Describe your idea of making a good first impression in a job interview | Bài mẫu + Từ vựng IELTS Speaking Part 2 tổng hợp bài viết về Describe your idea of making a good first impression in a job interview | Bài mẫu + Từ vựng IELTS Speaking Part 2 giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và đạt điểm cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Describe your idea of making a good first impression in a job interview | Bài mẫu + Từ vựng IELTS Speaking Part 2

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe your idea of making a good first impression in a job interview

Đề bài:

You should say:

  • What it is
  • How it would help in a job interview
  • What ways would you do it in your job interview

And explain why you think it is a good first impression in a job interview.

Bài mẫu

As you gave me the topic, there were a few tips that popped up in my mind. 

Let me start the ball rolling by saying that preparation is of paramount importance. If a candidate wants to make it through the interview, they must be well-prepared for the questions. They are usually about the recruiting company and the candidate’s experience and expertise related to the occupation. Sometimes, there may also be situation-simulated questions or leisure ones. All of the asking and answering process is to find out more about their future employee beyond the description in the CV. By practicing those questions in advance, the job seeker will be able to show his or her intelligence and emotional quotients.  

Moreover, professional manners are also worth taking into consideration. It could be as simple as being on time for the interview or dressing properly. A well-ironed shirt or a vest would sharpen your look. Additionally, it could be as detailed as having a pen with you or turning off your phone during the session. These are to make sure that you will be able to represent the company with their business partners 

In a nutshell, it is definitely crucial to prepare and pay attention to your disposition for the interview. 

Từ vựng

  • Of paramount importance (phrase): quan trọng hàng đầu
  • Make it through (phrase): vượt qua 
  • Recruiting (a): tuyển dụng 
  • Situation-simulated (a): giả định tình huống 
  • Emotional quotient (noun phrase): chỉ số thông minh cảm xúc 
  • Manner (n): hành vi cư xử 
  • Sharpen your look (verb phrase): làm vẻ bề ngoài tươm tất hơn 
  • Disposition (n): cách cư xử

→ Bài giải miêu tả các nội dung về hai mẹo khi đi phỏng vấn: chuẩn bị và cách ứng xử. Thí sinh có thể chọn liệt kê hai mẹo của riêng mình và giải thích rõ. 

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 topic: Work

1. Which do you think is more important at work, colleagues or work itself?

Honestly, it is obviously fundamental to put your work first and work your fingers to the bone because this may affect your income and promotion in the future. 

But you also have to understand that having a good relationship with your co-workers may be an ace up your sleeve when teamwork defines your personality and cooperation. 

  • Put your work first (phrase): đặt công việc trên hết 
  • Work your fingers to the bone (idiom): làm việc cật lực 
  • An ace up your sleeve (idiom): lợi thế lớn

Bài giải liệt kê 2 mặt xem trọng công việc và đồng nghiệp. 

2. Is there some other kind of work you’d rather do?

Well in truth, I am quite into a few jobs instead of being a teacher. 

Firstly, I am interested in becoming a geriatrician, you know. It always irritates me when I find out how little people care for both physical and mental health among the elderly. This came when I first read a book related to this field about ten years ago. 

Secondly, I would love to become a cake decorator. I really want to lighten up someone’s special occasion with an elegantly designed cake. You know, I am pretty good at making surreal flowers out of buttercream. 

  • Geriatrician (n): bác sĩ lão khoa 
  • Irritate (v): gây khó chịu
  • Lighten up (verb phrase): làm một ngày của ai đó vui lên
  • Surreal (a): giống như thật 

→ Bài giải liệt kê hai nghề nghiệp mình muốn làm. Nêu những kỹ năng cần có hoặc lý do tại sao mình chọn. 

3. Which jobs would you say are most respected in your country?

Well based on my experience, there are a few well-praised professions in Vietnam. 

However, I suspect that the most prominent would be doctors. You know, they are the ones that could save one’s life. Hence, the years of studying, internship, and experience are worth admiring. 

Another job would be entrepreneurs, especially among the young. This would be because those businessmen could make a handsome amount of money, so everyone wishes to be successful like them. I mean who doesn’t want to live in the lap of luxury. 

  • Praised (a): được khen 
  • Internship (n): kì thực tập 
  • Entrepreneur (n): doanh nghiệp 
  • A handsome amount of money (phrase): rất nhiều tiền 
  • In the lap of luxury (idiom): sống trong nhung lụa 

→ Bài giải đề cập hai nghề nghiệp được xem trọng nhất. Chú ý các từ thay cho “respect”. 

4. Some people say it’s better to work for yourself than to be employed by a company. What do you think?

Well in all fairness, if you want to have something on your own or climb the social ladder, becoming a self-made successful businessman is the most practical way. You would be able to make your own decision and make a lot of money. 

Yet, for those who are not born with a silver spoon in their mouth, they probably have to pull their socks up at some companies to save money and gain experience before starting up their own ventures. 

  • Climb the social ladder (idiom): leo lên vị trí cao hơn
  • Self- made (a): tự thân 
  • Born with a silver spoon in their mouth (idiom): sinh ra ngậm thìa vàng 
  • Pull their socks up (idiom): làm việc cật lực 
  • Venture (n): kinh doanh 

→ Bài giải đề cập hai khía cạnh phân tích hai trường hợp:

  • Lý do tại sao nên làm riêng 
  • Trường hợp nên mình tư làm riêng

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