Talk about your favorite sport | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3 tổng hợp và giới thiệu bài viết Talk about your favorite sport | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3 giúp bạn ôn luyện và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Talk about your favorite sport | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3

Cấu trúc Talk about your favorite sport

  • I want to discuss a sport that I find really enjoyable: Tôi muốn thảo luận về một môn thể thao mà tôi thấy thực sự thú vị.
  • It is my all-time favorite sport, in my opinion: Theo ý kiến ​​của tôi, đó là môn thể thao yêu thích nhất mọi thời đại của tôi.
  • I’ve been practicing it for a very long time: Tôi đã thực hành nó trong một thời gian rất dài.
  • I would choose to do it when I have free time: Tôi sẽ chọn làm điều đó khi tôi có thời gian rảnh.
  • This is a sport I’m a (huge) fan of: Đây là một môn thể thao tôi là một fan hâm mộ (rất lớn).

Một số cấu trúc thể hiện sự yêu thích:

  • I like/enjoy/fancy/prefer playing…
  • I am into playing…
  • I am keen on playing…
  • I am fond of playing…
  • I indulge in playing…

Từ vựng Talk about your favorite sport 

Từ vựng Nghĩa
Appreciate Cảm kích
Aquatic sport Thể thao dưới nước
Archery Bắn cung
Athletics Điền kinh
Badminton Cầu lông
Badminton racquet Vợt cầu lông
Baseball Bóng chày
Baseball bat Gậy đánh bóng chày
Basketball Bóng rổ
Boxing Quyền Anh
Boxing ring Võ đài quyền anh
Champion Nhà vô địch
Climbing Leo núi
Competition Cuộc thi đấu
Cricket bat Gậy cricket
Cricket ground Sân cricket
Fishing rod Cần câu cá
Football Bóng đá
Football pitch Sân bóng đá
Glory Vinh quang
Golf club Gậy đánh Golf
Golf course Sân golf
Gym Phòng gym
Gymnastics Tập thể hình
Ice rink Sân trượt băng
Martial art Võ thuật
Organize Tổ chức
Racetrack Đường đua
Running track Đường chạy đua
Score a goal Ghi bàn
Skateboard Ván trượt
Skateboarding Trượt ván
Skiing Trượt tuyết
Sportsman Vận động viên thể thao
Squash court Sân chơi bóng quần
Stand Khán đài
Swimming Bơi
Swimming pool Hồ bơi
Table tennis Bóng tennis
Tennis court Sân chơi tennis
Tennis racquet Vợt tennis
Victory Sự chiến thắng
Volleyball Bóng chuyền
Weightlifting Cử tạ
Windsurfing Lướt gió (ván buồm)
Wrestling Môn đấu vật

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Talk about your favorite sport

1. Do you like to watch sports on TV?

I guess I’m not a huge sports fan. I primarily watch a select few important international sporting events, such as the World Cup and Olympic Games. Additionally, because I’m usually working, I spend my free time engaging in other activities like listening to music or shopping.

  • A select few important international sporting events: một vài sự kiện thể thao quốc tế quan trọng
  • Engage in (v): tham gia vào

2. Do you play any sports?

Despite not participating in any sports, I work out at the gym with a personal trainer who assists me in creating an effective training schedule. My very first task when I arrive at the gym is to warm up by stretching, hunching over, and performing jumping jacks. After this point, I’ll work out hard, which may cause my muscles to hurt for the first couple of days.

  • Workout (v): tập thể dục
  • Stretch (v): kéo người
  • Hunch over (v): khom lưng
  • Perform jumping jacks: thực hiện các bước nhảy

3. What are the most popular sports in your country?

In my country, football is the most popular sport, and in my opinion, it is the supreme sport. Football is more well-liked than other sports due to the exciting atmosphere it fosters. When our team wins a game, they go bonkers and even drive around honking and waving flags.

  • Go bonkers (v): đi bão
  • Drive around honking and waving flags: lái xe xung quanh bấm còi và vẫy cờ

4. What is your favorite sports star?

I like Lionel Messi. He is recognized as one of football’s all-time greats for more than just his dribbling prowess or his ability to spot a goal from nowhere; he also enjoys cheering on his team’s accomplishments and gets ecstatic when other strikers score goals.

  • Dribbling prowess (n): khả năng rê bóng
  • Spot a goal (v): phát hiện mục tiêu
  • Accomplishments (n): thành tích
  • Ecstatic (adj): vui vẻ
  • Strikers (n): tiền đạo

5. What kind of sports would you like to try in the future?

I’d like to attempt tennis if I had more free time. I believe it will benefit my physical and mental health because endurance and focus are necessary for this sport. It’s also a lot of fun to play with friends and family as a recreational pastime.

  • Endurance (n): sức chịu đựng
  • Recreational pastime (n): thú vui tiêu khiển

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Talk about your favorite sport

You should say:

What it is?

How did you first know about it?

How often do you practice?

And explain why it is your favorite sport.

Talk about your favorite sport – Football

I want to talk to everyone in Vietnam about football, which is the national sport and one of my favorite sports. I first heard of it when I was 15 years old. I received an invitation from my classmates to play on his neighborhood football team with their other friends. I can honestly say that I had a terrific time with them. 

I used to play it with my friends after school because it was the only free time I had during the day. Because I am currently so busy with work and school, I had to give up my hobby. But occasionally, if I have a lengthy vacation, I’ll organize a small football game with my former classmates. We frequently gather in a tiny restaurant after such football games to drink and converse. 

I like participating in this sport because it improves my mental and physical health, among other things. I can also learn collaborative skills, which are useful in all aspects of life. Last but not least, I have made a lot of friends through this sport who have grown to be my best playmates. 

  • Terrific (adj): tuyệt vời
  • Converse (v): trò chuyện
  • Improve sb’s mental and physical health: nâng cao sức khỏe thể chất và tinh thần của ai đó
  • Learn collaborative skills: có được các kỹ thuật hợp tác

Talk about your favorite sport – Swimming

I want to talk about swimming, which is my favorite sport.

It was the first I heard of it when I was ten years old. To prevent me from drowning in the sea, my mother believed that I should start learning to swim at a young age. Since I was probably born with the water element, I must admit that I somewhat enjoyed the swimming lessons.

I still make a point of joining my boyfriend, who enjoys this water sport, every Saturday afternoon at the local pool. I only ever skip a day when I’m completely overwhelmed by my workload.

I enjoy playing this activity because it keeps my body in top condition, but there are other advantages as well. Second, I may increase my height by swimming, which is a terrific sport. Last but not least, I seldom ever feel stressed out or overworked since I started playing this sport. Overall, I think everyone should participate in this sport.

  • Prevent sb from drowning in the sea: ngăn ai đó chết đuối dưới biển
  • Be probably born with the water element: có lẽ được sinh ra với yếu tố nước
  • Make a point of (v): có thói quen
  • Keep sb’s body in top condition: giữ cho cơ thể ai đó trong tình trạng tốt nhất

Talk about your favorite sport – Running

I’d want to talk about running, which is a simple and cost-free activity that anyone may try. 

I just recently began it with the help of my coworkers who are expert runners. How athletic they appear and how devoted they are to this activity persuaded me. I made the decision to do what they did and attempt running in the park by my workplace. In all honesty, I was almost fatigued at first, but after a week, I fell in love with it rather quickly.

I always get to the park after work at 5 o’clock and run around it till 6 o’clock. I spend more than two hours running in the afternoon on Saturdays when I only work in the morning, and I have to admit that Saturdays are the best days for me to run. When my coworkers can join me at the park, we occasionally have a wonderful adventure together and enjoy telling funny work stories while taking breaks. 

I enjoy this activity for a variety of reasons. First, it is affordable and simple to attempt. All we need is a water bottle and a pair of jogging sneakers. Second, anyone of any age or gender can participate in this sport, which allowed me to make some new acquaintances while practicing it in the park. They are pleasant and affable individuals.

Third, ever since I started playing this sport, I have hardly ever experienced a common cold, flu, or fever. What else? Only after a month of training can I work more productively and with improved performance. In other words, I am able to work longer hours without getting weary. Overall, I advise everyone to give this sport a try.

  • Cost-free (adj): miễn phí 
  • Expert runners (n): vận động viên chuyên nghiệp
  • Fatigued (adj): mệt mỏi
  • Jogging sneakers (n): giày chạy bộ
  • Acquaintances (n): những người quen
  • Affable (adj): niềm nở
  • Productively (adv): năng suất
  • Weary (adj): mệt mỏi

Talk about your favorite sport – Badminton

I want to discuss badminton, which is a well-liked sport in Vietnam and is one of my favorites.

When I was 15 years old, I first learned about it. My father made me sign up for a badminton training program with his pals since he thought I was a little overweight. Although I must admit that for the first week I was a little unhappy about being forced to do something against my choice, I quickly warmed up to it. 

Unfortunately, I now spend the majority of my day in the office as a white-collar worker, getting home just around 7 o’clock. I therefore no longer have time to play badminton.

I still adore this sport, though, for a number of reasons: It first assisted me in losing a little weight, which improved my health. Second, I made a lot of nice pals that helped me out a lot in life while I practiced the sport in the nearby sports facility. Last but not least, I would say that after learning about this activity, I could definitely get over my shyness about being a big person and try to modify how I look. Overall, I think everyone should participate in this sport.

  • Well-liked (adj): được yêu thích
  • Warm up to (v): thích thú với
  • White-collar worker (n): nhân viên văn phòng
  • Get over sb’s shyness (v): vượt qua sự nhút nhát của ai đó

Talk about your favorite sport – Taekwondo

I want to discuss Taekwondo, a type of Korean martial art, which is my favorite sport.

When I was 15 years old, I first learned about it. My parents believed that I should develop self-defense skills to combat school bullies. Furthermore, this was the ideal sport for me because I was a little overweight. I rapidly got into it, and even now, at the age of 23, it remains my most favorite pleasure activity.

I frequently spend my free time playing this sport with other martial artists in a sports club close to my house since I don’t have any courses on Sunday afternoons. They have been really helpful in teaching me some excellent strategies. We occasionally play with some little matches and then enjoy a meal in a little restaurant.

There are a number of reasons why Taekwondo has my heart. First off, I was able to drop some weight with this sport, and as a result, I currently have a somewhat fit figure. Second, since I began playing this sport, I have hardly ever experienced a common cold, flu, or fever. Third, as a result of meeting so many amazing friends from various backgrounds, my social circle has been growing steadily. Overall, I think you should give this sport a shot. 

  • Martial art (n): võ thuật
  • Self-defense skills (n): kỹ năng tự vệ
  • Combat school bullies (v): chống lại những kẻ bắt nạt học đường
  • Give this sport a shot (v): thử sức với môn thể thao này

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Talk about your favorite sport

1. What types of sports are popular in your country?

Sports of all kinds are played in Vietnam by people of all ages and socioeconomic levels. However, football is without a doubt the most well-known sport in Vietnam and has a significant cultural impact on the country. Nearly every corner in Vietnam has a temporary football field where both children and adults can play the game. Recent notable triumphs by the Vietnamese national football team in international events have further boosted the sport’s popularity.

  • Socioeconomic levels (n): trình độ kinh tế xã hội
  • Recent notable triumphs (n): những chiến thắng đáng chú ý gần đây

2. What are the benefits of playing a sport?

Playing sports has several benefits for both our physical and emotional wellbeing. First off, it reduces the likelihood of contracting debilitating conditions like diabetes and obesity while constructing muscles and improving cardiovascular endurance. Second, it can enhance our mental health by reducing stress and boosting mood and self-esteem.

Participating in sports can build a sense of collaboration, discipline, and camaraderie with others, and these traits can be beneficial in both personal and professional contexts. Overall, doing sports is an excellent way to maintain health and improve overall well being.

  • Debilitating conditions (n): điều kiện suy nhược
  • Diabetes (n): tiểu đường
  • Cardiovascular endurance (n): sự chịu đựng của tim mạch
  • Self-esteem (n): lòng tự trọng
  • Collaboration (n): sự hợp tác
  • Discipline (n): kỷ luật
  • Camaraderie (n): tình bạn thân thiết

3. Do you think the types of sports that are popular will change in the future?

Popular sports may alter in the future as society and culture continue to develop, in my opinion. For instance, as technology becomes more widespread in our lives and people spend more time playing video games and competing online, esports may become more popular. A move toward exercises like yoga, pilates, or mindfulness-based practices that have higher physical and mental advantages may also be seen as people grow more health-conscious.

  • Widespread (adj): phổ biến rộng rãi
  • Health-conscious (adj): có ý thức về sức khỏe

4. How can sports bring people from different countries closer together?

Sports have the ability to bring individuals from different countries together by fostering a feeling of common experience and interest. International athletic events like the Olympics and the World Cup allow individuals a chance to come together and celebrate their passion for sports, regardless of cultural or linguistic divides. Sports can promote intercultural communication and understanding as well as a sense of global community.

  • Cultural or linguistic divides (n): sự phân chia văn hóa hoặc ngôn ngữ
  • Intercultural communication (n): giao tiếp liên văn hóa
  • Global community (n): cộng đồng toàn cầu

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