Tính từ đuôi ING & ED | Mẹo để phân biệt tính từ đuôi ING & ED - Bài tập vận dụng

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Tính từ đuôi ING & ED | Mẹo để phân biệt tính từ đuôi ING & ED - Bài tập vận dụng

Cách dùng tính từ đuôi ing và ed

Nếu bạn cảm thấy quá rắc rối khi phải ghi nhớ về sự khác nhau giữa tính từ đuôi ing và ed, bạn có thể nhớ sơ lược theo cách sau:

- Tính từ đuôi ing: dùng để miêu tả về tính chất, đặc trưng của người, sự vật, hiện tượng. 

Ví dụ:

The film is very interesting. Lúc này, tính từ interesting dùng để diễn tả tính chất của bộ phim.

- Tính từ đuôi ed: dùng để diễn tả cảm xúc hoặc nhận xét của người hoặc vật về một sự vật, hiện tượng hay sự việc nào đó. 

Ví dụ: 

I’m interested in the film. Lúc này, tính từ interested diễn tả cảm xúc của chủ ngữ đối với bộ phim.

Tài liệu VietJack

1. Đối với tính từ đuôi ing

Tính từ ở dạng V-ing được sử dụng khi danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa đóng vai trò thực hiện hành động hoặc chịu trách nhiệm về hành động đang được nhắc đến. Động từ trong câu thường không đi kèm tân ngữ và được dùng ở thì tiếp diễn. 

- Diễn tả bản chất hoặc tính chất của sự việc, hiện tượng…

Ví dụ:

The movie is thrilling.

The meeting was boring. 

I find French interesting/ fascinating.

2. Đối với tính từ đuôi ed

Tính từ đuôi ed được sử dụng khi danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa là đối tượng chịu sự tác động của hành động đang được nhắc đến. Tức là nó diễn tả: ai đó đang cảm thấy thế nào về một sự việc/ hiện tượng. 

Ví dụ:

Are you interested in buying a house?

Everyone was surprised that he passed the interview.

Mẹo phân biệt tính từ đuôi ing và ed

- Một trong những cách đơn giản nhất để phân biệt tính từ kết thúc bằng đuôi ed và ing như sau:

Nếu danh từ sau chỉ người hay vật thì luôn chọn tính từ đuôi ing. 

Nếu câu có 2 chủ thể khác nhau, 1 chủ thể tác động vào chủ thể còn lại, hoặc xuất hiện động từ “make” thì hãy lựa chọn tính từ đuôi ed. 

Nếu câu có dạng giới từ đi kèm, ví dụ như “interested in” thì chọn tính từ đuôi ed.

- Có một số tính từ hai mặt khi không thêm ed thì đóng vai trò là một động từ và mang nghĩa “làm cho…thấy …”:

Ví dụ:

The girl worries me. => cô bé làm cho tôi thấy lo lắng 

The novel interested me => cuốn tiểu thuyết làm cho tôi thấy thú vị 

Một số cặp tính từ đuôi ing và ed được sử dụng phổ biến trong câu

- alarming/alarmed: báo động

- depressing/depressed: chán, không còn hứng thú

- amusing/amused: cuốn hút

- discouraging/discouraged: nản lòng

- annoying/annoyed: nổi giận

- aggravating/aggravated: tăng lên

- astonishing/astonished: lạ lùng, khác lạ

- disturbing/disturbed: phiền hà

- embarrassing/embarrassed: lúng túng.

- disappointing/disappointed: thất vọng

- entertaining/entertained: thú vị.

- charming/charmed: duyên dáng

- fascinating/fascinated: hấp dẫn, quyến rũ, lôi cuốn

- confusing/confused: nhầm lẫn

- frightening/frightened: khủng hoảng.

- frustrating/frustrated: làm nản lòng

- interesting/interested: thú vị

- pleasing/pleased: vui, hài lòng

- surprising/surprised: bất ngờ.

- tiring/tired: mệt mỏi, chán ngán.

Bài tập sử dụng tính từ đuôi ing và ed

Bài 1: Chia tính từ đuôi ing và ed phù hợp trong câu

  1. Jenny should take a rest. She looks really (tire) _______.
  2. John’s feeling (depress) _______, so his friend is suggesting that John should go home and go to bed early with (relax) _______ music.
  3. Peter was (fascinating) _______ by Anna.
  4. Kathy looked very (confuse) _______ when I told her that I had to move now.
  5. This film was (depressed) _______!
  6. It’s so (frustrated) _______that Jane couldn’t understand what I meant.
  7. This journey was so (bore) _______! Nine hours by train made me (exhaust) _______.
  8. Do not show the baby’s photos to others! It’s (embarrassing) _______!
  9. Harry was (terrify) _______ when he saw the dinosaur model in the museum.
  10. Peter got really (annoy) _______ today.

Đáp án:

  1. tired
  2. depressed/relaxing
  3. fascinated
  4. confused
  5. depressing
  6. frustrating
  7. boring/exhausted
  8. embarrassing
  9. terrified
  10. annoyed

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng điền vào chỗ trống câu đã cho.

1. You look really ___. Why don’t you go to bed?

A. tired

B. tiring

2. Can I call you? I’ve got some very ___ news for you!

A. excited

B. exciting

3. My neighbour is always playing loud music. It’s very ___.

A. annoyed

B. annoying

4. The directions were ___ and we got lost.

A. confused

B. confusing

5. I was really ___ that I won the competition.

A. surprised

B. surprising

Đáp án:

1. A – 2. B – 3. B – 4. B – 5. A

Bài 3: Chọn câu trả lời đúng với tính từ đuôi ig và ed:

1. What’s the matter? You seem annoyed / annoying about something.

2. I fell over in the school canteen. It was so embarrassing / embarrassed!

3. Ray finds cooking very satisfying / satisfied.

4. We loved traveling in New Zealand. It was amazing / amazed.

5. Are you feeling worrying / worried about your exams?

6. My sister’s terrifying / terrified of spiders, but I’m not.

7. The play was terrible! We all felt very boring / bored.

8. In my opinion, tattoos look disgusted / disgusting.

9. Watching television is very relaxing / relaxed.

10. My brother was very exciting / excited about the holiday.

11. My parents were amazing / amazed that I passed my exam.

12. We were too late. It was so disappointing / disappointed.

13. He was such a charming / charmed man that everyone liked him.

14. The long walk home made us very tiring / tired.

Đáp án:

1. annoyed

2. embarrassing

3. satisfying

4. amazing

5. worried

6. terrified

7. bored

8. disgusting

9. relaxing

10. excited

11. amazed

12. disappointing

13. charming

14. tired

Bài 4: Chọn đuôi tính từ đúng cho từ điền vào chỗ trống:

1. We went to the cinema but the film was really______. (bore)

2. It was a really _____ train journey from New York to Chicago. (tire)

3. She doesn’t like heights and she was _____ when she went on the ski lift.(terrify)

4. The weather at this time of year is _____, isn’t it? (depress)

5. It’s an _____ book. It’s all about a boat journey along the Amazon. (amaze)

6. These are very ______ results. We thought they would be a lot worse. (surprise)

7. I feel _____ when I listen to this music. (relax)

8. There’s an _____ article about digital cameras in the newspaper today. (interest)

9. The directions he gave us were really______. (confuse)

10. They said that’s the most ______ match they’ve seen for ages. (excite)

11. I was late for the interview and then went to the wrong company. It was really _____ (embarrass)

12. The carnival was wonderful and I was completely _____ the whole time. (fascinate)

Đáp án:

1. boring

2. tiring

3. terrified

4. depressing

5. amazing

6. surprising

7. relaxed

8. interesting

9. confusing

10. exciting

11. embarrassing

12. fascinating

Bài 5: Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau:

  1. The movie was __________ (boring / bored) that I fell asleep halfway through.
  2. I felt __________ (exhausted / exhausting) after running a marathon.
  3. The magician's tricks were __________ (amazing / amazed) and kept the audience entertained.
  4. She was __________ (interested / interesting) in the book, unable to put it down.
  5. The roller coaster ride was __________ (thrilling / thrilled) and made my heart race.
  6. The professor's lecture was __________ (bored / boring) and most of the students struggled to stay awake.
  7. The view from the mountaintop was __________ (breathtaking / breathtaked) and left us in awe.
  8. The loud noise was __________ (annoying / annoyed) and made it difficult to concentrate.
  9. I was __________ (surprised / surprising) to see my best friend at the party; I didn't expect them to be there.
  10. The challenging puzzle was __________ (puzzling / puzzled) and required careful thought to solve.

Đáp án: 

  1. boring
  2. exhausted
  3. amazing
  4. interested
  5. thrilling
  6. boring
  7. breathtaking
  8. annoying
  9. surprised
  10. puzzling

Bài 6: Biến đổi các từ sau đây về dạng tính từ đuôi ING và ED



– ED

1. interest


2. bore


3. surprise


4. disappoint


5. excite


6. worry


7. amaze


8. horrify


9. annoy


10. satisfy


11. shock


12. exhaust


Đáp án:



– ED

1. interest (chú ý)



2. bore (nhàm chán)



3. surprise (ngạc nhiên)



4. disappoint (thất vọng)



5. excite (kích thích)



6. worry (lo lắng)



7. amaze (kinh ngạc)



8. horrify (làm khiếp sợ)



9. annoy (làm phiền)



10. satisfy (làm hài lòng)



11. shock (ngạc nhiên)



12. exhaust (kiệt sức)



Bài 7: Viết lại câu dưới đây sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1.Junior is bored with his job at present.

➔ _____________________________________________. (boring)

2. This funny film was entertaining my family.

➔ _____________________________________________. (entertained)

3. My elder brother likes playing video games every Sunday.

➔ _____________________________________________. (interested)

4. That football match was exciting for me yesterday.

➔ ____________________________________________. (excited)

5. Her children are interested in swimming in the morning every summers.

➔ _____________________________________________. (keen on)

Đáp án:

1. Junior’s job is boring at present.

2. My family was entertained by this funny film.

3. My elder brother is interested in playing video games every Sunday.

4. I was exciting about that football match yesterday.

5. Her children are keen on swimming in the morning every summers.

Bài 8: Khoanh vào đáp án đúng nhất trong các câu dưới đây

1. Linda is ____________ in buying a new house for her parents.

A. interest

B. interested

C. interesting

D. interestingly

2. Everybody is _____________ that his younger brother passed the TOEIC test the last day.

A. surprised

B. surprising

C. surprise

D. surprisingly

3. This film is __________.

A. bore

B. bored

C. boring

D. boringly

4. My mother is a busy teacher. At the end of the day’s work, she is often ___________.

A. exhaust

B. exhausting

C. exhausted

D. exhaustingly

5. Sandy is starting a new job next Monday. She’s quite ______________ about it.

A. excite

B. excited

C. excitingly

D. exciting

6. Many meetings aren’t so ______________ as this one was.

A. interest

B. interested

C. interesting

D. interestingly

7. My grandfather was __________by how shocking the accident was yesterday.

A. shock

B. shocking

C. shocked

D. shockingly

8. Windy was ____________ by the confusing street signs in that city.

A. confusing

B. confuse

C. confused

D. confusingly

9. Kin was very __________ in the history lesson. He almost fell asleep.

A. bore

B. boring

C. bored

D. boringly

10. Feeling tired and _____________, Peter went out alone.

A. depressed

B. depressing

C. depress

D. depressingly

Đáp án:

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. C

5. B

6. C

7. C

8. C

9 C

10. A

Bài 9: Hoàn chỉnh câu sau với tính từ thích hợp ở trong ngoặc

1. I find horror films really ___________________ and not at all fun to watch. (frighten)

2. Sometimes I get really ____________________ when I can’t express myself will in English. (frustrate)

3. The film was so ______________________! There was no happy ending for any of the characters. (depress)

4. If I feel ___________________, I find watching a romance comedy is often _________. ( stress – relax)

5. The news was so _____________ that she burst into tear. (shock)

6. Kathy was so ________________ when she saw the dinosaur bones at the museum (amaze)

7. The teacher was really _______________ so the lesson passed quickly (amuse)

8. Whoever Adrian gets _____________, he goes fishing (bore)

9. We all were _______________ with the results if the test. (disappoint)

10. Of course, action movies are ______________. That’s why I like them (excite)

11. The lawyer’s argument were so ______________ that we wer ______________ of the man’s innocence. (convince)

12. The statistics on road accidents are quite ______________. I’m sure many people are ______________ at the enormity of the problem. (shock)

13. Seeing hot-air balloons floating over desert is an ______________ sight. You’d be ______________ at the number of people who participating in this sport. (amaze)

14. The climb up the mountain was so ______________ that many of the students, who were feeling ______________ by then, asked if they could stop and rest. (tire)

15. Letting children stay out late is a ______________ problem. By midnight, many parents already feel a little ______________. (worry)

Đáp án:

1. I find horror films really ________frightening___________ and not at all fun to watch. (frighten)

2. Sometimes I get really __________frustrated__________ when I can’t express myself will in English. (frustrate)

3. The film was so _______depressing_______________! There was no happy ending for any of the characters. (depress)

4. If I feel ________stressed___________, I find watching a romance comedy is often ___relaxing______. ( stress – relax)

5. The news was so ______shocking_______ that she burst into tear. (shock)

6. Kathy was so ________amazed________ when she saw the dinosaur bones at the museum (amaze)

7. The teacher was really ________amusing_______ so the lesson passed quickly (amuse)

8. Whoever Adrian gets _____bored________, he goes fishing (bore)

9. We all were ______disappointed_________ with the results if the test. (disappoint)

10. Of course, action movies are _____exciting_________. That’s why I like them (excite)

11. The lawyer’s argument were so _____convincing_________ that we wer _______convinced_______ of the man’s innocence. (convince)

12. The statistics on road accidents are quite ____shocking__________. I’m sure many people are ______shocked________ at the enormity of the problem. (shock)

13. Seeing hot-air balloons floating over desert is an _______amazing_______ sight. You’d be ____amazed__________ at the number of people who participating in this sport. (amaze)

14. The climb up the mountain was so _____tiring_________ that many of the students, who were feeling _____tired_________ by then, asked if they could stop and rest. (tire)

15. Letting children stay out late is a ______worrying________ problem. By midnight, many parents already feel a little _____worried_________. (worry)

Bài 10: Hãy gạch chân những câu trả lời đúng.

1. I had such a tired/ tiringday I went straight to bed.

2. Everyone’s very excited/ excitingabout the news.

3. That lamp produces a very pleased/ pleasing

4. Dad always arrives home from work thoroughly exhausted/ exhausting.

5. He’s always showing off. It’s really annoyed/ annoying.

6. I think Alex is one of the most annoyed/ annoying people I’ve ever met. He can’t keep still for a second.

7. I walked into this restaurant and there was Andy with a strange woman. He seemed really embarrassed/ embarrassing.

8. She kept talking about her boyfriend problems all night. It was rather embarrassed/ embarrassing.

9. Are you interested/ interesting in football?

10. The football match was quite exciting/ excited. I enjoyed it.

11. It’s sometimes embarrassing/ embarrassed when you have to ask people for money.

12. Do you usually get embarrasing/ embarrassed?

13. I had never expected to get the job. I was really amazing/ amazed when I was offered it.

14. I didn’t find the situation funny. I was not amusing/ amused.

15. It was a really terrifying/ terrified experience. Afterwards everybody was very shocking/ shocked.

Đáp án:

1. I had such a tiring day I went straight to bed.

2. Everyone’s very excited about the news.

3. That lamp produces a very pleasing effect.

4. Dad always arrives home from work thoroughly exhausted.

5. He’s always showing off. It’s really annoying.

6. I think Alex is one of the most annoying people I’ve ever met. He can’t keep still for a second.

7. I walked into this restaurant and there was Andy with a strange woman. He seemed really embarrassed.

8. She kept talking about her boyfriend problems all night. It was rather embarrassing.

9. Are you interested in football?

10. The football match was quite exciting. I enjoyed it.

11. It’s sometimes embarrassing when you have to ask people for money.

12. Do you usually get embarrassed?

13. I had never expected to get the job. I was really amazed when I was offered it.

14. I didn’t find the situation funny. I was not amused.

15. It was a really terrifying experience. Afterwards everybody was very shocked.

Bài 11: Hoàn thành mỗi câu với dạng -ed hoặc -ing phù hợp của động từ trong ngoặc

1. I think this is the most ____________ film I’ve ever seen. (frighten)

2. Do you think English grammar is ____________? (interest)

3. After a long day at work Tom always feels ____________. (tire)

4. Can you help me? I find these ticket machines very ____________! (confuse)

5. The police are looking for a ____________ person. (miss)

6. I can’t wait for my next birthday. I’m really ____________ about it. (excite)

Đáp án:

1. I think this is the most _____frightening_______ film I’ve ever seen. (frighten)

2. Do you think English grammar is ____interesting________? (interest)

3. After a long day at work Tom always feels ______tired______. (tire)

4. Can you help me? I find these ticket machines very _____confusing_______! (confuse)

5. The police are looking for a _____missing_______ person. (miss)

6. I can’t wait for my next birthday. I’m really ______excited______ about it. (excite)

Bài 12: Chọn True/False cho cách dùng tính từ đuôi -ing hay -ed trong các câu sau.

1.  1. She’s trying to make everyone confusing, but we all know her tricks already.

  1. True
  2. False

2. The comedian's jokes were so amused that the audience couldn't stop laughing.

  1. True
  2. False

3. After the hike, we all felt exhausted but accomplished.

  1. True
  2. False

4. The movie's ending was truly disappointed.

  1. True
  2. False

5.  The students were really surprised to see their grades after the exam.

  1. True
  2. False

6. The cake that she baked was really delicious and satisfying.

  1. True
  2. False

7. The children were very annoying when they kept interrupting the teacher during the class.

  1. True
  2. False

8. The novel was so thrilling that it kept readers engaged until the very last page.

  1. True
  2. False

9.  The children were really boring during the long car ride, so they started playing games.

  1. True
  2. False

10.The haunted house was really scared, but they decided to explore it anyway.

  1. True
  2. False

 Đáp án:  

1.  Đáp án B => False

Giải thích chi tiết

  • "confusing": tính từ đuôi -ing dùng để nói về tính chất.
  • “everyone" bị tác động nên cảm thấy bối rối, nhưng đó không phải tính chất của họ.
  • → dùng confusing chưa phù hợp và cần đổi qua dùng “confused”
  • Dịch nghĩa: Cô ấy đang cố gắng làm mọi người bối rối nhưng tất cả chúng tôi đều biết thủ đoạn của cô ấy rồi.

2.  Đáp án B => False

 Giải thích chi tiết

  • “amused”: tính từ đuôi -ed dùng để nói về trạng thái/cảm xúc.
  • “the jokes” có tính chất hài hước, không phải bị tác động để cảm thấy hài hước.
  • → dùng amused chưa phù hợp và cần đổi qua dùng “amusing”

3. Đáp án A =>True

Giải thích chi tiết

  • Ta không dùng tính từ đuôi -ing vì không nói về tính chất của đối tượng.
  • Dịch nghĩa: Sau chuyến đi bộ, chúng tôi đều cảm thấy mệt mỏi nhưng đã hoàn thành mục tiêu.

4. Đáp án B => False

Giải thích chi tiết

  • “disappointed”: tính từ đuôi -ed dùng để nói về trạng thái/cảm xúc.
  • “movie’s ending” có tính chất gây thất vọng, không phải bị tác động để cảm thấy thất vọng.
  • → dùng disappointed chưa phù hợp và cần đổi qua dùng “disappointing”.
  • Dịch nghĩa: Cái kết của bộ phim thật sự đáng thất vọng.

5. Đáp án A =>True 

Giải thích chi tiết

  • Ta không dùng tính từ đuôi -ing vì không nói về tính chất của đối tượng.
  • Dịch nghĩa: Các học sinh thực sự bất ngờ khi thấy điểm sau bài kiểm tra.

6. Đáp án A =>True 

Giải thích chi tiết

  • Be + tính từ → tính từ bổ nghĩa cho "the cake", "the cake" là vật có vị ngon làm cho người khác thỏa mãn → dùng "satisfying" để nói về tính chất, không dùng "satisfied" vì tính từ đuôi -ed sẽ dùng cho cảm nhận/cảm xúc của người nói.
  • Dịch nghĩa: Bánh mà cô ấy nướng thực sự ngon và thỏa mãn.

7. Đáp án A => True

 Giải thích chi tiết

  • Be + tính từ → tính từ bổ nghĩa cho "the children", "the children" là đối tượng có bản chất gây khó chịu cho người khác khi chúng làm gián đoạn giờ học → dùng "annoying" để nói về tính chất, không dùng "annoyed" vì tính từ đuôi -ed sẽ dùng cho cảm nhận/cảm xúc của người nói
  • Dịch nghĩa: Các em bé thực sự làm phiền khi chúng liên tục làm gián đoạn giáo viên trong giờ học

8. Đáp án A =>True 

Giải thích chi tiết

  • Be + tính từ → tính từ bổ nghĩa cho "the novel" là đối tượng có bản chất kịch tính cuốn hút người đọc → dùng "thrilling" để nói về tính chất, không dùng "thrilled" vì tính từ đuôi -ed sẽ dùng cho cảm nhận/cảm xúc của người nói.
  • Dịch nghĩa: Cuốn tiểu thuyết ly kỳ đến mức khiến người đọc bị cuốn hút cho đến trang cuối cùng.

09. Đáp án B => True 

Giải thích chi tiết

  • Ta không dùng tính từ đuôi -ing vì không nói về tính chất của đối tượng.
  • Dịch nghĩa: Bọn trẻ thực sự cảm thấy nhàm chán trong suốt chuyến đi dài trên ô tô nên chúng bắt đầu chơi trò chơi.

10. Đáp án A => True

Giải thích chi tiết

  • Be + tính từ → tính từ bổ nghĩa cho "the haunted house", "the haunted house" là vật có tính chất làm cho người khác sơ → dùng "scary" (không có dạng “scaring”), không dùng "scared"
  • Dịch nghĩa: Ngôi nhà ma ám thực sự rất đáng sợ nhưng họ vẫn quyết định khám phá nó.

Bài 13: Chọn và điền tính từ duôi ing hay ed thích hợp vào chỗ trống 

1. At the end of the day, no one wants to join any more 01....... (tiring/tired) activities at the company.

2. The 02.........(enticing/enticed) smell from the kitchen made my mouth water.

3. He was 03. ....... (shocking/shocked) by the unexpected news.

4. Despite feeling 04....... (embarrassing/embarrassed), she managed to maintain her composure during the presentation.

5. She felt 05. ....... (frustrating/frustrated) when she couldn't find her keys after searching for hours

6. The weather forecast predicted 06. ....... (freezing/frozen) temperatures for the weekend.

7. Exploring the abandoned mansion was both eerie and 07. ....... (intriguing/intrigued).

8. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was 08. ....... (relaxing/relaxed).

9. She felt 09. ....... (terrifying/terrified) when she saw the spider crawling towards her.

10. The weather was 10. ....... (depressing/depressed) with its continuous rain.

 Đáp án:

  1. tiring 
  2. enticing 
  3. shocked
  4. embarrassed 
  5.  frustrated
  6. freezing 
  7. intriguing 
  8. relaxing 
  9. terrified
  10. depressing 

Bài 14: Hoàn thành câu cho mỗi tình huống. Sử dụng từ trong ngoặc + -ing hoặc -ed.

1. The movie I watched yesterday was very good as expected. (satisfy…)

We were 01..

The movie was 02..

2. The haunted house frightens us with spooky decorations. (frighten...)

The haunted house is 03..

We felt 04. when we entered.

3. When we hiked through the forest, we saw all the colorful leaves and chirping birds. (enchant…)

We felt 05. hiking through the forest.

The hike through the forest was so 06..

4. The music made everyone dance. (inspire...)

The music was 07..

Everyone was 08..

5. The weather was perfect during our trip. (amaze...)

We were 09. by the perfect weather.

The weather was 10..

6. Yesterday, I read a book which was such a page-turner. (interest...)

I felt 11. in the book.

The book I read yesterday was 12..

7. The aroma of freshly baked cookies was so good that I couldn't resist taking a bite. (tempt…)

The aroma of freshly baked cookies was 13..

I was 14..

8. The circus performance with acrobats, clowns, and trained animals captivated the audience's attention. (entertain…

The circus performance was 15..

The audience was 16.

9. The constant failures discouraged her from continuing the project. (discourage…)

The constant failures were 17..

She was 18..


The evidence presented in court has successfully convinced the judge. (convince…)

The evidence was 19..

The judge was 20..

Đáp án:

  1. satisfied.
  2. satisfying.
  3. frightening.
  4. frightened .
  5. enchanted 
  6. enchanting.
  7. inspiring.
  8. inspired.
  9. amazed
  10. amazing.
  11. interested 
  12. interesting.
  13. tempting.
  14. tempted.
  15. entertaining.
  16. entertained
  17.  discouraging.
  18. discouraged.
  19. convincing.
  20. convinced.

Bài 15: Chọn và điền các tính từ đuôi -ing và đuôi -ed được gợi ý vào khoảng trống trong các câu sau sao cho phù hợp nghĩa

1. Jane was 01........ when she saw her mom appear in the principal’s room to discuss Jane’s mistake.

2. After searching the entire house, she was 02. ........ to find her favorite necklace in the drawer.

3. The 03. ........ roller coaster ride left me feeling exhilarated.

 4. He was 04. ........ by the mysterious message written on the old parchment.

 5. She was 05. ........ by the incessant ringing of her phone during the meeting.

 6. The 06. ........ documentary explored the depths of ocean life.

7.The 07. ........ lecture put everyone to sleep.

8. The 08. ........ horror movie gave me nightmares.

9. The 09. ........ eggs were served with toast for breakfast.

10.The atmosphere of the spa helped me feel 10. ........ after a long week.

Đáp án:

  1. terrified 
  2. thrilling 
  3.  intrigued 
  4. annoyed 
  5. boring 
  6. boiled 

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