If only là gì? | Định nghĩa - Cấu trúc - Phân biệt If only và Only if - Bài tập vận dụng

1900.com.vn tổng hợp và giới thiệu If only là gì? | Định nghĩa - Cấu trúc - Phân biệt If only và Only if - Bài tập vận dụng giúp bạn nắm vững cách làm bài, nâng cao vốn từ vựng và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

If only là gì? | Định nghĩa - Cấu trúc - Phân biệt If only và Only if - Bài tập vận dụng

If only là gì?

Trong tiếng Anh, cấu trúc If only khi đi cùng một mệnh đề có nghĩa là “Giá như ai làm gì” hay “Ước ai làm gì”. Những mong ước này có thể được sử dụng cho thì hiện tại, tương lai và quá khứ. 

Ví dụ:

  • If only Jenny brought an umbrella. It is going to rain. (Giá như là Jenny mang ô. Trời chuẩn bị mưa rồi.) 
  • If only my father would buy this car. (Giá như bố tôi sẽ mua chiếc xe ô tô đó.) 
  • If only Anna had come to my birthday party last week. (Giá như Anna đã tham gia tiệc sinh nhật của tôi tuần qua.) 

Cấu trúc If only

1. Cấu trúc If only ở tương lai

Để diễn tả những mong ước sẽ được xảy ra trong tương lai, bạn có công thức If only sử dụng như sau:

If only + S + would V: Giá như ai sẽ làm gì

Ví dụ:

  • If only our team would get that price. (Giá như nhóm chúng tôi đạt được phần quà đó). 
  • If only Jenny would attend my wedding. She is studying abroad. (Giá như Jenny sẽ tham dự được đám cưới của tôi. Cậu ấy đang đi du học).

2. Cấu trúc If only ở hiện tại

Nếu như diễn tả những mong muốn trong hiện tại (mong muốn trái với hiện tại) thì ta dùng cấu trúc If only như sau:

If only + S + V-ed: Giá như ai đó làm gì

Ví dụ:

  • If only Jenny knew the truth. (Jenny doesn’t know the truth but Jenny wishes she knew.) (Giá như Jenny biết được sự thật.) 
  • If only Peter loved her. (Giá như Peter yêu cô ấy.) 
  • If only there was something I could do to help you. (Giá như có điều gì đó mà tôi có thể giúp bạn.) 

Lưu ý: Trong trường hợp lịch sự, chúng ta sử dụng “were” thay thế cho “was”. Ví dụ:

  • If only the leader weren’t so tired, our team could continue the meeting. (Giá như người đứng đầu không quá mệt thì nhóm tôi có thể tiếp tục cuộc họp.) 

3. Cấu trúc If only ở quá khứ

Để diễn tả những mong muốn trong quá khứ (mong muốn trái với việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ), bạn dùng cấu trúc If only như sau:

If only + S + had PII: Giá như ai đó (đã) làm gì

Ví dụ:

  • If only Anna had listened to what I had told her. (Anna didn’t listen to what I had told her). (Giá như Anna đã lắng nghe những gì tôi nói với cô ấy.) 
  • If only my family had not gone to this place. (Giá như gia đình tôi đã không đi tới nơi này.) 
  • If only John had studied harder last year. (Giá như John đã chăm học hơn vào năm ngoái.)

4. Cấu trúc If only trong câu ước

Như đã đề cập ở trên, cấu trúc If only mang ý nghĩa giống với cấu trúc Wish (câu ước). Hơn nữa, hai cấu trúc này cũng có công thức giống nhau. Vậy nên bạn có thể thay thế cấu trúc If only bằng câu ước sử dụng “wish”.

Ví dụ:

  • If only Anna understood this exercise.= I wish Anna understood this exercise. (Ước gì Anna hiểu được bài tập này.) 
  • If only Peter had joined the competition. = I wish Peter had joined the competition. (Ước gì Peter đã tham gia cuộc thi.) 

Phân biệt If only và Only if 

Hai cấu trúc If only và Only if tuy chỉ đổi vị trí từ nhưng mang ý nghĩa khác hẳn nhau, vì thế rất nhiều bạn bị nhầm lẫn.

Cấu trúc If only mang nghĩa là “Giá như”, còn Only if mang nghĩa là “Chỉ khi”.

Cấu trúc Only if được dùng trong câu điều kiện nhằm mục đích nhấn mạnh.

Only if S + V, S + V: Chỉ khi ai làm gì, thì ai làm gì

Ví dụ:

  • We are allowed to come in only if the boss gives permission – Chúng tôi được phép vào chỉ khi người chủ cho phép thôi. 
  • Only if Jenny studies hard, she will get a high score – Chỉ khi Jenny học hành chăm chỉ thì cô ấy mới đạt điểm cao được. 
  • Anna will come only if you call her – Anna sẽ tới chỉ khi bạn gọi cô ấy.

Bài tập cấu trúc If only

Bài 1: Chọn ý đúng

1. If only I _____ work overtime tomorrow.

A. didn't have to

B. wouldn't have to

C. hadn't had to

2. If only I _____ those things to her. Now she's not speaking to me.

A. hadn't said

B. didn't say

C. wouldn't say

3. If only they _____ the kitchen in such a mess. My dad will have to clean the house all over again.

A. wouldn't leave

B. would leave

C. had left

4. If only Mary and Kate _____ ten years ago!

A. met

B. would have met

C. had met

5. If only my boyfriend _____ here now. He'd know how to fix it.

A. would be

B. wasn't

C. were

6. Looks like it’s going to rain. If only I ____ my umbrella.

A. had brought

B. brought

C. would have brought

7. If only there _____ a restaurant opened now. I feel like starving. 

A. was

B. would be

C. had been

8. If only people _____ loud music on the train. Why aren’t they using headphones?

A. wouldn't play

B. wouldn't have played

C. would play

9. I had spent three days at home. If only I _____ more time to sleep like this.

A. had

B. would have

C. had had 

10. If only mom _____ money so I can go to a BTS concert next month.

A. give

B. gave

C. gives

Đáp án

1 - B

2 - A

3 - A

4 - C

5 - C

6 - A

7 - B

8 - B

9 - A

10 - B

Bài 2: Sử dụng cấu trúc If only để viết lại các câu sau:

  1. Anna doesn’t know the answer for this question. 
  2. John was sad because Anna didn’t come to his house. 
  3. Today isn’t a day off.
  4. I think Peter should stop smoking.
  5. Jenny left her wallet at home!

Đáp án

  1. If only Ann knew the answer for this question. 
  2. If only Anna had come to John’s house.
  3. If only today were a day off.
  4. If only Peter would stop smoking.
  5. If only Jenny had not left her wallet at home.

Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng trong câu sau: 

1. If only my sister _____ me a new dress for my next birthday.

A. buys

B. bought

C. would buy 

2. I spent only 3 days in Paris. If only I _____ more time there.

A. had

B. had had 

C. would have

3. If only my Lan _____ to me. She always ignores my opinion.

A. listened

B. had listen

C. had listened

4. My cat is making too much noise. If only it _____ quiet.

A. kept

B. would keep

C. had kept 

5. If only they ______ me last week.

A. visited

B. would visit

C. had visited

Đáp án:

1. C
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. C

Bài 4: Viết lại những câu sau sử dụng If only:

1. I don’t know the answer for this exercise. 

2. She was sad because you didn’t come to her house. 

3. Today isn’t a holiday.

4. I think my brother should stop smoking.

5. I left my passport at home! 

Đáp án:

1. If only I knew the answer for this exercise. 

2. If only you had come to her house.

3. If only today was/were a holiday.

4. If only my brother would stop smoking.

5. If only I had not left my passport at home! 

Bài 5: Điền dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc vào chỗ trống

  1.  If only I … not have to work overtime tomorrow. (will)
  2. If only I … higher grades. (have)
  3. About yesterday, I’m sincerely sorry, if only I had … there soon enough. (be)
  4. What a letdown, if only Ronald … some ice cream. (bring)
  5. How frustrating! If only it would … raining! (stopped)

Đáp án:

  • 1. would
  • 2. had
  • 3. been
  • 4. brought
  • 5. stop

Bài 6: Viết lại câu mà không đổi nghĩa gốc

1. I wish I brought some soda, I’m so thirsty!
⇒ If only

2. I don’t have a Lamborghini.
⇒ If only

3. I picked the wrong answer, I’m so worried…
⇒ If only

4. Johnny doesn’t have time to play video games with me.
⇒ If only

5. I didn’t feed my cat yesterday.
⇒ If only

Đáp án:

  1.  If only I brought some soda, I’m so thirsty!
  2.  If only I had a Lamborghini.
  3.  If only I had picked the right answer.
  4.  If only Johnny had time to play video games with me.
  5.  If only I had fed my cat yesterday.

Bài 7: Sửa lại thành câu đúng

1. Only if it would stop raining, I can’t see anything!

2. If only John have made that shot yesterday.

3. How disappointing… If only tomorrow will be sunny.

4. Darn it! If only I had make it in time!

5. What a tragedy… If only they have not gone out yesterday…

Đáp án:

  1. If only it would stop raining, I can’t see anything!
  2.  If only John had made that shot yesterday.
  3. How disappointing… If only tomorrow would be sunny.
  4. Darn it! If only I had made it in time!
  5. What a tragedy… If only they had not gone out yesterday…

Bài 8: Viết lại các câu sau có sử dụng cụm từ If only

1. I didn't do the homework. 

=> If only I …………………… the homework. 

2. Jason doesn't pay much attention in class. 

=> If only Jason …………………… more attention in class. 

3. Why doesn't he stop smoking? There are other people in the room who don't smoke. 

=> If only he …………………… smoking. 

4. She didn't heed my warnings. That's why she lost everything. 

=> If only she …………………… my warnings. 

Bài 9: Viết lại các câu sau có sử dụng cụm từ If only

  1. I was late for school yesterday.
  2. Lucy can't attend her best friend's wedding party tomorrow.
  3. We don't know how to solve this problem for the client.
  4. Jack had an argument with his wife.

Đáp án:

  1. If only I hadn’t been late for school yesterday.
  2. If only Lucy could attend her best friend's wedding party tomorrow.
  3. If only we knew how to solve this problem for the client.
  4. If only Jack hadn’t had an argument with his wife.

Bài 10: Chia động từ

  1. If only she (know)......... how to swim, she could have enjoyed the beach vacation more.
  2. If only they (meet)........ project wouldn't be delayed. the deadline, the
  3. If only I (know)........ French, I could have easily communicated with the locals during my trip to Paris.
  4. If only he (pay)........ more al Bài tập cấu trúc If Only his health, he wouldn't be facing these issues now.
  5. If only we (know)........ about the sale, we would have saved a lot of money on those items.

Đáp án:

  1.  If only she knew how to swim, she could have enjoyed the beach vacation more.
  2. If only they had met the deadline, the project wouldn't be delayed.
  3.  If only I knew French, I could have easily communicated with the locals during my trip to Paris. 
  4. If only he had paid more attention to his health, he wouldn't be facing these issues now.
  5. If only we had known about the sale, we would have saved a lot of money on those items.

Bài 11: Viết lại câu thứ hai trong mỗi cặp bằng cách sử dụng “If only”

  1. I don’t know the answer to your question.
  2. I am not good at Chinese.
  3. You didn’t tell me about that earlier.
  4.  I didn’t finish my work last night.
  5. I don’t have enough money to buy this villa.

Đáp án:

  1. If only I knew the answer to your question.
  2. If only I were good at Chinese.
  3. If only you had told me about that earlier.
  4. If only I had finished my work last night.
  5. If only I had enough money to buy this villa.

Bài 12: Viết lại câu thứ hai trong mỗi cặp bằng cách sử dụng “If only”

  1. Today isn’t Sunday.
  2. I think my dad should stop smoking.
  3. I’ve lost my passport.
  4. I don’t live near the city center.
  5. It’s a pity that you can’t understand how I feel about you.

Đáp án:

  1. If only today were Sunday.
  2. If only my dad would stop smoking.
  3. If only I hadn’t lost my passport.
  4. If only I lived near the city center.
  5. If only you could understand how I feel about you.

Bài 13: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. If only my boyfriend_____ in time to pick me up.

  • A. comes
  • B. come
  • C. came
  • D. has come

2. I was here for only a week. If only I _____ more time there but I had to move to Paris.

  • A. had
  • B. would have
  • C. had had
  • D. has

3. If only my parents_____ to me.

  • A. listens
  • B. listen
  • C. have listened
  • D. listened

4. If only she (finish) _____ her homework last night.

  • A. will finish
  • B. finished
  • C. have finished
  • D. had finished

5. If only my dad _____smoke.

  • A. do
  • B. did
  • C. doesn’t
  • D. didn’t

Đáp án:

  1. C. came
  2. C. had had
  3. D. listened
  4. D. had finished
  5. D. didn’t

Bài 14: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. If only they _____ you for advice before they started the project. You’re the expert!
A. would ask                        B. had asked                           C. asked

2. He wishes he ____ back in time and visited Ancient Rome.
A. would travel                    B. could travel                        C. could have traveled

3. I wish she _____ her shoes there. I’m always falling over them.
A. wouldn’t leave                 B. left                                     C. wouldn’t have left

4. The traffic on the roads was terrible. I wish we _____ the train instead!
A. would catch                     B. caught                                C. had caught

5. I’m not repeating it. I wish _____ when I’m talking.
A. you listen                        B. you’ll listen                         C. you’d listen

6. If only I _____ the time off work, I’d come and visit you.
A. could take                      B. would take                           C. took

7. I’m so tired. I wish I _____ home earlier last night.
A. had gone                        B. went                                     C. would have gone

8. We’re having such a lovely time in Scotland. If only it _____ all the time, though!
A. hadn’t rained                  B. had rained                             C. didn’t rain

Đáp án:

  • 1. B         
  • 2. B      
  • 3. A     
  • 4. C     
  • 5. C     
  • 6. A      
  • 7.A      
  • 8. C

Bài 15: Hãy lựa chọn giữa “only if” – “if only” và điền vào chỗ trống.

  1. ________ I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
  2. She will accept the job offer ________ the salary meets her expectations.
  3. ________ you had called me, I would have come to the party.
  4. Cho câu: “He will lend you his car ________ you promise to return it by tomorrow.
  5. ________ I had enough money, I would travel the world.
  6. I will buy the house ________ it is within my budget.
  7. ________ the concert tickets are not too expensive, we will go.
  8. ________ you finish your homework, you can watch TV.
  9. She will agree to marry him ________ he proposes with a ring. 

Đáp án:

  1. If only
  2. Only if
  3. If only
  4. Only if
  5. If only
  6. Only if
  7. Only if
  8. Only if
  9. Only if

Bài 16: Hoàn thành câu với If only

  1. __________ (If only) I __________ (have) more time to finish this project.
  2. __________ (If only) he __________ (be) more careful, he wouldn’t have broken the vase.
  3. __________ (If only) they __________ (arrive) earlier, they could have joined us for dinner.
  4. __________ (If only) she __________ (can) come to the party tomorrow.
  5. __________ (If only) it __________ (stop) raining, we could go for a walk.
  6. __________ (If only) I __________ (know) the answer, I __________ (not/feel) so anxious during the test.
  7. __________ (If only) she __________ (can) attend the meeting yesterday, we __________ (not/have) to reschedule.
  8. __________ (If only) he __________ (not/spend) all his money, he __________ (have) enough for the trip.
  9. __________ (If only) they __________ (understand) the instructions, they __________ (not/make) so many mistakes.
  10. __________ (If only) it __________ (snow) tomorrow, we __________ (be able to) build a snowman.

Đáp án:

  1. If only I had more time to finish this project.
  2. If only he had been more careful, he wouldn’t have broken the vase.
  3. If only they had arrived earlier, they could have joined us for dinner.
  4. If only she could come to the party tomorrow.
  5. If only it would stop raining, we could go for a walk.
  6. If only I had known the answer, I wouldn’t have felt so anxious during the test.
  7. If only she could have attended the meeting yesterday, we wouldn’t have had to reschedule.
  8. If only he hadn’t spent all his money, he would have had enough for the trip.
  9. If only they had understood the instructions, they wouldn’t have made so many mistakes.
  10. If only it would snow tomorrow, we would be able to build a snowman.

Bài 17: Viết lại câu sử dụng If only

  1. I regret not studying harder for the exam.
  2. She wishes she could speak French fluently.
  3. They regret buying such an expensive car.
  4. I wish it wasn’t so cold today.
  5. He regrets not telling the truth.
  6. I regret not accepting the job offer.
  7. She wishes she hadn’t forgotten her friend’s birthday.   
  8. They regret not starting the project earlier.
  9. He wishes he could take back what he said.
  10.  We regret not booking the tickets in advance.

Đáp án:

  1. If only I had studied harder for the exam.
  2. If only she could speak French fluently.
  3. If only they hadn’t bought such an expensive car.
  4. If only it weren’t so cold today.
  5. If only he had told the truth.
  6. If only I had accepted the job offer.
  7. If only she hadn’t forgotten her friend’s birthday.
  8. If only they had started the project earlier.
  9. If only he could take back what he said.
  10. If only we had booked the tickets in advance.

Bài 18: Sử dụng If only và chia động từ trong ngoặc cho đúng

  1. If only she __________ (know) how to drive, she could help us.
  2. If only we __________ (not/make) that mistake, we would have succeeded.
  3. If only I __________ (be) taller, I could play basketball better.
  4. If only they __________ (can) come to the wedding.
  5. If only he __________ (not/lose) his keys yesterday, he wouldn’t have been locked out.
  6. If only he __________ (study) harder, he __________ (pass) the exam easily.
  7. If only I __________ (can) turn back time, I __________ (choose) a different path.
  8. If only she __________ (tell) me the truth, I __________ (not/be) so disappointed.
  9. If only they __________ (prepare) better, they __________ (win) the competition.
  10. If only it __________ (not/rain) so heavily, we __________ (enjoy) our picnic.

Đáp án:

  1. If only she knew how to drive, she could help us.
  2. If only we hadn’t made that mistake, we would have succeeded.
  3. If only I were taller, I could play basketball better.
  4. If only they could come to the wedding.
  5. If only he hadn’t lost his keys yesterday, he wouldn’t have been locked out.
  6. If only he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam easily.
  7. If only I could turn back time, I would choose a different path.
  8. If only she had told me the truth, I wouldn’t have been so disappointed.
  9. If only they had prepared better, they would have won the competition.
  10. If only it hadn’t rained so heavily, we would have enjoyed our picnic.

Bài 19: Viết lại những câu sau sử dụng If only:

  1. I am unsure about the answer to this exercise.
  2. She felt sad because you didn’t visit her house.
  3. Today is not a holiday.
  4. I believe my brother should quit smoking.
  5. I forgot my passport at home!

Đáp án:

  1. If only I had the answer to this exercise. 
  2. If only you had visited her place.
  3. If only today were a holiday.
  4. If only my brother could quit smoking.
  5. If only I hadn't forgotten my passport at home! 

Bài 20: Chọn đáp án đúng trong câu sau: 

1. If only my sister _____ me a new dress for my next birthday.

  • A. buys
  • B. bought
  • C. would buy 

2. I spent only 3 days in Paris. If only I _____ more time there.

  • A. had
  • B. had had 
  • C. would have

3. If only my Lan _____ to me. She always ignores my opinion.

  • A. listened
  • B. had listen
  • C. had listened

4. My cat is making too much noise. If only it _____ quiet.

  • A. kept
  • B. would keep
  • C. had kept 

5. If only they ______ me last week.

  • A. visited
  • B. would visit
  • C. had visited

Đáp án:

  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C

Bài 21: Điền từ hoặc cụm từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống sao cho câu không thay đổi ý nghĩa

1. Jane didn't finish her homework.

If only Jane  her homework.

2. I don’t know the answer to the teacher's questions.

If only I  the answer to these questions.

3. My little brother is so annoying.

I wish my little brother  so annoying.

4. My sister never does any housework. I wish she  some household chores.
5. Jane doesn't pay much attention in this lesson.

If only Jane  more attention in this lesson.

6. I've got a splitting stomachache.

I wish I  a splitting stomachache.

7. He was told off because he didn't do what his mother had asked him.

He wishes he  what his mother had asked him.

8. My brother always belches after eating. It's such a bad habit. I wish he  after eating.
9. She didn't heed my advice. That's why she lost many things.

If only she  my advice.

10. It’s a pity that they can’t understand how I feel.

If only Mai  understand how I feel.

Đáp án:

  1. had finished
  2. knew
  3. weren't
  4. would do
  5. paid
  6. didn't have
  7. had done
  8. wouldn't belch
  9. had heeded
  10. could

Bài 22: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. Sarah will attend the meeting _________ her boss approves her leave.

  • A. Only if
  • B. Only when
  • C. Only by
  • D. Only for

2. _________ I had a car, I could travel more easily.

  • A. Only when
  • B. Only by
  • C. If only
  • D. Only if

3. You can enter the building _________ you have an access card.

  • A. Only when
  • B. Only for
  • C. Only if
  • D. Only by

4. _________ he finishes his work on time, he can join us for dinner.

  • A. Only when
  • B. Only if
  • C. If only
  • D. Only by

5. The project will be successful _________ everyone works together as a team.

  • A. Only if
  • B. Only when
  • C. Only for
  • D. Only by

6. _________ I had more experience, I could apply for that job.

  • A. Only when
  • B. Only if
  • C. If only
  • D. Only by

7. You can attend the concert _________ you buy a ticket in advance.

  • A. Only for
  • B. Only when
  • C. Only by
  • D. Only if

8. _________ we can find a solution to this problem, we will be in trouble.

  • A. Only when
  • B. If only
  • C. Only by
  • D. Only if

Đáp án:

  1. A. 
  2. C. 
  3. D. 
  4. B.
  5. A.
  6. B. 
  7. D.
  8. D. 

Bài 23: Điền và chỗ trống

  1. _________ you study hard, you will pass the exam.
  2. I wish I could go on vacation, but _________ I had more money.
  3. You can enter the club _________ you are a member.
  4. _________ we could find a way to fix this problem.
  5. I will come to the party _________ I don’t have to work late.
  6. _________ I had known about the traffic, I would have left earlier.
  7. You can bring a friend to the event _________ they RSVP in advance.
  8. _________ I were taller, I could reach the top shelf.
  9. _________ you finish your homework, you can go out with your friends.
  10. _________ I didn’t have to wake up early tomorrow!

Đáp án:

  1. Only if
  2. If only
  3. Only if
  4. If only
  5. Only if
  6. If only
  7. Only if
  8. If only
  9. Only if
  10. If only

Bài 24: Chia động từ cho đúng:

  1. Alice didn’t get a good grade. She wishes she (work) harder.
  2. Tom likes football very much. He wishes he (become) a professional football player.
  3. He was running very fast when he had a heart attack. If only he (not/run) so fast.
  4. She’s keen on computers. She wishes she (study) computer science next school year.
  5. I am sorry I don’t know how to use the computer. If only I (know) how to use it.
  6. I stayed late at work and missed the last bus. I wish I (stay) at work late.

Đáp án:

  1. had worked.
  2. became
  3. hadn’t run
  4. studied
  5. knew
  6. had not stayed

Bài 25: Chia động từ sao cho đúng.

  1. I wish I (talk) to him yesterday.
  2. I need help badly. If only you ______ help me.
  3. My old car often breaks down. I wish I (buy) a new car.
  4. He didn’t pass the exam. If only he (work) hard.
  5. She was absent. I wish she (attend) the conference.
  6. What a beautiful house! I wish I (have) a house like this one.
  7. I wish I (be) rich. I would buy a farm and enjoy the calm of the countryside.
  8. They had that bad accident because they were careless. If only they (be) more careful.
  9. We saw the film. I wish you (see) it with us. It was an amazing evening.
  10. I like traveling around the world. If only I (have) time to realize my dream.

Đáp án:

  1. had talked
  2. could
  3. bought
  4. had worked
  5. had attended
  6. had
  7. were
  8. had been
  9. had seen
  10. had

Bài 26: Chia động từ sao cho phù hợp.

  1. Bruce wishes he (have) more money so he could buy a new sweater.
  2. I wish I (be) taller so that I could be in the basketball team.
  3. I wish you (stop) watching television while I am talking to you.
  4. I wish you (do) that. It annoys me.
  5. I wish the holidays (come) so we could go off to the seaside.
  6. Of course Tom wishes he (come) with us to Paris, but he has to stay here.
  7. I wish we (go) to the match on Saturday but we’re visiting my uncle.
  8. I wish you (keep) your mouth shut yesterday. Now Mary knows.
  9. If only I (lose) all my money. Now I’m broke.
  10. Peter is always late. If only he (turn up) on time for a change!

Đáp án:

  1. had
  2. were
  3. would stop
  4. wouldn’t
  5. would come
  6. could come
  7. could go
  8. had kept
  9. hadn’t lost
  10. would turn up.

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