IELTS Speaking Part 3 là gì? | Một số câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 tổng hợp và giới thiệu bài viết IELTS Speaking Part 3 là gì? | Một số câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 giúp bạn nắm vững cách làm bài, nâng cao vốn từ vựng và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 là gì? | Một số câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3

IELTS Speaking Part 3 là gì?

IELTS Speaking Part 3 là cuộc thảo luận hai chiều giữa bạn và giám khảo, kéo dài khoảng 4-5 phút. Bạn sẽ được hỏi thêm một số câu liên quan đến chủ đề của Part 2.

=> Do đó, bạn có cơ hội thể hiện nhiều kỹ năng nói, từ vựng và ngữ pháp của mình trong phần thi này. Các câu hỏi của IELTS Speaking Part 3 sẽ trừu tượng và khó hơn rất nhiều câu hỏi Part 1. Với mỗi câu hỏi, giám khảo sẽ khuyến khích bạn bày tỏ được suy nghĩ, cảm xúc và ý kiến ​​của mình.

Tài liệu VietJack

Cách trả lời IELTS Speaking part 3

Đối với IELTS Speaking part 3 sample answers, để tránh trường hợp chúng ta bị bí không nghĩ ra cách để trả lời hoặc chỉ trả lời được từ một vài câu, cách tốt nhất đó là bạn hãy áp dụng chiến thuật trả lời với cấu trúc 3 bước:

  • Answer: Đầu tiên, bạn paraphrase lại câu hỏi, đồng thời đưa ra quan điểm/ý kiến của mình đối với vấn đề trong câu hỏi.
  • Explain: Tiếp đó, bạn hãy giải thích lý do vì sao bạn lại có quan điểm như vậy.
  • Example: Cuối cùng, hãy đưa ra ví dụ cho phần giải thích của bạn để tăng tính thuyết phục của câu trả lời.

Đây là một cấu trúc hoàn hảo để bạn có thể phá đảo trong IELTS Speaking part 3 sample answers. 

Một số câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking part 3 theo chủ đề

1. IELTS Speaking part 3 sample answers: Neighbor 

Tài liệu VietJack

1.1. What sort of things can neighbors do to help each other? 

There are a plethora of things that neighbors can support each other, varying from little things such as looking after one’s property if they go on holiday or taking delivery if something arrives by post when they’re not at home, to bigger deals such as extending helping hands in times of difficulties or distress. I remember 15 years ago when my grandfather was severely ill, had it not been for prompt assistance from our neighbors, my family could have been in great turmoil.

1.2. How well do people generally know their neighbors in your country? 

People in a neighborhood used to get along well with one another and lived in harmony. You know, they said hi when they came across each other on the street and even turned to their neighbors as a source of advice and assistance. However, as the workload has increased and technology has advanced, the situation has shifted dramatically throughout the years. These days, people barely know about the ones living nearby because of all the hassle from study or work that always keeps them constantly occupied. I guess the changes in the housing system also made it difficult for individuals to know each other. For example, I live in an apartment with eight other families on the same floor yet seldom get to chat with them.

1.3. How important do you think it is to have good neighbors? 

I was told once by my mother that the most important people-even over relatives – are our neighbors. Having neighbors that are supportive can be of great importance to people’s lives. They can not only offer little favors as I mentioned above , but also assist in more serious matters, namely mental or financial support. Having neighborly people around makes life in a neighborhood safer, happier and more fun, which can definitely bring peace of mind.

2. IELTS Speaking part 3 sample answers: Encouragement 

Tài liệu VietJack

2.1. How could leaders encourage their employees? 

There are many ways in which the one leading a team could uplift the spirit of their employees. One method that is very traditional but also highly appreciated is through rewards. Rewards can come in the forms of presents, or through other means such as compliments and promotions. Another way to encourage the staff is to assist them in completing their tasks. By assigning work that fits with each employee’s capabilities and providing them with sufficient training and instructions, the staff could develop themselves and be more motivated to work at the same time.

2.2. When should parents encourage their children? 

As kids grow up, they need lots of encouragement from parents in many different circumstances. Two of the most prominent ones are when children do something wrong and when they have an achievement. If a child succeeds in, let’s say, a competition or a game, it is important to remind him or her how proud his or her parents are of the milestones. This would help encourage the kid to achieve even more in the future and also serves as a way to further strengthen a child’s self-esteem. When kids fail to behave or don’t meet the requirements, parents should discipline them and give them words of encouragement at the same time. Since children are vulnerable, reminding them that they can always try to do better and are always loved and cared about would be more beneficial compared to mere cold punishment.

2.3. What kind of encouragement should parents give? 

This depends on the kids’ personalities and needs, as well as the parents’ abilities. While some parents are well-off and usually show their care through expensive toys and clothes, some other parents are more into sentimental presents such as letters or a day out with the whole family, for instance. No matter what they choose to encourage their children, it’s necessary to pay attention to what their kids really want, and balance those wishes. with the parents’ own capabilities at the time. I do believe that usually whatever comes from the heart would go to the heart, so just the fact that you care and want to encourage your child is already enough sometimes.

3. IELTS Speaking part 3 sample answers: Family

Tài liệu VietJack

3.1. What are the values of family in your country? 

Most people in my country consider their families the most important source of motivation. For instance, some housewives try their best to take care of the families even if that means they are unemployed and totally financially dependent on their husbands. Families are also usually regarded as a uniquely comfortable place when members can be themselves and let their hair down after a day of hard working or studying.

3.2. How is family bonding necessary for happiness in life? 

In my view, the bonds between members is an indispensable part in any family. Strong family bonds ensure every member’s sense of belonging. In other words, they feel secured, safe and involved with other family members. As a result, they can easily share ups and downs, and deal with difficulties together. I think that is the happiest part of having good connection with your family that you can imagine!

3.3. What type of family do you like? Nuclear family or joint family? 

I personally prefer a nuclear family to an extended one. Although living with relatives, such as grandparents, might be beneficial as you can strengthen the relationships with them more easily, I feel that in a nuclear family, there is more quality time between children and parents as they don’t have to frequently direct some attention to other people. I also shouldn’t forget to mention that the more people in a family, the more conflicts and quarrels there likely are, so nuclear family is the better choice for me here.

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