Hiện tại phân từ (Present Participle) | Định nghĩa, cấu trúc, cách dùng hiện tại phân từ và bài tập vận dụng

1900.com.vn tổng hợp và giới thiệu bài viết Hiện tại phân từ (Present Participle) | Định nghĩa, cấu trúc, cách dùng hiện tại phân từ và bài tập vận dụng giúp bạn ôn luyện và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

Hiện tại phân từ (Present Participle) | Định nghĩa, cấu trúc, cách dùng hiện tại phân từ và bài tập vận dụng

Hiện tại phân từ là gì?

Hiện tại phân từ trong tiếng Anh (Present Participle) được tạo ra bằng cách thêm hậu tố "-ing" vào sau động từ thường. Phân từ hiện tại thường được sử dụng để tạo ra các thì hiện tại tiếp diễn, mô tả hành động đang diễn ra hoặc trạng thái đang tồn tại. 

Ví dụ: 

  • The children are playing in the park. (Các em bé đang chơi ở công viên.)
  • She is reading a book. (Cô ấy đang đọc một cuốn sách.)
  • They are studying for the exam. (Họ đang học cho kỳ thi.)

Cách sử dụng hiện tại phân từ

1. Được sử dụng trong thì hiện tại tiếp diễn

Hiện tại phân từ là dạng động từ trong thì hiện tại tiếp diễn. Ví dụ:  

  • She is studying for her exam. (Cô ấy đang học cho kỳ thi của mình.)
  • They are playing soccer in the park. (Họ đang chơi bóng đá ở công viên.)
  • I am reading a book right now. (Tôi đang đọc một cuốn sách ngay bây giờ.)

2. Được sử dụng sau các động từ chỉ sự di chuyển hay chỉ vị trí

Hiện tại phân từ được sử dụng khi đứng sau các động từ chỉ sự di chuyển hay chỉ vị trí, ví dụ: 

  • My brother goes swimming at the weekend. (Anh trai tôi đi bơi vào cuối tuần)
  • My mother goes running every morning. (Mẹ tôi chạy bộ mỗi sáng)
  • I lay looking up at the clouds. (Tôi nằm nhìn lên mây trên trời..)

3. Được sử dụng sau các động từ chỉ nhận thức

Hiện tại phân từ còn được sử dụng khi đứng sau các động từ chỉ nhận thức (mental verb): seem, look, hear, feel,... Cấu trúc:

Mental verbs + object + present participle

Ví dụ:  

  • I saw him running in the park. (Tôi thấy anh ấy đang chạy trong công viên.)
  • She heard the baby crying in the next room. (Cô ấy nghe thấy đứa bé đang khóc ở phòng bên cạnh.)
  • They felt the ground shaking beneath their feet. (Họ cảm nhận được mặt đất đang rung lên dưới chân.)

4. Được sử dụng với vai trò là tính từ

Hiện tại phân từ được sử dụng dưới dạng là một tính từ. Ví dụ: 

  • The water is refreshing. (Nước chảy đang mát mẻ.)
  • He was trapped inside the burning house. (Anh bị mắc kẹt trong ngôi nhà đang cháy.)
  • The barking dog woke up the neighborhood. (Con chó sủa làm đánh thức hàng xóm.)

5. Đứng sau một số động từ như: spend, waste, catch, find

Sau các động từ như: spend, waste, catch, find, keep,. Chúng ta sẽ thường thấy sự xuất hiện của hiện tại phân từ. 

5.1. Cấu trúc spend, waste

Spend/waste + time/money expression + present participle.

Ví dụ: 

  • She spends her weekends reading books. (Cô ấy dành cuối tuần để đọc sách.)
  • Don't waste your time watching TV all day. (Đừng lãng phí thời gian của bạn bằng cách xem TV cả ngày.)

5.2. Cấu trúc (catch, find, keep)

S + (catch, find, keep) + O + present participle

Ví dụ: 

  • He caught his son playing video games instead of studying. (Anh ấy bắt được con trai đang chơi trò chơi điện tử thay vì học.)
  • I found him waiting for me at the bus stop. (Tôi thấy anh ấy đang đợi tôi tại trạm xe buýt.)
  • She keeps her friends waiting for her for a long time. (Cô ấy bắt bạn của mình chờ cô ấy rất lâu)

6. Được dùng để chỉ 2 hành động xảy ra song song

Khi hai hành động xảy ra cùng một lúc và được thực hiện bởi cùng một người hoặc vật, chúng ta có thể sử dụng phân từ hiện tại để mô tả một trong số chúng. Ví dụ:  

  • Breathing heavily, he kept running along the beach. (Với nhịp thở nặng nệ, anh ấy vẫn tiếp tục chạy dọc bờ biển)
  • Waving his tail, the dog kept licking its owner's hand. (Vừa vẫy đuôi, con chó liên tục liếm vào tay chủ của nó).

7. Được sử dụng để giải thích một lý do

Phân từ hiện tại có thể được sử dụng thay cho cụm từ bắt đầu bằng as, since hoặc because. Trong cách sử dụng này, cụm từ tham gia giải thích nguyên nhân hoặc lý do cho một hành động. Ví dụ:

  • Because he knew that his mother was coming, he cleaned his room. (Bởi vì cậu ấy biết mẹ đang về, cậu ấy dọn phòng). ➞ Knowing that his mother was coming, he cleaned his room. (Biết mẹ về, cậu dọn phòng.)
  • Since he was poor, he didn't spend too much on clothes. (Bởi vì anh ấy nghèo, nên anh ấy không dành quá nhiều tiền vào việc mua đồ). ➞ Being poor, he didn't spend too much on clothes. (Là người nghèo, anh ấy không tiêu quá nhiều vào quần áo.)

Bài tập hiện tại phân từ có đáp án

Bài 1: Chia các động từ trong ngoặc dưới dạng hiện tại phân từ 

1. She enjoys (read) __________ books in her free time.

2. The dog is (bark) __________ loudly in the backyard.

3. They were (play) __________ soccer when it started to rain.

4. I saw him (dance) __________ at the party last night.

5. He is (study) __________ for his upcoming exams.

6. The (bloom)__________  flower is very beautiful

7. The teacher catches the students (climb) __________ the wall

8. (Feel) __________hungry, he went into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

9. (Whistle) __________to himself, he walked down the road.

Đáp án: 

1. reading

2. barking

3. playing

4. dancing

5. studying

6. blooming

7. climbing 

8. feeling

9. whistling 

Bài 2: Viết lại câu không đổi nghĩa, sử dụng công thức present participle. Lưu ý một số câu có sử dụng dạng phủ định.

1. We won’t attend the concert because we’re working this weekend.

2. Gary waved frantically and tried to attract the lifeguard’s attention.

3. The manager observes the situation carefully and begins to form a plan.

4. The hula dancer wore a lei around her neck and moved to the rhythms.

5. As they didn’t expect to ease the tensions, the company kept its decision.

6. When Daisy realises she can’t change anything, she will quit.

7. I left the party early because I felt terribly sick.

8. As we have a science project to finish, we cannot come with you.

9. When my brother heard the good news, he wanted to cry.

10. Because I didn’t want to lose my notebook, I left it at home.

Đáp án:

1. Working this weekend, we won’t attend the concert.

2. Waving frantically, Gary tried to attract the lifeguard’s attention.

3. Observing the situation carefully, the manager begins to form a plan.

4. Wearing a lei around her neck, the hula dancer moved to the rhythms.

5. Not expecting to ease the tensions, the company kept its decision.

6. Realising she can’t change anything, Daisy will quit.

7. Feeling terribly sick, I left the party early.

8. Having a science project to finish, we cannot come with you.

9. Hearing the good news, my brother wanted to cry.

10. Not wanting to lose my notebook, I left it at home.

Bài 3: Dưới đây là một số bài tập để các bạn thực hành. Hãy chuyển các câu sau thành câu chứa mệnh đề phân từ.

1. She saw the accident. She stopped her car immediately.

2. He finished his work. He left the office.

3. She got stuck in traffic. She missed her flight.

4. He had a heavy workload. He couldn’t attend the meeting.

5. The dog heard a noise. It started barking loudly.

6. She lost her wallet. She realized it when she got home.

Đáp án:

1. Seeing the accident, she stopped her car immediately.

2. Having finished his work, he left the office.

3. Getting stuck in traffic, she missed her flight.

4. Having had a heavy workload, he couldn’t attend the meeting.

5. Hearing a noise, the dog started barking loudly.

6. Having lost her wallet, she realized it when she got home.

Bài 4: Bài tập chọn đáp án đúng

1. I like the film very much. It’s really (amazed/ amazing ).

2. It’s really ( terrifying / terrified) experience. I will never forget it.

3. I have read a (fascinated/ fascinating ) book. It made me (surprised/ surprising) at the immigrants.

4. Some newcomers are easily (embarrassed/ embarrassing) when they can’t express themselves well in English.

5. During the first few years, many immigrants feel (hindering/ hindered) by their slow economic advancement.

6. Stephan felt (disappointed/ disappointing) very when his visa to the United States was denied.

7. They used to go (fishing/ fished) together when they were young.

8. Many baseball players from the Dominican Republic are (excited/ exciting) when they are selected to play for a U.S. team.

9. (Got / Getting) stuck in the traffic, Sarah knew she was going to be late for work.

10. (Made / Making) in Japan, the car was on sale at a very competitive price.

Đáp án 

1. amazing

2. terrifying

3. fascinating

4. embarrassed

5. hindered

6. disappointed

7. fishing

8. excited

9. getting

10. made

Bài 5: Bài tập hoàn thành câu bằng cách nối 2 mệnh đề sử dụng V-ing hoặc V-ed.

1. A man was sitting next to me on the plane. I didn’t talk much to him

=> I didn’t talk much to the _________________________

2. A taxi was taking us to the airport. It broke down.

=> The _________________________

3. There’s a path at the end of this street. The path leeds to the river.

=> At the end of the street there’s a _________________________

4. A factory has just opened on the town. It employs 500 people.

=> A _________________________has just opened in the town.

5. The company sent me a brochure. It contained the information I needed.

=> The company sent me _________________________ 

6. A gate was damaged in the storm. It has now been repaired.

=> The gate _________________________ has now been repaired.

7. A number of suggestions were made at the meeting. Most of them were not very practical.

=> Most of the _________________________were not very practical.

8. Some painting was stolen from the museum. Most of them haven’t been found yet.

=> The _________________________ haven’t been found yet.

9. A man was arrested by the police. What was his name?

=> What was the name of _________________________ ?

10. A boy was injured in the accident. He was taken to the hospital.

=> The boy _________________________

Đáp án

1.  I didn’t talk much to the man sitting next to me on the plane.

2. The taxe taking us to the airport.

3. At the end of the street there’s a path leading to the river.

4. A factory employing 500 people has just opened in the town.

5. The company sent me a brochue containing the information I needed.

6. The gate damaged in the room has now been repaired.

7. Most of the suggestions made museum were not very practical.

8. The paintings stolen  from the museum haven’t been found yet.

9. What was the name of the man arrested by the police?

10. The boy injured in the accident was taken to hospital.

Bài 6: Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong các câu sau.

1. I forgot have made breakfast for you.

2. Had won many sports competitions at school helped me pursue a career as a professional athlete.

3. She regretted not having apply for a university of higher rank.

4. He was proud of had won the third prize in the academic english olympiad.

5. After finish the college entrance exams, I had a trip to Korea for pleasure.

6. Live in Vietnam for 20 years, she left for Japan to seek new opportunities.

7. Having stayed up late does more harm than good to your health.

8. Being struggled through hardships made her more resilience and adaptive.

9. The monitor caught him cheated in the exam, so he was dispelled from school.

10. I do not recall having informed by the teacher.

Đáp án:

1. have made -> having made

2. had won -> having won

3. having apply -> having applied

4. had won -> having won

5. finish -> having finished

6. Live -> Having been living

7. Having stayed -> Staying

8. Being struggled -> Having struggled

9. cheated -> cheating

10. having informed -> having been informed

Bài 7: Hoàn thành các câu với phân từ hiện tại và phân từ hoàn thành
















1. _______________ the car about a kilometer from the hotel, I walked the rest of the way.

2. _______________ out of the inner city to the suburbs, she felt much fresher.

3. While_______________ through the basement, I banged my head on the low roof.

4. After _______________ six months for the air conditioner to be delivered, I decided to cancel the order.

5. _______________ from childhood traumas, he could understand how his son was feeling.

6. Since _______________ out of hospital, I have been exercising every day.

7. _______________ on TV last night, the actress mentioned that she would be married next month.

8. _______________ not to boast, he said nothing about his championship.

9. _______________ not to notice that someone was following me, I kept walking without looking back.

10. After _______________ pills, the baby cried to sleep.

Đáp án:

1. having parked

2. having walked

3. moving

4. having waited

5. having suffered

6. coming

7. being interviewed

8. wishing

9. pretending

10. having taken

Bài 8: Viết lại những câu này sử dụng mệnh đề phân từ hoàn thành.

1. After we listened to some instructions for the course, we asked some questions.

2. He failed the university entrance exams, then he decided to train to become a tour guide.

3. He had not studied hard enough, so he failed the exams.

4. After I answered the job interview questions, I was asked to prepare a short presentation.

5. Although I was injured, I kept running forward.

6. He jumped out of window, then he broke his leg.

7. After he wrote his song, he sent it to the producer.

8. When she saw the dog coming toward her, she quickly run away.

9. I was reminded to come in time, so I left home early.

10. As she was a doctor, she knew how to treat her patients well.

Đáp án:

1. Having listened to some instructions for the course, we asked some questions.

2. Having failed the university entrance exams, he decided to train to become a tour guide.

3. Having not studied hard enough, he failed the exams.

4. Having answered the job interview questions, I was asked to prepare a short presentation.

5. Having been injured, I kept running forward.

6. Having jumped out of window, he broke his leg.

7. Having written his song, he sent it to the producer.

8. Seeing the dog coming toward her, she quickly run away.

9. Having been reminded to come in time, I left home early.

10. Being a doctor, she knew how to treat her patients well.

Bài 9: Hoàn thành mệnh đề hiện tại phân từ, quá khứ phân từ hoặc phân từ hoàn thành

1. _____ (Blinding/ Blinded/ Having blinded) by the sun, the driver didn’t see the stop sign.

2. _____ (Waving/ Waved/ Having waved) continuously, we tried to attract the lifeguard’s attention.

3. _____ (Washing/ Washed/ Having washed) at a low temperature, these jeans will keep their original colour for a long time.

4. _____ (Reading/ Read/ Having read) this book before, he knew how the film would end.

5. If you receive an email _____ (containing/ contained/ having contained) a suspicious link, don’t click on it.

6. The topics _____ (discussing/ discussed/ having discussed) in the meeting were confidential.

7. _____ (Living/ Lived/ Having lived) in this city for several years, they were able to give some great recommendations.

8. _____ (Constructing/ Constructed/ Having constructed) by a famous architect, the house has a unique appearance.

9. The man _____ (driving/ driven/ having driven) the van was not injured in the accident yesterday.

10. _____ (Nominating/ Nominated/ Having been nominated) many times, he finally became the winner.

Đáp án

1. Blinded

2. Waving

3. Washed

4. Having read

5. containing

6. discussed

7. Having lived

8. Constructed

9. driving

10. Having been nominated

Bài 10: Viết lại câu sử dụng mệnh đề hiện tại phân từ

1. As I have an assignment to finish, I cannot go to the movies with you.

2. When my sister hears the bad news, she will burst into tears.

3. Because I didn’t study hard enough for the exam, I couldn’t pass it.

4. We observe the situation carefully and begin to make a plan.

5. Franky knew Sophia loved reading, so he bought her a book.

6. I lost my keys while I was walking along the beach.

7. My dad gets to meet a lot of foreigners because he works as a tour guide.

8. He saw the photos of his hometown when he was reading the paper.

9. The person who is sitting in the corner is my cousin.

10. When I broke the vase, they all looked at me and made me embarrassed.

Đáp án

1. Having an assignment to finish, I cannot go to the movies with you.

2. Hearing the bad news, my sister will burst into tears.

3. Not studying hard enough for the exam, I couldn’t pass it.

4. Observing the situation carefully, we begin to make a plan.

5. Knowing Sophia loved reading, Franky bought her a book.

6. Walking along the beach, I lost my keys.

7. Working as a tour guide, my dad gets to meet a lot of foreigners.

8. Reading the paper, he saw the photos of his hometown.

9. The person sitting in the corner is my cousin.

10. When I broke the vase, they all looked at me, making me embarrassed.

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