Worried là gì? | Những giới từ đi kèm Worried - Phân biệt Worried và Worrying - Bài tập vận dụng

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Worried là gì? | Những giới từ đi kèm Worried - Phân biệt Worried và Worrying - Bài tập vận dụng

Worried là gì?

Worried vừa là tính từ, vừa là thì quá khứ của worry, có nghĩa là lo lắng về một điều gì đó hoặc khó chịu với một điều sẽ xảy ra. 

E.g: She was worried about her test. (Cô ấy cảm thấy lo lắng về bài kiểm tra.)

Worry là động từ diễn tả hành động lo lắng hoặc liên tục suy nghĩ về một điều đang xảy ra hoặc một vấn đề nào đó.

Một số cấu trúc của Worry

Cấu trúc Ý nghĩa Ví dụ
To worry someone/ yourself Khiến ai đó lo lắng I made my mom worry a lot because I came home late. (Tôi khiến mẹ lo lắng cho tôi nhiều lắm vì tôi về nhà muộn.)
To worry someone/ yourself about somebody/something Khiến ai đó lo lắng về điều gì Don’t worry yourself about her. (Đừng để bản thân bận tâm về cô ấy.)
To worry somebody that + clause Khiến ai đó lo lắng về một vấn đề nào đó I worry that I will come to the meeting late. (Tôi lo rằng tôi sẽ đến buổi gặp mặt muộn.)
To worry someone/ yourself + adj (+about somebody/ something) Lo lắng cho ai đó bị vấn đề gì (đi kèm với tính từ) I worry myself dumb during the party. (Tôi lo lắng bản thân trở nên ngu ngốc trong bữa tiệc.)


Phân biệt Worried và Worrying

Worried Worrying
Chủ ngữ là đối tượng bị tác động dẫn đến tâm trạng lo lắng.
E.g: My father has a fever and I’m worried about him. (Bố tôi bị sốt và tôi cảm thấy lo lắng cho ông ấy.)
Chủ ngữ là nguyên do khiến cho người khác lo lắng.
E.g: The symptoms of this sickness are very worrying. (Những triệu chứng của bệnh ốm này rất đáng lo ngại.)

Worried đi với giới từ gì?

Worried about

About là giới từ được sử dụng thông dụng với worried, thể hiện nỗi lo lắng về sự việc nào đó. Khoảng 86% số trường hợp sử dụng cấu trúc Worried about.

E.g: I’m worried about being late. (Tôi lo rằng bị muộn.)

Worried for

For là giới từ được khoảng 4% trường hợp sử dụng với worried.

E.g: I am very worried for the situation of our team. (Tôi rất lo lắng về tình hình đội của chúng tôi.)

Worried by

By là giới từ được khoảng 3% trường hợp sử dụng với worried.

E.g: I’m not amazed or worried by any means. (Tôi không có hào hứng hay lo lắng bằng bất kỳ hình thức nào.)

Worried of

Of là giới từ được khoảng 2% trường hợp sử dụng với worried.

E.g: We are only worried of our children’s future. (Chúng tôi chỉ lo lắng về tương lai con cái chúng tôi.)

Worried as

As là giới từ được khoảng 1% trường hợp sử dụng với worried.

E.g: I’m worried as I should be. (Tôi lo lắng về dạng người mà tôi nên trở thành là gì.)

Worried at

At là giới từ được khoảng 1% trường hợp sử dụng với worried.

E.g: I wasn’t worried at this point. (Tôi không có lo lắng về điểm này.)

Worried in

In là giới từ được khoảng 1% trường hợp sử dụng với worried.

E.g: She’s always worried in whatever she does. (Cô ấy luôn lo lắng về bất kỳ điều gì cô ấy làm.)

Worried over

Over là giới từ được khoảng 1% trường hợp sử dụng với worried.

E.g: Please, don’t get worried over this problem. (Làm ơn, đừng lo lắng quá mức về vấn đề này.)

Worried with

With là giới từ được khoảng 1% trường hợp sử dụng với worried.

E.g: She is worried with what he told her. (Cô ấy lo lắng với những điều anh ấy đã nói với cô ấy.)

Phân biệt worry, concern, anxious, apprehensive, nervous

Worry Concern Anxious Apprehensive Nervous
Mang ý nghĩa lo lắng theo hướng tiêu cực, về một điều gây khó chịu hay một vấn đề nào đó liên quan đến cá nhân; theo sau có thể là một tân ngữ hoặc một mệnh đề. Làm ai đó lo lắng hoặc lo lắng về một điều chưa xảy ra, thường là lo về xã hội, người khác, thế giới; theo sau phải có tân ngữ hoặc mệnh đề Lo lắng ở mức độ cao hơn so với worry, thường đi với giới từ about/for. Cảm giác lo lắng đi kèm với sợ sệt, thể hiện tính lo xa, thận trọng của bản thân đối với sự việc nào đó; không có tân ngữ, có thể có mệnh đề đứng sau, thường đi với giới từ about/of. Cảm giác lo lắng đi kèm sự e ngại khi làm một hành động gì đó quan trọng, mang ý nghĩa hồi hộp; thường đi với giới từ about/of.
What worried me was what he told me.(Điều khiến tôi lo lắng là những điều anh ấy đã nói với tôi.) The state of my grandfather’s health concerned us greatly. (Tình trạng sức khỏe của ông tôi khiến chúng tôi vô cùng lo lắng.) My mother always gets anxious when I don’t come back home early. (Mẹ tôi luôn luôn cảm thấy lo lắng khi tôi không về nhà sớm.) I’m a bit apprehensive about my interview tomorrow. (Tôi cảm thấy có chút lo lắng về buổi phỏng vấn của tôi ngày mai.) Does she feel nervous when she takes the test? (Cô ấy có cảm thấy hồi hộp khi làm bài kiểm tra không?)

Bài tập vận dụng với worried

Bài 1: Find and correct mistakes in each sentence

  1. I am not worrying about it.
  2. We are worrying for the future of our project.
  3. The problem of our team is worried.
  4. I’m shocked and worrying by what I’ve seen.
  5. The content of this book is worried.

Đáp án:

1. Worrying -> Worried

2. Worrying -> Worried

3. Worried -> Worrying

4. Worrying -> Worried

5. Worried -> Worrying

Bài 2: Choose the correct answer

1. A: I just lost my job. B: Oh don’t (worry/concern/nervous). You’ll have another chance.

2. Almost all actors feel (nervous/worried/concerned) before their performance.

3. Students are increasingly (nervous/apprehensive/anxious) about finding a job after graduation.

4. It really (nerves/apprehends/concerns) me that my daughter doesn’t know how to take care of herself when studying abroad.

5. The fact that my younger sister’s legs got broken made me quite (anxious/nervous/apprehensive).

Đáp án:

1. Worry

2. Nervous

3. Anxious

4. Concerns

5. Apprehensive

Bài 3: Choose the appropriate word or phrase

  1. She's constantly ____ about her upcoming exams, even though she's well-prepared. A. worrying B. worried C. worriedly
  2. He seemed ____ when he heard about the accident on the news. A. worrying B. worried C. worriedly
  3. We are ____ for our friend who hasn't returned from their hiking trip yet. A. worrying B. worried C. worriedly
  4. The children were ____ because they couldn't find their lost puppy. A. worrying B. worried C. worriedly
  5. She's ____ about the safety of her belongings after the break-in. A. worrying B. worried C. worriedly
  6. He looked ____ when he heard that his flight was delayed. A. worrying B. worried C. worriedly
  7. Are you ____ about your presentation tomorrow? A. worrying B. worried C. worriedly
  8. She's always ____ about her elderly parents' health. A. worrying B. worried C. worriedly

Đáp án:

  1. B. worried
  2. B. worried
  3. A. worrying
  4. B. worried
  5. A. worrying
  6. B. worried
  7. A. worrying
  8. A. worrying

Bài 4: Fill the right words in the blank

  1. She was ____ about her brother who hadn't returned home yet.
  2. I'm ____ about the upcoming exam because I haven't had much time to prepare.
  3. They were ____ about the delayed flight as they had a connecting flight to catch.
  4. He felt ____ when he couldn't reach his parents during the storm.
  5. We were ____ when our cat went missing for two days.

Đáp án:

  1. worried
  2. worried
  3. worried
  4. worried
  5. worried

Bài 5: Use "worried" to rewrite the sentence

  1. She's concerned about the upcoming exams, even though she's well-prepared.
  2. He seemed anxious when he heard about the accident on the news.
  3. We are concerned for our friend who hasn't returned from their hiking trip yet.
  4. The children were anxious because they couldn't find their lost puppy.
  5. She's anxious about the safety of her belongings after the break-in.
  6. He looked concerned when he heard that his flight was delayed.
  7. Are you anxious about your presentation tomorrow?
  8. She's always concerned about her elderly parents' health.

Đáp án:

  1. She's worried about the upcoming exams, even though she's well-prepared.
  2. He seemed worried when he heard about the accident on the news.
  3. We are worried for our friend who hasn't returned from their hiking trip yet.
  4. The children were worried because they couldn't find their lost puppy.
  5. She's worried about the safety of her belongings after the break-in.
  6. He looked worried when he heard that his flight was delayed.
  7. Are you worried about your presentation tomorrow?
  8. She's always worried about her elderly parents' health.

Bài 6: Use "worried" or "worrying" to fill in the blanks

  1. She was ____ about her son, who hadn't come home from school yet.
  2. He's constantly ____ about his job security.
  3. They were ____ about their grandmother's health after she fell ill.
  4. The news of the impending storm was ____ for everyone in the coastal area.
  5. Are you ____ about the upcoming interview?

Đáp án:

  1. worried
  2. worrying
  3. worried
  4. worrying
  5. worried

Bài 7: Fill the right words in the blank

  1. She was ____ about the results of her medical tests.
  2. He's ____ about the future of his small business amidst the economic downturn.
  3. We were ____ when our flight got cancelled due to bad weather.
  4. The parents were ____ when their child didn't return home on time.
  5. Are you ____ about your upcoming performance review?

Đáp án:

  1. worried
  2. worried
  3. worried
  4. worried
  5. worried

Bài 8: Use "worried" to rewrite the sentence

  1. She's concerned about the results of her medical tests.
  2. He's concerned about the future of his small business amidst the economic downturn.
  3. We were concerned when our flight got cancelled due to bad weather.
  4. The parents were concerned when their child didn't return home on time.
  5. Are you concerned about your upcoming performance review?

Đáp án:

  1. She's worried about the results of her medical tests.
  2. He's worried about the future of his small business amidst the economic downturn.
  3. We were worried when our flight got cancelled due to bad weather.
  4. The parents were worried when their child didn't return home on time.
  5. Are you worried about your upcoming performance review?

Bài 9: Choose the appropriate word or phrase to fill in the blank:

  1. She felt ____ about failing the exam despite studying hard. A. worried B. worrying C. worriedly
  2. He appeared ____ about his brother's decision to move abroad. A. worried B. worrying C. worriedly
  3. We are ____ about the increasing crime rates in our neighborhood. A. worried B. worrying C. worriedly
  4. Are you ____ about your son's safety during his solo trip? A. worried B. worrying C. worriedly
  5. The students were ____ about the difficult assignment they had to complete. A. worried B. worrying C. worriedly
  6. She seemed ____ when she heard the unexpected news. A. worried B. worrying C. worriedly
  7. He's always ____ about his health, checking his vitals regularly. A. worried B. worrying C. worriedly
  8. They were ____ about the uncertain future of their startup. A. worried B. worrying C. worriedly

Đáp án:

  1. A. worried
  2. A. worried
  3. A. worried
  4. A. worried
  5. A. worried
  6. A. worried
  7. B. worrying
  8. A. worried

Bài 10: Fill the right words in the blank:

  1. She's constantly ____ about her son who's traveling alone.
  2. He's ____ about the deadline for his project at work.
  3. They were ____ about the safety of their friends during the storm.
  4. The students were ____ about the difficult exam they had to take.
  5. Are you ____ about your presentation tomorrow?

Đáp án:

  1. worried
  2. worried
  3. worried
  4. worried
  5. worried

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