In spite of and Despite | Khái niệm, cách dùng, cách phân biệt và bài tập vận dụng tổng hợp bài viết về In spite of và Despite bao gồm: Khái niệm, cách dùng, cách phân biệt và bài tập vận dụng. Từ đó giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và học tốt Tiếng Anh hơn.

In spite of and Despite | Khái niệm, cách dùng, cách phân biệt và bài tập vận dụng

Despite và In spite of là gì?

Despite và In spite of là các giới từ thể hiện sự nhượng bộ, làm rõ sự tương phản của hai sự việc hoặc hành động trong cùng một câu.

Cấu trúc:

Despite/In spite of + Noun/Noun Phrase/V-ing, S + V. 

= S + V, despite/in spite of + Noun/Noun Phrase/V-ing.

Ví dụ:

--  Despite/In spite of bad weather, Jenny still had a wonderful holiday. (Mặc cho thời tiết xấu, Jenny đã có một kỳ nghỉ tuyệt vời.)

--  Despite/In spite of disliking Anna, you should try to be nice to her. (Dù không thích Anna, bạn vẫn nên tử tế với cô ta.)

Tài liệu VietJack

Ví dụ:

- Despite the fact that Ian is not so tall, he is an excellent basketball player.

(Mặc dù Ian không cao lắm, anh ấy là một cầu thủ bóng rổ xuất sắc.)

- In spite of the fact that it’s not over summer, the weather in Hanoi is quite chilly.

(Mặc dù chưa qua mùa hè nhưng thời tiết ở Hà Nội đã se lạnh.)

Mary refused to help me with my homework, in spite of the fact that I asked her several times. (Mary từ chối giúp tôi làm bài tập về nhà, mặc dù tôi đã hỏi cô ấy vài lần.)

Cách dùng cấu trúc Despite và In spite of

1. Cấu trúc Despite the fact that

Cả Despite và In spite of đều đứng trước cấu trúc“the fact that” để tạo thành một mệnh đề trạng ngữ. Theo sau mệnh đề này sẽ là mệnh đề chính của câu. 

Cấu trúc:

Despite/In spite of the fact that + Clause, Main clause

Cấu trúc này rất dễ nhầm lẫn vì người học tiếng Anh thường ghi nhớ máy móc Despite và In spite of nên không thể kết hợp với mệnh đề, hoặc nhớ nhầm cấu trúc sang cấu trúc Despite/In spite of the fact that. Ví dụ:

--  The weather in Thailand is quite hot despite the fact that it’s not over spring. (Thời tiết ở Việt Nam khá nóng mặc dù chưa qua mùa xuân)

--  In spite of the fact that Harry was sick, he came to work. (Mặc dù bị ốm nhưng Harry vẫn cố gắng đi làm.)

2. Vị trí của Despite và In spite of

Vị trí của Despite và In spite of trong câu có thể đứng ở mệnh đề đầu hoặc mệnh đề sau đều được. Ví dụ:

Despite her leg pain, Jenny still plays badminton. (Mặc dù chân đau nhưng cô ấy vẫn chơi cầu lông.) = Jenny still plays soccer despite her leg pain.

Phân biệt Despite và In spite of

Phân biệt Though Although Even though

Giống nhau

Có nghĩa giống nhau là làm rõ sự tương phản của hai sự việc hoặc hành động trong cùng một câu.

Khác nhau

So sánh giữa Despite Inspite of thì Despite được dùng phổ biến hơn trong văn viết tiếng Anh. Đặc biệt, trong bài kiểm tra năng lực tiếng Anh IELTS, giới từ Despite thường được ưu tiên sử dụng hơn In spite of vì tính trang trọng hơn. Ví dụ:

  • Despite repeated assurances that this product is safe, a lot of people still have stopped buying it. (Mặc dù nhiều lần đảm bảo rằng đây sản phẩm là an toàn, nhưng rất nhiều người vẫn ngừng mua nó.).

Bài tập In spite of and Despite

Ex 1. Chọn ý đúng

1. _______________, he walked to the station.

A. Despite being tired

B. Although to be tired

C. In spite being tired

D. Despite tired

2. ________________ her lack of hard work, she was promoted.

A. Because

B. Even though

C. In spite of

D. Despite of

Đáp án:

1. A. Despite being tired

2. C. In spite of

Ex 2. Viết lại câu với although/ in spite of/ despite

1. Even though he usually tells lies, many people believe him.

2. Despite the fact that he got bad grade in the university entrance exam, he was admitted to the university.

3. Although she was out of money, she went shopping

4. In spite of missing the bus, we went to school on time.

5. Although the weather was bad, we had a wonderful holiday with a lot of interesting activities.

Đáp án:

1. Despite the fact that he usually tells lies, many people believe him.

2. Although he got bad grade in the university entrance exam, he was admitted to the university.

3. Despite being out of money, she went shopping.

4. Although we missed the bus, we went to school on time.

5. Despite the bad weather, we had a wonderful holiday with a lot of interesting activities.

Ex 3. Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây bằng cách sử dụng although/ despite/ in spite of.

1. I went to see the film …………………. feeling really tired.

2………………….. careful preparation, they had a lot of difficulties in making the film.

Đáp án:

1. despite

2. in spite of

Ex 4. Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây bằng cách sử dụng although/ though/ even though/ despite/ in spite of.

1. _______she was exhausted, sleep didn't come.

2. Arrangements like this are commonplace, _______ largely hidden from view.

3. Our vacation was a lot of fun, _______ the cold weather.

4. _______his father was a king, Cyrus was brought up like the son of a common man.

5. He still loves her, _______ the fact that her bad habits drive him crazy.

6. He was an accomplished pianist and composer, ________never publishing any of his works.

7. Martha, _______ half her sister’s age, was taller by two inches than Jane.

8. He made it to the airport on time, _______ getting lost on the way.

9. Was she destined to feel that for Darkyn, _______ knowing what he was?

10. _______ all the hours of practice and training, we lost the game.

Đáp án:

1. Although/Though/Even though

2. Although/Though/Even though

3. Despite/In spite of

4. Although/Though/Even though

5. Despite/In spite of

6. Although/Though/Even though/Despite/In spite of

7. Although

8. Although/Though/Even though/Despite/In spite of

9. Although/Though/Even though/Despite/In spite of

10. Despite/In spite of

Ex 5. Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây bằng cách sử dụng although/ despite/ in spite of.

1. _______ she is beautiful, everybody hates her.

2. _______ earning a low salary, Sara helped her parents

3. Anna did not do well in the exam _______ working very hard.

4. Lisa never talked to him _______ she loved him.

5. _______ I was very hungry, I couldn’t eat.

6. _______ it was cold, Marie didn’t put on her coat.

7. _______ the weather was bad, we had a good time.

8. Hung did the work _______ being ill.

9. She refused the job _______ the low salary.

10. He runs fast _______ . his old age.

Đáp án:

1. Although

2. In spite of

3. In spite of

4. Although

5. Although

6. Although

7. Although

8. In spite of

9. Because of

10. In spite of

Ex 6. Sử dụng các liên từ trong ngoặc để viết các câu mới thể hiện các sắc thái khác nhau. Lưu ý: though = although.

1. Although he works hard, he never makes any money. (despite)

=> ………………………………………………………………….

2. Despite its monopoly, the company was losing money. (although)

=> ………………………………………………………………….

3. Though it’s forbidden, people still smoke marijuana. (in spite of)

=> ………………………………………………………………….

4. I never go out, despite getting a lot of invitations. (though)

=> ………………………………………………………………….

5. Although we have tested it, we can’t be sure the product is safe. (despite)

=> ………………………………………………………………….

6. Although he loves her, she doesn’t want to get married. (in spite of)

=> ………………………………………………………………….

(Sometimes we must use pronouns me, him, her, them etc. to make the phrase clear).

=> ………………………………………………………………….

7. Despite his lack of talent, everyone thinks he is wonderful. (though)

=> ………………………………………………………………….

8. Though he has many problems, Bob is always smiling. (despite)

=> ………………………………………………………………….

9. Despite us drinking all that beer, we didn’t get drunk. (although)

=> ………………………………………………………………….

10. Although Max helps Julie, she doesn’t appreciate him. (in spite of)

=> ………………………………………………………………….

Đáp án:

1. Despite working hard, he never makes any money.

2. Although the company was losing money, despite its monopoly.

3. In spite of marijuana being forbidden, people still smoke it.

4. Though I get a lot of invitations, I never go out.

5. Despite having tested it, we can’t be sure the product is safe.

6. In spite of his love for her, she doesn’t want to get married.

7. Though everyone thinks he is wonderful, he lacks talent.

8. Despite having many problems, Bob is always smiling.

9. Although we drank all that beer, we didn’t get drunk.

10. In spite of Max’s help, Julie doesn’t appreciate him.

Ex 7. Sử dụng (các) liên từ được cho trong ngoặc để ghép hai câu bên dưới trở thành một câu hoàn chỉnh

1. I couldn’t sleep. I was very tired. (despite)

=> ……………………………………………………………….

2. They have very little money. They are happy. (in spite of)

=> ……………………………………………………………….

3. My foot was injured. I managed to walk home. (although)

=> ……………………………………………………………….

4. I enjoyed the film. The story was silly. (in spite of)

=> ……………………………………………………………….

5. We live in the same street. We hardly ever see each other. (despite)

=> ……………………………………………………………….

6. I got very wet in the rain. I was only out for five minutes. (even though)

=> ……………………………………………………………….

Đáp án:

1. Despite being very tired, I couldn’t sleep.

2. In spite of having very little money, they are happy.

3. Although my foot was injured, I managed to walk home.

4. In spite of enjoying the film, the story was silly.

5. Despite living in the same street, we hardly ever see each other.

6. Even though I was only out for five minutes, I got very wet in the rain.

Ex 8. Viết lại câu sử dụng các liên từ despite, in spite of, although mà không làm thay đổi nghĩa của câu

1. In spite of the terrible weather, the mountaineers still went on with their climb.

=> Although ………………………….., they still went on with their climb.

2. Despite his years, he can still manage to climb the hill.

=> Although he is getting older, ………………………….. to climb the hill.

3. Although he had a cold, he went on working.

=> In spite of ………………………….., he went on working.

4. Although both his legs were broken in the accident he managed to get out of car

before it exploded.

=> Despite his ………………………….. to get out of the car before it exploded.

5. Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy with his job.

=> In spite of the fact that ………………………….. he was unhappy with his job.

6. Despite his terrible toothache Harry refused to go to the dentist.

=> Although ………………………….. Harry refused to go to the dentist.

7. In spite of her lack of height, she is still an excellent volleyball player. (short)

=> Although ………………………….. she still an excellent volleyball player.

8. In spite of his humble background, Professor Thomas became an expert in his field. (family)

=> Despite ………………………….. Professor Thomas is an expert in his field.

9. Despite starting out late we arrived on time. (start)

=> In spite of the fact ………………………….. we reached our destination on time.

10. Despite the threat of a bus strike they decided to go to work as usual. (went)

=> In spite of ………………………….. as usual.

Đáp án:

1. Although the terrible weather

2. Although he is getting older

3. Despite having a cold

4. Despite both his legs being broken

5. In spite of the fact that he had a good salary

6. Although he had a terrible toothache

7. Although short

8. Despite his family background

9. Despite the fact that we started late

10. Despite the fact that they went

Ex 9. Sử dụng liên từ Although và một câu trong chiếc hộp dưới đây để hoàn thành các câu được cho

I didn’t speak the language well

he has a very important job

I had never seen her before

we don’t like them very much

it was quite cold

the heating was on

I’d met her twice before

we’ve known each other a long time

E.g.: Although he has a very important job, he isn’t particularly well-paid.

1. ………………………….., I recognised her from a photograph.

2. She wasn’t wearing a coat …………………………..

3. We thought we’d better invite them to the party …………………………..

4. ………………………….. I managed to make myself understood.

5. ………………………….. , the room wasn’t warm

6. I didn’t recognise her …………………………..

7. We’re not very good friends …………………………..

Đáp án:

1. Although I had never seen her before. 

2. She wasn’t wearing a coat although it was quite cold. 

3. We thought we’d better invite them to the party although we don’t like them very much. 

4. Although I didn’t speak the language well. 

5. Although the heating was on. 

6. Although I’d met her twice before. 

7. Although we’ve known each other a long time.

Ex 10. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1. Although his friend was sick, she still went to work yesterday. (Despite)

=> ……………………………………………………………….

2. In spite of the dirty room, Salim didn’t clean it. (Although)

=> ……………………………………………………………….

3. Despite her unkind behavior, we still love her. (Although)

=> ……………………………………………………………….

4. Although there was a traffic jam, they went to the post office. (In spite of)

=> ……………………………………………………………….

5. Despite the fact that Tony studied very hard, he failed this test. (Although)

=> ……………………………………………………………….

Đáp án:

1. In spite of her friend being sick, she still went to work yesterday. 

2. Although the room was dirty, Salim didn’t clean it. 

3. Although her behavior is unkind, we still love her. 

4. Despite there being the traffic jam, they went to the post office. 

5. Although Tony learnt very hard, he failed this test.

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