Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3 (2025) tổng hợp và giới thiệu bài viết Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3. Từ đó giúp bạn học tốt tiếng Anh hơn.

Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time | Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time

1. Mẫu 1

Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time. 

You should say:

    • What it is
    • When you usually do it
    • Why you do it

And explain why you think it wastes your time

Ý tưởng bài mẫu (tiếng Việt)

  • Đề bài Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time yêu cầu kể về một hoạt động thí sinh thường làm gây lãng phí thời gian của chính thí sinh, trong đó cần đưa ra những thông tin:
      • Đó là hoạt động gì
      • Bạn thường làm điều đó lúc nào
      • Tại sao bạn lại làm điều đó
      • Tại sao bạn cho rằng hoạt động này làm lãng phí thời gian của bạn
  • Đề bài Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time thuộc chủ đề lớn là Experience. Để xử lý đề bài Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time, cách dễ dàng và hiệu quả nhất đó chính là bám sát các cue (gợi ý) đề đưa ra và cung cấp thông tin rõ ràng nhất có thể, hạn chế nói chung chung.
  • Chúng ta có thể gộp câu hỏi đầu tiên và câu hỏi thứ ba trong bài Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time, Đó là hoạt động gì và Tại sao bạn lại làm điều đó bằng cách đề cập đến tên hoạt động đó và giới thiệu sơ lược về bản thân và lý do ban đầu dẫn chúng ta tới với hoạt động này để rồi dần dần nó trở thành thói quen khó bỏ và tệ hơn là sự phụ thuộc. 
  • Tiếp đó, chúng ta trả lời  câu hỏi thứ hai, Bạn thường làm điều đó lúc nào bằng cách nêu ra thời gian diễn ra hoạt động, thời gian hoạt động thường kéo dài và nêu thêm các hoạt động nhỏ có liên quan.
  • Với câu hỏi gợi ý cuối cùng yêu cầu giải thích Tại sao bạn cho rằng hoạt động này làm lãng phí thời gian của bạn, chúng ta có thể nêu ra một số ảnh hưởng không tốt từ việc không kiểm soát được thời gian dành cho hoạt động này và đưa ra một kết bài rằng chúng ta cần thay đổi để tránh những ảnh hưởng xấu cho những việc quan trọng trong tương lai. 

Take-note trong 1 phút (tiếng Anh)

Take-note đề bài Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time trong 1 phút

  • What it is
    • Cell phone addiction
    • A bad habit wasting numerous valuable hours
  • When you usually do it
    • Every day
    • 4 hours on average
  • Why you do it
    • At first: to unwind and relieve stress
    • Gradually: addiction
  • Why you think it wastes your time
    • Can’t limit screen time
    • Can’t meet my deadlines
    • Can’t allocate enough time to study and physical activities
    • Be unconsciously distracted by my phone whenever it is within my reach

Bài mẫu:

Today, I’m gonna tell you about my cell phone addiction, a bad habit that has wasted me numerous valuable hours. To begin with, as a highschool student, I’m put under an immense amount of pressure from both my parents and my teachers. I’ve always been expected to maintain good academic performance by studying several subjects and passing all of the exams with flying colors. Therefore, I usually feel stressed out whenever I receive low scores. 

Initially, I turned to technological devices to unwind and relieve stress. But gradually, I’ve become heavily reliant on them. On average, I keep my eyes glued to the screen for about 4 hours per day doing all kinds of stuff. These range from surfing social media apps, watching Youtube videos to playing online games or reading celebrity news. 

Lately, I’ve realized I waste too much time on these technologies. More specifically, I can’t meet my deadlines and allocate enough time to my study and physical activities as I don’t know how to limit my screen time. Even when I have turned off my notification to make sure I won’t be distracted, I still unconsciously check my phone if it is within my reach. Unfortunately, my college entrance exam is about to come, so I believe I’ll have to apply stricter measures to myself if I don’t want to ruin one of the most important tests in my life. 

Từ vựng:

  • Be put under pressure: bị gây dưới áp lực/sức ép
  • Immense (adj): khổng lồ
  • Academic performance (n): kết quả/thành tích học tập
  • Pass the exam with flying colors (idiom): thi đạt kết quả tốt
  • Turn to Sb/St: tìm tới ai/cái gì
  • Unwind (v): thư giãn
  • Relieve stress (v): giải toả căng thẳng
  • Become heavily reliant (adj) on Sb/St: trở nên quá mức phụ thuộc vào ai/cái gì
  • Keep one’s eyes glued to the screen: dán mắt vào màn hình 
  • Social media apps (n): các ứng dụng mạng xã hội
  • Meet a deadline (collocation): hoàn thành một công việc nào đó đúng thời hạn đã thỏa thuận
  • Allocate (v) time/money to St: phân bổ thời gian/tiền bạc cho cái gì
  • Screen time (n): thời gian sử dụng thiết bị điện tử
  • Unconsciously (adv): một cách vô thức
  • Be within one’s reach: trong tầm với của ai đó
  • Apply stricter measures to Sb/St: áp dụng biện pháp mạnh mẽ, cứng rắn hơn với ai/cái gì
  • Ruin (v): huỷ hoại

2. Mẫu 2

Bài mẫu:

Well, this question makes me think about the time I spend on the internet. Considering all the time that I spend looking at social networking sites, watching videos, or reading meaningless articles, internet browsing has wasted countless of my productive hours.

This happens all the time. I think I must spend around an hour a day on mindless online browsing. There are a lot of entertaining features on the internet, which quickly grab your attention and you are likely to end up with your eyes glued to the screen. Moreover, it is tempting to have a constant presence on social media. I don’t want to miss anything, I want to stay continually connected with what others are doing.

However, recently, I’ve read an article about FOMO, you know, fear of missing out, specifically about how it can detrimentally affect people’s life. I mean, FOMO is associated with depression and anxiety, and a lowered quality of life. I soon realized that I was suffering from that kind of anxiety and I decided to take some actions to prevent myself from becoming addicted to this crazy virtual world.

I have started to avoid using my phone whenever I have free time so that I won’t be distracted by it. Besides that, I’ve taken up some new sports to keep fit and clear my mind of social media. By doing all of these things, hopefully, I can lead a healthier lifestyle in the future.

Từ vựng:

  • mindless  /ˈmaɪndləs/: không suy nghĩ
  • presence /ˈprezns/: sự hiện diện
  • detrimentally /ˌdetrɪˈmentəli/: có hại
  • depression /dɪˈpreʃn/: sự trầm cảm
  • virtual /ˈvɜːrtʃuəl/: thế giới ảo

3. Mẫu 3

You should say:

– What it is;

– When you usually do it;

– Why you do it;

– And explain why you think it wastes your time.

Bài mẫu:

Well, life has become extremely fast and busy, and people often complain that they are short on time, yet we waste a lot of time intentionally or unintentionally. Here I would like to talk about an activity that I do regularly, and it wastes my hours easily. The fact is that I am quite active on social media, which is more like a weed these days.

It is a more practical way to remain in touch with friends and relatives as it saves a lot of time and energy when compared to meeting others personally. But sometimes, I feel I waste too much time on this. Firstly, I have a huge network of friends who are active on different apps like Whatsapp, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and others, and for their sake, I always have to remain active on these platforms. In addition, people sometimes share posts unduly and always expect from others to comment, and a few of my friends are so obsessed that they get angry with me if I don’t comment in time.

Similarly, every second day is someone’s birthday, and I have to spare time to wish them. Moreover, these platforms are bombarded with extremely tempting advertisements, and once I get on these sites to check anything, I end up wasting a lot of time. I feel very bad because now I am kind of addicted to using these platforms. I can utilize this time more productively than I waste here unduly. So, this is an activity that I do regularly, which wastes a lot of time of mine.

Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Waste time

1. Will you continue doing something when you are aware that it’s a waste of time?

Unfortunately, I have to admit that I’ve been keeping some bad habits even though I’ve been cognizant that they do harm to me. Take my cell phone addiction as a typical example. Although I know spending several hours surfing social networking sites like Facebook or Tiktok is such a pointless activity that decreases productivity and triggers eye-related problems, I can’t give it up. Sometimes, I even find myself checking my phone unconsciously with my notification being turned off. 

      • Cognizant (adj): ý thức được cái gì đó
      • Typical (adj): điển hình
      • Social networking sites (n): các trang mạng xã hội
      • Pointless (adj): vô nghĩa
      • Trigger (v): gây ra
      • Give St up (phrasal verb): từ bỏ cái gì đó
      • Unconsciously (adv): một cách vô thức

2. Why do young people waste more time than old people?

Well, accounts of this vary, but I’d say the most possible one is that when it comes to time-management, the old tend to be more experienced and disciplined. They know how to make an effective to-do list and adhere to it to make sure they can dedicate enough time to important tasks. By contrast, numerous young people are not aware of such an amazing tool and even if they do attempt to create that list, many of them fail to follow it. 

      • Experienced (adj): có kinh nghiệm
      • Disciplined (adj): có kỷ luật
      • Adhere (v) to St: tuân theo cái gì đó
      • Dedicate time/money to St: dành thời gian/tiền bạc cho cái gì đó
      • Attempt (v) to do St: cố gắng làm gì đó

3. How can people manage their time better?

I believe that there are numerous useful ways in which people can improve their time-management skills. However, the most outstanding one could be setting priority Prioritization helps people determine the most urgent or significant tasks that should be paid attention to first and lower priority ones that can be done later. Thanks to this strategy, those with a hectic schedule are able to achieve maximum productivity and accomplish more given such a limited amount of time. In contrast, those who do know how to prioritize often have difficulty getting things done on time and worry about how they can finish everything on their to-do list.

  • Urgent (adj): khẩn cấp
  • Significant (adj): quan trọng
  • Hectic (adj): bận rộn
  • Have difficulty doing St: gặp khó khăn trong việc làm gì
  • A to-do list (n): danh sách việc cần làm

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