Get rid of | Định nghĩa - Cấu trúc - Cách dùng - Bài tập vận dụng Get rid of tổng hợp và giới thiệu Get rid of | Định nghĩa - Cấu trúc - Cách dùng - Bài tập vận dụng Get rid of giúp bạn nắm vững cách làm bài, nâng cao vốn từ vựng và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Get rid of | Định nghĩa - Cấu trúc - Cách dùng - Bài tập vận dụng Get rid of

Get rid of là gì?

Get rid of có nghĩa là loại bỏ, thoát khỏi người nào đấy, thoát khỏi cái gì đó dựa vào từng ngữ cảnh của câu mà ta dịch cho phù hợp.

Đây là cụm từ thường được sử dụng trong giao tiếp, không quá trang trọng. Ví dụ:

  • He can’t wait to get rid of that ugly old couch (Anh ta nóng lòng muốn thoát khỏi chiếc ghế dài cũ kỹ xấu xí đó).
  • Huong stayed on talking and talking. Nam finally got rid of her by saying he had to make dinner. (Hương tiếp tục nói không ngừng nghỉ. Nam cuối cùng cũng thoát khỏi cô ấy bằng cách nói rằng anh ta phải làm bữa tối)

Cách dùng cấu trúc Get rid of

Cụm từ Get rid of có nhiều sắc thái và ngữ nghĩa khác nhau, vì thế bạn cần lưu ý sử dụng đúng hoàn cảnh, đúng sắc thái để tránh gây hiểu nhầm. Sau đây là cấu trúc Get rid of cùng những biến thể mang những sắc thái khác nhau:

Cấu trúc Get rid of Ý nghĩa
Be rid of sb/sth Mang sắc thái trang trọng
Get rid of sb/sth Mang sắc thái bình thường không quá trang trọng
Want rid of sb/ sth Mang sắc thái không trang trọng.
  • Ví dụ: 
  • We didn’t enjoy marking those papers, and we were glad to be rid of them. (Chúng tôi không thích đánh dấu những tờ giấy này và chúng tôi rất vui nếu thoát khỏi chúng.)
  • I finally got rid of my little sister by telling her scary stories. (Tôi cuối cùng cũng thoát khỏi em gái tôi bằng cách kể cho em ấy câu chuyện đáng sợ)
  • He said he wanted to get rid of me. (Anh ta nói anh ta muốn thoát khỏi tôi).

Bên cạnh đó, để phân biệt rõ hơn từng cấu trúc, bạn có thể hiểu theo một số hình thái nghĩa riêng cho từng cấu trúc như sau:

Cấu trúc Get rid of Ý nghĩa
Get rid of sth Ném bỏ một thứ gì đó đi

Lưu ý:

  • Trong các cấu trúc Get rid of trên thì từ “RID” được sử dụng như một tính từ, tuy nhiên chúng ta hoàn toàn có thể sử dụng Rid như một động từ nguyên bản.
  • Rid có nghĩa là: giải thoát, giải phóng. Chú ý theo sao rid ở dạng động từ cần có tân ngữ để hoàn thiện nghĩa. Ví dụ:
    • I can’t rid myself of the fear of running out of money (Tôi không thể giải thoát bản thân mình khỏi nỗi sợ hết tiền).
    • I tried to rid myself of my annoying guests, but I couldn’t make it. (Tôi đã cố gắng giải thoát bản thân khỏi những vị khách phiền phức nhưng không thành công).

Các từ/ cụm đi kèm với cấu trúc Get rid of

1. Các từ/ cụm đồng nghĩa với Get rid of

Một số các từ/cụm có ý nghĩa tương đương với Get rid of như sau:

Từ/ cụm từ Ý nghĩa Ví dụ
discard loại bỏ Nam was eliminated as a suspect when the police interviewed witnesses
eliminate xóa bỏ They eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident
dump trút bỏ He had been strangled with his own scarf and his body dumped in the woods.
wipe out xóa bỏ, lau sạch Whole villages were wiped out in the fighting.
scrap bỏ ra, loại ra I scrapped our plans for a trip to France.
sell out bán đi I sold out of the T-shirts in the first couple of hours.
chuck quăng đi I just chucked my girlfriend.
do away with vứt ra xa cùng These ridiculous rules and regulations should have been done away with months ago.
reject Từ chối The appeal was rejected by the court.
replace Thay thế The factory replaced most of its workers with robots.
remove dọn, thải The girl came to remove the rubbish from the backyard.
dispose of Loại, vứt bỏ How did he dispose of the body
exclude Loại trừ, khai bỏ Women are still excluded from the bar.
throw away/out ném bỏ, vứt đi So when are you going to throw away those old toys?
send away xua đuổi, vứt đi He sent it away for an application form.
expel đuổi, trục xuất, tống ra My sister was expelled from school for bad behavior.
omit loại bỏ, lược bỏ He was omitted from the list of contributors to the report.

2. Các cụm từ cố định với Get rid of

Cụm từ Ý nghĩa Ví dụ
Get rid of everything Quăng hết mọi thứ đi Get rid of everything you possibly can before you set out, and don’t be afraid to donate things or send them home along the way (Hãy loại bỏ mọi thứ bạn có thể có trước khi lên đường và đừng ngại quyên góp mọi thứ hoặc gửi chúng về nhà trên đường đi).
Get rid of .. yourself Tự mình thoát khỏi điều gì đó There are a number of ways to get rid of them yourself, or better yet, to prevent them (Có một số các để tự mình thoát khỏi chúng, hoặc tốt hơn là ngăn chặn chúng).
Get rid of backwardness Thoát khỏi sự lạc hậu. Some people need to get rid of backwardness to better (Một số người cần thoát khỏi sự lạc hậu để tốt hơn)

Bài tập vận dụng với cấu trúc Get rid of

Bài 1: Chọn đáp án đúng

Câu 1: She wants to get rid of ______, they’re not good for health.

  1. canned foods
  2. juice
  3. vegetables
  4. fruits

Câu 2: I can not __________ financial problems.

  1. rid of myself having
  2. rid myself of having
  3. get rid of myself have
  4. get rid myself of have

Câu 3: Get rid of trong câu này có nghĩa là: My father got rid of this old computer.

  1. get rid of = không có
  2. get rid of = thoát khỏi
  3. get rid of = trốn khỏi
  4. get rid of = vứt bỏ

Câu 4: She is a mean person, I will __________ her.

  1. get comfortablly rid of
  2. get comfortable rid of
  3. comfortable rid of
  4. comfortablly rid of

 Câu 5: He needs to … his old radio. It’s in my cabinet, but I need the space.

  1. Get in
  2. Get rid of
  3. Give in
  4. Get

Câu 6: “Did you … your homework?” “No, I’ll do it tonight.”

  1. Get rid of
  2. Give in
  3. Get.
  4. Off

Đáp án:

  • Câu 1: a
  • Câu 2: c
  • Câu 3: d
  • Câu 4: a
  • Câu 5: b
  • Câu 6: 

Bài 2: Điền vào chỗ trống cấu trúc thích hợp với câu cho trước

1. The old chair was broken, so they decided to ____________ it.

2. After years of struggling with debt, they finally ____________ their financial problems.

3. The company plans to ____________ several underperforming employees.

4. She's been trying to ____________ her annoying neighbor for months.

5. He desperately wants to ____________ all the clutter in his house.

6. The team successfully ____________ their opponents in the championship game.

7. The organization is determined to ____________ child labor in the industry.

8. The landlord wants ____________ of the troublesome tenants who never pay rent on time.

9. She felt relieved after ____________ her toxic relationship with her ex-boyfriend.

10. The city council aims to ____________ stray animals from the streets.

Đáp án:

1. get rid of

2. were rid of

3. get rid of

4. be rid of

5. get rid of

6. got rid of

7. get rid of

8. rid

9. getting rid of

10. get rid of

Bài 3: Viết lại câu sử dụng cụm từ Get rid of:

1. I hate my belly fat. I have been going to the gym every day.

Hướng dẫn:

Trong câu số 1, “belly fat” (nghĩa là mỡ bụng) là đối tượng gây khó chịu.

-> I have been going to the gym every day to get rid of my belly fat.

2. My stomach is aching badly. I need to get the pills.

-> …………………………………………………..

3. Smoking kills you. You must quit this bad habit.

-> …………………………………………………..

4. He is the weakest one in our team. If we want to win, he shouldn’t be here anymore.

-> …………………………………………………..

Đáp án:

2. I need to get the pills to get rid of my stomach ache.

3. You must get rid of smoking (because it’s a bad habit).

4. He is the weakest one in our team. If we want to win, he should be got rid of.

Bài 4: Viết lại các câu sau sử dụng cấu trúc Get rid of

  1. She has too many old clothes. She wants to throw them away to create more space in her closet.
  2. The company is experiencing financial difficulties. They need to reduce unnecessary expenses.
  3. He feels stressed. He wants to eliminate all sources of stress from his life.
  4. They have a lot of clutter in their garage. They want to organize it.
  5. She is allergic to cats. She needs to find a new home for her cat.
  6. The garden is overrun by weeds. They need to remove them.
  7. He is trying to quit smoking. He needs to throw away all his cigarettes.
  8. They have too much old furniture. They plan to donate it to charity.

Đáp án: 

  1. She has too many old clothes and wants to get rid of them to create more space in her closet.
  2. The company is experiencing financial difficulties and needs to get rid of unnecessary expenses.
  3. He feels stressed and wants to get rid of all sources of stress from his life.
  4. They have a lot of clutter in their garage and want to get rid of it by organizing it.
  5. She is allergic to cats and needs to get rid of hers by finding a new home for it.
  6. The garden is overrun by weeds and they need to get rid of them.
  7. He is trying to quit smoking and needs to get rid of all his cigarettes.
  8. They have too much old furniture and plan to get rid of it by donating it to charity.

Bài 5: Viết lại câu sử dụng get rid of:

1. I despise my belly fat. I have been exercising daily.

🠖 ___________________________________________________.

2. My stomach is in severe pain. I need to take some medication.

🠖 ___________________________________________________.

3. Smoking is lethal. You must stop this harmful habit.

🠖 ___________________________________________________.

4. He is the weakest link on our team. We should remove him if we want to win.

🠖 ___________________________________________________.

Đáp án: 

  1. I am trying to get rid of my belly fat by exercising daily.
  2. I need to take medication to get rid of this stomachache.
  3. You must quit smoking to get rid of this harmful habit.
  4. We should get rid of him from the team if we want to win.

Bài 6: Choose the correct answer

1. We finally _________ that old sofa that was taking up so much space in the living room.

  • a. got rid of
  • b. were rid of
  • c. wanted rid of

2. She couldn’t _________ her cold no matter what she tried.

  • a. get rid of
  • b. be rid of
  • c. want rid of

3. The company decided to _________ its underperforming division to focus on more profitable areas.

  • a. get rid of
  • b. be rid of
  • c. want rid of

4. He _________ his noisy roommate as soon as he could find a new place to live.

  • a. got rid of
  • b. was rid of
  • c. wanted rid of

5. The doctor recommended that she _________ dairy from her diet to alleviate her lactose intolerance.

  • a. get rid of
  • b. be rid of
  • c. want rid of

6. They _________ their old car and bought a new one.

  • a. got rid of
  • b. were rid of
  • c. wanted rid of

7. He couldn’t _________ the memory of his embarrassing mistake.

  • a. get rid of
  • b. be rid of
  • c. want rid of

8. The landlord _________ the noisy tenants who were disturbing the other residents.

  • a. got rid of
  • b. was rid of
  • c. wanted rid of

9. She _________ her cluttered closet and donated all the clothes she no longer wore.

  • a. got rid of
  • b. was rid of
  • c. wanted rid of

10. The homeowner _________ the pests in the attic by hiring an exterminator.

  • a. got rid of
  • b. was rid of
  • c. wanted rid of

Đáp án

  1. a (got rid of)
  2. b (be rid of)
  3. a (get rid of)
  4. c (wanted rid of)
  5. a (get rid of)
  6. a (got rid of)
  7. a (get rid of)
  8. c (wanted rid of)
  9. a (got rid of)
  10. a (got rid of)

Bài 7: Chọn đáp án đúng về cấu trúc “Get rid of”:

Câu 1:

A. I need to get rid of my old clothes.
B. I need to get rid of from my old clothes.
C. I need to get rid of with my old clothes.
D. I need to get rid of on my old clothes.

Câu 2:

A. She couldn’t get rid of her fear of spiders.
B. She couldn’t get rid of on her fear of spiders.
C. She couldn’t get rid of for her fear of spiders.
D. She couldn’t get rid of with her fear of spiders.

Câu 3:

A. He tried to get rid of his bad habit.
B. He tried to get rid of at his bad habit.
C. He tried to get rid of for his bad habit.
D. He tried to get rid of with his bad habit.

Câu 4:

A. We should get rid of the old furniture.
B. We should get rid of from the old furniture.
C. We should get rid of with the old furniture.
D. We should get rid of on the old furniture.

Câu 5:

A. He wants to get rid of his cold.
B. He wants to get rid of from his cold.
C. He wants to get rid of with his cold.
D. He wants to get rid of on his cold.
 A. He wants to get rid of his cold.

Đáp án: 

  1. A. She couldn’t get rid of her fear of spiders.
  2. A. I need to get rid of my old clothes.
  3.  A. He tried to get rid of his bad habit.
  4. A. We should get rid of the old furniture.
  5.  A. He wants to get rid of his cold.

Bài 8: Điền vào chỗ trống với get rid of hoặc một từ đồng nghĩa của nó:

  1. He needs to __________ his bad temper because it’s ruining his relationships. 
  2. She __________ her old phone and bought a new one. 
  3. They __________ the weeds in the garden. 
  4. He __________ the pain in his back by doing yoga.
  5. She __________ him for good. He was cheating on her. 

Đáp án: 

  1. get rid of
  2. ditched/get rid of
  3. eliminated
  4. got rid of
  5. got rid of/ broke up

Bài 9: Viết lại câu sau bằng cách dùng get rid of hoặc một từ đồng nghĩa của nó:

  1. He threw away the trash. 
  2. She sold her old clothes. 
  3. He solved the problem by talking to his boss. 
  4. She abandoned her plan and tried something else. 
  5. He eradicated the virus from his computer. 

Đáp án: 

  1. He got rid of the trash.
  2. She disposed of her old clothes.
  3. He got rid of the problem by talking to his boss.
  4. She ditched her plan and tried something else.
  5. He eliminated the virus from his computer.

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