- To develop/grow the market of the store catchment area that link with the company strategy
- To in-depth understand the market, competitors and customer demand in order to implement the company’s strategy successfully.
- To manage cost and resources effectively and efficiently in order to achieved EBIT target
- To implement the national strategic decisions adapting them in the local environment of respective store. The most important tasks in this respect are the explanation of strategic decision, convincing the employees in the stores of these ideas, and the successful implementation in co-operation with Supporting Office and store personnel.
- Market share
- Manage process and customer portfolio
- Develop customer potential and be as the market maker
- In-depth understand customer demand and needs, cooperate with other departments within the company to develop customer relationship retention programs and increase the company’s competition advantage in the market.
- Customer satisfaction
- Provide high quality of service to continuously increase customer satisfaction
- Update customer satisfaction through NPS (Net Promoter Score) quarterly and develop action plan to increase quality of service
- Utilize the company’s processes, especially customer complaint process in daily store operations to improve customer behavior and service
- Foresee customer demand and needs, and cooperate with other departments within the company to develop and implement programs to increase customer satisfaction
- To ensure the company and legal standards are achieved in all aspect of store operations such as hygiene, display, housekeeping, appearance and performance of the employees etc.
- To market the store in the local environment in order to perform the best possible profile of the company
- Employee engagement
- To recruit, train and develop a team of management and staff who are equipped and motivated to meet targets set by the company.
- Based on annual EEI survey report to develop action plan to increase employee engagement and motivation.
- Based on mid-year/ end-year performance review (MMP) to develop individual development plan (IDP) for management and staff
- To take responsibilities for the store compliance with Health and safety regulations to protect both employees and customers
- To achieve agreed sales (buying customer), cost targets (controllable cost), stock levels (stock value of the company, rotation, aging stock and stock availability) in order to achieve an agreed operations profits
- To implement procedures so that visible and invisible shrinkage falls within acceptable levels
- To propose and deliver sales, costs and minor capital expenditure targets which meet the overall needs of the company
- To take responsibility for the security of employees, customers, stock and other company assets
- To frequently examine the store in terms of procedure, layout and organization etc. and propose suggestions for improvements