Cấu trúc Used to/ Be Used to/ Get Use to | Định nghĩa, cách sử dụng các cấu trúc, phân biệt 3 cấu trúc - Bài tâp vận dụng

1900.com.vn tổng hợp và giới thiệu bài viết Cấu trúc Used to/ Be Used to/ Get Use to | Định nghĩa, cách sử dụng các cấu trúc, phân biệt 3 cấu trúc - Bài tâp vận dụng giúp bạn nắm vững cách làm bài, nâng cao vốn từ vựng và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Cấu trúc Used to/ Be Used to/ Get Use to | Định nghĩa, cách sử dụng các cấu trúc, phân biệt 3 cấu trúc - Bài tâp vận dụng

Cấu trúc Used to là gì?

Cấu trúc Used to có nghĩa là đã từng, từng quen,..một sự kiện trong quá khứ nhưng hiện tại không còn xảy ra nữa

Cách sử dụng cấu trúc used to

Cấu trúc Used to được sử dụng để nói về một thói quen, một hành động hoặc một sự kiện đã xảy ra trong quá khứ và hiện tại không còn xảy ra nữa. Đôi khi cấu trúc Used to còn được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh sự khác biệt giữa quá khứ và hiện tại. Ví dụ: 

  • Nam used to listening music at night  (Ngày trước Nam đã từng nghe nhạc vào ban đêm)

Lưu ý: Đối với câu này ta có thể hiểu là hiện tại Nam không còn nghe nhạc vào ban đêm nữa.

Tài liệu VietJack

Cấu trúc used to

1. Các công thức Used to trong câu


Cấu trúc used to

Ví dụ

Khẳng định

S + used to + V

  • I used to study until 1:00 AM 

(Trước kia, tôi thường học tới 1 giờ sáng)

Phủ định

S + did not + use to + V


S + use not to + V

  • They didn’t use to go to school together (Ngày trước họ không đi học cùng nhau)
  • They used not to go to school together 

(Ngày trước họ không đi học cùng nhau)

Nghi vấn

Did + S + use to + V

  • Did he use to drink coffee? 

(Ngày trước anh ấy có uống cafe không?)

2. Lưu ý khi sử dụng cấu trúc Used to

  • Cấu trúc Used to không thể sử dụng ở thì hiện tại: Nếu bạn muốn diễn tả về thói quen trong hiện tại, bạn có thể sử dụng các từ chỉ tần suất như: Usually, always, often, never,..
  • Sử dụng Used hay Use? Có thể thấy, Used là dạng quá khứ của động từ Use, vì thế ta chia động từ đúng theo ngữ pháp. Ví dụ: Khi đi sau các trợ động từ như: did, could, might thì “Use” được chia dưới dạng nguyên thể là Use. Ví dụ: I didn’t use to go to school late ( Ngày trước, tôi thường không đi học muộn).

Một số các cấu trúc khác tương tự với Used: Be Used to và Get Used to

1. Cấu trúc Be Used to

1.1 Định nghĩa:

Cấu trúc Be Used to có nghĩa là đã quen với việc gì đó,..

1.2 Cách sử dụng Be used to:

Cấu trúc Be Used to Ving được sử dụng để diễn tả ai đó đã từng làm việc gì đó nhiều lần và đã có kinh nghiệm trong việc đó. Chúng ta có thể dịch là đã quen với điều gì đó. Ví dụ:

  • She is used to being complained (Cô ấy đã quen bị phàn nàn)

Lưu ý: Ta sử dụng V-ing hoặc danh từ sau cấu trúc be Used to. Bạn có thể xem cấu trúc bên dưới để hiểu rõ hơn.

1.3 Các công thức Be Used to trong câu


Cấu trúc Be used to

Ví dụ

Khẳng định

S + be (is, are, am) + Used to + Ving/ Danh từ

  • I am used to studying until 1:00 AM 

(Tôi đã quen với việc học tới 1 giờ sáng)

Phủ định

S + be (is, are, am) + not  used to + Ving/ Danh từ

  • They aren’t used to going to school together 

(Họ không quen với việc đi học cùng nhau)

Nghi vấn

Be (Is, Are, Am) + S + used to + Ving/ Danh từ

  • Is he used to drinking coffee? 

(Anh ấy có quen uống cafe không?)

2. Cấu trúc Get Used to

2.1 Định nghĩa

Cấu trúc Get Used to có nghĩa là dần quen với một việc gì đó.

2.2 Cách sử dụng cấu trúc Get Used to

Cấu trúc Get Used to được sử dụng để diễn tả rằng ai đó đang làm quen với 1 vấn đề hoặc một sự việc nào đó. Ví dụ:

  • You might find using a map difficult at first but you will soon get used to it (Bạn có thể thấy nó khó lúc đầu nhưng bạn sẽ nhanh chóng quen với nó)

2.3 Công thức Get used to


Cấu trúc Get used to

Ví dụ

Khẳng định

S + get + used to + Ving/danh từ

  • After a while Lan didn’t mind the noise in the office, she got used to it.

(Sau một thời gian cô ấy đã không còn cảm thấy phiền bởi tiếng ồn nữa, cô ấy đã quen với nó)

Phủ định

S + do not + get +  used to + Ving/danh từ

  • I couldn’t get used to the noisy neighborhood, so I moved

(Tôi không thể quen với tiếng ồn của hàng xóng, vì thế tôi di chuyển đến nơi khác)

Nghi vấn

Do + S + get + used to + Ving/danh từ?

  • Has you gotten used to your boss

(Bạn đã quen với sếp mới chưa?)

Phân biệt cấu trúc Used to/ Be Use to/ Get Use to


Cấu trúc Used to

Cấu trúc be Used to

Cấu trúc Get Used to

Cách sử dụng

Dùng để diễn tả việc, sự việc trong quá khứ và không còn ở hiện tại

Dùng để diễn tả việc, sự việc thường xuyên diễn ra, những thói quen ở hiện tại

Diễn tả hành động đang dần trở thành thói quen

Về thì

Chỉ sử dụng ở thì quá khứ

Có thể sử dụng ở tất cả các thì

Có thể sử dụng ở tất cả các thì

Theo sau cấu trúc

Động từ ở dạng nguyên thể (V)

Động từ ở dạng Ving hoặc danh từ

Động từ ở dạng Ving hoặc danh từ

Bài tập với cấu trúc Used to/ Be Use to và Get Used to

Bài tập 1: Điền từ vào chỗ trống

1. He didn’t … to do much skiing.

2. I … to walk to school when I was a child.

3. They … not to let women join this club.

4. There … to be a lake there years ago.

5. Nam didn’t … to like Lan when they were teenagers.

6. When … we to live here?

7. Why did you … to use this old photocopier?

8. They never … to have electricity in our house.

9. We hardly ever … to have time for going out.

10. Did they … to let you smoke in cinemas?

Đáp án

1. use 

2. used 

3. used 

4. used 

5. use 

6. did … use 

7. use 

8. used 

9. used 

10. use

Bài tập 2: Chọn cấu trúc câu (sử dụng cấu trúc used to, get used to, be used to)

1. When Nam started to work here, Nam needed a lot of help, but now Nam is (used to doing/ used to do/ get used to doing) all the work on his own.

2. She (was used to reading/ used to read/ got used to reading) several books a month, but she doesn’t have time anymore.

3. Nam was surprised to see his driving – he (got used to driving/ was used to driving/ didn’t use to drive) when we first met him.

4. Don’t worry, it’s a simple game to play. You (are used to/ will get used to/ used to use) it in no time, I’m sure.

5. When we had to commute to work every day we (used to get up/ used to getting up) very early.

6. We are afraid we will never (get used to living/ used to live/ got used to living) in this place. I simply don’t like it and never will

7. Whenever they came to Coventry they always (used to stay/ got used to staying) in the Central Hotel. They loved it.

8. When Nam was the head of our office everything (got used to be/ used to be/ was used to being) well organized. Now it’s total chaos here.

9. Lan was shocked when he joined our busy company because she (wasn’t used to/ didn’t used to) doing much work every day.

10. At first, the employees didn’t like the new office, but in the end they (got used to/ get used to/ are used to) it.

 Đáp án:

1. am used to doing

2. used to read

3. didn’t use to drive

4. will get used to

5. used to get up

6. get used to living

7. used to stay

8. used to be

9. wasn’t used to

10. got used to

Bài 3: Chọn ý đúng

1 – I like it now, but I ____.

A. didn’t use to

B. didn’t used to

2 – I find it hard _____ to the dark evenings in winter.

A. used

B. get used

C. to get used

3 – It took me a while to get used to ____ on a continental keyboard.

A. type

B. typing

4 – I _____ to being spoken to like that!

A. am not used

B. don’t get used

C. used

5 – I ____ play football on Saturdays when I was at school.

A. was used to

B. used to

6 – Before I started cycling, I _____ go to work by bus.

A. used to

B. got used to

7 – I haven’t studied for ages and I’m finding it hard to get used to _____ every day.

A. study

B. studied

C. studying

8 – I couldn’t _____ used to the food.

A. because

B. get

9 – He never _____ behave like that.

A. used

B. used to

10 – It’s taking me a long time to ____ speaking Norwegian.

A. used to

B. get used to

Đáp án

1. A

2 .C

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. B

10. B

Bài 4. Hoàn thành câu

1. Liz .... a motorbike,but last year she sold it and bought a car.

2. We came to live in London a few years ago. We .... in Leeds.

3. I rarely eat ice-cream now, but I .... it when I was a child.

4. Jim .... my best friend, but we aren't good friend any longer.

5. It only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work now that the new roadis open. It .... more than an hour.

6. There .... a hotel near the airport, but it closed a long time ago.

7. When you lived in New York, .... to the theatre very often?

Đáp án

1. used to have   

2. used to live       

3. used to eat

4. used to be

5. used to take       

6. used to be           

7. used to use to go

Bài 5: Chọn đáp án đúng trong 2 đáp án

1- He used to be/being fat but now he's thin

2- He isn't used to work/working in these bad conditions.

3- Did you use to/used to write poems when you were young?

4- I need some time to get used to live/living in this town.

5- Sting used to be/being a teacher before he became a famous singer.

6-  I'm not used to wash/washing linen by hand.

7- She'll get used to live/living in the extremely cold winter of Siberia.

Đáp án:

1- be

2- working

3- use to

4- living

5- be

6- washing

7- living

Bài 6: Chia dạng đúng cho động từ trong ngoặc

1. My parents ---- (travel) to other countries when they were young, but now they ---- (go) to places that are nearby.

2. He doesn't have any problem getting to work at 8:00 in the morning because he ---- (get up) early.

3. At one time American mothers ---- (hope) their sons would grow up to become President.

4. Before he became ill, he ---- (play) tennis every morning.

5. For a long time, people ---- (think) that the world was flat and that people could fall off the edge.

6. Today many children ---- (watch) TV for hours instead of doing their homework.

7. We ---- (go) to the country every summer, but now we can't afford to.

8. In many banks, machines are doing the work that tellers ---- (do).

Đáp án:

1- used to travel, are used to going

2- is used to getting up

3- used to hope

4- used to play

5- used to think

6- are used to watching

7- used to go

8- used to do

Bài 7: Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.

1. Astronauts_____ in their spaceship, but they frequently work outside now.

A. were used to stay

B. used to stay

C. were staying

D. had used to stay

2. People _____ that the earth is round before.

A. were not used to believe

B. used to believing

C. would not use to believe

D. did not use to believe

3. Tuberculosis_____ incurable before.

A. use to be thought

B. used to be thought

C. used to think

D. use to think

4. Formerly babies_____ of whooping cough.

A. have died

B. used to die

C. would die

D. both B and C

5. These city girls are used_____ in the field.

A. to work

B. used to lie

C. would like

D. to working

6. Newton_____ scientific books when a boy.

A. used to read

B. has read

C. had read

D. had been reading

7. I am sorry I am not_____ fast.

A. used to drive

B. used to driving

C. use to drive

D. use to driving

8. Frank used to work in a small shop. He_____

A. doesn't any more

B. still does

C. is now

D. had never done anything else

9. Roy Trenton used to work in a small shop. He _____

A. is driving it

B. doesn’t drive it any more

C. likes it

D. didn’t like it

10. Roy Trenton use to drive a taxi. This means he_____ a taxi driver.

A. use to get

B. used be

C. used to being

D. used to be

11. I_____ in Jakarta. I've lived here all my life.

A. am used to living

B. used to living

C. use to live

D. am used to live

12. Jane_____ for the telephone company, but now she has a job at the post office.

A. used to working

B. used to work

C. is used to working

D. am used to work

13. This work doesn’t bother me. I _____ hard. I've worked hard all my life.

A. used to working

B. used to work

C. am used to working

D. am used to work

14. Dick_____ a moustache, but he doesn't any more. He shaved it off because his wife didn't like it.

A. used to having

B. is used to having

C. was used to having

D. used to have

15. When I was a child, I _____ anyone 40 was old.

A. used to think

B. was used to thinking

C. used to thinking

D. was used to think

Đáp án:

1. B

11. A

2. D

12. B

3. B

13. C

4. D

14. D

5. C

15. A

6. A


7. B


8. A


9. B


10. D

Bài 8: For each sentence, choose a variety of "used to", "be used to" or "get used to". Use the verb in the brackets to make the sentence. Don't use any contractions.

1. European drivers find it difficult to _______________________ (drive) on the left when they visit Britain.

2. See that building there? I _______________________ (go) to school there, but now it's a factory.

3. I've only been at this company a couple of months. I _______________________ (still not) how they do things round here.

4. When I first arrived in this neighbourhood, I _______________________ (live) in a house. I had always lived in apartment buildings.

5. Working till 10pm isn't a problem. I _______________________ (finish) late. I did it in my last job too.

6. I can't believe they are going to build an airport just two miles from our new house! I will _______________________ (never) all that noise! What a nightmare.

7. His father _______________________ (smoke) twenty cigars a day - now he doesn't smoke at all!

8. Whenever all my friends went to discos, I _______________________ (never go) with them, but now I enjoy it.

9. I _______________________ (drive) as I have had my driving licence almost a year now.

10. When Max went to live in Italy, he _______________________ (live) there very quickly. He's a very open minded person.

11. There _______________________ (be) a market here in 2003.

12. I _______________________ (love) Ann but now she gets on my nerves.

13. There _______________________ (be) a tree in front of my house.

14. She _______________________ (be) my idol when I was a child.

15. After a while he didn’t mind the noise in the office, he _______________________ (do) it.

Đáp án:

1. European drivers find it difficult to _______get used to driving________________ (drive) on the left when they visit Britain.

2. See that building there? I __________used to go_____________ (go) to school there, but now it's a factory.

3. I've only been at this company a couple of months. I ________am still not used to_______________ (still not) how they do things round here.

4. When I first arrived in this neighbourhood, I ___________used to live____________ (live) in a house. I had always lived in apartment buildings.

5. Working till 10pm isn't a problem. I ____________am used to finishing__________ (finish) late. I did it in my last job too.

6. I can't believe they are going to build an airport just two miles from our new house! I will __________never get used to_____________ (never) all that noise! What a nightmare.

7. His father ______________used to smoke_________ (smoke) twenty cigars a day - now he doesn't smoke at all!

8. Whenever all my friends went to discos, I _________never used to go______________ (never go) with them, but now I enjoy it.

9. I ___________am used to driving____________ (drive) as I have had my driving licence almost a year now.

10. When Max went to live in Italy, he __________got used to living_____________ (live) there very quickly. He's a very open minded person.

11. There ____________used to be___________ (be) a market here in 2003.

12. I ____________used to love___________ (love) Ann but now she gets on my nerves.

13. There ___________used to be____________ (be) a tree in front of my house.

14. She __________used to be_____________ (be) my idol when I was a child.

15. After a while he didn’t mind the noise in the office, he __________got used to doing_____________ (do) it.

Bài 9: Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

1. I usually stayed up late to watch football matches last year, but now I don’t.

I used _______________________________________________

2. There were some trees in the field, but now there aren’t any.

There used _____________________________________________

3. Anna doesn’t live with her parents any more.

Anna used ______________________________________________

4. He is not a poor man any more, but he become a rich businessman.

He used _______________________________________________

5. They didn’t often go to the cinema every Sunday last year.

They didn’t use _________________________________________

6. My hair now is much longer than that in the past.

In the past my hair used __________________________________

7. I don’t have time to collect stamps as when I was in primary school.

I used _______________________________________________

8. Did you often go to the beach when you lived in Nha Trang?

Did you use __________________________________________

9. Mr. Hung often went to work by motorbike, but now he goes to work by bus.

Mr. Hung ___________________________________________

10. There were traffic jams in this street during rush hours, but now the street become wider.

There _______________________________________________

11. John ate a lot of pizza when he was a child.

John ________________________________________________

12. It is diffucult for me to get up early but I am getting used to it.

It is _________________________________________________

13. I have worn glasses for 5 years so I don’t mind wearing them.

I have _______________________________________________

14. I just moved to Ireland, I hope to become accustomed to driving on the left quickly.

I just ________________________________________________

Đáp án:

1. I used to stay up late to watch football matches.

2. There used to be some trees in the field.

3. Anna used to live with her parents.

4. He used to be a poor man, but now he becomes a rich businessman.

5. They didn’t use to go to the cinema every Sunday.

6. In the past my hair used to be shorter.

7.I used to have time to collect stamps when I was in primary school.

8. Did you use to go to the beach when you lived in Nha Trang?

9. Mr. Hung used to go to work by motorbike, but now he goes to work by bus.

10. There used to be traffic jams in this street during rush hours, but now the street becomes wider.

11. John used to eat a lot of pizza when he was a child

12. It is difficult for me to get up early but I am getting used to it

13. I have wirn glasses for 10 years so I am used to wearing them

14. I just moved to Ireland, I am getting used to driving on the left

Bài 10: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1.I used to __________ in Germany when I was 7.

A.to live B.live C.living D.lived

2. She’s used to ____________ late at night.

A.working B.work C.to work D.worked

3. Mr. Bean has lived in Vietnam for 4 years. He _____________ the hot climate here.

A.are used to B.gets used to C.used to D.A and B are correct

4. Mai is used to ___________ her house by herself.

A.clean B.cleaning C.cleaned D.to clean

5. Lam didn’t ____________ do morning exxercise, so now he is getting fat.

A.be used to B.used to C.use to D.get used to

6. Hung is used to ___________ many hours in front of the computer.

A.to spend B.spend C.spent D.spending

7. My father used to _________ much coffee. Now, he doesn’t.

A.drink B.to drink C.drank D.drinking

8. Tung isn’t used to __________ in those bad conditions.

A.work B.to work C.working D.worked

9. Has she __________ driving on the right left?

A.use to B.used to C.been used to D.got used to

10. My mother should be pretty used to _______ without electricity by now.

A.live B.living C.lived D.to live

Đáp án:

1.Chọn B.live (cấu trúc used to + Vinf)

2. Chọn A.working (cấu trúc be used to + Ving)

3. Chọn B.gets used to (diễn tả việc dần quen với nên chọn cấu trúc get used to)

4. Chọn B.cleaning (cấu trúc be used to + Ving)

5. Chọn C.use to (cấu trúc used to + Vinf)

6. Chọn D.spending (cấu trúc be used to + Ving)

7. Chọn A.drink (cấu trúc used to + Vinf)

8. Chọn C.working (cấu trúc be used to + Ving)

9. Chọn D.got used to (diễn tả việc dần quen với nên chọn cấu trúc get used to)

10. Chọn B.living (cấu trúc be used to + Ving)

Bài 11: Viết lại câu

1.Duong had lots of money but she lost it all when her business failed.


2. My brother likes romantic music now, although he wasn’t keen on it he was



3. Jin seem to have lost interest in herhobbies.


4. Cuong gave up smoking 5 years ago.


5. My mother lived in Danang when she were young.


Đáp án:

1. Duong used to have lots of money.

2. My brotheris used to liking romantic music.

3. Jin used to have interest in her hobbies.

4. Cuong used to smoke 5 years ago.

5. My mother used to live in Danang when she were young.

Bài 12: Choose the correct answer.

1. When I started to work here I needed a lot of help, but now I ___________ all the work on my own.

A. used to do

B. am used to doing

C. get used to doing

2. He _________  several books a month, but he doesn't have time any more.

A. used to read

B. was used to reading

C. got used to reading

3. We were surprised to see her driving – she _________________ when we first met her.

A. got used to driving

B. didn't use to drive

C. was used to driving

4. Don't worry, it's a simple program to use. You ______________ it in no time, I'm sure.

A. will get used to

B. are used to

C. used to use

5. When I had to commute to work every day I _____________ very early.

A. used to get up

B. used to getting up

6 I'm afraid I'll never ____________ in this place. I simply don't like it and never will.

A. used to live

B. get used to living

C. got used to living

7 Whenever we came to Coventry we always  ____________ in the Central Hotel. We loved it.

A. got used to staying

B. used to stay

8. When Pete Smith was the head of our office everything ____________ well organized. Now it's total chaos here.

A. used to be

B. got used to be

C. was used to being

9. Mr Lazy was shocked when he joined our busy company because he ____________ doing much work everyday.

A. didn't use to

B. wasn't used to

10. At first the employees didn't like the new open-space office, but in the end they ____________ it.

A. get used to

B. are used to

C. got used to

Đáp án: 1 - B; 2 - A; 3 - B; 4 - A; 5 - A; 6 - B; 7 - B; 8 - A; 9 - B; 10 - C;

Bài 13: Circle the correct answer

1. I (used to/ use to) collect stamps when I was nine years old.

2. My father (used to/ use to) be an excellent student at university.

3. My younger brother didn’t use (walk/ to walk) to school

4. My classmates didn’t (used to/ use to) like me.

5. My grandmother (used to travel/ use to travel) a lot before she got married.

6. Horse and cart used to (be/is) the main way of transportation.

Đáp án: 

1. I used to collect stamps when I was nine years old.

2. My father used to be an excellent student at university.

3. My younger brother didn’t use to walk to school

4. My classmates didn’t use to like me.

5. My grandmother used to travel a lot before she got married.

6. Horse and cart used to be the main way of transportation.

Bài 14: Rewrite the following sentences

1. Marc ate a lot of pizza when he was a child


2. Women wore long skirts in the 19th century


3. When I went to school I wore a uniform


4. Nana speaks good English so she will pass the English exam


5. Julia can skate on the ice for hours, she does it quiet well


6. It is difficult for me to get up early but I think I will become accustomed to it in a few days


7. I had a lot of money but I lost it all when my business failed.


8. I quite like classical music now, although I wasn’t keen on it when I ía younger.


9. I seem to have lost interest in my work


10. My brother had his hair cut short when he joined the army


11. Dennis gave up smoking three years ago.


12. My parents lived in the USA when they were young.


13. Jim was my best friend, but we aren’t friends any more.


14. When he was younger, my uncle was a national swimming champion.


15. I eat ice-cream now, but I disliked eating it when I was a child.


Đáp án: 

1. Marc used to eat a lot of pizza when he was a child

2. Women used to wear long skirts in the 19th century

3. I used to wear a uniform when I went to school

4. Nana is used to speaking good English so she will pass the English exam

5. Julia is used to a uniform when I went to school

6. It is difficult for me to get up early but u am getting used to it

7. I used to have a lot of money

8. I didn’t use to like classical music

9. I used to like my work

10. My brother used to have long hair

11. Dennis used to smoke

12. My parents used to live in the USA

13. Jim used to be my best friend

14. My uncle used to be a national swimming champion

15. I didn’t use o like eating ice-cream

Bài 15: Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible.

1. I (swim) _________a lot when I was younger.

2. John (not eat)__________ vegetables, but now he eats them.

3. (they / have) _______a sports car?

4. That building (be)______ a cinema, but it's closed down.

5. We (not like)__________ maths lessons - our teacher was horrible!

6. Where (you / go)_________ to school?

7. You (live) ________ next door to me.

8. I (not enjoy) _________ studying, but I do now.

Đáp án: 

1. I (swim) _____used to swim____ a lot when I was younger.

2. John (not eat)___didn't use to eat_______ vegetables, but now he eats them.

3. (they / have) ____Did they use to have___ a sports car?

4. That building (be) ___used to be___ a cinema, but it's closed down.

5. We (not like)_____didn't use to like_____ maths lessons - our teacher was horrible!

6. Where (you / go)______did you use to go___ to school?

7. You (live) ____used to live____ next door to me.

8. I (not enjoy) _____didn't use to enjoy____ studying, but I do now.

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