noise and pollution. Besides, going on a so-called eco-holiday like this makes us close to nature and more relaxed than going to tourist traps.

 Useful expressions:

- different criteria: những tiêu chuẩn khác nhau

- an offshore island: đảo ngoài khơi

- pristine: tinh khôi, mới, nguyên thủy

- geographic distance: khoảng cách địa lý

- a luxurious hotel: khách sạn sang trọng

- resist the comfort and convenience: cưỡng lại sự thoải mái, tiện nghi

- eco-tourism: du lịch sinh thái

- eco-holiday: kỳ nghỉ sinh thái

- close to nature: gần với thiên nhiên

- tourist trap: nơi có nhiều khác du lịch

Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Holiday

1. Why do you think people go on holiday?

People go on vacation for a wide variety of purposes. However, the two most common ones could be to unwind and to discover. Regarding the first reason, holidays are considered amazing opportunities for people with a hectic schedule to take some time off from their work or study and recharge their batteries by spending time with their family and friends. Turning to the latter, people can take advantage of holiday travel to gain insights into different cultures and broaden their horizons. 

Unwind (v): thư giãn

Hectic (adj): bận rộn

Recharge one’s batteries (idiom): nạp lại năng lượng

Gain insights into St: tìm hiểu về cái gì

Broaden one’s horizons (idiom): mở mang kiến thức, tầm nhìn

2. How important is it for families to go on holiday together?

I’m pretty convinced that family holidays are of great importance. For the most part, these vacations can strengthen bonds between family members through healthy family time, increased communication, and shared experiences. On top of that, when families go on vacation together, family members are likely to partake in outdoor activities which can give their mental and physical well-being a real boost.

Strengthen bonds: củng cố, gắn kết các mối quan hệ

Partake (v) in St: tham gia vào

Well-being (n): trạng thái khỏe mạnh và hạnh phúc

Give Sb/St a boost: thúc đẩy ai/cái gì

3. What kind of holidays will be popular in the future?

I’m of the opinion that eco-friendly vacations will gain in popularity in the future as the number of people who are eco-conscious has increased in recent times. In other words, people will wish to travel in a sustainable and eco-friendly way as they have become more cognizant of their impacts on the environment. As a result, they will gravitate towards environmentally-friendly means of transportation, avoid littering and sustain the well-being of local people. 

Gain in popularity (collocation): trở nên phổ biến hơn

Eco-conscious (adj): quan tâm tới môi trường

Be cognizant (adj) of Sb/St: có ý thức về cái gì

Gravitate (v) towards Sb/St: nghiêng về cái gì, có xu hướng lựa chọn cái gì

Littering (n): xả rác bừa bãi 

Sustain (v): gìn giữ

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