Few và A few là gì? | Định nghĩa - Phân biệt Few & A few - Bài tập vận dụng

1900.com.vn tổng hợp và giới thiệu Few và A few là gì? | Định nghĩa - Phân biệt Few & A few - Bài tập vận dụng giúp bạn nắm vững cách làm bài, nâng cao vốn từ vựng và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Few và A few là gì? | Định nghĩa - Phân biệt Few & A few - Bài tập vận dụng

Few và A few là gì?

1. Few

Few + danh từ đếm được số nhiều: rất ít, không đủ để làm gì (có tính phủ định)

Ví dụ:

I have few books, not enough for reference reading. (Tôi chỉ có một ít sách, không đủ để đọc tham khảo)

Let’s talk to Jane. She has few friends. (Hãy nói chuyện với Jane. Cô ấy có ít bạn bè.)

2. A few

A few + danh từ đếm được số nhiều: có một chút, đủ để làm gì.

Ví dụ:

I have a few books, enough for reference reading. (Tôi có một vài quyển sách, đủ để đọc tham khảo)

There are a few elephants at the zoo (Có một vài con voi ở sở thú)

Tài liệu VietJack

Cách dùng Little/ A little​

1. Little

Little + danh từ không đếm được: rất ít, không đủ dùng (có khuynh hướng phủ định)

Ví dụ:

I have so little money that I can't afford to buy a hamburger. (Tôi có rất ít tiền, không đủ để mua một chiếc bánh kẹp)

I have very little time for hanging out with my friends because of the final exam. (Tôi có rất ít thời gian đi chơi với bạn bè vì kỳ thi cuối cấp.)

2. A little

A little + danh từ không đếm được: có một chút, đủ để làm gì.

Ví dụ:

I have a little money, enough to buy a hamburger. (Tôi có một ít tiền, đủ để mua một chiếc bánh kẹp)

We should try to save a little electricity this month. (Chúng ta nên cố gắng tiết kiệm một chút điện trong tháng này.)

Tài liệu VietJack

Phân biệt Few và A few Little và A little trong tiếng Anh

  Few A few Little A little
Khác nhau Few đi kèm với N đếm được số nhiều. Few có nghĩa là ít ỏi, không đủ sử dụng (mang nghĩa tiêu cực). A few đi kèm với N đếm được số nhiều. A few có nghĩa là ít ỏi, nhưng vẫn đủ để sử dụng (mang nghĩa tích cực). Little đi kèm với N không đếm được. Little có nghĩa là ít ỏi, không đủ sử dụng (mang nghĩa tiêu cực), ý nghĩa tương tự như Few. A little đi kèm với N không đếm được. A little có nghĩa như A few đó là ít ỏi, nhưng vẫn đủ để sử dụng (mang nghĩa tích cực)

Một số lưu ý chuyên sâu để hiểu hơn về cách phân biệt Few và A few Little và A little:

  • Sau lượng từ few và a few đều là những N đếm được số nhiều.
  • Sau lượng từ little và a little là N không đếm được.
  • 2 lượng từ Little và few đều mang nghĩa là không đủ/ hầu như không có, sử dụng trong trường hợp mang ý nghĩa tiêu cực.
  • 2 lượng từ A little và A few đều mang nghĩa là có một chút, đủ để dùng và được sử dụng với hàm ý tích cực hơn so với Little và few.
  • Cả  4  lượng từ few, a few, little, a little đều được sử dụng trong câu khẳng định, rất ít khi có mặt trong câu hỏi hoặc câu phủ định tiếng Anh.

Bài tập phân biệt Few và A few Little và A little

Bài 1. Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc

  1. There are…………..elephants at the zoo. (a few /a little)
  2. I feel sorry for her. She has………..friends. (few/ a few)
  3. I have very…………..time for going out with my club because the English mini-exam is coming soon. (little/ a little)
  4. She has been able to save…………electricity this month. (a little/ a few)
  5. …………students passed the competition although the question was very difficult. (A few/ A little)

Đáp án: 1. a few – 2. few – 3. little – 4. a little – 5. a few

Bài 2: Chọn từ thích hợp (few/a few/little/a little) điền vào chỗ trống cho các câu sâu đây 

  1. Would you like me to give you ___ advice?
  2. I don’t think I can solve this on my own. I need__help.
  3. Because of the effects of the war, __ people come to Ukraine now.
  4. Peter is able to speak__ words of Spanish, but he is not very fluent.
  5. Only 15 minutes until the closing time of the coffee shop, there seems __ hope of buying our favourite drink.

Đáp án

  1. A little    2. A little    3. Few    4. A few   5. Little

Bài 3: Chọn từ thích hợp nhất

  1. Let’s talk to Jane. She has (a few/few) friends.
  2. I have very (a little/little) time for hanging out with my friends because of the final exam. 
  3. We should try to save (a few/a little) electricity this month.
  4. (A little/A few) students passed the exam because it was very difficult.

Bài 4: Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống few, a few, little, a little

  1. I have _______(few, a few, little) good friends. I’m not lonely.
  2. There are ___________(few, a few, little) people she really trusts. It’s a bit sad.
  3. Julie gave us __________(a few, little, a little) apples from her garden. Shall we share them?
  4. There are ________(few, a few, little) women politicians in the UK. Many people think there should be more.
  5. Do you need information on English grammar? I have_____(a few, little, a little) books on the topic if you would like to borrow them.
  6. He has ____(few, a few, little) education. He can’t read or write, and he can hardly count.
  7. We’ve got ____(few, a few, little) time at the weekend. Would you like to meet?
  8. She has ____(few, a few, little) self-confidence. She has a lot of trouble talking to new people
  9. There’s ____(few, a few, little) spaghetti left in the cupboard. Shall we eat it tonight?
  10. We have only___ (a few, little, a little) time to finish all of the reports by tomorrow.
  11. Since taking office last year, the government has made____ (a few, little, a little) changes in employment policy that concerns the public.
  12. Oh no, we just have ____ (a few, little, a little) flour left, not enough for a cake.
  13. I enjoy my life here. I have ___ (a few, little, a little) friends and we meet quite often.
  14. We have ____ (a few, little, a little) knowledge of market analysis.
  15. The government has done ___ (a few, little, a little) or nothing to help the poorest people in this country
  16. ___ (few, a few, little) cities anywhere in Europe can match the cultural richness of Berlin.
  17. Last month was a good month for the company. We found ___ (few, a few, little) new customers and also increased our profit.
  18. Unfortunately, ___ (few, a few, little) of the companies which we sent offers to showed intersest in our products.
  19. I had___ (few, a few, a little)problems with the printer in the office, but it’s been fixed now.
  20. As so___ (few, a few, little) members has turned up at the meeting, it was decided to postpone it until further notice.

Bài 5: Điền các từ few, a few, little, a little vào chỗ trống thích hợp

  1. We have _____________ time left. Let’s try to get finished quickly.
  2. You have _____________ ideas left, so let’s hear them.
  3. I have got very _____________ friends, so I’m alone most of the time.
  4. Would you like _____________ water?
  5. What you need is _____________ more self-confidence.
  6. _____________ is known about how the disease spreads.
  7. I’m sorry, but I speak _____________ Spanish. Can’t we communicate in English?
  8. Very _____________ people went to see the movie.
  9. Mary managed to get _____________ piece of cake.
  10. She saves _____________ money every month because she wants to go on a cruise next summer.
  11. There are _____________ posts that are really worth reading. Most of them are rubbish.
  12. I have drunk _____________ water today, so I guess that’s why I’m so thirsty.
  13. There are _____________ good books that I would recommend reading.
  14. Have you got any money left in your bank account? Yes, I have _____________, but not very much.
  15. There are _____________ cities in the world that have a multicultural society.
  16. There was _____________ time to finish the project, so we had to work on weekends.
  17. We stayed in New York for _____________ days before moving on to the Midwest.
  18. I’d like to tell you _____________ about my childhood.
  19. I made very _____________ mistakes, so I got a very good mark.
  20. I see _____________ reason for giving him _____________ days off.

Đáp án: 

  1. We have little time left. Let’s try to get finished quickly. 
  2. You have a few ideas left, so let’s hear them.
  3. I have got very few friends, so I’m alone most of the time. 
  4. Would you like a little water? 
  5. What you need is a little more self-confidence. 
  6. Little is known about how the disease spreads. 
  7. I’m sorry, but I speak little Spanish. Can’t we communicate in English?
  8. Very few people went to see the movie. 
  9. Mary managed to get a little piece of cake. 
  10. She saves a little money every month because she wants to go on a cruise next summer. 
  11. There are few posts that are really worth reading. Most of them are rubbish. 
  12. I have drunk little water today, so I guess that’s why I’m so thirsty. 
  13. There are a few good books that I would recommend reading. 
  14. Have you got any money left in your bank account? Yes, I have a little, but not very much. 
  15. There are few / a few cities in the world that have a multicultural society. 
  16. There was little time to finish the project, so we had to work on weekends. 
  17. We stayed in New York for a few days before moving on to the Midwest. 
  18. I’d like to tell you a little about my childhood. 
  19. I made very few mistakes, so I got a very good mark. 
  20. I see little reason for giving him a few days off.

Bài 6: Điền a few hoặc a little vào các câu sau:

  1. There are ___ students at the bus stop.
  2. I can see only ___ apples in the bowl.
  3. The cook is putting ___ olive oil into the vegetable soup.
  4. I want ___ sugar for my tea. Can you add it, please?
  5. Ruby wants to take ___ photographs of the birds.
  6. I want ___ jam on my bread. I like jam and bread.
  7. There are ___ coloured pencils and a book on the table.
  8. Mr. Turner is carrying ___ boxes. He doesn’t need any help.
  9. Dad, I have got only ___ homework today. Can you help me, please?
  10. Suzy has got ___ kittens.She wants to sell them.
  11. You are very fat,dear.You should only eat ___ bread every day.
  12. I think I will add ___ ketchup to my chips.I like ketchup.
  13. ___ painters are painting the wall. They are using green and yellow.
  14. I’m having a difficult exam and I have got only ___ time.
  15. Susan needs ___ cucumbers for the salad.
  16. Look! ___ birds are flying over that yellow house.
  17. Mr.Sad is unhappy because he has got only ___ money.
  18. ___ racers are running to the finish line.
  19. Sir,I have got ___ questions about the plan.
  20. There is only ___ water in that glass.I want some more.

Đáp án: 

  1. a few
  2. a few
  3. A little
  4. a little
  5. a few
  6. a little
  7. a few
  8. a few
  9. a little
  10. a few
  11. a little
  12. a little
  13. a few
  14. a little
  15.  a few
  16. a few
  17. a little
  18. a few
  19. a few
  20. a little

Bài 7: Chọn trạng từ chỉ số lượng phù hợp

  1. I feel sorry for her. She has (few/ a few) friends. 
  2. There are (a few/ a little) elephants at the zoo.
  3. I’ve got (a little/ little) money. I’m going to the cinema.
  4. I’ve been able to save (a little/ little) money this month.
  5. (A few/ A little) students passed the exam because it was very difficult.
  6. We should try to save (a little/ a few) electricity this month. 
  7. I have very (little/ a little) time for hanging out with my friends because of the final exam comes soon. 

Đáp án: 

  1. I feel sorry for her. She has few  friends. 
  2. There are a few elephants at the zoo.
  3. I’ve got a little money. I’m going to the cinema.
  4. I’ve been able to save a little money this month.
  5. A few students passed the exam because it was very difficult.
  6. We should try to save a little electricity this month. 
  7. I have very little time for hanging out with my friends because of the final exam comes soon. 

Bài 8: Điền a few hoặc a little vào các câu sau:

  1. We have to spend up – there is very___ time to finish the project. The deadline is next Wednesday.
  2. I strongly recommend investing in these shares because you will get a very good return after only ___ years.
  3. At the moment we are experiencing some cash flow problems because ___ money is coming in.
  4. There is ___ extra added to your salary because you will benefit from the inner city allowance.
  5. The postman doesn’t often come here. We receive ______ letters. 
  6. The snow was getting quite deep. I had ______ hope of getting home that night.
  7. A: I’m having ______ trouble fixing this shelf -> B: Oh, dear. Can I help you? 
  8. I shall be away for _____ days from tomorrow.
  9. Tony is a keen golfer, but unfortunately he has ______ ability.
  10. I could speak ______ words of Swedish, but I wasn’t very fluent.

Đáp án: 

21. little 22. a few 23. little 24. a little
25. a few 26. a little 27. a little 28. a few 29. little 30. a few

Bài 9: Điền a few hoặc few vào các câu sau:

  1. She has __________ friends in the new city.
  2. I have __________ books to read during the vacation.
  3. He had __________ problems with his car yesterday.
  4. We have __________ days left until the deadline.
  5. I spent __________ hours working on the project.
  6. There are __________ students in the advanced math class.
  7. After the party, there were __________ snacks left.
  8. They had __________ difficulties understanding the complex concept.

Đáp án:

  1. a few
  2. a few
  3. few
  4. a few
  5. a few
  6. a few
  7. a few
  8. few

Bài 10: Hoàn thành các câu sau với a few / a little

1. Some of the people will not attend the ceremony. ---- have already informed me.

2. There’s ---- spaghetti left in the fridge. Shall we eat it tonight?

3. We are experiencing ---- technical issues at the moment.

4. We stayed in Florence for ---- days before moving on to Milan.

5. Mary managed to get ---- information about the renovation project.

6. We still have ---- ideas left, so let’s hear them out.

7. Give the water ---- water every day if you don’t want them to die.

8. His theories were so complex that only ---- people could understand it.

9. There’s still ---- time left to finish the project, but we’d better be hurry.

10. I’ve been to that Austrian restaurant ---- times. It’s really good.

Đáp án: 

  1. A few 
  2. a little
  3.  a few 
  4. a few 
  5. a little
  6. a few 
  7.  a little
  8. a few 
  9.  a little 
  10.  a few

Bài 11: Hoàn thành các câu sau với few / little

1. I’m sorry, I can’t pay for your lunch. I have ---- money.

2. ---- children from this school go on to university, unfortunately.

3. ---- is known about this famous artist.

4. Her house is almost empty! She has ---- furniture.

5. There are ---- posts about financial advising that are worth reading. Most of them are very confusing.

6. His car needs cleaning. He takes very ---- care of it.

7. Very ---- people can speak foreign language perfectly.

8. He’s the new teacher, so he has very ---- patience with children.

9. We need more volunteers. There’re too ---- people to help us with the set up.

10. There were very ---- people who were really interested in the performance.

Đáp án: 

  1. little
  2.  Few 
  3. Little
  4.  little
  5.  few 
  6.  little 
  7.  few 
  8.  little 
  9.  few 
  10.  few 

Bài 12: Hãy điền vào ô trống few và a few/little và a little thích hợp.

1. She has _____ friends in her new school. 

2. We need to purchase _____ more ingredients for the recipe. 

3. There is _____ salt left in the jar. 

4. He showed _____ interest in the topic. 

5. The store has _____ apples left. 

6. I have _____ time to finish the homework. 

7. There are _____ clients in the conference room.

8. Can you give me _____ examples to support your argument? 

9. We have _____ information about the beauty contest. 

10. She has _____ experience in that field. 

11. I have _____ coins in my pocket. 

12. There are _____ people waiting at the bus stop.

13. Could you please give me _____ more minutes to finish the task? 

14. She has _____ interest in sports. 

15. We need _____ more information before making a decision.

16. There is _____ milk left in the bottle. 

17. I have _____ friends who live in that city. 

18. He has _____ experience in programming. 

19. We have _____ time to catch the bus. 

20. There are _____ dishes on the dish rack, the rest have all been used.

Bài 13: Hãy chọn danh từ đúng khi đứng sau few/a few/little/a little.

1. I have a few apple/apples in my basket, but not enough to make a pie.

2. There are few thing/things more relaxing than taking a long walk in the park.

3. She has little patience/patiences when it comes to waiting in long lines.

4. I have little interest/interests in attending that conference; it seems quite boring.

5. We need a few more chair/chairs for the guests coming to the party.

6. After my hectic week, I decided to take a little time/times for myself and relax.

7. I know a little about Japanese culture/cultures, but I’d like to learn more.

8. There are a few student/students who always excel in math class.

9. We have little food/foods left in the refrigerator; we should go shopping.

10. Just a few more page/pages to read, and I’ll finish this thrilling book.

Bài 14: Chọn đáp án đúng

  1. We only have few/a few/little/a little time left before deadline. Let's try to complete the report quickly.
  2. We have few/a few/little/a little presentations left, so let's hear them.
  3. I have got very few/a few/little/a little friends, so I feel lonely most of the time.
  4. Would you like few/a few/little/a little milk?
  5. What you need is few/a few/little/a little more self-esteem.
  6. Few/A few/Little/A little is known about how the Covid-19 spreads.
  7. I'm sorry, but I speak few/a few/little/a little English. Can't we communicate in Chinese?
  8. Very few/a few/little/a little people went to cinema to see the movie.
  9. Mai managed to get few/a few/little/a little piece of cupcake.
  10. She saves few/a few/little/a little money monthly as she wants to travel around the world next summer.
  11. There are few/a few/little/a little books that are really worth reading. Most of them are rubbish and boring.
  12.  I have drunk few/a few/little/a little water so I think that's why I'm so thirsty now.
  13. There are few/a few/little/a little interesting books that worth reading.
  14. ‘Have you got any money left in your card?’ ‘Yes, I have few/a few/little/a little, but not enough.’
  15. There are few/a few/little/a little cities in the world that have cultural diversity.
  16. There was few/a few/little/a little time to complete the environmental project, therefore, we had to work until midnight.
  17. We stayed in Washington DC for few/a few/little/a little days before traveling to New York by plane.
  18. I'd like to tell you few/a few/little/a little about myself.
  19.  I made very few/a few/little/a little mistakes. As a result I passed the exam with flying colors.
  20.  I see no reason for giving her few/a few/little/a little days off.

Đáp án: 

1. little

2. a few

3. few

4. a little

5. a little

6. little

7. little

8. few

9. a little

10. a little

11. few

12. little

13. a few

14. a little

15. few/ a few

16. little

17. a few

18. a little

19. few

20. a few

Bài 15: Hoàn thành các câu sau với A little, little, few, a few

1. Let's go to the movies. I have ………………. money

2. I'm sorry, I can't pay for your lunch. I have …………….. money

3. Not many children like vegetables. For example, ………….. children eat squash.

4. Joe is always angry. That's why he has ………………. friends

5. Bill didn't drink all the soda. There's ……………… left

6. The party was fun. There were ……………… people I knew there.

7. Your house is almost empty! You have …………… furniture.

8. Marty : Do you need same help with your math homework?

Harry : Yes, I could sure use ………………

9. Henry : How many people were at the game last night?

Kenny : Almost none. ……………….. people want to watch a team that always loses.

10. Doris : Are Dallas and Ft. Worth very far from each other?

David: No, they're quite close. There's …………….. distance between them.

11. There's ……………… milk in the refrigerator. About half a quart, I think.

12. Doctor: Have you ever been in bad health or had a serious operation?

Patient: No, I haven't. I've had ……………… medical problems.

13. Steve : Have you received any applications for the job that you advertised in the paper last week?

Larry : Yes, but only ……………..

14. Steve : I wonder why most people didn't apply for it?

Larry : ………………. want to work so hard for so little money.

15. May I please have ……………. more coffee?

16. Greg is always busy; he has …………. free time.

17. ………………… of the children were rude, but most were polite.

18. Donald doesn't care for school. He has ………… interest in it.

19. I need to talk to you. Do you have ……………….. munites.

20. Let's get together when we have ……………. free time.

Đáp án: 

1. a little

2. little

3. few

4. few

5. a little

6. a few

7. little

8. a little

9. few

10. little

11. a little

12. few

13. a few

14. few

15. a little

16. little

17. a few

18. little

19. a few

20. a little

Bài 16: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. We have got quite ………………. friends there.

A. few            B. a few              C. little               D. a little

2. Would you like to try ………………. wine?

A. a little        B. few                 C. little                D. a few

3. His theories are too complex that only ………………. people understand them.

A. a few         B. little               C. a little               D. few

4. You don’t need to go shopping. We have got ……………………… eggs and some rice.

A. a little        B. little               C. few                    D. a few

5. Very ………………. can speak a foreign language perfectly.

A. little            B. a few             C. few                   D. a little

6. ………………………… politicians are really honest.

A. Few           B. A few             C. A little                D. Little

7. ‘Would you like some more soup?’

‘Just ……………., please.’

A. little            B. a few              C. few                  D. a little

8. Give the roses ……………………… water everyday if you don’t want them to die.

A. few             B. little                C. a few               D. a little

9. We have got ………………………… steak if you are really hungry.

A. little            B. a little              C. few                  D. a few

10. Very …………. pupils in our class can do such difficult sums.

A. little            B. few                 C. a few                D. a little

Đáp án: 

1. B

2. A

3. A

4. D

5. C

6. A

7. D

8. D

9. B

10. B

Bài 17:Hoàn thành câu với few, a few, little, a little, the few, the little, what few hoặc what little

1. Thomas was named sportsman of the year, and ………….. would disagree with that decision.

2. ……………….. remains of the old castle walls except the Black Gate.

3. She called her ………………….. remaining relatives together and told them she was leaving.

4. Simpson is among ……………….. foreign journalists allowed into the country.

5. ……………….. evidence we have so far suggests that the new treatment will be important in the fight against AIDS.

6. 'Has my explanation helped?’ ‘Yes. …………’

7. …………………… belongings she had were packed into a small suitcase.

8. …………………. will forget the emotional scenes as Wilson gave his farewell performance in front of a huge audience.

9. The announcement will come as ………………. surprise.

10. Tony hasn't been looking well recently, and I'm ……………… worried about him.

11. Have there been many applications for the job?' 'Yes, quite …………..’

12. The children weren't well so I had to take ………….. day off.

13. I don't have much money, but I'm happy to lend you …………. I have.

14. The tax reforms will mean less income for the majority of people and more for ………………….

Đáp án: 

1. few

2. Little

3. few

4. a few

5. The little

6. A little

7. The few

8. Few

9. little

10. a little

11. a few

12. a few

13. the little

14. a few

Bài 15: Điền a few, few, little a little vào chỗ trống

1. He's lucky. He has …………………. problems in his life.

2. Things are not going so well for her. She has to deal with ………………… problems.

3. Can you lend me ………………….. money?

4. There was ……………….. traffic during the rush hour, so it didn't take us very long to travel to nearby museum.

5. I can't give you an answer yet. I need ……………….. time to think deeply about it.

6. It was a big surprise that she lose the final match. …………………. people expected her to be defeated.

7. He doesn’t know much Japanese - only ………………. words.

8. I wonder how Laura is. I haven't seen her for …………………… years.

Đáp án: 

1. few

2. a few

3. a little

4. little

5. a little

6. Few

7. a few

8. a few

Bài 15: Tìm lỗi sai và sửa lại

1. They live in a very small flat because they have a few money.

2. I really need to see him. I've got few questions to ask him.

3. Could we have a few champagne, please?

4. 'Were you surprised ?' ‘Little.’

5. They've already been to Spain few times.

6. These plants require a little water and it's very handy.

7. At home, the kitchen was a pleasant place. There were always little flowers in a vase.

8. 'How's your father ?' ‘A few better, thanks.’

9. 'Sandra is fluent in Italian, French and Spanish.' 'It's quite rare, a few people can speak several foreign languages.'

10. This boy isn't very popular at school. He's got very a little friends.’

Đáp án: 

1. a few → little

2. few → a few

3. a few → a little

4. Little → A little

5. few → a few

6. a little → little

7. little → a few

8. A few → A little

9. a few → few

10. a little → few

Bài 16: Chọn từ thích hợp trong ngoặc đơn để hoàn thành câu.

  1. I have (few/a few) close friends.
  2. There are (few/a few) interesting movies on TV tonight.
  3. She has (few/a few) opportunities to travel because of her busy job.
  4. (Few/A few) people attended the meeting because it was raining.
  5. I need (few/a few) more books to complete my research.

Đáp án: 

  1. a few
  2. a few
  3. few
  4. Few
  5. a few

Bài 17: Viết câu sử dụng “few” hoặc “a few” với nghĩa phù hợp trong các tình huống sau.

  1. Bạn có nhiều bạn bè không?
  2. Có bao nhiêu nhà hàng ngon trong khu vực này?
  3. Tôi cần thêm thời gian để hoàn thành bài tập.
  4. Hầu hết mọi người đều thích bộ phim này.
  5. Cô ấy không có nhiều kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực này.

Đáp án:

  1. I don’t have many friends.
  2. There are few good restaurants in this area.
  3. I need a few more hours to finish my assignment.
  4. Most people enjoy this movie.
  5. She has few experiences in this field.

Bài 18: Dịch các câu sau sang tiếng Anh, sử dụng “few” hoặc “a few” phù hợp.

  1. Tôi có ít tiền để mua sắm.
  2. Có một vài sinh viên đến muộn trong lớp học hôm nay.
  3. Cô ấy có ít thời gian rảnh vì phải làm việc nhiều.
  4. Tôi cần thêm một vài nguyên liệu để nấu ăn.
  5. Ít người biết về câu chuyện này.

Đáp án: 

  1. I have few money to go shopping.
  2. A few students were late for class today.
  3. She has few free time because she has to work a lot.
  4. I need a few more ingredients to cook dinner.
  5. Few people know about this story.

Bài 19: Điền “few” hoặc “a few” vào chỗ trống thích hợp trong các câu sau:

  1. There are _____ interesting places to visit in this small town.
  2. I have _____ close friends whom I can truly rely on.
  3. She has _____ opportunities to travel because of her demanding job.
  4. _____ people attended the meeting due to the bad weather.
  5. I need _____ more books to complete my research paper.
  6. _____ students in my class are interested in learning English.
  7. There are _____ parking spaces available near the stadium.
  8. She has _____ free time because she is always busy with work and family.
  9. I have _____ ideas for our upcoming project.
  10. _____ people know about the hidden beauty of this small village.

Đáp án: 

  1. A few
  2. A few
  3. Few
  4. Few
  5. A few
  6. Few
  7. “Few
  8. Few
  9. A few
  10. Few

Bài 20: Điền a few, few, a little, little thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

1. England has  sunshine in the winter. That's why so many British people go on holiday to sunny places!

2. There's  food left in the cupboard. Shall we eat it tonight?

3. There are  programmes on TV that I want to watch. I prefer to download a film or read a book.

4. She actually  has  self-confidence. She has a lot of trouble talking to new people.

5. There are  women politicians in the US. Some people think there should be more.

6. It's a great pity, but the hospital has  medicine. They can't help many people.

7. I've bought  cakes to give away. Would you like one?

8. There's  soda left in the fridge. It should be enough for our cocktail.

9.   children from this school go on to college, unfortunately.

10. Do you need information on Chinese grammar? I have  books on the topic if you would like to borrow them.

Bài 21: Trong các từ/cụm từ “few,” “a few,” “little,” và “a little.”, bạn hãy chọn từ/cụm từ thích hợp để điền vào mỗi câu.

  1. There are _______ people in the park today.
  2. I have _______ books to read before the exam.
  3. She has _______ interest in politics.
  4. He has _______ knowledge about the topic.
  5. I need _______ more time to finish the project.
  6. I have _______ friends who live nearby.
  7. There are _______ clouds in the sky.
  8. We have _______ sugar left for coffee.
  9. I have _______ experience in coding.
  10. She made _______ progress in her studies this semester.
  11. I have _______ interest in learning to play the piano.
  12. She has _______ friends who are always there to support her.
  13. We need _______ more ingredients to finish cooking the meal.
  14. There is _______ time left before the movie starts, so we should hurry.
  15. He had _______ money in his pocket, just enough to buy a cup of coffee.
  16. They made _______ progress on their research project last week.
  17. After studying for _______ hours, she felt more confident about the exam.
  18. There are _______ seats available in the front row of the theater.
  19. I have _______ experience in gardening, but I’m eager to learn more.
  20. She spends _______ time with her grandparents, listening to their stories.

Đáp án: 

  1. few
  2. a few
  3. little
  4. little
  5. a little
  6. a few
  7. few
  8. a little
  9. little
  10. a little
  11. little
  12. a few
  13. a few
  14. little
  15. a little
  16. little
  17. a few
  18. a few
  19. little
  20. a little

Bài 22: Hoàn thành câu với “much, many, few, a few, little, a little”

1. He isn’t very popular. He has ………..friends.

2. Ann is very busy these days. She has ………..free time.

3. Did you take …………….photographs when you were on holiday?

4. The museum was very crowded. There were too………..people.

5. Most of the town is modern. There are …………..old buildings.

6. We must be quick. We have………..time.

7. Listen carefully, I’m going to give you ……….advice.

8. Do you mind if I ask you……….questions?

9. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so …….tourists come here.

10. I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She’s got …………..patience.

11. “Would you like milk in your coffee?” – “yes, please. ………….”

12. This is a very boring place to live. There’s ………….to do.

Đáp án: 

1. few

2. little

3. many

4. many

5. few

6. little

7. a little

8. a few

9. a few

10. little

11. a little

12. little

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