Cấu trúc Responsible - Định nghĩa, cách dùng và bài tập vận dụng

1900.com.vn tổng hợp và giới thiệu bài viết Cấu trúc Responsible - Định nghĩa, cách dùng và bài tập vận dụng giúp bạn ôn luyện và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Cấu trúc Responsible - Định nghĩa, cách dùng và bài tập vận dụng

Responsible là gì?

Responsible là một tính từ, có hai cách đọc như sau: 

/rɪˈspɒn.sə.bəl/ (UK)

/rɪˈspɑːn.sə.bəl/ (US)

Theo từ điển Cambridge, từ Responsible sẽ có các nghĩa sau đây:

  • Responsible có nghĩa là chịu trách nhiệm về mặt pháp lý.

Ví dụ: The leader team is directly responsible for the day-to-day operations of the business. (Nhóm lãnh đạo chịu trách nhiệm trực tiếp về hoạt động hàng ngày của doanh nghiệp).

  • Responsible có nghĩa là chịu trách nhiệm về hành vi của bản thân.

Ví dụ: My sister is mentally ill and cannot be held responsible for her actions. (Chị gái tôi đang rất kiệt quệ về mặt tinh thần và không thể chịu trách nhiệm cho hành vi của bản thân).

  • Responsible có nghĩa là nguyên nhân dẫn đến cái gì/ điều gì đó. 

Ví dụ: It’s been one of the factors chiefly responsible for improved public health (Đó là một trong những yếu tố chịu trách nhiệm chính cho việc cải thiện sức khỏe cộng đồng).

  • Responsible có nghĩa là người có đầy tinh thần trách nhiệm. 

Ví dụ: My leader has a mature and responsible attitude to work. (Người lãnh đạo của tôi có thái độ làm việc chín chắn và có trách nhiệm).

  • Responsible có nghĩa là chịu trách nhiệm trước ai đó hoặc cái gì đó. 

Ví dụ: The prime minister of this country is directly accountable to the people. (Thủ tướng của nước này chịu trách nhiệm trực tiếp trước người dân).

Cấu trúc Responsible và cách dùng

1. Cấu trúc Responsible for + Ving

Ý nghĩa: dùng để nói về ai/ cái gì đó chịu trách nhiệm cho việc làm nào đó.

Công thức:

S + be responsible for + Ving

Ví dụ:

  • This nanny responsible for taking care of the my younger brother (Người bảo mẫu này chịu trách nhiệm chăm sóc em trai tôi).

2. Cấu trúc Responsible to sb for sth

Ngoài ra, cấu trúc Responsible trong tiếng Anh cũng có thể được dùng với danh từ/ cụm danh từ. Cấu trúc Responsible này được dùng để nói về ai/ cái gì chịu trách nhiệm trước ai đó trong một nhóm/ một tổ chức được phân chia theo cấp bậc (cho việc gì đó hoặc cái gì đó).

Công thức:

S + be responsible + to sb (+ for Danh từ)

Ví dụ:

  • My homeroom teacher told me that I was going to be responsible for class president this term (Giáo viên chủ nhiệm của tôi nói với tôi rằng tôi sẽ chịu trách nhiệm làm lớp trưởng trong học kỳ này).

3. Cấu trúc Responsible for doing sth

Cấu trúc Responsible tiếp theo bạn nên tham khảo đó là Responsible for doing something.

Ví dụ:

  • Due to my unconsciousness after drinking alcohol, I caused an accident on my way home and I had to be responsible for it. (Do sự thiếu tỉnh táo của tôi sau khi uống rượu, tôi đã gây ra tai nạn trên đường về nhà của mình và tôi phải chịu trách nhiệm cho vụ tai nạn đó).

4. Cấu trúc Responsible for/to sb/sth

Cấu trúc Responsible thông dụng, được sử dụng thường xuyên trong giao tiếp tiếng Anh đó chính là cấu trúc Responsible for/to sb/sth.

Ví dụ:

  • Team members are directly responsible to the chairman of the club (Các thành viên trong nhóm chịu trách nhiệm trực tiếp trước chủ nhiệm câu lạc bộ).
  • Even when my parents no longer live with each other under the same roof, each of them keep being responsible for me and my younger sister. (Mặc dù không còn sống với nhau chung một mái nhà, nhưng họ vẫn phải có trách nhiệm với tôi và em gái của tôi).

5. Cấu trúc Be responsible for your actions

Và cấu trúc Responsible cuối cùng bạn nên nằm lòng chính là: Be responsible for your actions.

Ví dụ:

  • My defendant in that trial couldn’t take full responsibility for her actions because she was depressed (Bị cáo của tôi trong phiên tòa đó không thể chịu hoàn toàn trách nhiệm về hành vi của mình vì cô ấy bị trầm cảm).

Các giới từ đi với Responsible

Responsible đi với 3 giới từ chính trong tiếng Anh, đó là: for, with và to.

Ví dụ:

  • Responsible đi với giới từ For: My best friend is responsible for redesigning all the slides for the presentation of management course (Bạn thân của tôi chịu trách nhiệm thiết kế lại tất cả các slide cho bài thuyết trình cho khóa học quản lý).
  • Responsible đi với giới từ With: My mon are not really responsible with family’s money (Mẹ tôi không thật sự có trách nhiệm với tiền bạc của gia đình).
  • Responsible đi với giới từ To: She is responsible to my board of directors for this year’s media plan (Cô ấy chịu trách nhiệm với ban giám đốc về kế hoạch truyền thông năm nay).

Các từ/ cụm liên quan đến Responsible

Từ/ cụm từ Ý nghĩa Ví dụ
Take responsibility Chịu trách nhiệm He has to take responsibility for watching out for his child.
Hold responsible Giữ trách nhiệm Everyone in this organization holds him responsible for the campaign’s failure.
Assume responsibility Chịu trách nhiệm Anna immediately assumed responsibility for foreign affairs.
Abdication of responsibility Thoái thác trách nhiệm It is only by becoming an official of the state that such an abdication of responsibility is justifiable.
Acceptance of responsibility Nhận trách nhiệm Acceptance of responsibility seems a useful condition for environmental protection contributions especially when accompanied by activist preferences for one’s nation’s current and future international role.
Accepted responsibility Đã nhận trách nhiệm They have accepted responsibility for ensuring the security of the people of the region and have acknowledged the desperate need for humanitarian relief.

Bài tập về cấu trúc Responsible

Bài tập 1. Điền vào chỗ trống giới từ for/ to sao cho phù hợp

1. Kai was already responsible _____ designing in this advertisement project.

2. Sam was responsible _____ for the efficient running of our office. She is a hard-working and dedicated employee.

3. Employees are responsible ____ ensuring that the equipment is available.

4. The local authorities are responsible ____ the upkeep of the gardens.

5. In Australia, the Cabinet is responsible _____ the House of Representatives.

6. Susan was responsible ____ the leader because she didn’t complete the report on time.

7. John told me that I was going to be responsible ____ the director of our company.

8. Adam is responsible ____ cleaning the room.

9. Cindy is responsible _____ preparing the document.

10. I’m responsible _____ taking care of the products’ quality.

11. My teacher said that Lany was going to be responsible ____ the class for the next two periods.

12. Don’t hold her responsible ___ your blunder. That is certainly unfair.

13. Minh is responsible _____ vacuuming the living room and Mai is responsible _____ cleaning the kitchen.

14. The burning of fossil fuels is partly held responsible ____ global climate change.

15. Last year we were responsible _____ the project failure.

Đáp án

1. for

2. for

3. for

4. for

5. to

6. to

7. to

8. for

9. for

10. for

11. for

12. for

13. for, for

14. for

15. for

Bài tập 2. Viết lại câu sử dụng cấu trúc Responsible không làm thay đổi nghĩa. 

1. Karik will definitely take responsibility for his actions.

2. Linh blamed me for taking her chance at the audition. 

3. Last week's bad weather was the cause of the crop failure.

4. It's your responsibility to ensure that the project finishes on time.

5. Lam blamed me whenever anything went wrong in the school project. It drove me mad. 

6. Although Jimmy was not blamed, he bore responsibility for the production mistakes.

7. My director told me that his staff should take responsibility for the contract failure. 

8. It's not your fault. It was Linda who caused the accident.

9. Would someone please take responsibility for taking Maike home? 

Đáp án

1. Kai will definitely be responsible for his actions.

2. Linh held me responsible for taking her chance at the audition. 

3. Last week's bad weather was responsible for the crop failure.

4. You are responsible for ensuring that the project finishes on time.

5. Lam held me personally responsible whenever anything went wrong in the school project, which drove me mad. 

6. Although Jimmy was not blamed, he was still responsible for the production mistakes.

7. My director told me that his staff should be responsible for the contract failure. 

8. Linda should be the one who is responsible for the accident that day.

9. Would someone please be responsible for taking Maike home? 

Bài tập 3: Điền giới từ to/for vào ô trống thích hợp:

1. He was already responsible … her food and housing.

2. Jane was responsible … the Board of Director. She was a hard-working and dedicated employee.

3. Authors are responsible … ensuring that the necessary equipment is available.

4. Employees and local authorities are responsible … the upkeep of the gardens.

5. In Australia, Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the Cabinet are responsible … the House of Representatives.

Đáp án:

1. for

2. to

3. for

4. for

5. to

Bài tập 4: Điền cụm từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống và chia thì phù hợp

1. She _____________________ managing the project and ensuring its successful completion.

2. The team leader __________________ the supervisor for ensuring that all project milestones are met on schedule.

3. In this role, you __________________ the board of directors for the overall safety and efficiency of the manufacturing process.

4. As the former head chef, he _____________________ overseeing the kitchen operation.

5. Last night, people in the building ________________ an accident.

Đáp án:

1. is/will be/was responsible for

2. Is responsible to

3. Will be/are responsible to

4. Was responsible for

5. Were responsible for

Bài tập 5: Điền cụm từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống và chia thì phù hợp

1. The manager decided to _______ John _______________ the errors in the report.

2. This morning, the school administration _______ students _________________ their actions.

3. It’s important to _____________________ your mistakes and learn from them.

4. As a leader, she encourages her team members to ______________________ their individual tasks.

5. Yesterday, the government _________________ addressing the local problems facing their area.

Đáp án:

1. Hold / responsible for

2. Hold / responsible for

3. Take responsibility for

4. Take responsibility for

5. Took responsibility

Bài tập 6: Hoàn thành câu với cấu trúc responsible

1. The government is …. the country’s safety.

2. The company is …. the production of the product.

3. The parents are …. their children’s education.

4. The company is …. its employees’ safety

5. The employee is …. the manager

6. The employee is …. the company.

7.The manager is …. the company’s finances

8. The teacher is …. the students’ learning

9. The accountant is …. the company’s accounts

10. The child is …. the parents.

Đáp án:

1. responsible for

2. responsible with

3. responsible for

4. responsible for

5. responsible to

6. responsible to

7. responsible with

8. responsible for

9. responsible with

10. responsible to

Bài tập 7: Tìm lỗi sai và sửa lại trong các câu sau:

1. The manager is responsible with the company’s finances.

2. The doctor is responsible with the patient’s care.

3. The child responsible for the mess.

4. The engineer is responsible with the design of the building.

5. The accountant is responsible to the company’s accounts.

Đáp án:

1. The manager is responsible for the company’s finances.

2. The doctor is responsible for the patient’s care.

3. The child is responsible for the mess.

4. The engineer is responsible for the design of the building.

5. The accountant is responsible for the company’s accounts.

Bài tập 8: Điền giới từ thích hợp với responsible vào chỗ trống

1. The employees are responsible _____ completing their assigned tasks and meeting deadlines.

2. The project manager is responsible  _____ overseeing the project’s progress and making necessary


3. The leaders are responsible  _____ their team members for providing guidance and supporting to 

help them succeed.

4. She is very responsible _____ her finances, always budgeting and saving wisely.

5. As citizens, we are responsible _____  our community to participate in local initiatives and contribute

to its well-being.

6. The driver is responsible _____ following traffic laws and ensuring the safety of passengers and


7. The parents are responsible  _____ providing a safe and nurturing environment for their children.

8. The company expects its employees to be responsible for _____ company resources and use them


9. Students are responsible _____ their teachers for being engaged in their education and completing

assignments on time.

10. The finance department is responsible  _____ managing the company’s budget and financial


Đáp án:

1. for

2. for

3. to

4. with

5. to

6. for

7. for

8. with

9. for

10. for

Bài tập 9: Điền vào chỗ trống giới từ “in, for, with”

1. The CEO is directly responsible _____ the company’s performance.

2. It’s important to be responsible _____ our choices and their impact on others.

3. He is always responsible _____ his actions and admits when he makes a mistake.

4. The doctor is responsible _____ their patients for providing accurate medical advice.

5. He is always responsible _____ his time and manages to complete all his tasks efficiently.

Đáp án:

1. for

2. with 

3. for

4. to

5. with

Bài tập 10: Điền cụm từ responsible for, responsible to  vào chỗ trống thích hợp và chia thì phù hợp với câu:

1. Thanh __________ this leader because he is a secretary.

2. Hanh and Cambodia __________ locking the doors.

3. We  __________ writing reports every week.

4. Last night, people in the building  __________ the accident.

5. Who  __________ making this garbage?

6. I do not want to learn there because if I did, I  __________ Mr. Tam. He is very strict.

7. No one wants to  __________ what happened.

8. My neighbors  __________ all the noises.

Đáp án: 

1. is responsible to 

2. are/were/will be… responsible for 

3. are/were/will be… responsible for 

4. were responsible for

5. is/was responsible for

6. would be responsible to

7. be responsible for

8. are/were responsible for


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