Describe a lesson that you remember well | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2 tổng hợp bài viết về Describe a lesson that you remember well bao gồm: đề bài, bài mẫu và từ vựng siêu hay. Từ đó giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và học tốt Tiếng Anh hơn.

Describe a lesson that you remember well | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a lesson that you remember well

1. Mẫu 1

Describe a lesson that you remember well. You should say:

  • What that lesson was about
  • When that lesson was
  • What the teacher taught you

Explain why you remember that lesson well

If I’m to talk about a lesson that I remember well, I’ll definitely pick the computer science lesson where I got to use a PC for the first time in my life. I was 10 years old, and at the time, the computer was seldom ever seen in Vietnamese households. I think it was only something your family would have if your parents were scientists. 

So, in the lesson, the other students and I were allowed to practice what we learned on PCs. There were only a couple of kids and fortunately, there were enough computers for everybody, so we didn’t have to take turns. The teacher first guided us through how to access different folders on a hard drive, after which she proceeded to demonstrate creating files. Every task was performed by typing commands into the PC, could you imagine that? I followed the instructions and managed to write a document file with my name in it.

How the computer-operated was akin to magic in the eyes of a 10-year-old like me. From then on, I felt as if a passion for computers and technological devices was brewing inside. I became keenly interested in the potential that they could achieve. And now, looking back at it as a computer programmer, I really think this lesson led me to the job I love, and for that, it will always have a special place in my heart.

Một số từ vựng hay đã sử dụng trong bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề Describe a lesson that you remember well:

Seldom (adv.): hiếm khi

take turns (phrase): lần lượt 

Guide (verb): hướng dẫn

Access (verb): truy cập

Proceed (verb): tiếp tục

Demonstrate (verb): minh họa

Command (noun): câu lệnh

Akin (adj.): giống

Brew (v.): nung nấu

2. Mẫu 2

Describe a lesson that you remember well

--  What that lesson was about

-- When that lesson was

-- What the teacher taught you 

-- Explain why you remember that lesson well  

Well, one of the lessons that impressed me a lot during my student life is my first Physics lesson in high school. That lesson was about the speed of movement of objects, which was my favorite part of Physics.

However, as embarrassing as this may sound, I need to admit that when I was a student, my attention usually wandered in class, even in Physics classes in junior secondary school. Although I always had a thirst for knowledge, that thirst often lasted for just half of the lessons. It was so hard for me to focus on the lessons if the teaching method of the teacher wasn’t unique, innovative, and attractive enough. But my first Physics lesson met all of those demands, let me tell you. 

That morning, my teacher entered my classroom and immediately offered an incredibly difficult Physics exercise. He told us that because my class was a Math-gifted class with many straight A students, he wanted to challenge us a little bit. But it was a tougher challenge than any of us could have imagined because we spent most of the time of the lesson finding the solution to that exercise. My classmates took turns raising their hands to show the answer, but none of them was correct. 

The boring and quiet atmosphere went right down to the wire, and when everybody thought nobody could solve the riddle, I stood up and told the teacher my answer, which was the only correct answer in the class. Then, you know, I achieved a full mark for that answer to the surprise of everyone. 

After that lesson, I felt like I had a proven ability to study Physics because, as I told you before, I studied in a Math-gifted class where classmates were quick learners in core subjects like Physics. But I was the only one who stood out that day, and this was an unforgettable memory of my whole student life.

Từ vựng và cách diễn đạt

-- a straight A student: một học sinh xuất sắc 

-- achieve full marks: đạt điểm tuyệt đối

I admire straight A students in my university because they can master a huge amount of academic knowledge and achieve full marks in the tests. (Tôi ngưỡng mộ các sinh viên xuất sắc ở trường đại học vì họ có thể thẩm thấu lượng kiến thức học thuật khổng lồ và đạt điểm tuyệt đối trong các bài thi.)

-- core subjects: các môn học chính

Many students just focus on core subjects of theirs like Maths, Physics and Chemistry while ignoring other ones. (Nhiều học sinh chỉ chú ý học những môn chính của họ như Toán, Lý, Hóa mà lơ là các môn khác.)

-- my attention sometimes wanders in the class: thi thoảng tôi mất tập trung trong lớp

My attention sometimes wanders in the class, so I don’t understand  some parts of the lessons. (Thi thoảng tôi mất tập trung trong lớp nên không hiểu được một số phần của bài học.)

-- have a thirst for knowledge: có đam mê với kiến thức

Linh has a thirst for knowledge. She spends most of her free time delving into Maths riddles on the Internet. (Linh có niềm đam mê với kiến thức. Cô ấy dành hầu hết thời gian rảnh để giải toán trên mạng.)

-- a quick learner: một người học nhanh

I wish I could be a quick learner so that I wouldn’t struggle with learning English. (Tôi ước mình là một người học nhanh để không phải vật lộn với việc học tiếng Anh)

-- have a proven ability for st: có một năng lực được thừa nhận về cái gì

Long has a proven ability for music because he can learn the tune and lyrics of a song much more quickly than anyone in my class does. (Long có năng khiếu về âm nhạc được mọi người thừa nhận vì anh ấy học giai điệu và lời bài hát nhanh hơn bất kì ai trong lớp.)

-- meet a demand: đáp ứng một yêu cầu 

My teacher’s demand is always too high for us to meet. (Yêu cầu của cô giáo tôi thường cao tới mức chúng tôi không thể đáp ứng được.)

-- down to the wire: đến phút cuối cùng (chờ một điều gì xảy ra)

The match went down to the wire, but Rooney successfully scored a goal to make MU the champion. (Trận đấu giằng co đến những phút cuối cùng, nhưng Rooney đã thành công ghi một bàn thắng giúp MU vô địch.)

3. Mẫu 3

You should say:
➢ What that lesson was about
➢ When that lesson was
➢ What the teacher taught you
And explain why you remember that lesson well

Bài mẫu:

I would like to talk about a lesson that I remember well from my high school years, which was about the importance of teamwork. This lesson was delivered by my history teacher, Ms. Smith, in our sophomore year, when we were working on a group project.

Ms. Smith began the lesson by asking us what we thought made a successful team, and we came up with various answers such as trust, communication, respect, and shared goals. She then shared some examples from history and sports where teamwork played a crucial role in achieving a common objective, such as the civil rights movement, the moon landing, and the Olympic relay races.

Next, Ms. Smith gave us a task to simulate a teamwork scenario, where each of us had to play a specific role in a mock rescue mission. We had to communicate effectively, coordinate our actions, and use our individual strengths to overcome obstacles and save a fictional victim. It was challenging but fun, and we all learned a lot about the power of collaboration and the value of diversity in a team.

I remember this lesson well for several reasons. Firstly, it was interactive and engaging, which made it more memorable than a lecture or a textbook reading. Secondly, it resonated with me as someone who had always preferred working alone but realized that I could achieve more by working with others. Thirdly, it was a practical lesson that I could apply not only in academic settings but also in my personal and professional life. Finally, Ms. Smith was an excellent teacher who knew how to connect with her students and inspire them to be better learners and leaders.

In conclusion, the lesson about teamwork that Ms. Smith taught me and my classmates in high school was a valuable experience that I still carry with me to this day. It taught me the importance of collaboration, communication, and respect in achieving common goals, and it challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and embrace diversity. I am grateful for that lesson and for Ms. Smith’s guidance, which helped me become a more effective team player and a more well-rounded person.

Từ vựng:

  • Teamwork: làm việc nhóm
  • Collaboration: sự hợp tác
  • Communication: giao tiếp
  • Respect: tôn trọng
  • Trust: sự tin tưởng
  • Coordination: phối hợp
  • Diversity: sự đa dạng
  • Objective: mục tiêu
  • Engagement: sự tham gia tích cực
  • Leadership: lãnh đạo

Bài dịch:

Tôi muốn nói về một bài học mà tôi nhớ rất rõ từ những năm cấp 3, đó là về tầm quan trọng của tinh thần đồng đội. Bài học này do giáo viên lịch sử của tôi, cô Smith, giảng vào năm thứ hai, khi chúng tôi đang thực hiện một dự án nhóm.

Cô Smith bắt đầu bài học bằng cách hỏi chúng tôi rằng chúng tôi nghĩ điều gì đã tạo nên một nhóm thành công và chúng tôi đã đưa ra nhiều câu trả lời khác nhau như sự tin tưởng, giao tiếp, tôn trọng và mục tiêu chung. Sau đó, cô chia sẻ một số ví dụ từ lịch sử và thể thao trong đó tinh thần đồng đội đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc đạt được mục tiêu chung, chẳng hạn như phong trào dân quyền, cuộc đổ bộ lên mặt trăng và các cuộc chạy tiếp sức Olympic.

Tiếp theo, cô Smith giao cho chúng tôi nhiệm vụ mô phỏng một tình huống làm việc theo nhóm, trong đó mỗi người chúng tôi phải đóng một vai trò cụ thể trong một nhiệm vụ giải cứu giả định. Chúng tôi phải giao tiếp hiệu quả, phối hợp hành động và sử dụng sức mạnh cá nhân để vượt qua các chướng ngại vật và cứu một nạn nhân hư cấu. Đó là một thử thách nhưng thú vị và tất cả chúng tôi đã học được rất nhiều điều về sức mạnh của sự hợp tác và giá trị của sự đa dạng trong một nhóm.

Tôi nhớ rất rõ bài học này vì nhiều lý do. Thứ nhất, nó có tính tương tác và hấp dẫn, khiến nó dễ nhớ hơn một bài giảng hay một bài đọc trong sách giáo khoa. Thứ hai, nó cộng hưởng với tôi là một người luôn thích làm việc một mình nhưng nhận ra rằng tôi có thể đạt được nhiều hơn bằng cách làm việc với những người khác. Thứ ba, đó là một bài học thực tế mà tôi có thể áp dụng không chỉ trong môi trường học thuật mà còn trong cuộc sống cá nhân và nghề nghiệp của mình. Cuối cùng, cô Smith là một giáo viên xuất sắc, người biết cách kết nối với học sinh của mình và truyền cảm hứng để các em trở thành những người học hỏi và lãnh đạo tốt hơn.

Tóm lại, bài học về tinh thần đồng đội mà cô Smith đã dạy cho tôi và các bạn cùng lớp ở trường trung học là một kinh nghiệm quý báu mà tôi vẫn mang theo cho đến ngày nay. Nó dạy tôi tầm quan trọng của sự hợp tác, giao tiếp và tôn trọng trong việc đạt được các mục tiêu chung, đồng thời nó thách thức tôi bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn của mình và đón nhận sự đa dạng. Tôi biết ơn về bài học đó và sự hướng dẫn của cô Smith, điều đã giúp tôi trở thành một người làm việc nhóm hiệu quả hơn và là một người toàn diện hơn.

4. Mẫu 4

Well, I remember the times when I go to school. Most amazing days of my life. Whenever I receive a call from my friend, we rejuvenate the memories of school. Here, I would like to talk about a lesson that I remembered very well. I was in 10th std, I was in school, and it was the lecture of maths subject. The teacher entered the class, and we wished them good morning. Then she started a chapter named trigonometry. We were all so shocked by hearing the name of the chapter as we had heard it the first time in our life. Then the mam started the class. As if it was a boring lecture, but the topic was important to learn as it weighs more marks. So we concentrated on the lesson she nade us taught. I was so indulged in the lesson that I got to clear my basic co concept of that chapter so easily. The teacher made us write the note of that lesson, and we were happy and excited to learn more about the topic. From the next day, till the chapter got finished, we waited for the teacher to enter and made us write down the Notes.
In that subject, I scored full marks, and I was very satisfied. This was the lesson I remembered very well.

5. Mẫu 5

I’m not good at communications skills, so long back in 2020, I enrolled myself in a session that was held in Goa. I visited there on Saturday morning. The timing where nearly Sunday evening. That session was held by one of the famous influencers who have really good communication skills. The way she speaks with confidence is all is about that session. She spoke so well. She gives some tips on having good conversations in a manner way that any individual can easily get influenced. She interacts with people discussing some crucial topics. In return, I answered her so well. I had never encountered this outstanding personality before. It absolutely non doubts boost me. Her skills always help me to perform better in public speaking. Eye-contact talks always make us confident. So this is how I remember her lesson so well.

6. Mẫu 6

You Should Say:

  • When it was
  • Where it was
  • What you did
  • What your teacher did
  • Why it was special
  • Part 3 – ‘Remembering things’

Câu trả lời:

Many moons ago when I was a child I attended an English language course at a language centre.

I’m convinced that one of the reasons why that course still remains in my memory is that our teacher did her best to perfectly arrange everything. Although there was nothing unusual at all, I vividly remember almost each class as our teacher created an unforgettable and pleasant atmosphere.

A typical lesson consisted of several interconnected stages each of which was filled with an awesome activity, so there was no chance to get bored. I remember I did a lot of different things with my groupmates. Firstly, the teacher carefully checked our homework assignment, which was an indispensable part of every lesson. It took quite a lot of time as we asked various questions. The teacher answered all the questions, which helped me get a good understanding of the grammar points we dealt with. After that we played fun educational games. As I love interacting with people, I really enjoyed those oral activities. A typical lesson consisted of several interconnected stages each of which was filled with an awesome activity, so there was no chance to get bored. I remember I did a lot of different things with my groupmates. Firstly, the teacher carefully checked our homework assignment, which was an indispensable part of every lesson. It took quite a lot of time as we asked various questions. The teacher answered all the questions, which helped me get a good understanding of the grammar points we dealt with. After that we played fun educational games. As I love interacting with people, I really enjoyed those oral activities.

A typical lesson consisted of several interconnected stages each of which was filled with an awesome activity, so there was no chance to get bored. I remember I did a lot of different things with my groupmates. Firstly, the teacher carefully checked our homework assignment, which was an indispensable part of every lesson. It took quite a lot of time as we asked various questions. The teacher answered all the questions, which helped me get a good understanding of the grammar points we dealt with. After that we played fun educational games. As I love interacting with people, I really enjoyed those oral activities.

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