Từ nối (Linking words) trong bài IELTS Writing Task 1

1900.com.vn tổng hợp và giới thiệu Từ nối (Linking words) trong bài IELTS Writing Task 1 giúp bạn nắm vững cách làm bài, nâng cao vốn từ vựng và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Từ nối (Linking words) trong bài IELTS Writing Task 1

Từ nối thể hiện tính tổng quát

Trước tiên, khi bắt đầu viết bài, các bạn cần đưa ra những câu mang tính tổng quan về ý tưởng sẽ triển khai trong bài viết. Dưới đây là những từ nối trong Writing IELTS Task 1 thể hiện tính tổng quan, cụ thể:

  • Overall + clause. Ví dụ: Overall, the primary power sources in this country have been gasoline and oil, with nuclear and renewable energy being the least used.
  • Generally + clause. Ví dụ: Generally, the primary power sources in this country have been gasoline and oil, with nuclear and renewable energy being the least used.
  • In general + clause. Ví dụ: In general, the primary power sources in this country have been gasoline and oil, with nuclear and renewable energy being the least used.
  • In common + clause. Ví dụ: In common, the primary power sources in this country have been gasoline and oil, with nuclear and renewable energy being the least used.
  • It is obvious( clear) that + clause. Ví dụ: It is obvious/clear that the primary power sources in this country have been gasoline and oil, with nuclear and renewable energy being the least used.
  • As can be seen + clause. Ví dụ: As can be seen, the primary power sources in this country have been gasoline and oil, with nuclear and renewable energy being the least used.
  • As an overall trend+ clause. Ví dụ: As an overall trend, the primary power sources in this country have been gasoline and oil, with nuclear and renewable energy being the least used.
  • At the first glance, it is clear that + mệnh đề (clause). Ví dụ: At the first glance, it is clear that the primary power sources in this country have been gasoline and oil, with nuclear and renewable energy being the least used.
  • A glance at the graphs reveals that + clause. Ví dụ: A glance at the graphs reveals that the primary power sources in this country have been gasoline and oil, with nuclear and renewable energy being the least used.

Từ nối thể hiện sự quan hệ tương phản 

  • Clause, but Clause. Ví dụ: The amount of students in class A increased dramatically to 70, but that of class B went to by 50 over the two-year period.
  • Although Clause, Clause. / Despite N, clause. Ví dụ: Although the number of students in class A increase dramatically, that of class B went to by 50 over the two-year period.
  • Sentence. However/ By contrast or In contrast, Sentence. Ví dụ: The number of students in class A increased dramatically to 70. However, that of class B went to by 50 over the two-year period.

Từ nối thể hiện sự quan hệ tương đồng

  • Likewise, + sentence. Ví dụ: The amount of students in class A increased dramatically to 50 over the last two decades. Likewise, there was also a rise in the number for class B to 63.
  • Similarly, + sentence. Ví dụ: The amount of students in class A increased dramatically to 50 over the last two decades. Similarly, there was also a rise in the number for class B to 63.
  • Clause, + and clause (also). Ví dụ: The amount of students in class A increased dramatically to 50 over the last two decades, and there was also a rise in the number for class B to 63.

Từ nối thể hiện sự liệt kê

  • Mô tả những bước đầu tiên: Firstly/ First of all
  • Mô tả những bước thứ hai: Secondly
  • Mô tả những bước ở giữa: After that/ From this/ Where/ Following that/ Subsequently/ Before that/ In turn/ Then
  • Mô tả những bước cuối cùng: Finally/ At the final step

Ví dụ cụ thể:

Firstly, incoming data can be received by satellite and displayed as a satellite photo for analysis. The same information can be sent to a radar station and displayed on a radar screen or a synoptic chart. Secondly, radar can collect incoming data directly and analyze it on a radar screen or synoptic chart. Finally, data from drifting buoys is also collected and displayed on a synoptic chart.

Từ nối thể hiện sự so sánh

  • While …. , …… Ví dụ: While over 450,000 people came to live in the UK, the number of people who emigrated stood at just under 300,000
  •  … while … Ví dụ: Over 450,000 people came to live in the UK, while the number of people who emigrated stood at just under 300,000
  • ….. , whereas …. Ví dụ:  Around 80% of students aged under 26 study to further their careers, whereas only 10% study purely out of interest.
  • …., compared with/ to + Noun. Ví dụ:  Around 9% of Americans were aged 65 or over, compared to about 7% of Swedish people and 5% of Japanese people.
  • …, followed by + Noun. Ví dụ:  Around 80% of students aged under 26 study to further their careers, followed by only 10% study purely out of interest.

Bài tập mẫu về từ nối trong IELTS Writing

Bài 1: 

Here is a practice task with IELTS writing connectors that will help candidates understand the usage and importance of connectors in IELTS writing task 1:These graphs show several key trends. 1. ____, in general terms, somewhat more than 70% of the population owned computers in 2000. 2. ____, this figure jumped to around 78% over the coming eight years.

3. ____, these figures varied as per group. 4. ____, service members were always ahead of the general population. Roughly three-quarters of service members owned computers in 2000. That figure jumped massively to reach 80% by 2008. 5. ____ non-high school finishers began with only a 12% computer ownership rate, which climbed to around 45% in eight years.


  1. To start with, firstly, first of all
  2. Nevertheless, however, but
  3. But, nevertheless, on the other hand
  4. Any example connector can be used here except ‘such as’ because this is the starting of a sentence.
  5. Any comparison connector

Bài 2: 

Candidates can practice IELTS essay linking words through this practice task:The prompt:Parents must not pressurize their children to pursue a particular career. Young people should have the freedom to choose their professional path, one that they like.Do you agree or disagree with this sentence?

_____ young people must have the freedom to choose, especially in their professional path. Deep down, some parents might want their children to take up a profession that they find interesting. These wishes are completely normal and normally not harmful.

2. ____ it can turn to be harmful if these desires become strong expectations. 3. _____ freedom to a child does not necessarily mean that the parent needs to be absent. Instead, parents should have open communication with their children about their career decisions. 4. _____, if one’s dreams do not line up with their parents, they may, 5_____, fear approaching them in fear of judgment. 


  1. Any opinion connector will work here except ‘I agree’ or ‘I concur’. This is because it is the introductory line.
  2. Admittedly
  3. Nevertheless, on the other hand, however, but
  4. Any example connector will fit here except ‘such as’ because this is the starting sentence.
  5. Accordingly, as a result, consequently, therefore, for that reason, etc.

Bài 3: 

The bar chart illustrates the sales proportion of five different magazines by a company in the UK from 2001 to 2009.

01.________the trend in buying economics and movie magazines was upward while that for social ones was downward and others fluctuated. 02. ________The sales in the social category had the highest percentage in 2001 but were replaced by the figure for economics in 2009.

In 2001, social magazines were the best sellers, which had the proportion standing at 40% of total annual sales. This figure

03. ________economics standing at 25%. 04. ________The figure for sports came behind which was less than the data for economics by roughly 6%.  05. _____ the sales proportion of music and movie categories was around 10% and 5% respectively.

06. ________The proportion of movie magazines that were sold compared to overall magazine sales witnessed a peak at 30% in 8 years while the figure for social decreased 8 times less than before. In addition, the sales percentage of economics magazines/category increased significantly by around 10% in 2009. 07. ______ the sports and music categories, both categories fluctuated during the recorded time and ended up having similar figures as in 2001, at around 20% and 10% respectively.

 Đáp án:

  1. Overall/In general/On the whole/Taken as a whole/All in all/In the larger picture/Looking at the entirety
  2. Moreover/In addition/ Furthermore/Besides
  3. Was followed by
  4. In addition/ Furthermore/Besides
  5. Furthermore/Besides
  6. Thereafter/Afterwards/Following this point/Henceforth/In the subsequent phase
  7. Regarding/with regard to

Bài 4: Choose the correct linking words to fill in the blanks:

1. I can go out and play with my friends ____ I have complete my homework.

  1. so
  2. now that
  3. or
  4. whether

2.She decided to stay home and study, ____ she had an important exam tomorrow.

  1. but
  2. although
  3. if
  4. since

3.I cannot go to the party ____ I finish my work on time.

  1. unless
  2. because
  3. in order to
  4. so that

4.You can have ice cream ____ cake for dessert.

  1. nor
  2. neither
  3. either
  4. or

5.She is both talented ____ hardworking, which makes her a great employee.

  1. but
  2. yet
  3. and
  4. so

6.I'll call you ____ I arrive at the airport so don’t worry.

  1. while
  2. before
  3. as soon as
  4. whereas

7.He didn't attend the meeting ____ he was feeling unwell.

  1. but
  2. because
  3. although
  4. despite

8.He couldn't attend the party ____ he had promised to attend.

  1. so
  2. although
  3. because
  4. either

9.She wanted to go to the beach ____ it was raining heavily.

  1. even if
  2. so
  3. nor
  4. whereas

10.He is ___ tall ____ strong. He is still a young boy!

  1. as - as
  2. either - or
  3. such - that
  4. neither – nor

Đáp án: 

1. Đáp án B => Giải thích chi tiết

  • Câu trên có 2 mệnh đề chỉ mối quan hệ nguyên nhân kết quá nên ta sử dụng liên từ “now that”.
  • Dịch nghĩa: Tôi có thể ra ngoài chơi với các bạn vì giờ đây tôi đã hoàn thành bài tập của mình.

2. Đáp án D => Giải thích chi tiết

  • Câu này biểu thị nguyên nhân và kết quả, nên ta sử dụng liên từ "since" (vì).
  • Dịch nghĩa: Cô ấy quyết định ở nhà và học, vì cô ấy có một bài kiểm tra quan trọng vào ngày

3. Đáp án A =>Giải thích chi tiết

  • Liên từ "unless" được sử dụng để biểu thị điều kiện đảo ngược.
  • Dịch nghĩa: Tôi không thể đi dự tiệc trừ khi tôi hoàn thành công việc đúng hẹn.

4. Đáp án D => Giải thích chi tiết

  • Liên từ "or" được sử dụng để biểu thị sự lựa chọn giữa 2 hay nhiều options.
  • Dịch nghĩa: Bạn có thể chọn kem hoặc bánh cho món tráng miệng.

5. Đáp án C => Giải thích chi tiết

  • Liên từ "and" được sử dụng để nối hai sự vật hoặc tính chất tích cực.
  • Dịch nghĩa: Cô ấy vừa có tài năng vừa làm việc chăm chỉ, điều này khiến cô ấy trở thành một nhân viên xuất sắc.

6. Đáp án C => Giải thích chi tiết

  • Liên từ "as soon as" được sử dụng để biểu thị thời gian ngắn sau khi một sự kiện xảy ra.
  • Dịch nghĩa: Tôi sẽ gọi bạn ngay sau khi tôi đến sân bay nên đừng lo lắng.

7. Đáp án B => Giải thích chi tiết

  • Liên từ "because" được sử dụng để biểu thị nguyên nhân hoặc lý do.
  • Dịch nghĩa: Anh ta không tham dự cuộc họp vì anh ấy cảm thấy không khỏe.

8. Đáp án B => Giải thích chi tiết

  • Liên từ "although" được sử dụng để đối lập hai ý, thường đi kèm với một ý phụ độc lập.
  • Dịch nghĩa: Anh ấy không thể tham gia buổi tiệc mặc dù anh ấy đã hứa sẽ tham dự trước đó.

9. Đáp án A => Giải thích chi tiết

  • Liên từ "even if" được sử dụng để biểu thị một điều kiện không thực hiện được.
  • Dịch nghĩa: Cô ấy muốn đi biển ngay cả khi trời đang mưa rất to.

10. Đáp án D => Giải thích chi tiết

  • Cụm liên từ tương quan “neither…nor” thể hiện sự thiếu 2 đặc tính, tính chất đã nêu.
  • Dịch nghĩa: Cậu ấy không cao và cũng không mạnh. Cậu ấy còn là một đứa trẻ mà!

Bài 5:

1. There are a number of drawbacks to people using Facebook as a way of communicating (1)………………………. It is (2) ………………………. one of the most common social networking platforms for both individuals and businesses.

2. (3) ………………………. the lack of exercise taken by average people, obesity and other weight related problems are on the rise.

3. Unemployment and poverty, (4) ………………………. In urban areas, is often deemed to be the cause of rising crime rate.

4. (5) ………………………. the rise in urban crime, more and more people continue to move to cities looking for a better life.

5. More children are becoming obese and (6) ………………………. Schools should be encouraged to provide more sports lessons and outdoor activities.

Đáp án: 

  1. Even though
  2. admittedly
  3. Due to/ Owing to (trong trường họp này, bạn không thể sử dụng “because of” vì đây là linking words mở đầu câu)
  4. particularly/ especially/ specifically
  5. despite
  6. Therefore/ so/ for this reason

Bài 6: Chọn đáp án đúng

1.1. The class discussion was short;_____________, we gained some knowledge from it.

  1. However
  2. Moreover
  3. Although
  4. therefore

2. The undergone is cheap;_____________, it’s faster than the train.

  1. However
  2. Moreover
  3. but 
  4. so

3.   The countryside air is fresh,________________, it’s not polluted.

  1. However
  2. Moreover
  3. beside
  4. whenever 

4.   Minh had a terrible headache. __________________, he still wanted to go to school.

  1. Therefore 
  2. However 
  3. But 
  4. Although

5.   My car broke down on the way.____________, when I got the airport, the plane had taken off.

  1. Because 
  2. Therefore 
  3. However 
  4. Although

6.   His mother was sick._________________, Jane had to stay at home to look after her.

  1. But
  2. However 
  3. Therefore
  4. So

7.   They asked me to wait for them; ____________, he didn’t turn back.

  1. But
  2. However 
  3. Therefore
  4. So

8.   He knew the danger of smoking;______________, he couldn’t give it up.

  1. However 
  2. Therefore
  3. but 
  4. although

Đáp án: 

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C
5. C 6. D 7. B 8. C

Bài 7: Điền các từ nối trong hộp từ sau vào các câu dưới đây:

However | Then | Similarity | Therefore | Nevertheless | After sometime | Eventually | Otherwise | Afterwards

1. There is no more food left. _____________ there is plenty of drinks. 2. The Interact Club has done well to help the poor. ___________ the Welfare Club has done well too. 3. The documents will be scrutinized by the police. ___________ they will be sent back to be relevant authority. 4. The retailer has been making losses. _____________ he intends to wind up his business. 5. Wash the potatoes first. _______________ you can boil them.

6. We have been trying to contact Michael for the past few days. _____________ we managed to trace him to a hotel in town. 7. Life in the country may not be as exciting as life in the city. _______ you are close to nature which provides peace and quietness. 8. The dog will bark without fail every time the ice-cream man passes by. _____________ it will start howling. 9. Let us not be complacent with ourselves. _________ we may lose out in the final round. 10. Lopez has experienced poverty and hardship before. _____________ he has a sympathetic heart towards the poor and needy.

Đáp án: 

1. However 2. Similarity 3. Then 4. Therefore 5. Afterward
6. Eventually 7. Nevertheless 8. After sometime 9. Otherwise 10. Therefore

Bài 8: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. The new supermarket is so much cheaper than the one in John Street. ………………. , they do free home deliveries too.

A. However

B. On the whole

C. Furthermore

2. Australia has some beautiful parts of the country. ………….., they also have a lot of dangerous animals.

A. Though

B. However

C. Despite

3. ……………….. the high risk involved, many scientists chase tornadoes so they can study them more closely.

A. But

B. Though

C. Despite

4. ……………….. television can be educational, I think it's better to read a book.

A. On the other hand

B. Even though

C. However

5. So you can see there are both advantages and disadvantages of the new system for organizing the timetable. ……………. , I would say it would be better to stick with the current system.

A. On the whole

B. And

C. Lastly

6. …………………. the rain and the high winds, they never went camping.

A. Because

B. Due to

C. Despite

7. This new computer has a better monitor. Its memory is twice as large as the current one and we can use the internet with it. ……………… its software will make our job so much easier.

A. Finally

B. However

C. In short

Đáp án: 

1. C

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. B

7. A

Bài 9: Gạch chân dưới từ nối trong tiếng Anh đúng

1. Despite/Still/Yet/Even though it was summer the nights were quite chilly.

2. Because of/Despite/Nevertheless/Still his great qualifications he couldn't manage to find a job.

3. The piece of wood hit the man on the head. Nevertheless/While/Despite/Even though, he wasn't injured

4. He is good at languages, whereas/though/still/nevertheless his brother is an athlete.

5. I like hamburgers, I don't like pizza whereas/still/yet/though.

6. My car is still/however/in spite of/though in a very good condition. It's 12 years old.

7. In spite of/Because/In order to/Since her age, she's till a very good worker.

8. Jimmy can't read very well. On the other hand/While/Although/Still he is a skilful worker.

9. Brian is good at languages whereas/still/although/because his brother can't even speak English.

Đáp án: 

1. even though

2. Despite

3. Nevertheless

4. whereas

5. though

6. still

7. In spite of

8. On the other hand

9. whereas

 Bài 10: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. The train was delayed …………….. bad weather

A. resulting

B. because

C. in view of

D. on account of

2. The event was canceled …………….. the fact that not many tickets were sold.

A. So B. because

C. due to

D. therefore

3. I felt stressed …………….. I'd been overworked recently.

A. as

B. therefore

C. that’s why

D. as a result

4. John went to the acupuncturist ……………. his bad back.

A. because of

B. consequently

C. since

D. due to

5. Sonia had a bad stomachache and …………… I recommended seeing the doctor.

A. given that

B. since

C. therefore

D. as a result

6. ………………. the teacher's good reputation the yoga classes were always crowded.

A. In view of

B. Because

C. Due to

D. Consequently

7. ………………… the fact that homeopathy can be very effective for some illnesses it has become increasingly popular.

A. Given that

B. Therefore

C. Since

D. In view of

8. It's amazing I can walk …………… an hour ago I couldn't move.

A. as a result of

B. given that

C. since

D. therefore

9. My headache has disappeared ……………. the massage.

A. because of

B. in order to

C. when

D. on account of

Đáp án: 

1. D

2. C

3. A

4. A

5. C

6. C

7. D

8. B

9. A

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