If và Whether là gì? | Kiến thức tiếng Anh về cấu trúc If và Whether và bài tập vận dụng

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If và Whether là gì? | Kiến thức tiếng Anh về cấu trúc If và Whether và bài tập vận dụng

If và Whether là gì?

If có nghĩa là “nếu như, nếu trong trường hợp này”. Whether có nghĩa là “liệu, liệu rằng”. Whether thường được dùng để tường thuật lại điều gì đó.

=> If và Whether là 2 cấu trúc thường xuất hiện trong câu hỏi Yes/No và câu hỏi gián tiếp với Or. Trong đó, cấu trúc If được sử dụng phổ biến hơn Whether. Ví dụ:

  • Jenny does’t know if John is coming or not, he says nothing about the party. (Tôi không biết Susie có tới không nữa, cô ấy không đề cập đến buổi tiệc.)
  • Whether or not Daisy resigned from her job is none of my business. (Việc liệu Daisy đã xin từ chức hay chưa không liên quan đến tôi.)
  • John is still wondering if he should wear the black shirt or the white shirt. (John vẫn đang băn khoăn không biết nên mặc chiếc áo màu đen hay áo màu trắng.)

Cách dùng cấu trúc If và Whether 

1. Câu hỏi gián tiếp với If và Whether

Cấu trúc If và Whether này được sử dụng trong những câu hỏi được chuyển thành dạng trần thuật (câu gián tiếp). Sau đây là công thức cách dùng If và Whether trong câu gián tiếp:

S + V + whether/if + S + V

Ví dụ:

  • John asked if his mother could pick him up after school. (John đã hỏi mẹ rằng liệu mẹ có thể đón cậu bé sau giờ học không.)
  • Jenny and I wanted to know whether our class were going to eat out. (Jenny và tôi muốn biết liệu lớp chúng tôi có định đi ăn ở ngoài không.)

2. Cấu trúc If và Whether đi với or not

Cấu trúc If và Whether này mang nghĩa “Liệu điều gì đó có đúng hay không” hoặc “Dù điều gì đó có đúng hay không”. Công thức:

S + V + whether/if + S + V + or not

S + V + whether or not + S + V

Ví dụ:

  • I called Harry to ask whether he got married or not. (Tôi đã gọi Harry để hỏi xem anh ấy đã kết hôn hay chưa.)
  • Our team have to process the meeting whether or not the boss is here. (Nhóm tôi phải tiếp tục buổi họp, cho dù sếp có ở đây hay không.)

Chú ý sử dụng cấu trúc Whether or và Whether or not:

  • “Whether or” sử dụng để đưa ra hai lựa chọn hoặc sự thay thế cho một sự việc/hành động nào đó. Ví dụ: I don’t know whether Harry is laughing or crying. (Tôi không biết liệu Harry đang cười hay khóc.)
  • “Whether or not” sử dụng để nói tới sự phủ định hoặc các thông tin mang tính trái chiều. Ví dụ: Whether or not Peter likes it, he will have to learn this subject. (Dù có thích môn học đó hay không thì Peter vẫn phải học nó.)

Phân biệt If và Whether

Phân biệt If và Whether

Giống nhau

Cả hai từ If và Whether đều được dùng để giới thiệu cho câu hỏi Yes/No question ở trong câu gián tiếp. Ví dụ:

  • John asked Anna whether she felt well. (John hỏi Anna rằng liệu cô ấy có cảm thấy khỏe không?)
  • Jenny is not sure if they have decided. (Jenny không chắc liệu họ đã quyết định chưa?)

Tuy nhiên, bạn cần phân biệt chính xác khi nào dùng If và Whether trong một số trường hợp.

Khác nhau

  • Sau động từ “discuss” thì ta thường dùng Whether hơn là If. Ví dụ:
    • We discussed whether he should be hired. (Chúng tôi đã thảo luận xem liệu có nên thuê anh ấy hay không?)
    • They discussed whether to invest in the new idea. (Họ đã thảo luận xem liệu có nên đầu tư cho ý tưởng mới hay không?)
  • Sau giới từ thì chỉ được dùng Whether. Ví dụ:
    • Daisy talked about whether she should go or not. (Daisy đang bàn xem liệu cô ấy có nên chuyển đi hay không?)
    • I looked into whether he should stay. (Tôi đang xem xét liệu anh ta có nên ở lại hay không?)
  • Với động từ nguyên thể thì chỉ được dùng Whether. Ví dụ:
    • Kathy can’t decided whether to buy the house or wait. (Kathy không thể quyết định được nên mua ngôi nhà hay tiếp tục chờ thêm nữa)
    • Peter considered whether to give up the position or quit next month. (Peter đang cân nhắc xem nên từ bỏ vị trí này hay là bỏ việc vào tháng tới.)
  • Whether được sử dụng mang tính nghi thức xã giao hơn, còn If được sử dụng với tình huống suồng sã và thân mật. Ví dụ:
    • Let me know whether Anna will be able to attend the meeting. (Hãy cho tôi biết nếu Anna có thể tham dự buổi họp.)
    • Kathy asked if Sara had seen that film. (Kathy hỏi xem liệu Sara đã xem phim đó chưa?)

Các lỗi sai thường gặp khi sử dụng If và Whether

Các lỗi sai thường gặp

Ví dụ

Sử dụng if trước động từ nguyên thể.

  • Sara is not sure if to get a new telephone. => Sai
  • Sara is not sure whether to get a new telephone. => Đúng

(Sara không chắc có nên mua điện thoại di động mới hay không.)

Trong câu hỏi gián tiếp sử dụng either.

  • Daisy can’t say either use facebook is harmful or beneficial. => Sai
  • Daisy can’t say whether using facebook is harmful or beneficial. => Đúng

(Daisy không thể nói sử dụng facebook có lợi hay có hại.)

Không thể bỏ qua If và Whether trong các câu hỏi gián tiếp.

  • Peter wants to find out if the rooms have a phone and television or not. => Sai
  • Peter wants to find out whether/if the rooms have a phone and television or not. => Đúng

(Peter muốn tìm hiểu liệu các phòng có điện thoại và ti vi hay không.)

Sử dụng  If trực tiếp trước or not

  • Can you tell me if or not you are interested in studying abroad? => Sai
  • Can you tell me whether or not you’re interested in studying abroad? => Đúng

(Bạn có thể cho tôi biết bạn có hứng thú với đi du học hay không?)

Bài tập cấu trúc If và Whether có đáp án

Bài 1: Điền If và Whether phù hợp vào chỗ trống

1. I don’t know ___Jenny is coming or not, she doesn’t mention the party.

2. Kathy considered___ to continue studying her major or take up a Marketing course.

3. Tell me___ John can come to the party or not.

4. Anna’s mother is still wondering ___she will choose the red car or the blue car.

5. Kathy called John to ask ____ he finished the report or not.

Đáp án:

1. If

2. Whether 

3. If

4. If

5. Whether

Bài 2: Viết lại câu với cấu trúc If và Whether

1. “Do you want to eat this candy?”

=>  Sara asked John _______________________________________.

2. “Have you visited Korea?”

=>  Anna asked Peter _______________________________________.

3. “Does Jenny like coffee?”

=>  Harry wanted to know _______________________________________.

4. “Is Peter playing football?”

=>  Kathy wondered _______________________________________.

5. “Are you learning Japanese?”

=>  Daisy asked me _______________________________________.

Đáp án 

1. Sara asked John if/whether he wanted to eat that candy.

2. Anna asked Peter if/whether he had visited London.

3. Harry wanted to know if/whether Jenny liked coffee.

4. Kathy wondered if/whether Peter was playing football.

5. Daisy asked me if/whether I was learning Japanese.

Bài 3. Điền if / Whether 

1. The only issue arising would be____ the publication was defamatory.

2. The company has not decided____ it should remain their targeted customer group or extend to a larger range.

3. The teacher required her students to give a discussion on___ the new policy  should be allowed.

4. (Thân mật) Tell me___ you can come to the meeting or not.

5. Eddie considered___ to continue studying his major or take up a Market Analyzing course.

6. They are discussing___ they should invest in Dolby – a start– up business.

7. __ the CEO is able to increase the overall profit and will affect the share price of the company.

8. (Trang trọng) Let me know____ Mr.Walters will be able to attend the conference tomorrow.

9. The board of Directors looked into___ the price should be decreased.

10. ___ it is worth taking risks by investing in the new project is still a question to the company.

Đáp án:

1. Whether 

2. Whether 

3. Whether 

4. If

5. Whether 

6. Whether 

7. Whether 

8. Whether 

9. Whether

10. Whether 

Bài 4: Lựa chọn whether hoặc if để điền vào chỗ trống trong các câu sau

1. I’m not sure __________ I should go to the party or not.

2. Could you tell me __________ the train is on time today?

3. I can’t decide __________ I should take the job or not.

4. The teacher asked us __________ we had completed our homework.

5. She’s trying to figure out __________ she wants to go to university or not.

6. I wonder __________ the weather will be good for our picnic.

7. Please let me know __________ the meeting has been rescheduled.

8. I’m not sure __________ I should study history or literature.

9. The boss wants to know __________ we can finish the project on time.

10. Can you confirm __________ the flight has been canceled or delayed?

Đáp án:

1. whether

2. whether

3. whether

4. if

5. whether

6. whether

7. if

8. whether

9. if

10. whether

Bài 5: Chia động từ trong ngoặc

1. If we meet at 9:30, we______(to have) plenty of time.

2. Lisa would find the milk if she______(to look) in the fridge.

3. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she______(to feed) the animals.

4. If you spoke louder, your classmates______(to understand) you.

5. Dan______(to arrive) safe if he drove slowly.

6. You ______(to have) no trouble at school if you had done your homework.

7. If you ______(to swim) in this lake, you‘ll shiver from cold.

8. The door will unlock if you ______(to press) the green button.

9. If Mel______(to ask) her teacher, he‘d have answered her questions.

10. I______(to call) the office if I was/were you.

Đáp án:

1. If we meet at 9:30, we will have plenty of time.

2. Lisa would find the milk if she looked in the fridge.

3. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she had fed the animals.

4. If you spoke louder, your classmates would understand you.

5. Dan would arrive safe if he drove slowly.

6. You would have had no trouble at school if you had done your homework.

7. If you swim in this lake, you‘ll shiver from cold.

8. The door will unlock if you press the green button.

9. If Mel had asked her teacher, he‘d have answered her questions.

10. I would call the office if I was/were you.

Bài 6: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. If they had gone for a walk, they ……………………. the lights off.

A. had turned B. would have turn C. would turn D. would have turned

2. Would you mind if I ……………………. the window?

A. closed B. closing C. had closed D. would close

3. If you had tried your best, you ……………………. disappointed about the result now.

A. won’t be B. wouldn’t be C. wouldn’t have       D. wouldn’t have been

4. If I had enough money, ……………………..

A. I will buy that house.

B. I’d have bought that house.

C. I could buy that house.

D. I can buy that house.

5. I didn’t listen to him and I didn’t succeed.

A. If I listened to him, I would have succeeded.

B. If I had listened to him, I’d have succeeded.

C. If I had listened to him, I would succeed.

D. If I listened to him, I would succeed.

Đáp án:

1. D

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. B

Bài 7: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. ……………………., he would not have had the accident yesterday.

A. If Peter driven more carefully

B. If had Peter driven more carefully

C. Had Peter driven more carefully

D. If Peter not had driven more carefully

2. ……………………. I rich, I would help you.

A. Were B. Was C. Am D. Been  

3.……………………. you run into Peter, tell him to call me.

A.  Are B. Should C. Been D. Will

4. Had I known her, I……………………. friend with her.

A. make B. would make C. will make D. would have made

5. Were I……………………. learn Russian, I would read a Russian book.

A.  to B. for C. in D. with

Đáp án: 

1. C

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. A

Bài 8: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. I’ll help you if ……………………..

A. you told me the truth. B. you tell me the truth.

C. you will tell me the truth. D. you have told me the truth.

2. I have to work tomorrow morning, so I can’t meet you.

A. If I don’t have to work tomorrow morning, I can meet you.

B. If I didn’t have to work tomorrow morning, I could meet you.

C. I could meet you if I don’t have to work tomorrow morning.

D. I can meet you if I didn’t have to work tomorrow morning.

3. You drink too much coffee, that's why you can't sleep.

A. If you drank less coffee, you would be able to sleep.

B. You drink much coffee and you can sleep.

C. You wouldn’t sleep well if you hadn't drink any coffee.

D. You can sleep better without coffee.

4. If I had time, I  …………………….  shopping with you.

A. went B. will go C. would go D. would have gone

5. If my father  …………………….  me up, I'll take the bus home.

A. doesn’t pick B. don’t pick C. not pick D. picks

Đáp án:

1. B

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. A

Bài 9: Viết lại các câu sau sử dụng câu điều kiện.

1. I didn’t know that you were in the hospital yesterday, so I didn’t visit you.

→ If ……………

2. Hurry up or you will be late for school.

→ If ……………

3. My mother is very busy, so she can’t help me now.

→ If ……………

4. Lan didn’t call me because she didn’t know my phone number.

→ If ……………

5. You’re unhealthy because you don’t take exercise.

→ If ……………

6. He didn't study his lessons very carefully, so he gets bad marks now.

→ If ……………

7. Leon often causes accidents because he drives carelessly.

→ If ……………

8. I can’t apply for that job because I don’t know English.

→ If ……………

9. Lien is overweight because she eats too much chocolate.

→ If ……………

10. His father often punishes him for his laziness.

→ If ……………

Đáp án:

1. If I had known that you were in hospital yesterday, I would have visited you

2. If you don’t hurry up, you will be late for school

3. If my mother weren’t busy, she could help me now.

4. If Lan had known my phone number, she would have called me.

5. If you took exercise, you would be healthy.

6. If he had studied his lessons very carefully, he would get good marks now.

7. If Mr. Leon drove carefully, he wouldn’t cause accidents

8. If I knew English, I could apply for that job.

9. If Ms. Lien ate less chocolate, she wouldn’t be overweight.

10. If he weren’t lazy, his father wouldn’t punish him.

Bài 10: Viết lại những câu sau sử dụng câu điều kiện hỗn hợp loại 3

1. I didn't study hard. Now I can't get a good job.

2. She didn't take my advice. She is in trouble now.

3. He didn't save any money. He can't buy a house now.

4. We didn't go to the party. We don't know what happened there.

5. They didn't invest in that company. They are poor now.

6. She didn't learn to drive. She can't drive a car now.

7. He didn't finish his homework. His teacher is angry with him now.

8. We didn't bring an umbrella. We are getting wet now.

9. They didn't book a hotel. They can't find a place to stay now.

10. She didn't tell him the truth. He is disappointed in her now.

Đáp án:

1. If I had studied hard, I would have a good job now.

2. If she had taken my advice, she wouldn't be in trouble now.

3. If he had saved some money, he could buy a house now.

4. If we had gone to the party, we would know what happened there.

5. If they had invested in that company, they wouldn't be poor now.

6. If she had learned to drive, she could drive a car now.

7. If he had finished his homework, his teacher wouldn't be angry with him now.

8. If we had brought an umbrella, we wouldn't be getting wet now.

9. If they had booked a hotel, they could find a place to stay now.

10. If she had told him the truth, he wouldn't be disappointed in her now.

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