Would like | Định nghĩa, cấu trúc, cách dùng và bài tập vận dụng

1900.com.vn tổng hợp bài viết về chủ đề: Would like bao gồm: Định nghĩa, cấu trúc, cách dùng và bài tập vận dụng. Từ đó giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức và học tốt Tiếng Anh hơn.

Would like | Định nghĩa, cấu trúc, cách dùng và bài tập vận dụng

Would like là gì? 

Would like (I’d like) là cấu trúc ngữ pháp thông dụng được dùng để diễn đạt ý muốn, sở thích và điều kiện cho một hành động cụ thể của bản thân ở hiện tại hoặc trong tương lai. 

Would like có nghĩa là mong muốn và có cách dùng giống động từ Want, nhưng would like mang tính lịch sự hơn.

Would like được dùng để diễn đạt nguyện vọng đặc biệt là khi đưa ra lời mời, lời đề nghị. 

  • Would like được rút gọn thành: ‘d like
  • I would like được viết tắt thành I’d like

Eg: I’d like a cup of coffee

Tôi muốn một tách cà phê

Cấu trúc và cách dùng Would like trong tiếng Anh 

1. Sử dụng Would like khi đưa ra lời mời hoặc đề nghị 

Thông thường chúng ta thường sử dụng “What” để hỏi về mong ước, sở thích của một người nào đó. Vì vậy để câu hỏi trở nên trang trọng và lịch sự hơn thì “want” sẽ được sử dụng khi dùng để hỏi với công thức chung: 

What + Would + S + Like ( + to + V (Infinitive))? 

Khi dùng cấu trúc này, thay vị trí chủ ngữ (S) bằng các đại từ như: I, you, we, they, he, she, it hoặc các danh từ riêng như Lenka, Lisa, Thanh…


What would you like to do on the weekend

(Bạn muốn làm gì vào cuối tuần?) 

Cách trả lời cho câu hỏi này như sau: 

S + would like (‘d like) + N / to – Verb (Infinitive) 

Đứng sau “would like” là một danh từ hoặc động từ nguyên mẫu có “to” (to + Verb)

Eg: I’d like to go to the cinema tonight 

(Tôi muốn đi xem phim tối nay)

“would like” thường được sử dụng để gọi món trong nhà hàng. 


I’d like a beefsteak with salad

(Tôi muốn ăn bít tết với rau trộn)

Bên cạnh đó, cấu trúc I would like (I’d like) + to have + verb – ed khi muốn nói một việc mà chúng ta đã bỏ lỡ trong quá khứ. 


I’d like to have watched the football but I had to go out

(Tôi đã muốn xem trận đấu bóng, nhưng tôi phải có việc ra ngoài) 

2. Sử dụng Would like khi hỏi nguyện vọng hoặc đưa ra lời mời lịch sự 

Would you like + N / to – Verb (infinitive)…? 

Theo sau would like là một danh từ, cụm danh từ hoặc động từ nguyên mẫu có “to” (to + Verb (infinitive)).

“Would you like” được dùng với nghĩa mong muốn hoặc đề nghị lịch sự. 

Eg: Would you like to go to my wedding? 

(Bạn có muốn đến tham dự đám cưới của tôi không?)

Would you like some food?

(Bạn muốn ăn chút gì không?)

Cách trả lời với câu hỏi Would like 

Cách trả lời đối với lời mời, lời đề nghị 

Cấu trúc câu trả lời: S + would like + O


What would you like for dinner? (Bạn muốn dùng gì cho bữa tối?)

I’d like pizza (Tôi muốn pizza)

Cách trả lời đối với câu hỏi nguyện vọng 

Nếu đồng ý: 

  • Yes, S + would
  • Yes, I’d love to 

Nếu không đồng ý: No, S + wouldn’t


Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? (Bạn có muốn đi xem phim tối nay không?)

No, I wouldn’t (Không, tôi không muốn) 

Bài tập cấu trúc would like 

Ex 1. Điền từ

1. ______ you ______ some ketchup? 

2. Vinh _____ _____ to live in California. (negative)

3. Your parents _____ _____ that. (negative) 

4. They ______ ______ to watch TV

5. I _____ _____ it well done. 

6. How _____ you _____ your steak?

7. He ______ ______ some French fries. 

8. What _____ she _____? 

9. I _____ _____ a hot dog.

10. What _____ you ______ to eat? 

Đáp án

1. Would/ like

2. wouldn’t like 

3. wouldn’t like 

4. would like 

5. would like 

6. would/ like 

7. would like 

8. would/ like 

9. would like 

10. would/ like

Ex 2. Dùng cấu trúc would like để viết lại các câu sau

1. I want to hang out tonight. I want to go with them.

→ ….. with them

2. Do you want to play video games with us?
→ …… with us?

3. Do you want a sandwich and milk?

→ …… a sandwich and milk ?

4. I want a bottle of juice, please.

→ …… a bottle of juice, please.

5. Where do you want to go now?

→ Where ……?

6. I wanted to visit France, but I didn’t.

→ …… French.

7. What do you want for dessert, is pudding ok?

→ …… pudding for dessert?

8. I wanted to stay home last night, but I had to go out.

→ …… last night.

9. Do you want to meet my parents?

→ ……my parents?

10. I want to hear a better answer from you.

→ …… better answer from you.

Đáp án

1. I'd like to hang out with them tonight.

2. Would you like to play video games with us?

3. Would you like a sandwich and milk?

4. I would like a bottle of juice, please.

5. Where would you want to go now?

6. I would like to have visited France.

7. Do you want some pudding for dessert?

8. I would like to have stayed home last night.

9. Would you like to meet my parents?

10. I would like (to hear) a better answer from you.

Ex 3. Chọn đáp án đúng cho những câu dưới đây

1. Would you like something ____?

A. to eat

B. eating

C. have drunk

D. drinking

2. Where would you like ____ to?

A. travel

B. to travel

C. traveling

D. are travel

3. I would like ____ for breakfast.

A. some milk

B. a orange

C. some apple

D. a apple

4. Would you like some lemonade? – ______

A. Yes, thanks.

B. No, I’d love to.

C. Yes, please.

D. No, please.

5. I would like ____ a nap.

A. having

B. to go

C. take

D. to take

Đáp án

1. A

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. D

Ex4. Đặt câu sử dụng Would You Like với các tình huống sau

1. You want to invite your friend to go to the park with you.

2. You want to ask if your friend wants to have lunch with your family.

3. You want to offer your friend a cup of coffee.

4. You want to ask whether your customer wants pudding for dessert or not.

5. You want to invite your crush to go to the prom with you.

Đáp án

1. Would you like to go to the park with me?

2. Would you like to have lunch with my family?

3. Would you like a cup of coffee?

4. Would you like pudding for dessert?

5. Would you like to go to the prom with me?

Ex 5. Chia động từ cho các câu sau

1. She ___________ (have) a cup of milk tea.

2. My family ___________ (have) breakfast now.

3. My students ___________ (take) a break.

4. I ___________ (be) a teacher.

5. I ___________ (learn) Japanese and Chinese.

6. His mother ___________ (buy) a new pan.

7. Their children ___________ (wear) new clothes.

8. Her sister ___________ (hang) out after dinner.

9. Our boys ___________ (join) in the football club.

10. ___________ you ___________ (go) out with me?

11. ___________ you ___________ (play) basketball?

12. ___________ you ___________ (travel) with her?

13. ___________ you ___________(eat) something?

14. ___________ you ___________ (come) with me?

15. ___________ you ___________ (have) some orange juice?

Đáp án

1. would like to have

2. would like to have

3. would like to take

4. would like to be

5. would like to learn

6. would like to buy

7. would like to wear

8. would like to hang

9. would like to join

10. Would you like to go

11. Would you like to play

12. Would you like to travel

13. Would you like to eat

14. Would you like to come

15. Would you like to have

Ex 6. Tìm lỗi sai trong các câu sau và sửa lại

1. She would like having lunch with her colleagues.

2. I would to swim with my family.

3. Would you like taking some photos?

4. Their daughters would like attend the liveshow.

5. They would go to the movies theater.

Đáp án

1. having → to have

2. would → would like

3. taking → to take

4. attend → to attend

5. would → would like to

Ex 7. Điền từ thích hợp would like/ like

1. ______ you ______ some ketchup?

2. Vinh _____ _____ to live in California. (negative)

3. Your parents _____ _____ that. (negative)

4. They ______ ______ to watch TV

5. I _____ _____ it well done.

6. How _____ you _____ your steak?

7. He ______ ______ some French fries.

8. What _____ she _____?

9. I _____ _____ a hot dog.

10. What _____ you ______ to eat?

Đáp án

1. Would/ like

2. wouldn’t like

3. wouldn’t like

4. would like

5. would like

6. would/ like

7. would like

8. would/ like

9. would like

10. would/ like

Ex 8. Điền đáp án vào chỗ trống

1. What _______ you _________ to eat?

2. I ________ _________ a hot dog.

3. What ________ she ________?

4. She ________ ________ some french fries.

5. How _________ you __________ your steak?

6. I _________ _________ it well done.

7. They _________ __________ to watch TV.

8. Your parents __________ _________ that. (negative)

9. Bob _________ _________ living in California. (negative)

10. ________ you _________ some ketchup?

Đáp án

1. would/ like

2. would like

3. would/ like

4. would like

5. would/ like

6. would like

7. would like

8. wouldn’t like

9. wouldn’t like

10. Would/ like

Ex 9. Điền would hoặc do vào chỗ trống

1. _____ you like a glass of water?

2. _____ you like living in Australia?

3. _____ you like more sugar for your coffee?

4. _____ you like practicing English?

5. _____ you like some more food?

6. _____ you like some water?

7. _____ you like to go to the movies this evening?

8. _____ you like to go to the movies? (generally speaking)

9. _____ you like your job?

10. _____ you like dancing?

Đáp án

1. Would

2. Do

3. Would

4. Do

5. Would

6. Would

7. Would

8. Do

9. Do

10. Do

Ex 10. Đặt câu với các tình huống sau, sử dụng cấu trúc would like

1. You want to invite your crush to go to the prom with you.

2. You are hungry and your mom asks you what to have for dinner.

3. You see a nice dress and tell the salesperson about that dress.

4. You want to ask whether your father wants to have lunch with you or not.

5. You want to offer your lover a cup of tea.

6. The waitress brings you the wrong order and you want to change it.

7. You feel tired and have to decline the invitation from your friends.

Đáp án

1. Would you like to go to the prom with me?

2. I’d like a hamburger, please.

3. I would like to purchase this dress.

4. Father, would you like to have lunch with me?

5. Honey, would you like a cup of tea?

6. Excuse me, I’d like a cup of coffee, this is the wrong order.

7. I’m sorry, but I’d like to rest for now.

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