Việc làm Innotech Viet Nam Corp

Tìm thấy 6 việc làm đang tuyển dụng
Innotech Viet Nam Corp
Content Marketing Intern
Innotech Viet Nam Corp
28 việc làm
0 Lượt ứng tuyển Lượt xem 1
0 Lượt ứng tuyển Lượt xem 1
Thông tin cơ bản
Mức lương: Thỏa thuận
Chức vụ: Nhân Viên/Chuyên Viên
Ngày đăng tuyển: 22/05/2024
Hạn nộp hồ sơ: 23/06/2024
Hình thức: Part-time
Kinh nghiệm: Không yêu cầu
Số lượng: 1
Giới tính: Không yêu cầu
Nghề nghiệp
Địa điểm làm việc
- ||33 Ba Vì, Phường 4, Quận Tân Bình, HCM|33 Ba Vì, Phường 4, Quận Tân Bình, HCM

Mô tả công việc

Assist Marketing Executives to design content marketing strategies and set short-term goals
Undertake content marketing initiatives and collaborate with design and writing teams to achieve business targets and produce high quality content
Optimize content considering SEO and Google Analytics
Blog on an ongoing basis to support and promote your offers and to attract site visitors through search, social media, and email subscribers.
Grow our subscriber base by providing them with regular, helpful content that's aligned with their needs and interests.

Yêu cầu công việc

3rd/4th-year student or Fresh Graduate preferably in Marketing, Communications or a related field.
At least 3.5 working days/ week in 2-month internship commitment
Strong English written skills
Creative mindset and a passion for content creation.
Basic understanding of digital marketing concepts.
Familiarity with social media platforms.
Previous content writing or marketing experience is a plus.
Detail-oriented with good organizational skills.
Ability to work independently and as part of a team.

Quyền lợi được hưởng

Have a chance on being trained in Marketing (Content section)
Practice content Marketing knowledge on an international point of views and also, a gap between dosmetic and foreign marketing audience-approaching method.
Be flexible and effective on time working and management
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