Cấu trúc But for | Định nghĩa, cách dùng và bài tập vận dụng

1900.com.vn tổng hợp bài viết về Cấu trúc But for đầy đủ các kiến thức bao gồm: Định nghĩa, cấu trúc ngữ pháp, cách dùng, cách phân biệt, các ví dụ minh họa, các từ đồng nghĩa và bài tập vận dụng. Từ đó giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và học tốt Tiếng Anh hơn.

Cấu trúc But for | Định nghĩa, cách dùng và bài tập vận dụng

But for là gì?

Cấu trúc But for trong ngữ pháp tiếng Anh mang ý nghĩa là nếu không có điều gì đó thì một điều khác sẽ xảy ra thay vì kết quả nào đó. Mang chức năng rút ngắn mệnh đề của câu, thường được dùng trong văn phong lịch sự, trang trọng. 

Ví dụ:

  • But for her brother’s help, she couldn’t have done her math homework (Nếu không có sự giúp đỡ của anh trai thì cô ấy đã không thể hoàn thành bài tập toán về nhà).
  • But for the fact that Nam is tired now, he would come to the school (Nếu Nam không mệt lúc này, anh ấy đã đến trường)

Ngoài ra, But for còn mang một nghĩa nữa đó chính là ngoại trừ một việc gì đó, trong tình huống này But for bằng nghĩa với Except for

Ví dụ:

  • But for his younger sister, everyone knows that he is dating Lan (Ngoại trừ em gái của anh ấy, mọi người ai cũng biết anh ấy đang hẹn hò với Lan).
  • She can take anything she wants in this room but for the table (Cô ấy có thể lấy bất cứ thứ gì trong căn phòng này, ngoại trừ chiếc bản).

Cách dùng của cấu trúc But for

1. Cách dùng của cấu trúc But for

Công thức: But for + noun phrase/V-ing, S + V…

But for được sử dụng trong câu điều kiện, cụ thể vị trí của cấu trúc này là ở vế điều điện hay còn gọi là vế chứa If. 

Ví dụ:

  • But for her efforts, Linh wouldn’t pass final exam (Nếu không cố gắng, Linh sẽ không thể vượt qua được kỳ thi tốt nghiệp).
  • But for staying up late that night, he would never have found out the his parent’s story (Nếu đêm đó không thức khuya, anh ấy sẽ không bao giờ nghe được câu chuyện của bố mẹ anh ấy).

2. Cách dùng của cấu trúc But for trong câu điều kiện

Cấu trúc But for được dùng trong 2 loại câu điều kiện đó là câu điều kiện loại 2 và câu điều kiện loại 3. 

But for trong câu điều kiện loại 2

Công thức: But for + N/V-ing, S + would/could/might/… + V

Ví dụ:

  • But for so many tasks, I could take my sister to the zoo. (Nếu không có quá nhiều việc, tôi đã dẫn em gái tôi đến vườn bách thú.)

But for trong câu điều kiện loại 3

Công thức: But for + N/V-ing, S + would/could/might/… + have PII

Ví dụ:

  • But for his late arrival, he wouldn’t have missed the final date. (Nếu anh ấy không đến muộn thì anh ấy đã không lỡ buổi hẹn hò cuối cùng.)

Cách viết lại câu với cấu trúc but for trong câu điều kiện

1. Trong câu điều kiện loại 2

Câu điều kiện loại 2 được viết lại và giữ nguyên ý nghĩa với cấu trúc but for như sau:

If it weren’t for the fact that + S + V-ed, S + would/could/might/… + V

= If it weren’t for + N/V-ing, S + would/could/might/… + V

= But for + N/V-ing, S + would/could/might/… + V

Ví dụ: But for her misunderstanding, they would not fight (Nếu không vì sự hiểu nhầm của cô ta, họ đã không cãi nhau)

→ If it weren’t for her misunderstanding, they would not fight

→ If it weren’t for the fact that she misunderstood, they would not fight

2. Trong câu điều kiện loại 3

Câu điều kiện loại 3 được viết lại và giữ nguyên ý nghĩa với cấu trúc but for như sau:

If it hadn’t been for the fact that + S + had PII, S + would/could/might/… + have PII

= If it hadn’t been for + N/V-ing, S + would/could/might/… + have PII

= But for + N/V-ing, S + would/could/might/… + have PII

Ví dụ: But for Chandler’s kind help, I couldn’t have arrived at the meeting in time (Nếu không nhờ sự giúp đỡ tốt bụng của Chandler, tôi đã không thể đến buổi họp kịp giờ)

→ If it hadn’t been for Chandler’s kind help, I couldn’t have arrived at the meeting in time

→ If it hadn’t been for the fact that Chandler had kindly helped, I couldn’t have arrived at the meeting in time

→ If it hadn’t been for being kindly helped by Chandler, I couldn’t have arrived at the meeting in time

Một số lưu ý khi sử dụng cấu trúc But for

  • Đối với trường hợp cấu trúc but for đứng đầu câu, thì mệnh đề chứa cấu trúc but for sẽ được ngăn cách với mệnh đề đằng sau (mệnh đề chính) bằng một dấu phẩy.
  • Cấu trúc but for không được áp dụng cho các câu điều kiện loại một cũng như câu điều kiện kết hợp.
  • Mệnh đề với cấu trúc but for không có từ “not” dù mang ý nghĩa phủ định.

Bài tập về cấu trúc But for

Ex 1. Viết lại câu với cấu trúc But for

1. If my friends hadn’t advised me, I would have’nt pass the final exam.

—> But for _______________________________________.

2. But for Linh, Nam couldn’t go home yesterday.

—> If ____________________________________________.

3. If it hadn’t been for my mother, I wouldn’t have been mature.

—> But for ________________________________________________.

4. If it hadn’t been for the storm, the outside activities would have been held.

—> But for _____________________________________.

5. But for her lack of money, she could have gone to university.

—> If _____________________________.

Đáp án:

1. But for my friends hadn’t advised me, I would have passed the final exam.

2. If it weren’t for Linh, Nam couldn’t go to the home yesterday.

3. But for my mother, I wouldn’t have been mature.

4. But for the storm, the outside activities would have been held.

5. If it weren’t for lack of money, she could have gone to university.

Ex 2. Điền từ đúng vào chỗ trống.

1. If it _______ (be) the fact that he’s my boss, I’d not listen to him.

2. _______ his negligence, he would have been promoted to senior manager.

3. If it hadn’t been for the delay, they _______ (arrive) to Ohio.

4. _______ being too far away, the venue would have been chosen for the event.

5. If it _______ (be) the doctor’s prompt action, he would have died.

Đáp án:

1. weren’t for

2. But for

3. would have arrived

4. But for

5. hadn’t been for

Ex 3. Viết lại các câu sau.

1. If it hadn’t been for his support, we wouldn’t have been able to run the operation.

à But for ____________________________________________________________________ .

2. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t know how to write a proper report.

à But for ____________________________________________________________________ .

3. If it weren’t for her inexperience in administration, I would offer her a job now.

à But for____________________________________________________________________ .

4. If it hadn’t been for her careful management, the event would not have been a success.

à But for____________________________________________________________________ .

5. If it hadn’t been for the fact that they had worn seatbelts, they would have been seriously injured.

à But for____________________________________________________________________ .

Đáp án:

1. But for his support, we wouldn’t have been able to run the operation.

2. But for your help, I wouldn’t know how to write a proper report.

3. But for her inexperience in administration, I would offer her a job right now.

4. But for her careful management, the event would not have been a success.

5. But for the fact that they had worn seatbelts, they would have been seriously injured.

Ex 4. Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống bằng cách thay đổi thì của từ gợi ý

1. But for the fact that I had an argument with my manager, I ………….. (be) promoted.

2. But for my current heavy workload, I ………….. (plan) a trip to Da Lat with my family.

3. My children can do all the housework but for ………….. (iron) the clothes.

4. But for the warning signs, people ………….. (have) accidents while passing this route.

5. But for the serious injuries, the team ………….. (win) the last football match.

6. But for online shopping, consumers ………….. (not save) time buying goods from physical stores.

7. You can do everything you want but for ………….. (play) video games and ………….. (watch) Tiktok.

8. But for the fact that my dog ………….. (steal) my shoes, I would have worn them to the wedding yesterday.

9. But for all the challenges that I have been through, I ………….. (not find) my inner strength.

10. But for the sacrifices of our ancestors, we ………….. (not have) a peaceful life nowadays.

Đáp án:

1. But for the fact that I had an argument with my manager, I would have been promoted.

2. But for my current heavy workload, I would plan a trip to Da Lat with my family.

3. My children can do all the housework but for ironing the clothes.

4. But for the warning signs, people could have accidents while passing this route.

5. But for the serious injuries, the team would have won the last football match.

6. But for online shopping, consumers could not save time buying goods from physical stores.

7. You can do everything you want but for playing video games and watching Tiktok.

8. But for the fact that my dog stole my shoes, I would have worn them to the wedding yesterday.

9. But for all the challenges that I have been through, I would not find my inner strength.

10. But for the sacrifices of our ancestors, we would not have a peaceful life nowadays.

Ex 5. Viết lại câu với but for từ câu điều kiện loại 2 hoặc loại 3

1. If I hadn’t overslept, I would have been on time.

2. I could have bought that car if I had had more money at the time.

3. That horse could have won the race if he hadn’t hurt his leg.

4. If I had studied harder for the test I would have gotten a better grade.

5. If it hadn’t rained, we would have gone to the park.

6. If the road hadn’t been icy, we wouldn’t have had an accident.

Đáp án:

1. But for oversleeping, I wouldn’t have been on time.

2. But for more money, I couldn’t have bought that car.

3. But for leg hurt, That horse couldn’t have won the race.

4. But for study harder, I wouldn’t have gotten a better grade.

5. But for rain, we wouldn’t have gone to the park.

6. But for the road icy, we wouldn’t have had an accident.

Ex 6. Chia động từ trong ngoặc phù hợp:

1. If it (be)__________ the person who rescued Susan, she’d have drowned.

2. But for his lack of money, he (go)_______ to university.

3. If it (be)__________ for the fact that she’s my sister, I’d not give her my toys.

4. But for the disapproval from my teachers, my class (have)_______ an extraordinary performance.

5. ________ your selfishness, you could have made more new friends.

6. But for her parents, Emma (be)___________successful.

7. She (buy)_________a new car but for the fact that she had been fined last week.

8. _______her work, all other works were awarded.

9. _______being busy, I would have taken my dog ​​to the park.

10. I (travel)__________with my sister but for the internship.

Đáp án:

1. Hadn’t been for

2. Could have gone

3. Weren’t

4. Could have

5. But for/If it hadn’t been for

6. Wouldn’t have (never) been

7. Could have bought

8. But for

9. But for

10. Would travel

Ex 7. Viết lại câu với cấu trúc but for

1. If you did not help me, I wouldn’t pass my exam.

2. She encouraged him and he succeeded.

3. If it weren’t for the fact that you called me, I’d have missed the test.

4. Dad might have gone to the school to pick you up, if it hadn’t been for his broken car.

5. If I were to know where Lily was, I would contact you immediately.

6. If it weren’t for the fact that you called me, I’d have missed the deadline.

7. Marshall might have gone to the supermarket to pick you up, if it hadn’t been for his broken car.

8. I want to visit my relatives but the pandemic isn’t over yet.

9. If I were to know where she was, I should contact you right away.

10. If it hadn’t been for the fact that I had so many deadlines, I could have spent more time with you.

Đáp án:

1. But for your help, I wouldn’t pass my exam.

2. But for her encouragement, he wouldn’t have succeeded.

3. But for your call, I’d have missed the test.

4. But for dad’s broken car, he might have gone to the school to pick you up.

5. But for not knowing where Lily was, I couldn’t contact you.

6. But for the fact that you called me, I’d have missed the deadline.

7. Marshall might have gone to the supermarket to pick you up, but for his broken car.

8. I would visit my relatives but for the pandemic.

9. But for not knowing where she was, I couldn’t contact you right away.

10. But for the fact that I had so many deadlines, I could have spent more time with you.

Ex 8. Viết lại câu với cấu trúc but for

1. If it weren’t for the fact that you called me, I’d have missed the deadline.

=> But for ______________________________

2. Marshall might have gone to the supermarket to pick you up, if it hadn’t been for his broken car.

=> But for ______________________________

3. I want to visit my relatives but the pandemic isn’t over yet.

=> But for ______________________________

4. If I were to know where she was, I should contact you right away.

=> But for ______________________________

5. If it hadn’t been for the fact that I had so many deadlines, I could have spent more time with you.

=> But for ________________________________

Đáp án:

1. But for the fact that you called me, I’d have missed the deadline.

2. Marshall might have gone to the supermarket to pick you up, but for his broken car.

3. I would visit my relatives but for the pandemic.

4. But for not knowing where she was, I couldn’t contact you right away.

5. But for the fact that I had so many deadlines, I could have spent more time with you.

Ex 9. Điền từ hoặc cụm từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

1. If it __________ the person who rescued Susie, she’d have drowned.

2. If it __________ for the fact that she’s my sister, I’d scold her in public.

3. But for her sick mother, she _______ gone to university.

4. ________ your selfishness, everyone could have received their shares.

5. But for the disapproval from my teachers, my class _______ an extraordinary performance.

Đáp án:

1. hadn’t been for

2. weren’t

3. could have

4. But for/If it hadn’t been for

5. could have

Ex 10. Viết lại câu với cấu trúc but for

1. If I had not more money, I wouldn’t buy a new car.

2. If she had not more free time, she wouldn’t travel the world.

3. If she studied harder, she would pass the exam.

4. If they weren’t so busy, they would join us for dinner.

5. If they had studied harder, they would have passed the exam.

6. If he had known about the party, he would have come.

7. If we had arrived on time, we would have caught the train.

8. If she had practiced more, she would have won the competition.

9. If she had more time, she would volunteer at the local shelter.

Đáp án:

1. But for my lack of money, I would buy a new car.

2. But for her busy schedule, she wouldn’t travel the world.

3. But for her lack of effort in studying, she would pass the exam.

4. But for their busy schedule, they would join us for dinner.

5. But for their lack of effort in studying, they would have passed the exam.

6. But for his lack of knowledge about the party, he would have come.

7. But for our delay in arriving on time, we would have caught the train.

8. But for her insufficient practice, she would have won the competition.

9. But for her busy schedule, she would volunteer at the local shelter.

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