Talk about your childhood | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, 3 tổng hợp bài viết về Talk about your childhood gồm đề bàu, bài mẫu và từ vựng thông dụng. Từ đó giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và học tốt Tiếng Anh hơn.

Talk about your childhood | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, 3

Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1: Talk about your childhood

1. Did you enjoy your childhood?

Yes, I think I had quite a carefree time as the youngest in the family. My childhood memories are honestly a blur, but most of the small bits I can still recall were peaceful afternoons reading in the balcony or chasing my brother around in the supermarket, so definitely a blissful time. 

carefree (a): vô tư lự

a blur (n): mờ

blissful (a): hạnh phúc, sung sướng

2. Who had the most influence on you when you were a child?

If my memory serves me right, my parents were the ones who shaped my personality and facilitated the growth of some of my basic skills, including numeracy and literacy. It could be due to the fact that I usually whiled away the hours playing games next to my parents when they were working. 

if my memory serves me right: nếu tôi nhớ chính xác

facilitate (v): tạo điều kiện

numeracy (n): số học

literacy (n): biết chữ

while away the hours (phr): giết thời gian

3. What did you often do when you were a child?

I was quite an active kid when I entered primary school. Most days, we got up to all sorts of things, playing hide-and-seek, hanging around on the swings or chasing birds in the schoolyard. It wasn’t uncommon to see me with a book either, because I have always been an avid reader since young. 

  • avid reader (phr): người thường xuyên đọc sách

4. Do you think it is better for children to grow up in a city or the countryside?

It has been a topic of discussion for many years. While a lot of people are against the downfalls of city life, such as heavy traffic and the lack of green space, I guess it is still a better idea for children to live in the cities, where they are exposed to more people and have more chances to enhance their social skills. Living in the countryside may allow them to develop a connection with nature, and maybe to have more time to spend with their parents, but the education opportunities, as well as social development, are still of greater importance to children today. 

  • Downfall (n): sự suy yếu 
  • Expose (v): tiếp xúc
  • Be of greater importance: quan trọng hơn

5. How does a person’s childhood influence what kind of adult they become?

The way I see it, adulthood is basically an extension of your childhood experience. If a child is raised in a family with overprotective parents, he will develop a fear of strangers. In the future, when forced to be in a situation that is beyond his ken, the fear will just take on another form. On the other hand, if one is subject to physical and mental abuse during his early years, he may replicate that behavior as an adult. 

  • Beyond one’s ken: quá sức ai đó
  • Be subject to: chịu đựng 
  • Replicate (v): lặp lại 

6. Do you think that children these days have a better or worse childhood than your generation? Why?

Wow, it is not easy to compare, to say the truth. From my observation, children nowadays receive a well-rounded education as parents are fully aware of how important cognitive and social developments are to them. Apart from daytime school work, they are taken to extra courses of sports, music, dancing, and musical instrument playing. However, participating in such a large number of activities can put children under a lot of pressure as they hardly find any time to just enjoy themselves. People from my generation, on the other hand, were not exposed to cutting-edge technology in our early years, but surely had a lot more time to hang out and more stories to be told.

  • Well-rounded (adj): toàn diện 
  • Be put under pressure: bị áp lực
  • Cutting-edge technology (n): công nghệ tiên tiến

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề: Talk about your childhood

1. Mẫu 1

Describe a happy childhood memory. You should say:

  • when and where the incident you remember happened
  • who you were with
  • what happened exactly

and explain why it is a happy memory.

Take-note trong 1 phút (tiếng Anh)



  • Visiting the aquarium for the first time
  • 10 years old
  • Times City
  • Waiting for the rain to die out => visit the aquarium
  • Before visiting: Exhilarated 
  • During the visit: in awe – exotic marine creatures – penguins

Feelings + Thoughts

  • Nurture the love for animals
  • Inspire to learn more about wildlife
  • The visit was worth every penny

Sample Speaking: Talk about your childhood

I don’t usually reminisce about the past, since for me, it’s all about the present and what the future holds. But one of the memories that I usually visit is the first time that I went to the aquarium. 

I am not exactly someone with a clear sense of time, but I remember that this occasion took place on a rainy day when I was roughly 10 years old. My family were invited for lunch in Times City, and when we were just on the verge of departing, there was suddenly a hard downpour of rain. We decided to just roam around the shopping mall until the rain died out and finally ended up going into the aquarium located there. 

So before this day, I had never been to an aquarium and because I was such a huge fan of marine creatures, to say that I was exhilarated was an understatement. Literally, the whole time when we were buying tickets, I was beaming with excitement and was just jumping around my brother and mother. When we started going in, however, I was lost for words, in awe of what I was looking at.

All around me were these huge tanks housing many exotic fish and aquatic animals that I had only seen in books, including jellyfish, Discus and Catlocarpio. There had been no sharks when I arrived, to my disappointment, but I could still recall the beautiful purple and yellow lighting that all these creatures were swimming in, and that, until this day, is still one of the most breathtaking sights I have ever laid eyes on.

The highlight of this visit were sections that showed some animals I didn’t think would be available in the aquarium, such as otters and penguins. The penguins are definitely a spectacle, as they were all adorable and bold, getting near the glasses to interact with visitors many times. I had the time of my life throughout the visit, taking many photos with the animals and just getting to know much more about these specimens than a book could ever teach.

Needless to say, this trip to the aquarium, despite being unplanned, was one of my favorite memories. It nurtured the love that I had always had for animals, as well as inspired me to learn more about the natural world. I think the experience was worth every penny and would recommend it to anyone who wanted a new experience. 

Dưới đây là một số từ vựng ăn điểm đã được sử dụng trong bài mẫu Talk about your childhood IELTS Speaking Part 2:

reminisce about (v): hồi tưởng về

a sense of time (phr): cảm giác về thời gian

on the verge of (phr): đang chuẩn bị làm gì

downpour (n): mưa rào

roam around (phr. v.): đi loanh quanh

die out (phr. v.): ngớt (mưa)

marine (a): thuộc về đại dương

exhilarated (a): hào hứng, phấn khích

understatement (n): sự nói giảm nói tránh

literally (adv): nghĩa đen

beaming with excitement (phr): cười tươi vì phấn khích 

lost for words (phr): không nói nên lời

in awe (phr): kinh ngạc

Discus (n): cá dĩa

Catlocarpio (n): cá hô

laid eyes on (phr): từng nhìn

spectacle (n): cảnh tượng đáng nhớ

have the time of my life (phr): có khoảng thời gian rất vui vẻ

specimen (n): loài

needless to say (phr): không cần phải nói

worth every penny (phr): đáng tiền

2. Mẫu 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a happy childhood memory.

You should say:

  • when and where the incident you remember happened
  • who you were with
  • what happened exactly

and explain why it is a happy memory.


This cue card reminds me of a lot of beautiful childhood memories. But if I had to talk about the one I remember the most, that would be the time when I first learned how to ride a bicycle. 

At the time I was just around 6 years old, which meant I was about to start going to primary school. Since both my mom and dad were up to ears with a lot of work, they decided to teach me how to ride the bike so that I could commute to school on my own. I still remember vividly that Sunday, when the sun was out and the birds were singing. My parents took me to the park within a walking distance from my house, along with a spanking new, bright pink-colored bicycle they just bought as a present for my birthday. I recall having cold feet to just sit on an actual balance bike with no training wheels. My dad insisted I get on it and learn to coast without using pedals. As I went, he was in the back holding the frame so that I wouldn’t fall. After several attempts, I got used to those “running” steps and picked up my feet to feel the balance. 

I was frightened out of my wits to notice that my dad had already released his hands from the bike to see how I coped. As expected, I ended up stumbling then crashing into a nearby tree. Despite being all black and blue after the incident, I decided to take another stab and managed to fully control the vehicle, after about 2 hours. My mom and dad gave me a pat on the back for my effort, and I was on top of the world to have my mom and dad there to watch me shine. 

I guess learning how to ride a bike is something we all went through as kids. And whenever think back to that memory, I feel so lucky to have had such a beautiful memory with my parents. 


  • Be up to ears (with work): rất bận rộn
  • Vividly (adj): một cách rõ ràng
  • Within a walking distance: gần, có thể đi bộ lại được
  • Spanking new (adj): mới toanh
  • Have cold feet: sợ hãi
  • Coast (v): lướt đi (trên xe đạp)
  • Be frightened out of one’s wits: sợ hãi 
  • Stumble (v): chao đảo
  • Black and blue: bị bầm tím
  • Take another stab: thử lại lần nữa
  • Gave someone a pat on the back: khen ngợi ai đó
  • Be on top of the world: vui sướng 

3. Mẫu 3

Childhood is a time of blissful experiences for everyone. The dreams are huge and every child tends to find happiness in small things and incidents. Everyone has their own childhood memories and among them, some are pleasant while a few are sad. I also have various childhood memories and I would like to talk about the one related to my first day at school.

I was about 4 years old when I got admission to a local school. This was very exciting as I was fascinated by the new place full of people and large buildings. When my father announced that I would start attending school from the next march, I was elated.

I started imagining what my school and my classes would look like, and how many friends would I make. Finally, the day came and my parents came to drop me off to school. Till that day, I had seen it only from outside, and after taking my first steps into the school campus, I was anxious and felt nervous.

I was unsure of what would follow, and of the things, I was supposed to do. Very soon a teacher came and introduced herself while handing me with my books and stationery. I felt comfortable and went along with her to my assigned classroom. The classroom was huge and airy, with a lot of children occupying the desks. I was introduced to the class and all the children warmed up to me and I found it very easy to settle in with the class. It was an exhilarating experience, but my initial nervousness had died down to make way for happiness and I started to enjoy going to school in no time.

Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Talk about your childhood

1. Do you think people often idealize their childhoods?

It’s hard to say. I mean, obviously, there are many people who probably look back on their early days with lots of fondness. The troubles that used to keep them up at night back then seem something worth a chuckle only now; what remains is a sense of gratitude for the lovely time they got to spend as an innocent child, free from mundane worries of the adult’s life. So that’s one way these people may idealize their childhoods.

But then, you know, a lot of others may be deprived, lonely kids, who could have been through horrible trauma since young and quite frankly, are likely to have more pessimistic views about their own experiences growing up. I definitely believe what people feel regarding their childhood is becoming polarized in recent decades. 

  • look back on (phr): nhìn lại
  • fondness (n): sự trìu mến
  • keep somebody up at night (phr): khiến ai mất ngủ
  • chuckle (n): cười khẩy
  • gratitude (n): sự biết ơn
  • mundane (a): tầm thường
  • deprived (a): thiếu thốn, túng quẫn
  • trauma (n): tổn thương
  • frankly (adv): nói thẳng ra
  • polarize (v): phân hai thái cực

2. Do you think that childhood is very important for the development of one person?

Oh, most definitely. According to many psychologists, childhood years can leave long-lasting impacts on a youngster’s physical and emotional well-being. This is because these are the years of rapid brain development, as most people’s brain structures are formed from birth to age 8.

Thus, the foundation for kids’ cognitive ability relies a lot on these first few years. Just like how an auspicious and supportive environment may promote positive future growth, constantly being put under overwhelming stress and traumatic events may lead to life-long consequences on the children’s health outcomes and potential development. 

  • long-lasting (a): dài lâu
  • well-being (n): sự hạnh phúc và khỏe mạnh
  • cognitive ability (n): năng lực nhận thức
  • auspicious (a): thuận lợi
  • overwhelming (a): quá mức, vượt quá sức chịu đựng
  • traumatic (a): gây tổn thương
  • health outcome (n): hệ quả về mặt sức khỏe

3. What is the difference between the life of children in the past and at the present?

Well, children are living in a never-before-seen era now, so the life that they are currently enjoying may also be as different as day and night compared to the past. I believe that the biggest difference lies in the mass exposure of kids to technology

 In the past, it was difficult to even see a TV, but now children as small as 5 could know their way around an iPad or even a laptop, which is a blessing since they have the potential to, like, make use of one of humanity’s largest sources of knowledge and entertainment, but also a curse due to the risks that these devices may pose to young children in terms of physical and mental health.

The technological boom is really changing children’s childhoods drastically and more data on the impacts of this trend should be collected to reach a consensus on its societal implications. 

  • never-before-seen era (n): kỉ nguyên chưa từng có
  • as different as day and night (idiom): khác biệt rõ rệt
  • mass (a): rộng lớn
  • exposure (n): sự phơi bày, được tiếp xúc
  • know their way around (phr. v.): biết cách sử dụng
  • technological boom (n): sự bùng nổ công nghệ
  • drastically (adv): mạnh mẽ
  • consensus (n): kết luận
  • implication (n): ẩn ý, bài học

4. Do you think that children these days have a better or worse childhood than your generation? Why?

Wow, it is not easy to compare, to say the truth. From my observation, children nowadays receive a well-rounded education as parents are fully aware of how important cognitive and social developments are to them. Apart from daytime school work, they are taken to extra courses of sports, music, dancing, and musical instrument playing. However, participating in such a large number of activities can put children under a lot of pressure as they hardly find any time to just enjoy themselves. People from my generation, on the other hand, were not exposed to cutting-edge technology in our early years, but surely had a lot more time to hang out and more stories to be told.

  • Well-rounded (adj): toàn diện 
  • Be put under pressure: bị áp lực
  • Cutting-edge technology (n): công nghệ tiên tiến

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